Friday, February 7, 2025

Cardfight!! Vanguard Divinez Booster Set Volume 07 (DZ-BT07):
Moon Fangs & Cerulean Blaze
Official Release Date:
[Japanese Edition] 7th February 2025
[English Edition] 25th April 2025
Official Price: 363 yen per pack; 5,808 yen per box

Total Number of Cards: 154 (126 New Cards + 28 Reprint Card)

EXS: 5
EXC: 20
DSR: 1
SEC: ?
RRR: ?
RR: ?
R: ?
C: ?

- Moon Fangs & Cerulean Blaze is the 7th DivineZ Booster Set released in both the Japanese Format and English Format.
- Featuring units from “CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD Divinez: DELUXE ARC” TV Animation!
- Each box comes with 16 packs; each box will contain 2 R+ cards; each pack comes with 7 cards; each pack will contain at least 2 foil cards.
- Includes boosts to the Nations: Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia. and Lyrical Monasterio.
- Featuring cards of new character, Kagetsu Yakumo (八雲カゲツ) [CV: Takeo Otsuka (大塚剛央)]
— Known as ‘Master’ by Nao, he enjoys teasing others and has a somewhat dubious air about him. Once a professional fighter who rivaled Michiru Kaima in strength, he disappeared from the professional scene after only a year.
Introducing the new character Kagetsu’s unit from Brandt Gate, Keeper of the Moon Gate, Veissrugr (月の門番 ヴェイズルーグ)! We’re excited to unveil the illustration—stay tuned for the release!
—Introducing the new character Suzune Rokuoin's unit from Lyrical Monasterio, PolyPhonicOverDrive, Altisaria (PolyPhonicOverDrive アルティサリア)!
- 28 Reprint Sentinels, Draw, Critical and Over Triggers!
- 21 Morfonica reprint cards!
- Persona Shield FAQs:
Q: Is the "Persona Shield" put into the drop after it's played?
A: Yes, it will move to the drop (and be erased immediately after the move).

Q: After playing a "Persona Shield", I play a "Persona Shield" as the 2nd blitz order in the same turn. Can I play a 3rd blitz order for that turn?
A: No, you cannot do so. As this ability changes the limit on orders you can play to 2, rather than adding 1 to that limit, you cannot play a 3rd blitz order.

Q: Can a "Persona Shield" be used to pay costs such as "put a card from hand to soul" or "bind two cards from hand"?
A: No, it cannot. While costs and abilities that specify a number of cards may not say to "choose" those cards, as the action involves a choice of cards, this card cannot be chosen to be put into soul or the bind zone.

:: Cardlist ::
DZ-BT07/001 (DZ-BT07/SEC01) | 2025
Sealed Blaze of Arbitration, Bavsargra Aksayya (調停の封焔 バヴサーガラ・アークシャイア)
Dragon Empire/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V]: This unit is also regarded as "Sealed Blaze Maiden, Bavsargra".
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[Put a card from your hand into your soul], choose an Arms card from your drop, and Arm it to this unit.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]:If this unit is Armed with two or more cards, COST[S-Blast (2)], retire all of your opponent's front row rear-guards, and this unit gets [Critical] +1 until end of turn. If you did not retire any units, draw a card.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: When this unit is Armed, [E-Charge (1)], choose a grade 1 or less card from your drop, and call it to [R]. If you chose a card with "Vairlord" in its card name, you may [overDress] it on "Trickmoon" on your [R] instead of calling it.

DZ-BT07/002 (DZ-BT07/SR02) | 2025
Dragritter, Qawsqozah (ドラグリッター カウスコーザ)
Dragon Empire/Dragoroid
AUTO: When this card is placed on [R] from hand other than by a unit card's ability or discarded from hand while riding from the ride deck, choose a card with persona ride from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card or have a vanguard with persona ride, COST[S-Blast (1)], and put a Persona Shield ticket into hand.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/003 | 2025
Sealed Blaze Dragon, Yyugmashad (封焔竜 コーグマツヤド)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if you have a vanguard with "Sealed Blaze" in its card name, COST[E-Blast (3) & discard an Arm card from your hand], draw two cards, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle that your vanguard with "Bavsargra" in its card name attacked, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST[C-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.

DZ-BT07/004 (DZ-BT07/SEC02) | 2025
Dualmajestar, Astroea = Bico Stellar (双星刻姫 アストロア=バイコ・ステラ)
Dark States/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [V]: At the start of your main phase, if you did not ride this turn, COST[discard a card from your hand], choose a card with the same name as this unit from your bind zone, ride it as [Stand], and if you rode, activate persona ride.
AUTO [V]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], bind all cards that were [S-Blast] for this cost that either have "Astroea" in its card name or is a Critical, and perform all of the following based on the total number of cards that either have "Astroea" in its card name or is a Critical in your bind zone.
One or more: Choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, retire it, and all of your front row units get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Three or more: This unit gets [Critical] +1 / drive +1 until end of battle.
Five or more: Choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.

DZ-BT07/005 (DZ-BT07/SR09) | 2025
Rainbow Magician, Revos (彩虹の奇術師 レイヴォス)
Dark States/Elf
AUTO: When this card is placed on [R] from hand other than by a unit card's ability or discarded from hand while riding from the ride deck, choose a card with persona ride from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card or have a vanguard with persona ride, COST[S-Blast (1)], and put a Persona Shield ticket into hand.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/006 | 2025 
Instant Asunder Colossus (瞬刻斬伐の時空巨兵)
Dark States/Gear Colossus
AUTO [Gauge Zone]: At the beginning of your battle phase, if this card is a regress gauge, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a card from your drop, and put it face up as a regress gauge. If you put a card, call this card to [R].
CONT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Liael" in its card name, this unit gets "AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, COST[S-Blast (2)], and draw a card.", and [Power] +5000. (Active on opponent's turn too)

DZ-BT07/007 (DZ-BT07/SEC03) | 2025 
Keeper of the Moon Gate, Veissrugr (月の門番 ヴェイズルーグ)
Brandt Gate/Moon Keeper
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[S-Blast (2)], choose a "Moon Gate" from your order zone, choose one of its original ACT abilities, and activate it without paying the cost.
AUTO [V]: When this unit attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose up to two unit cards with "Mythisch" in their card names from your order zone, call each of them to [R] in the same column, and all your units get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [V]: When your unit with "Mythisch" in its card name is put on [G], COST[put a card with "Mythisch" in its card name from drop on the bottom of the deck], and that unit gets [Shield] +5000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/008 | 2025
Vandeil Regenborg (ヴァンデイル・レーゲンボルク)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
AUTO: When this card is placed on [R] from hand other than by a unit card's ability or discarded from hand while riding from the ride deck, choose a card with persona ride from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card or have a vanguard with persona ride, COST[S-Blast (1)], and put a Persona Shield ticket into hand.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/009 (DZ-BT07/SEC04) | 2025
The First Mythisch, "Wolfszahn" Roztnir (第一の幻真獣 “天戒牙狼” ロズトニル)
Brandt Gate/Mythisch
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Veissrugr" in its card name, until end of turn, when this unit would attack, choose one of your opponent's front row [R], and it battles your opponent's vanguard and all of the units on the chosen [R].

DZ-BT07/010 (DZ-BT07/FFR10) | 2025
Houndrazer, Aoi (閃迅僚団 アオイ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V]: All of your back row <High Beast> get [Power] +5000. (Active on opponent's turn too)
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[S-Blast (2)], search your deck for up to one <High Beast>, call it to [R], and shuffle your deck.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your grade 1 or less <High Beast> in your back row center column, and until end of turn, that unit can attack from the back row and gets "AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, [Stand] this unit, and this unit cannot attack until end of turn.", and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, perform drive checks for the battles the chosen unit attacked.

