Wednesday, February 12, 2014

CMD Singapore's
Future Card: BuddyFight
- Tournament Statistic

TTZ Trading
Address: Block 804, Hougang Central, #01-122
Operation Hours:
Monday-Sunday: 11 a.m. - 8.30 p.m.

This is CMD's first statistic report on the latest card game, Future Card: BuddyFight.

This is also the first tournament of our supported shop, TTZ Trading, that falls on 8th February 2014 (Saturday).

There seems to be only 2 different Worlds spotted at the Tournament.


Champion's Decklist (Danger World Deck):

Do feel free to participate at TTZ Trading's next Future Card: BuddyFight tournament.

Do check with the shop owner, aunty Elsie Lee, for more information regarding the tournament.