DZ-BT07/011 | 2025
Sage of Celestial Rainbows, Luvilon (天虹の賢者 ルヴィロン)
Keter Sanctuary/Giant
AUTO: When this card is placed on [R] from hand other than by a unit card's ability or discarded from hand while riding from the ride deck, choose a card with persona ride from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card or have a vanguard with persona ride, COST[S-Blast (1)], and put a Persona Shield ticket into hand.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/012 | 2025
Knight of Solemn Lance, Seivlus (厳槍の騎士 セイヴルス)
Keter Sanctuary/Angel
AUTO: When this card is placed on [R] by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Rezael" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], and all of your front row units get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, if this unit was placed on [R] by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Rezael" in its card name, COST[bind this unit], and draw a card.

DZ-BT07/013 (DZ-BT07/FFR13) | 2025
Argo Siren, Calliopeia (蒼奏の歌姫 カリオペイア)
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V]: During your turn, if your bind zone has one or more different Tiding cards, this unit gets [Power] +5000. If it has two or more different Tiding cards, all of your front row units get [Power] +5000 instead of this unit.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[Discard a card from hand], choose a Tiding card from your drop, and put it into the order zone.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a Tiding from your order zone, and bind it. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST[E-Blast (3)], and choose two Tidings instead of one.

DZ-BT07/014 | 2025
Acquired Pantheraad (アクワイアード・パンゼラード)
Stoicheia/High Beast
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] with your Infinity Eyes marker, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. If your Infinity Eyes marker is on your other [R] in the same column as this unit, choose one of your other rear-guards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST[retire this unit], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 3 or greater card with "Levidras" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.

DZ-BT07/015 | 2025
Sea Rainbow Dragon, Granioso (海虹竜 グラニオーソ)
Stoicheia/Tear Dragon
AUTO: When this card is placed on [R] from hand other than by a unit card's ability or discarded from hand while riding from the ride deck, choose a card with persona ride from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card or have a vanguard with persona ride, COST[S-Blast (1)], and put a Persona Shield ticket into hand.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/016 (DZ-BT07/SEC05 / DZ-BT07/DSR01) | 2025
PolyPhonicOverDrive, Artisaria (PolyPhonicOverDrive アルティサリア)
Lyrical Monasterio/Cyberoid
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V]: During your turn, if your order zone has two or more Sound Systems, this unit gets [Critical] +1.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[E-Blast (2)], choose a Sound System card from your hand or drop, and put it into the order zone. If you put a card from hand, draw a card.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], and call up to one Shadow Army token to [R] for each Sound System in your order zone. All of your front row units get [Power] +5000 until end of turn for every two Sound Systems in your order zone.

DZ-BT07/017 | 2025
Seven-Colored Bridge, Luxail (七彩の架け橋 ルクシェイル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Mermaid
AUTO: When this card is placed on [R] from hand other than by a unit card's ability or discarded from hand while riding from the ride deck, choose a card with persona ride from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card or have a vanguard with persona ride, COST[S-Blast (1)], and put a Persona Shield ticket into hand.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/018 | 2025
DevilishFlanger, Lufur (DevilishFlanger ルフル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Demon
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] or put on [G],  if your order zone has a Sound System, this unit gets [Power] +5000 / [Shield] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO: When this unit is returned to hand from [R] during your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Artisaria" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], and draw a card.

DZ-BT07/019 (DZ-BT07/SEC06) | 2025
Dragontree of Advent, Sephirogila (降誕の龍樹 ゼフィロギィラ)
Normal/10/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V/Deck]: This card is also regarded as "Griphogila", and if it is on [V], you can only ride cards with "Sephirogila" in their card names.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[E-Blast (3)], choose one of your [R], put a Dragontree marker, look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one unit card from among them, call it to [R], and shuffle the deck.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[Bind a card with "Dragontree" in its card name or a "Masque of Hydragrum" from hand or drop], for each [R] with your Dragontree markers, [E-Charge (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. If there are five or more [R] with your Dragontree markers, this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/020 | 2025
Dragon Deity King of Resurgence, Dragveda (再起の竜神王 ドラグヴェーダ)
Dragon Empire/Plasma Dragon
Over / +100,000,000
(You may only have one Over trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check this card, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect - Choose one of your vanguards, and [Stand] it!

DZ-BT07/021 | 2025
Hades Dragon Deity of Resentment, Gallmageheld (怨根の冥竜神 ゴルマギエルド)
Dark States/Abyss Dragon
Over / +100,000,000
(You may only have one Over trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check this card, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect - You get "During your turn, all of your vanguards get [Power] +10000 / [Critical] +1" until end of this fight.

DZ-BT07/022 | 2025
Star Dragon Deity of Infinitude, Eldobreath (無窮の星竜帝 エルドブレアス)
Brandt Gate/Space Dragon
Over / +100,000,000
(You may only have one Over trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check this card, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect - Double the [Power] and [Critical] of all of your front row units until end of turn! (Increase to double its [Power] and [Critical] when activated)

DZ-BT07/023 | 2025
Light Dragon Deity of Honors, Amartinoa (栄典の光竜神 アマルティノア)
Keter Sanctuary/Cosmo Dragon
Over / +100,000,000
(You may only have one Over trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check this card, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect - Until end of turn, you also perform drive checks for the battles your rear-guards attack!

DZ-BT07/024 | 2025
Source Dragon Deity of Blessings, Blessfavor (天恵の源竜王 ブレスファボール)
Stoicheia/Nature Dragon
Over / +100,000,000
(You may only have one Over trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check this card, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect - Draw a card! Choose one of your units, and it gets [Critical] +1 until end of turn! All of your front row units get [Power] +10000! If your damage zone has more cards than your opponent's, choose a card from your damage zone, and heal it!

DZ-BT07/025 | 2025
Greatest Star, Esteranza (華燭絢燭 エステランザ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Human
Over / +100,000,000
(You may only have one Over trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect - During this fight, you get "During your turn, all your rear-guards get [Power] +10000"!

DZ-BT07/026 | 2025
Spiritual King of Brightsky, Meridzanblia (光天の精霊王 メルゼンプリア)
Over / +100,000,000
Additional Effect - Draw up to one card for every two of your opponent's open circles in total of their [R] and [G]. Retire all of your opponent's rear-guards and guardians.

DZ-BT07/027 | 2025
Spiritual King of Ignition, Valnout (焼尽の精霊王 ヴァルナート)
Over / +100,000,000
(You may only have one Over trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] Trigger +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect Choose one of your [Stand] rear-guards, and it gets "AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle it attacked, [Stand] this unit." until end of turn. If you did not choose a card, draw a card, choose up to one unit card from your hand, and call it to [R].

DZ-BT07/028 | 2025
Spiritual King of Aquatics, Idosfaro (水界の精霊王 イドスファロ)
Over / +100,000,000
(You may only have one Over trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] Trigger +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect - Choose a card from your drop, put it into your hand, choose one of your units, and it gets [Critical] +1 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/029 | 2025
Spiritual King of Nightsky, Nyxlaszelia (夜天の精霊王 ニクラスゼリア)
Over / +100,000,000
Additional Effect - Choose up to one card from your damage zone, put it into hand, choose up to one unit card from your hand, call it to [R], and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/030 | 2025
Demonic Dragon Berserker, Jokushu (魔竜戦鬼 ジョクシュウ)
Dragon Empire/Dragonman
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Triumph Dragon" in its card name, COST[put one of your other rear-guards into your soul], draw a card, and [E-Charge (1)].
AUTO [Front Row - R] [1/Turn]: When either player's unit is either retired by or [Stand] by the ability of your vanguard with "Triumph Dragon" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], and all of your front row units get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/031 | 2025
Mortar Dragon, Vasgolmimus (煉砲竜 ヴァスゴルミムス)
Dragon Empire/Dinodragon
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] or put on [G], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Aelquilibra" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 / [Shield] +5000 until end of turn.
Overcharge - AUTO [R]: When this unit is chosen by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Aelquilibra" in its card name, choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and until end of turn, that unit cannot intercept, and this unit gets [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/032 | 2025
Blaze Maiden, Arple (焔の巫女 アルプル)
Dragon Empire/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[E-Blast (3)], look at the top seven cards of your geck, choose either up to one grade 3 or greater card with "Nirvana" in its card name from among them or up to one <Talisman> from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit boosts, choose one of your units in either the [overDress] state or the [X-overDress] state, and that unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/033 | 2025
Sealed Blaze Sword, Dyaava (封焔の剣 ディヤーヴァ)
Dragon Empire/Arms
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Right Deity Arms - "Sealed Blaze of Arbitration, Bavsargra Aksayya(After being played, the specified vanguard Arms it. If a new Right Deity Arms is Armed, put this card into the drop)
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
AUTO [V]: When this card is Armed, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "CONT [V]: All of your front row units get [Power] +5000." until end of turn.
AUTO [V]: When the unit Armed with this card attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, you may have the unit Armed with this card get drive +1 until end of that battle. If you did, at the end of that turn, put this card into your drop.

DZ-BT07/034 | 2025
Archetry Chimera (アルチェトリィ・キマイラ)
Dark States/Chimera
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Astroea" in its card name, COST[put a card from your hand into your soul], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
CONT [R/G]: If there are a total of one or more cards in your bind zone that either have "Astroea" in its card name or is a Critical, this unit gets [Shield] +10000. If the total is three or more, this unit gets "Intercept".

DZ-BT07/035 | 2025
Half-Beast Demonic Spear Knight, Sadugros (半獣の魔槍士 サテュグロス)
Dark States/Demon
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Oselargest" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO: When this unit is retired from [R] during your battle phase, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Oselargest" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a card from your soul with a different name from this card, and call it to [R].

DZ-BT07/036 | 2025
Direful Doll, Patience (ダイアフルドール ぺいしぇんす)
Dark States/Workeroid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Liael" in its card name, COST[E-Blast (2)], choose up to one grade 3 normal order without [Regalis Piece] from your drop or face up damage zone cards, put it into hand, and if you put from the damage zone, put the top card of your deck into the damage zone.
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have two or more regress gauges, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/037 | 2025
Diabolos Defensive Linebacker, Greydi (ディアブロスディフェンスライナー グレイディ)
Dark States/Demon
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit [Stand] by the ability of your vanguard with "Diabolos" in its card name, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
CONT [R/G]: If you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets "Intercept" and can intercept from the back row, and if you are in "Final Burst", this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/038 | 2025
Circular Axe of Divergence, Cephaid Outer (乖離の円斧 セファイドアウター)
Brandt Gate/Cyberoid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Asturm" in its card name, look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 or greater card from among them, discard it, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When this unit is chosen by the card ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Asturm" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (2)], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn for each grade 2 set order in your order zone.

DZ-BT07/039 | 2025
Aurora Battle Princess, Velt Kipple (極光戦姫 ウェルト・キップル)
Brandt Gate/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[E-Blast (3)], your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and may imprison it in your prison. If they did not, your opponent chooses two unit cards from drop, and imprisons them in your prison.
CONT [R]: During your turn, if two or more of your opponent's cards are imprisoned in your prison, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/040 | 2025
Radial Araneae (レイディアル・アラーネア)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have four or more AutoMOD gauges, this unit gets "Boost", and [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked or boosted, if your card was put as an AutoMOD gauge this turn, COST[retire this unit], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it. 

DZ-BT07/041 | 2025
Heroic Deeds Dracokid (ヒロイックディーズ・ドラコキッド)
Brandt Gate/Space Dragon
CONT [R]: During the battle this unit boosted, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Veissrugr" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Veissrugr" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of that battle, COST[S-Blast (1) & put a card with "Mythisch" in its card name from drop on the bottom of the deck], and [E-Charge (3)].

DZ-BT07/042 | 2025
Houndrazer, Seishin (閃迅僚団 セイシン)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [Front Row - R]: All <High Beast> on your [R] get "Intercept", and can intercept from the back row.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks while boosted by a <High Beast>, if your vanguard is a "Houndrazer", this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST[E-Blast (3)], and this unit gets [Critical] +1 until end of battle.

DZ-BT07/043 | 2025
Deliver Pegasus (デリヴァー・ペガサス)
Keter Sanctuary/High Beast
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Sarevsael" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose up to one grade 3 or less normal unit from your hand, call it to [R], and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. If you called a card, draw a card.

DZ-BT07/044 | 2025
Houndrazer, Mishiro (閃迅僚団 ミシロ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a vanguard with "Houndrazer" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 1 or less <High Beast> from among them, call it to [R], and shuffle your deck. If you did not call, [C-Charge (1)].
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]:When this unit attacks while boosted by a <High Beast>, you may [S-Charge (1)]. If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater and you have two or more back row <High Beast>, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of battle.

DZ-BT07/045 | 2025
Knight of Glistening Blade, Religeal (明刃の騎士 レリジアル)
Keter Sanctuary/Elf
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Liael" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one of either a grade 3 or greater card with "Liael" in its card name or "Blest Dragon, Gabwelius", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Liael" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000. If there is a "Blest Dragon, Gabwelius" on your [R] or in your bind zone, +10000 instead of +5000.

DZ-BT07/046 | 2025
Stunning Wave Dragon (スタニングウェーブ・ドラゴン)
Stoicheia/Tear Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from deck or hand, if you have a vanguard with "Argo Siren" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn, COST[C-Blast (1) or E-Blast (3)], and draw a card.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]:When this unit attacks, you may have this unit get [Power] +5000 until end of turn. If you do, at the end of that turn, retire this unit.

DZ-BT07/047 | 2025
Prejitrifolium Lapence (プレジトリフォリウム レイペンス)
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from drop by the card ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Cristianos" in its card name, choose a card from your hand or drop, and put it into your soul. If you put a card from your hand, draw a card.
CONT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Cristianos" in its card name, this unit gets "Boost".

DZ-BT07/048 | 2025
Argo Siren, Synell (蒼奏の歌姫 シィネル)
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a vanguard with "Argo Siren" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], search your deck or drop for up to one Tiding card, reveal it and put it into hand, and if you searched the deck, shuffle the deck.
CONT [R]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, and a Tiding was put into your order zone this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/049 | 2025
Volubile Leaf, Ratil (ヴォルビルリーヴ ラティル)
ACT [R]: COST[Put this unit into your soul], choose one of your plant tokens, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/050 | 2025
Overwhelming Fanservice, Waymi (圧倒的ファンサ ウェイミィ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Human
AUTO [R]: When your other unit is placed on [R] by the ability of your vanguard during your battle phase, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Marlean" in its card name, then COST[C-Blast (1)], draw a card, choose up to one grade 3 or less card from your hand, and call it to [R].

DZ-BT07/051 | 2025
Energetic Yellow, Prennelle (エナジェティックイエロー プレンネル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Mermaid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Krysrain" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. Then, COST[S-Blast (1)], look at the top card of your deck, and either call it to [R] or discard it.
CONT [G]:If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Krysrain" in its card name, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/052 | 2025
White Cat Dance♡ Lacika (白猫だんす♡ ラーチカ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Warbeast
AUTO: When this unit is put from [R] into soul by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lisciafael" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], draw a card, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "CONT [V]: During the battle this unit attacked, when your opponent would call cards from hand to [G], they must call two or more at the same time." until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/053 | 2025
Trailing Notes, Reverbera (トレイリング・ノーツ リヴェルベラ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Dragoroid
CONT [R]: During your turn, if your order zone has a Sound System, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, if your order zone has a Sound System, COST[put this unit into soul], choose one of your rear-guards, and return it to hand.

DZ-BT07/054 | 2025
Spiny^Spiky, Heis (Spiny∧Spiky ヒース)
Lyrical Monasterio/Warbeast
Front / +10000
AUTO: When this unit is retired from [G], you may put this card into soul.

DZ-BT07/055 | 2025
Burning Flail Dragon (バーニングフレイル・ドラゴン)
Dagon Empire/Flame Dragon
Critical / +10000
AUTO [G]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/056 | 2025
Flare Veil Dragon (フレアヴェイル・ドラゴン)
Dagon Empire/Flame Dragon
Draw / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/057 | 2025
Stem Deviate Dragon (ステムディヴィエイト • ドラゴン)
Dark States/Gear Dragon
Critical / +10000
AUTO [G]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/058 | 2025
Rouse Wildmaster, Riley (喚起の操獣師 ライリー)
Dark States/Elf
Draw / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/059 | 2025
Patrol Robo, Dekarcop (警邏ロボ デカルコップ)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
Critical / +10000
AUTO [G]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/060 | 2025
Ameliorate Connector (アメリオレート・コネクター)
Brandt Gate/Workeroid
Draw / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/061 | 2025
Blade Feather Dragon (ブレードフェザー・ドラゴン)
Keter Sanctuary/Cosmo Dragon
Critical / +10000
AUTO [G]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/062 | 2025
Protection Magic, Prorobi (加護の魔法 プロロビ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Draw / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/063 | 2025
Aspiring Maiden, Alana (憧憬の乙女 アラナ)
Critical / +10000
AUTO [G]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/064 | 2025
Serene Maiden, Lena (晴朗の乙女 レェナ)
Draw / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/065 | 2025
Precious Tune, Edwige (珠玉の一曲 エドウィージュ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Mermaid
Critical / +10000
AUTO [G]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/066 | 2025
Transparent Snowy Night, Beretoi (澄み渡る雪夜 ベレトア)
Lyrical Monasterio/Demon
Draw / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/067 | 2025
Dancing Princess of Elegant Flames, Faren (炎麗の舞姫 ファレン)
Dragon Empire/Human
AUTO: When this card is put into soul by your card's ability during your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Bavsargra" in its card name, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, if your vanguard is Armed with two or more cards, COST[E-Blast (2)], and return this unit to your hand.

DZ-BT07/068 | 2025
Bluescale Water Bow, Bogart (蒼鱗の水纏弓 ボガート)
Dragon Empire/Dragoroid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] during your main phase, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Eugene" in its card name, choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.

DZ-BT07/069 | 2025
Rousing Dragon, Ready Raptor (躍起竜 ラーディーラプトル)
Dragon Empire/Dinodragon
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], if you have four or more cards in your damage zone, this unit gets [Shield] +5000 until end of battle, and if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Triumph Dragon" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], and it gets +15000 instead of +5000.

DZ-BT07/070 | 2025
Guardian Monk of Raging Flames, Monju (狂炎の守護僧 モンジュ)
Dragon Empire/Human
CONTSentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONTSentinel" in a deck)
AUTO: When this unit is put into your [G], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. If your hand has two or more cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

DZ-BT07/071 | 2025
Sealed Blaze Shield, Bowdhanath (封焔の盾 ボウダナート)
Dragon Empire/Arms
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Left Deity Arms - "Sealed Blaze of Arbitration, Bavsargra Aksayya(After being played, the specified vanguard Arms it. If a new Left Deity Arms is Armed, put this card into the drop)
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
AUTO [V]: When this card is Armed, draw a card.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: When the unit Armed with this card is attacked, that Armed unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of that battle, COST[S-Blast (1)], and it gets +20000 instead of +10000.

DZ-BT07/072 | 2025
Powered Wildmaster, Beega (豪猛の操獣師 ビーガー)
Dark States/Elf
CONT [R]: If you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power] +5000. (Active on opponent's turn too)
AUTO [R]: When this unit is retired from [R], if you have a vanguard with "Diabolos" in its card name, you may put this card into your soul.

DZ-BT07/073 | 2025
Steam Maiden, Zimry (スチームメイデン ジムリィ)
Dark States/Gearoid
CONT [R]: During the battle this unit boosted, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Liael" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Liael" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of that battle, at the end of that battle, COST[retire this unit], and [C-Charge (1)] or [E-Charge (3)].

DZ-BT07/074 | 2025
Twilight Mage, Ililya (薄明の魔道士イルイーリア)
Dark States/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a vanguard with "Almajestar" in its card name, choose a trigger unit from your drop, and you may put it into your soul.
AUTO [Back Row - R] [1/Turn]: When your unit in the same column as this unit [Stand] by a card ability, if you have a vanguard with "Almajestar" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.

DZ-BT07/075 | 2025
Bogle Puppy (ボーグル・パピー)
Dark States/Ghost
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Oselargest" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], and choose up to two cards from your drop that do not have the same grade as any card in your soul, and put them into your soul.

DZ-BT07/076 | 2025
Ridicule Disruptor (リディキュール・ディスラプター)
Dark States/Succubus
CONTSentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONTSentinel" in a deck)
AUTO: When this unit is put into your [G], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. If your hand has two or more cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

DZ-BT07/077 | 2025
Binding Arrow of Custody, Schmidt Shower (検束の縛矢シュミットシャワー)
Brandt Gate/Cyberoid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if your order zone has a Prison, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn, COST[E-Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and imprison it in your prison.

DZ-BT07/078 | 2025
SaLVaGe 7-Ⅳ (SaLVaGe 7-Ⅳ)
Brandt Gate/Workeroid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Asturm" in its card name, until end of turn, the next time you would play "Armor Supply Vehicle, Preciosa", its cost is reduced by [C-Blast (1)].

DZ-BT07/079 | 2025
Steel Fists Transformation, Strogalmarz (剛腕変形 ストロガルマーズ)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
Normal/1/Boost/6000/0/1CONTSentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONTSentinel" in a deck)
AUTO: When this unit is put into your [G], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. If your hand has two or more cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

DZ-BT07/080 | 2025
Eilift Gullmani (万古に輝く黄金の月)
Brandt Gate/Moon Sky
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this card with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
Choose one of your grade 3 or greater vanguards with "Veissrugr" in its card name, and it gets "CONT [V]: All of your rear-guards with "Mythisch" in their card names get [Power] +5000, and all of your rear-guards with "Mythisch" in their card names placed by your card's ability this turn get [Power] +5000." until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/081 | 2025
Moon Gate (月の門)
Brandt Gate/-
Set Order/2/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
CONT: You may only have one "Moon Gate" in a deck.
ACT [Order Zone]: COST[E-Blast (3) & [Rest] this card], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one unit card with "Mythisch" in its card name and grade less than or equal to your vanguard from among them, call it to [R], and shuffle the deck. If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Veissrugr" in its card name, instead of choosing up to one card and calling it to [R], choose up to three cards from among them, call up to one card to [R] from among those cards, put the rest of the chosen cards into the order zone, and shuffle the deck.

DZ-BT07/082 | 2025
Inheritance Lion (インヘリタンス・ライオン)
Keter Sanctuary/High Beast
AUTO [Back Row - R]: At the end of the battle your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Sarevsael" in its card name attacked, COST[S-Blast (1)], [Stand] this unit, and move it to an open back row [R].

DZ-BT07/083 | 2025
Sector Streak Sorceress (半円経常の女魔術師)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
ACT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Sorceress" in its card name, COST[put this unit into your soul], look at the top two cards of your deck, and put it on the top of your deck in any order.

DZ-BT07/084 | 2025
Divine Sister, Kougin-amann (ディヴァインシスター ぐいにーあまん)
Keter Sanctuary/Elf
AUTO: When this unit is bound from [R] by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Liael" in its card name, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. If you used a [Divine Skill] during this fight, choose up to two of your units instead of one.

DZ-BT07/085 | 2025
Melgaon (めるがおん)
Keter Sanctuary/High Beast
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if your vanguard is a "Houndrazer", either [S-Charge (1)] or [E-Charge (1)].
CONT [Back Row - R]: If your vanguard is a "Houndrazer", this unit gets [Power] +5000, and if this unit is in the back row center column and your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, +10000 instead of +5000. (Active on opponent's turn too)

DZ-BT07/086 | 2025
Transporting Escort, Kethlan (衛護の運び手 ケスラン)
Keter Sanctuary/Sylph
CONTSentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONTSentinel" in a deck)
AUTO: When this unit is put into your [G], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. If your hand has two or more cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

DZ-BT07/087 | 2025
Fiendish Beauty Noble, Melaoel (妖美の貴公子 メルアール)
CONT [R]: If this unit is on a [R] with your Infinity Eyes marker, this unit gets "AUTO: When this unit intercepts, this unit gets [Shield] +10000 until end of that battle.", and [Power] +5000. (Active on opponent's turn too)

DZ-BT07/088 | 2025
Nurture Elf (ナーチャー・エルフ)
AUTO: When this card is discarded from your deck during your main phase, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Cristianos" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], call this card to [R], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/089 | 2025
Honeycomb Zyrus (ハニカム・サイラス)
CONTSentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONTSentinel" in a deck)
AUTO: When this unit is put into your [G], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. If your hand has two or more cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

DZ-BT07/090 | 2025
Kyanos Orkos (蒼青の誓い)
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
Play this with COST[S-Blast (1)] if you have a vanguard with "Argo Siren" in its card name!
AUTO: When this card is put into the order zone, search your deck for up to one <Tear Dragon>, call it to [R], and shuffle the deck.
AUTO: When this card is bound from the order zone by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Argo Siren" in its card name, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "AUTO [V]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if this unit did not [Stand] by a card's ability this turn, [Stand] this unit, and increase or decrease this unit's drive to 1 until end of turn." until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/091 | 2025
Katharos Ode (清廉なる号令)
Set Order/1/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
Play this with COST[S-Blast (1)] if you have a vanguard with "Argo Siren" in its card name!
AUTO: When this card is put into the order zone, look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one card from among them and reveal it, put that card into hand if it is a Tiding card, and call it to [R] if it is a unit card with "Argo Siren" in its card name and grade less than or equal to your vanguard. Shuffle the deck.
AUTO: When this card is bound from the order zone by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Argo Siren" in its card name, choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.

DZ-BT07/092 | 2025
Secret Upset, Sachel (密かな動転 サチェル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on a front row [R] during your battle phase, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Marlean" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your other rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and [Stand] it.

DZ-BT07/093 | 2025
Shining Song in the Night Skies, Coprni (夜空に光る詩 コプルニー)
Lyrical Monasterio/Demon
ACT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lisciafael" in its card name, COST[put this unit into soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/094 | 2025
Have It While Still Warm, Wollmia (暖かいうちに召し上がれ ウォルミア)
Lyrical Monasterio/Human
CONTSentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONTSentinel" in a deck)
AUTO: When this unit is put into your [G], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. If your hand has two or more cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

DZ-BT07/095 | 2025
Shout in Shadow (Shout in Shadow)
Lyrical Monasterio/Sound System
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
CONT: This card cannot be played, and it cannot be put into your order zone other than by the ability of a unit with "Artisaria" in its card name.
AUTO: When this card is put into your order zone, draw a card, and call up to one Shadow Army token to [R].

DZ-BT07/096 | 2025
MegaЯoManiA (MegaЯoManiA)
Lyrical Monasterio/Sound System
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
CONT: This card cannot be played, and it cannot be put into your order zone other than by the ability of a unit with "Artisaria" in its card name.
AUTO: When this card is put into your order zone, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, choose up to one of your opponent's rear-guards, and lock it.

DZ-BT07/097 | 2025
Stealth Dragon, Jainzou (忍竜 ジャインゾウ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks, COST[discard a card from hand], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle. If you discarded a trigger unit for this cost, it gets +15000 instead of +5000.

DZ-BT07/098 | 2025
Cragblow Dragon (クラグブロー・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Earth Dragon
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your opponent's rear-guard is reatired from [R] by your card's effect during your turn, you may [S-Charge (1)]

DZ-BT07/099 | 2025
Sealed Blaze Dragon, Halibadra Balat (封焔竜 ハリバドラ・バラート)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by "Sealed Blaze of Arbitration, Bavsargra Aksayya", COST[C-Blast (1)], search your deck for up to two Arms cards with different names from each other, discard them and shuffle your deck. After that, choose up to one Arms card from your drop, and arm it to one of your vanguards.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is Armed, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle.

DZ-BT07/100 | 2025
Wind Voiced Daoshi, Jenfa (風声道士 ジェンファ)
Dragon Empire/Human
AUTO: When this unit is either placed on [R] from hand during your turn or discarded from hand during your turn, choose one of your grade 3 or greater vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/101 | 2025
Sealed Blaze Dragon, Namorkahr Anui (封焔竜 ナモーカール・アヌ)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from "Sealed Blaze Dragon, Arhinsa Svr", COST[S-Blast (1) & reveal a "Sealed Blaze of Arbitration, Bavsargra Aksayya" from your ride deck], and perform one of the following. Shuffle your deck. If you went second, perform all of the following instead of just one.
• Search your deck for up to one "Sealed Blaze Sword, Dyaava" from your deck, reveal it and put it into your hand.
• Search your deck for up to one "Sealed Blaze Shield, Bowdhanath" from your deck, reveal it and put it into your hand.
CONT [R]: If your vanguard is Armed with two or more cards, this unit gets [Power] +2000. (Active on opponent's turn too)

DZ-BT07/102 | 2025
Demonic Dragon Nymph, Kada (魔竜仙女 カダ)
Dragon Empire/Dragonman
CONT [R/G]: If you played a Blitz Order this turn, this unit gets "Intercept", can intercept from the back row, and [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/103 | 2025
Stealth Fiend, Hinochochin (忍妖 ヒノチョーチン)
Dragon Empire/Ghost
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[S-Blast (3)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it. If you did not retire a card, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/104 | 2025
Sealed Blaze Dragon, Arhinsa Svr (封焔竜 アーヒンサ・スウル)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.

DZ-BT07/105 | 2025
Kagura Bell of the Pure Land (浄界の神楽鈴)
Dragon Empire/-
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
ACT [Order Zone]: COST[S-Blast (1) & [Rest] this card], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/106 | 2025
Steam Fighter, Iralum (スチームファイター イラルム)
Dark States/Gearoid
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
ACT [Soul]: COST[C-Blast (1) & put this card into drop], [S-Charge (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/107 | 2025
Steam Fighter, Nabonide (スチームファイター ナボナイド)
Dark States/Gearoid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, [S-Charge (1)], and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/108 | 2025
Centuries Permanence Gear Vogel (百世不磨のギアフォーゲル)
Dark States/Gear Beast
CONT [R/G]: This unit gets [Power] +5000 / [Shield] +5000 for every three of your regress gauges. (Active on opponent's turn too)

DZ-BT07/109 | 2025
Headlong Skyhopper (ヘドロング・スカイホッパー)
Dark States/Warbeast
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard and a total of two or more of your cards were put into soul by a card's ability this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: At the end of your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, you may put this unit into your soul.

DZ-BT07/110 | 2025
Whirling Dread, Foun (渦巻く悽愴 フォウン)
Dark States/Human
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your other unit is placed on [R] from soul during your turn, [S-Charge (1)].

DZ-BT07/111 | 2025
Quirky Scraper (クワーキィ・スクレイパー)
Dark States/Demon
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard and either player's card was put into soul by your card's ability this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/112 | 2025
Gear Rooster of Perfect Synchronicity (啐啄同時のギアルースター)
Dark States/Gear Beast
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], if your soul has four or more cards with different grades, this unit gets [Shield] +10000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/113 | 2025
Behead Blueanger (ビヘッド・ブルアンガー)
Dark States/Demon
CONT [R]: If you [E-Charge (4)] or more in total this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/114 | 2025
Blasphemous Ritual Book (涜聖祭祀書)
Dark States/-
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
ACT [Order Zone]: COST[[Rest] this card], [S-Charge (1)], and if you [S-Charge] a trigger, choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/115 | 2025
Goodies Knuckler (ゴーディエール・ナックラー)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you [E-Blast (4)] or more at the same time for the cost of your card's ability this turn, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/116 | 2025
Crowring Mythisch, Ravnorowg (烏輪の幻真獣 レヴノローグ)
Brandt Gate/Mythisch
CONT: You may have up to sixteen "Crowring Mythisch, Ravnorowg" in a deck.
CONT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Veissrugr" in its card name, this unit gets "Boost".

DZ-BT07/117 | 2025
Vassal of the Moon, Ramsden (月の忠臣 ラムズデン)
Brandt Gate/Moon Keeper
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from "Follower of the Moon, Fresnel", look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to two unit cards with "Mythisch" in their card names from among them, reveal them, choose up to one card from among the revealed cards, put it into hand, put the rest of the revealed cards into the order zone, and shuffle the deck.

DZ-BT07/118 | 2025
Space Gifter (宙域の贈り手)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Fairy
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], if your order zone has a set order, this unit gets [Shield] +5000 until end of battle.

DZ-BT07/119 | 2025
Follower of the Moon, Fresnel (月の従者 フレネル)
Brandt Gate/Moon Keeper
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from "Envoy of the Moon, Repsold", COST[reveal a grade 3 card with "Veissrugr" in its card name from the ride deck], search your deck or hand for up to one "Moon Gate", put it into the order zone, and if you searched the deck, shuffle the deck. If you put a card from hand, draw a card.

DZ-BT07/120 | 2025
Humongous Destroyer (ヒューモンガス・デストロイヤー)
Brandt Gate/Alien
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if your order zone has a "SYSTEM CODE:X-ceed", draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

DZ-BT07/121 | 2025
Envoy of the Moon, Repsold (月の使者 レプソルト)
Brandt Gate/Moon Keeper
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.

DZ-BT07/122 | 2025
Prodigious Capsule (プラディジャス・カプセル)
Brandt Gate/-
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
ACT [Order Zone]: COST[S-Blast (1) & [Rest] this card], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/123 | 2025
Annihilation Strategy: Mass Funeral (殲滅作戦:勁葬)
Brandt Gate/Strategy
Set Order/2/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
AUTO: When this card is put into your soul from your order zone, you get one of the following until end of turn.
"At the end of the battle your vanguard attacked, if it is the first battle of the turn and that attack did not hit, search your deck for up to one grade 3 or greater vard with "Avantgarda" in its card name, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck."
"When your vanguard would be rode upon, the riding unit is placed getting all the trigger effects and abilities gained from Strategy orders your vanguard got this turn."

DZ-BT07/124 | 2025
Knight of Concealment, Areiv (掩蔽の騎士 アレイヴ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [R/G]: If you played a Blitz order this turn, this unit gets "Intercept" and [Shield] +10000.

DZ-BT07/125 | 2025
Veteran Knight, Marsood (精悍の騎士 マルゾード)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO [R]: When your other unit is placed on the [R] this unit is on by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Rezael" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/126 | 2025
Dithering Jet Fang (ディターミング・ジェットファング)
Keter Sanctuary/High Beast
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle your grade 3 or greater vanguard attacked, if your drive check did not reveal a trigger unit this turn, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/127 | 2025
Houndrazer, Hakuren (閃迅僚団 ハクレン)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by "Houndrazer, Aoi", look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one unit card with "Houndrazer" in its card name, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you did not reveal a card, call this card to [R], and [S-Charge (1)].
AUTO [R]: When this unit is boosted by a <High Beast>, choose a <High Beast> normal unit from your drop, and you may put it on the bottom of your deck.

DZ-BT07/128 | 2025
Knight of the Commonality, Fergus (尋常の騎士フェルグス)
Keter Sanctuary/Angel
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard and you have five or more units, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle.

DZ-BT07/129 | 2025
Houndrazer, Izumi (閃迅僚団 イスミ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by "Houndrazer, Hakuren", look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one <High Beast> from among them, call it to [R], and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When this unit is boosted by a <High Beast>, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of battle.

DZ-BT07/130 | 2025
Regaon (れーがおん)
Keter Sanctuary/High Beast
CONT: If your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater with "Houndrazer" in its card name, this card gets all of the following.
• CONT [Back Row Center - R]: During the battle this unit attacked, when your opponent would call cards from hand to [G], they cannot call unless they call two or more at the same time.
• CONT [G]: This unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/131 | 2025
Houndrazer, Kiika (閃迅僚団 キイカ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.

DZ-BT07/132 | 2025
Immaculate Sacrament (天空の秘蹟)
Keter Sanctuary/-
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
AUTO [Order Zone]: When your unit is attacked, COST[put this card into drop], choose one of your units being attacked, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of that battle.

DZ-BT07/133 | 2025
Hagakuren Bogosteen (ハガクレン・ボーゴスチン)
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R/G] [1/Turn]: When this unit's attack that was boosted by a plant token hits, COST[E-Blast (3)], and draw a card.

DZ-BT07/134 | 2025
Argo Siren, Refsy (蒼奏の歌姫 レフシィ)
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from "Argo Siren, Iremia", COST[reveal a grade 3 card with "Argo Siren" in its card name from the ride deck], search your deck for up to one Tiding card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.
CONT [R]: If you have a vanguard with "Argo Siren" in its card name, this unit gets "Boost".

DZ-BT07/135 | 2025
Cabbeling Assault (キャベリング・アサルト)
AUTO [Front Row - R] [1/Turn]: When your other rear-guard in the same column as this unit attacks, COST[S-Blast (1)], and both that unit and this unit get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/136 | 2025
Bore Briny Dragon (ボアブリーニー・ドラゴン)
Stoicheia/Tear Dragon
AUTO [Drop]: When a Tiding is put into your order zone, if you do not have a rear-guard with the same card name as this card, COST[C-Blast (1)], and call this card to [R].
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[put a Tiding card from bind zone into drop], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/137 | 2025
Argo Siren, Iremia (蒼奏の歌姫イレミア)
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from "Argo Siren, Rotolis", COST[reveal a grade 3 card with "Argo Siren" in its card name from the ride deck], search your deck for up to one Tiding card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.
AUTO [Back Row - R] [1/Turn]:When your unit in the same column as this unit [Stand] by a card's ability, if you have a vanguard with "Argo Siren" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.

DZ-BT07/138 | 2025
Argo Siren, Melsone (蒼奏の歌姫 メルソーネ)
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted a <Tear Dragon>, COST[put this unit into soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/139 | 2025
Untouchable Dybachilla (アンタッチャブル・ディバチラー)
Stoicheia/High Beast
CONT [R]: If your Infinity Eyes marker is in the same column as this unit, this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent's card effects.

DZ-BT07/140 | 2025
Argo Siren, Rotolis (蒼奏の歌姫 ロトリス)
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.

DZ-BT07/141 | 2025
The Refinement of a Noble Lady (貴婦人の嗜み)
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
CONT [Order Zone]: All of your token units get "Intercept" and [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/142 | 2025
Cleaning the Stage, Midalha (お掃除の舞台 ミダルハ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Elf
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, you may have this unit get [Power] +5000 until end of battle. If you did, at the end of that battle, put this unit into your soul.

DZ-BT07/143 | 2025
Sing to the Sky, Rachroea (空に遊べば ラクロア)
Lyrical Monasterio/Warbeast
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle for each Sound System in your order zone.
AUTO: When this unit is returned to hand from [R] during your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Artisaria" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/144 | 2025
Sunset and Cut Flowers, Killies (夕暮れと切花キ リーズ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Elf
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Krysrain" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle. If you have five or more units, +10000 instead of +5000.

DZ-BT07/145 | 2025
WitchingVibrato, Lifel (WitchingVibrato ライフェル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Elf
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from "DyanmicExciter, Eastiera", COST[reveal a grade 3 card with "Artisaria" in its card name from the ride deck], search your deck for up to one Sound System card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.

DZ-BT07/146 | 2025
Spiccato Step, Leone (音は高く足取り軽やかに レオーネ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Warbeast
CONT [R/G]: If your order zone has a Sound System, this unit gets [Power] +5000 / [Shield] +5000. (Active on opponent's turn too)

DZ-BT07/147 | 2025
DyanmicExciter, Eastiera (DynamicExciter エスティラ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Warbeast
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from "HeapUpOctavar, Proutta", COST[reveal a grade 3 card with "Artisaria" in its card name from the ride deck], search your deck for up to one Sound System card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.

DZ-BT07/148 | 2025
Merriest Score, Meraran (メリエストスコア マララン)
Lyrical Monasterio/Human
CONT [R]: During your turn, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, all of your other units in the same column as this unit get [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/149 | 2025
HeapUpOctavar, Proutta (HeapUpOctavar プラッタ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Mermaid
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.

DZ-BT07/150 | 2025
Prism Pearl & Twinkle Powder (無くてはならない大切なモノ)
Lyrical Monasterio/-
Set Order/3/-/-/-/-
(After a set order is played, put it into the order zone)
CONT [Order Zone]: All of your back row <Mermaid> get "Boost".
ACT [Order Zone] [1/Turn]: COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your <Mermaid> units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/151 | 2025
Sephirosid (ゼフィロシィド)
CONT [V]: This unit gets grade +1/[Power] +2000 for each different Blessing card in your soul and drop in total that was in the ride deck. (Active on opponent's turn too)
AUTO [V]: At the beginning of your main phase, choose up to one Blessing card from your ride deck, and put it into soul. Perform one of the following according to your vanguard's grade.
• Grade 1 ‐ Choose up to one "Energy Generator" from your ride deck, and put it into the crest zone. If you do, and you went second, [E-Charge (3)].
• Grade 3 - Search your deck or hand for up to one "Dragontree of Advent, Sephirogila", ride it as [Stand], and if you searched the deck, shuffle the deck. If you rode, choose one of your [R] without any Dragontree markers, and put a Dragontree marker.

DZ-BT07/152 | 2025
Light Elemental, Pachiri (ライトエレメンタル パチリ)
Critical / +10000

DZ-BT07/153 | 2025
Earth Elemental, Garara (アースエレメンタル ガララ)
Draw / +10000

DZ-BT07/154 | 2025
Heat Elemental, Marg (ヒートエレメンタル マーグ)
Front / +10000

DZ-BT07/155 | 2025
Wood Elemental, Leafy (ウッドエレメンタル リーフィ)
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)

DZ-BT07/156 | 2025
Coming of Origin (始原の来𦣪)
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
Search your deck for up to one Blessing card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.

DZ-BT07/157 | 2025
Auspicious Transmogrification (瑞々しき変容)
Normal Order/2/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
Search your deck for up to one Blessing card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.

DZ-BT07/158 | 2025
A New Beginning (新たな始まり)
Normal Order/1/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
Search your deck for up to one Blessing card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.

DZ-BT07/T01 | 2025
Energy (エネルギー)

DZ-BT07/T02 | 2025
Shadow Army (夜影兵)
-/Shadow Army
(This represents a Shadow Army token, and cannot be put in a deck)

DZ-BT07/T03 | 2025
Dragontree (龍樹)
(This represents a Dragontree marker, and cannot be put in a deck)
During your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Dragontree" or "Masques" in its card name, all of the units on this circle get [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/T04 | 2025
Persona Shield (ペルソナシールド)
Blitz Order/0/-/-/-/-
(This card is a ticket card, and cannot be put in a deck)
Choose a unit being attacked, it gets [Power] +10000 until end of that battle, and you can play up to two blitz orders until end of turn. If your opponent's crest zone has a card other than "Energy Generator", it gets [Power] +5000.
CONT [Hand]: During your turn, when you would discard a card while riding from ride deck or choose a card from hand by your card's ability, this card cannot be chosen or discarded.


DZ-BT07/EX01 (DZ-BT07/EXS01) | 2025
Dissonance of the Imaginary World "forte", Mashiro Kurata (金想世界のディゾナンス "forte" 宮田 ましろ)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V]: If your soul has exactly one "Incomplete Metamorphosis, Mashiro Kurata", this unit gets all of that card's AUTO abilities and all of its ACT abilities, and the cost of this unit's ACT abilities can also be paid with "Put a trigger unit from your hand into your soul".
AUTO [V]: At the start of your battle phase, if all of your units have ""forte"" in their different card names from each other and there is a "Kyoumo Merry go rounD" on your [R], until end of turn, all of your units can attack from the back row, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, all of your units get [Power] +5000, and your persona ride increases the [Power] of your back row units as well.

DZ-BT07/EX02 (DZ-BT07/EXS02) | 2025
Footprint for One "forte", Touko Kirigaya (一人分の足跡 "forte" 桐ヶ谷 透子)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
ACT [Drop]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with ""forte"" in its card name and you have no rear-guards with the same name as this card, COST[E-Blast (3)], call this card to [R], and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [Left Front Row - R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with ""forte"" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1) & reveal a trigger unit from your hand], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX03 (DZ-BT07/EXS03) | 2025
Lonely Because of Geniousity "forte", Nanami Hiromachi (天才故の孤独 "forte" 広町 七深)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
CONT [R]: If your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets "Intercept", and can intercept from the back row.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks, COST[either C-Blast (1) or S-Blast (1) - trigger unit], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX04 (DZ-BT07/EXS04) | 2025
Bud That Doesn't Bloom "forte", Tsukushi Futaba (咲かない蕾 "forte" 二葉 つくし)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a <Morfonica> from your drop with a different name from this unit, put it into your hand, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [Back Row - R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, if your other unit's [Power] was increased by a trigger effect this turn, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX05 (DZ-BT07/EXS05) | 2025
Butterfly Dream "forte", Rui Yashio (胡蝶之夢 "forte" 八潮 瑠唯)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with ""forte"" in its card name, COST[E-Blast (3)], search your deck for up to one <Morfonica>, discard it, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [Right Front Row - R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with ""forte"" in its card name and your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater and your drop has one or more Music cards with different names, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn, and if your drop has 3 or more Music cards with different names, COST[S-Blast (1)], and it gets [Power] +10000 instead of +5000.

DZ-BT07/EX06 | 2025
Conflicts Hidden in Each Heart (胸に秘めたそれぞれの葛藤)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from a grade 2 <Morfonica>, search your deck or hand or drop for up to one grade 2 or less normal unit with ""forte"" in its card name, ride it as [Stand], and if you rode, put this card into your order zone. If you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.
CONT [Order Zone]: Your vanguard loses all of its original abilities, and becomes a grade 3 / [Power] 13000 / [Critical] 1 unit with "Twin Drive". During your turn, you cannot ride.
AUTO [Order Zone]: At the start of your ride phase, COST[put a card with the same name as this card from your hand into your soul], and activate persona ride.
AUTO [Order Zone]: At the start of your main phase, search your deck or drop for up to one <Morfonica> Music card and play it, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.

DZ-BT07/EX07 | 2025
Incomplete Metamorphosis, Mashiro Kurata (不完全なメタモルフォーゼ 倉田 ましろ)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: When this unit is attacked by your opponent's rear-guard, COST[discard a grade 3 with "Mashiro Kurata" in its card name from your hand], choose one of your other <Morfonica> rear-guards, and change the unit being attacked to that unit.
ACT [V]: If you didn't play an order this turn, COST[C-Blast (1)], search your deck or drop for up to one <Morfonica> Music and play it, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.

DZ-BT07/EX08 | 2025
Symphonic of the Illusion World, Mashiro Kurata (幻想世界のシンフォニック 倉田 ましろ)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding on "Incomplete Metamorphosis, Mashiro Kurata", activate Persona Ride, choose up to one <Morfonica> Music from your drop, play it, and this unit gets all of the following until end of turn.
• AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST[put a trigger unit from your hand into your soul], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.
• AUTO [V]: At the end of your turn, choose an "Incomplete Metamorphosis, Mashiro Kurata" from your soul, and ride it as [Rest].

DZ-BT07/EX09 | 2025
Shining Radiance, Touko Kirigaya (輝く光彩 桐ヶ谷 透子)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
AUTO [Left Front Row - R]: When your vanguard with "Mashiro Futaba" in its card name attacks, or when your drive check reveals a trigger unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX10 | 2025
Prodigious Talent, Nanami Hiromachi (天才的な才能 広町 七深)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) or S-Blast (1) - trigger unit], choose a <Morfonica> unit card from your drop, and if you do not have a rear-guard with the same name as that card, call it to [R].

DZ-BT07/EX11 | 2025
Resolute Hard Worker Leader, Tsukushi Futaba (頑張り屋のリーダー 二葉 つくし)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[C-Blast (1) or put a trigger unit from your hand into your soul], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "Mashiro Kurata" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it to your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you did not reveal, [C-Charge (1)].
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Mashiro Kurata" in its card name, and one each of rear-guards with "Touko Kirigaya", "Nanami Hiromachi", "Tsukushi Futaba", and "Rui Yashio" in their card names, all of your <Morfonica> units get [Power] +5000.

DZ-BT07/EX12 | 2025
Brilliance Full of Elegance, Rui Yashio (気品満ちる英才 八潮 瑠唯)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], search your deck for up to one <Morfonica> Music, discard it, and shuffle your deck. If you discarded, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [Right Front Row - R]: When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Mashiro Kurata" in its card name, and you played a Music order this turn, COST[S-Blast (1) & reveal a trigger unit from your hand], choose a <Morfonica> Music from your drop, and put it to your hand.

DZ-BT07/EX13 | 2025
My Special Self, Mashiro Kurata (特別な自分 倉田 ましろ)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding on "Harmony of Summer Sky, Mashiro Kurata", look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one <Morfonica> from among them, reveal it and put it to your hand, and shuffle your deck.

DZ-BT07/EX14 | 2025
Harmony of Summer Sky, Mashiro Kurata (真空のハーモニー 倉田 ましろ)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
AUTO: When this unit is placed by riding from "Beginning of Change, Mashiro Kurata", search your deck for up to one grade 1 <Morfonica> Music card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[discard a Critical from your hand], search your deck for up to one Music card, reveal it and put it to your hand, and shuffle your deck.

DZ-BT07/EX15 | 2025
Beginning of the Change, Mashiro Kurata (変化の始まり 倉田 ましろ)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.

DZ-BT07/EX16 | 2025
Gathering Feelings (紡ぐ想い)
BanG Dream!/-
Critical / +10000
CONT: You may have up to eight "Gathering Feelings" in your deck.

DDZ-BT07/EX17 | 2025
Respective Dreams (それぞれの夢)
BanG Dream!/-
Draw / +10000
CONT: You may have up to eight "Respective Dreams" in your deck.

DZ-BT07/EX18 | 2025
Together with Everyone (みんなで一緒に)
BanG Dream!/-
Front / +10000
CONT: You may have up to eight "Together with Everyone" in your deck.

DZ-BT07/EX19 | 2025
Little Happiness (小さな幸せ)
BanG Dream!/-
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)

DZ-BT07/EX20 | 2025
Overflowing Thoughts and Words (溢れ出る想いと詞)
BanG Dream!/-
Critical / +10000
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and that unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX21 | 2025
Meet Up Time (積み重ねる時間)
BanG Dream!/-
Draw / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/EX22 | 2025
Dreamy Moment (夢中のひととき)
BanG Dream!/-
Front / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

DZ-BT07/EX23 | 2025
The End of the Camp for the Five (五人で迎える合宿のおわり)
BanG Dream!/-
Over / +100,000,000
Additional Effect - Choose five normal units with different names and the same race as your vanguard from your drop, and put them to your hand.

DZ-BT07/EX24 | 2025
Irreplaceable Memories (かけがえのない思い出)
BanG Dream!/-
CONTSentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONTSentinel" in a deck)
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. If your hand has two or more cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

DZ-BT07/EX25 | 2025
Kyoumo Merry go rounD (きょうも Merry go rounD)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica/Music
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
AUTO: When this card is put on [R], search your deck or drop for up to one unit card with ""forte"" in its card name, call it to [R], and if your vanguard is "Incomplete Metamorphosis, Mashiro Kurata", search your deck or drop for up to one "Dissonance of the Imaginary World "forte", Mashiro Kurata", and ride it as [Stand]. If you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When "Dissonance of the Imaginary World "forte", Mashiro Kurata" on your [V] attacks, COST[put a card with "Mashiro Kurata" in its card name from your hand into your soul], and that unit gets "Triple Drive" until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX26 | 2025
MUGEN Reverberate! (MUGEN Reverberate!)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica/Music
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this if your vanguard is "Footprint for One "forte", Touko Kirigaya"!
AUTO: When this card is put on [R], search your deck or drop for up to one "Dissonance of the Imaginary World "forte", Mashiro Kurata", call it to [R], and until end of turn, it gets "Boost" and [Power] +5000. If you searched your deck, shuffle your deck. At the end of that turn, retire that unit.
AUTO [R]: When your vanguard attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your <Morfonica> rear-guards, and [Stand] it. If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, then COST[discard a card with "Touko Kirigaya" in its card name from your hand], choose one of your <Morfonica> rear-guards, [Stand] it, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +10000 / [Critical] +1 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX27 | 2025
Find My Mistake (わたしまちがいさがし)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica/Music
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this if your vanguard is "Lonely Because of Geniousity "forte", Nanami Hiromachi"!
AUTO: When this card is put on [R], search your deck or drop for up to one "Dissonance of the Imaginary World "forte", Mashiro Kurata", call it to [R], and until end of turn, it gets "Boost" and [Power] +5000. If you searched your deck, shuffle your deck. At the end of that turn, retire that unit.
AUTO [R]: When your vanguard attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], and all of your rear-guards without "Nanami Hiromachi" in their card names get "CONT [R]: Your vanguard gets the trigger effects this unit gets.". Then, COST[discard a card with "Nanami Hiromachi" in its card name from your hand], look at the top four cards of your deck, choose two cards from among them, put them into your hand, and put each of the rest on the top or bottom of your deck in any order.

DZ-BT07/EX28 | 2025
esora no clover (esora no clover)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica/Music
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this if your vanguard is "Bud That Doesn't Bloom "forte", Tsukushi Futaba"!
AUTO: When this card is put on [R], search your deck or drop for up to one "Dissonance of the Imaginary World "forte", Mashiro Kurata", call it to [R], and until end of turn, it gets "Boost" and [Power] +5000. If you searched your deck, shuffle your deck. At the end of that turn, retire that unit.
CONT [R]: All of your <Morfonica> rear-guards get [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: When your vanguard attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & discard a card with "Tsukushi Futaba" in its card name from your hand], choose a card from your drop with "Tsukushi Futaba" in its card name, call it to [R], and that unit can attack from the back row until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX29 | 2025
Phrasing Mirage (フレージング ミラージュ)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica/Music
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this if your vanguard is "Butterfly Dream "forte", Rui Yashio"!
AUTO: When this card is put on [R], search your deck or drop for up to one "Dissonance of the Imaginary World "forte", Mashiro Kurata", call it to [R], and until end of turn, it gets "Boost" and [Power] +5000. If you searched your deck, shuffle your deck. At the end of that turn, retire that unit.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your vanguard attacks, if your drop has one or more Music cards with different card names, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn, and if your drop has three or more Music cards with different card names, then at the end of that battle, COST[discard a card with "Rui Yashio" in its card name from your hand], [Stand] that unit, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn, and if your drop has five or more Music cards with different card names, all of your <Morfonica> rear-guards get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX30 | 2025
Daylight - Daylight - (Daylight - デイライト -)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica/Music
Normal Order/1/-/-/-/-
(After a music is played, it is put in the back row of the middle column until end of turn)
AUTO: When this card is put on [R], reveal the top card of your deck, and put it to your hand. If the revealed card is a trigger unit, choose one of your <Morfonica> vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

DZ-BT07/EX31 | 2025
fly with the night (fly with the night)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica/Music
Normal Order/2/-/-/-/-
(After a music is played, it is put in the back row of the middle column until end of turn)
AUTO: When this card is put on [R], if you have a <Morfonica> vanguard, until the end of your opponent's next turn, you get "All your <Morfonica> rear-guards cannot be chosen by your opponent's card effects.". Then, choose up to one <Morfonica> unit card from your drop, and if you do not have a rear-guard with the same name as that card, call it to [R].

DZ-BT07/EX32 | 2025
Near to Sunny, Sunny (寄る辺のSunny, Sunny)
BanG Dream!/Morfonica/Music
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
(After a music is played, it is put in the back row of the middle column until end of turn)
CONT [R]: During the battle your vanguard with "Mashiro Kurata" in its card name attacks, when your opponent would call cards from hand to [G], they must call two or more at the same time.
AUTO [R]: When your vanguard with "Mashiro Kurata" in its card name attacks, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.