Cardfight!! Vanguard Divinez Booster Set Volume 08 (DZ-BT08):
Knights 0f Rebirth
[Japanese Edition] 11th April 2025
[English Edition] 27th June 2025
Official Price: 363 yen per pack; 5,808 yen per box
Total Number of Cards: ? (? New Cards + ? Reprint Card)
SEC: ?
RRR: ?
RR: ?
R: ?
C: ?
- Knights 0f Rebirth is the 8th Divinez Booster Set released in both the Japanese Format and English Format.
- Featuring units from “CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD Divinez: DELUXE ARC” TV Animation!
- Each box comes with 16 packs; each pack comes with 7 cards; each pack will contain at least 2 foil cards.
- Includes boosts to the Nations: Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia. and Lyrical Monasterio.
- Includes a Collaboration of
BanG Dream! featuring "
MyGO!!!!!" and "
Ave Mujica"!
:: Cardlist ::
One Who Walks From Zero, Blangdmire Nexus (零から歩む者 ブラグドマイヤー・ネクサス)
Dark States/Demon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
:: Effect Unknown ::
The Second Mythisch, "Midgardsormr" Garzorums (第二の幻真獣 “震界蛇王” ガルズオルムス)
Brandt Gate/Mythisch
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] during battle phase, until end of your opponent's turn, this unit gets "CONT [R]: This unit is unaffected by your opponent's card effects." and "CONT [R]: This unit is can attack from the back row.".
Note: The card’s abilities and costs are solely determined by the anime. All of this card’s abilities are currently unknown and are subject to change. CMD Singapore will make an update once the confirmation is received.
Miracle Mythisch, Rifistole (奇跡の幻真獣 リフィストール)
Keter Sanctuary/Mythisch
:: Effect Unknown ::
Hellfire Dragon, Wirbel Dragon (業炎竜 ヴィルベイル・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [V]: At the beginning of your main phase, [E-Charge (3)].
ACT [V]: COST[E-Blast (3)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it. If you did not retire a card, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, [Power] +10000 instead of +5000.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if you [E-Blast (6)] or more cards in total for the cost of this unit's card abilities this turn, COST[C-Blast (1)], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -2 until end of turn. COST[S-Blast (1) - card with the same card name as this unit], and this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn.
Dragritter, Bishara (ドラグリッター ビシャーラ)
Dragon Empire/Dragoroid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], choose a grade 3 card with "Wirbel" in its card name from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card or you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Wirbel" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it. If you did not retire, draw a card.
CONT [R]: This unit gets [Power] +5000 for every [E-Blast (3)] paid for the cost of the ACT ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Wirbel" in its card name this turn.
Dragritter, Nilmin (ドラグリッター ニルミーン)
Dragon Empire/Dragoroid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[C-Blast (1)], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 3 or greater card from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you did not reveal a card, [C-Charge (1)].
CONT [R]: If your opponent's rear-guard was either retired or bound this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
DZ-BT08/004 | 2025 RRR
Demonic Stone Dragon, Lithosargour (魔石竜 リドスアグール)
Dark States/Abyss Dragon
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Drajeweled" in its card name, COST[E-Blast (3)], and draw a card.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, if your soul has four or more cards with different grades, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: When you [S-Blast (4)] or more cards at the same time for the cost of the ability of your vanguard with "Drajeweled" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.
DZ-BT08/006 | 2025 RRR
Galactic B-Hero, Stately Clozard (銀河英勇 ステイトリィ・クロツァード)
Brandt Gate/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V]: During your turn, if your soul have a grade 3 "B-Hero" with a different name from this unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST[C-Blast (1) & put two of your rear-guards with "B-Hero" in their card names into your soul], choose one of your grade 3 Scouted cards with a different name from this unit, ride it as [Stand], and it gets drive -1 until end of turn. If you rode, Scout this card into your base, and at the end of that turn, choose one of the cards Scouted by this effect, and ride it as [Rest].
DZ-BT08/008 | 2025 RRR - A Brandt Gate Card
Blitz Security, Varnest (ブリッツセキュリティ ヴァルネスト)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a vanguard with "Blitz" in its card name, choose up to one set order from your drop, and put it on the bottom of the deck or into soul.
AUTO [R]: When your vanguard with "Welstra" in its card name and [Divine Skill] attacks, COST[S-Blast (1) & retire this unit], choose a Product from your order zone, and operate it.
DZ-BT08/010 (DZ-BT08/SEC04) | 2025
Youthberk "Skyfall Arms: Rebuild" (ユースベルク “破天黎騎・再鍛”)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
[RevolDress] - AUTO [V]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, perform one of the following.
• Choose up to one card with "RevolForm" in its card name from your hand, ride it as [Stand], and it gets drive -2 until end of turn.
• COST[C-Blast (1)], choose up to one card with "RevolForm" in its card name from your drop, ride it as [Stand], and it gets drive -2 until end of turn.
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon during your battle phase, COST[discard a card from your hand], choose one of your vanguards, and increase or decrease its drive to one until end of turn.
CONT: When this unit would ride from a grade 3 with "RevolForm" in its card name, the unit rode upon is bound instead of put to soul.
Youthberk "RevolForm: Exist" (ユースベルク 反抗期・晄脂”)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [V] by the [RevolDress] ability, perform all of the following.
• COST[E-Blast (3)], choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.
• All of your front row units get [Power] +10000 until end of turn. If your bind zone has a card with "RevolForm" in its card name, they get [Power] +20000 instead of +10000.
• If your bind zone has a card with the same card name as this unit, this unit gets [Critical] +1 until end of turn.
AUTO [V]: At the end of your turn, choose a card with the [RevolDress] ability from your soul, ride it as [Rest].
DZ-BT08/012 | 2025 RRR
DZ-BT08/013 (DZ-BT08/SEC06) | 2025
Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Patriach (樹角獣皇 マグノリア・パトリアーク)
Stoicheia/Wild Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [V], choose up to one card with "Sylvan Horned Beast" in its card name from your drop, and call it to [R].
CONT [V]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, all of your rear-guards can intercept from the back row and get [Power] +5000. If you persona rode this turn, this unit gets drive +1. (Active on opponent's turn too)
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a number of your rear-guards up to the grade of your opponent's vanguard, and they get "CONT [R]: This unit can attack from the back row." until end of turn.
Veleno Famiglia, Agregious (ヴェレーノ・ファミリア アグリジアス)
AUTO: If your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater <Insect>, this cost can also be paid with "[S-Blast (1) & E-Blast (2)]". When this unit is placed on [R] from hand other than during the battle phase, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a card from your drop with a different card name from this unit, call it to [R] if it is a normal unit with grade less than or equal to your vanguard, or put it into your hand if it is a blitz order.
CONT [R]: During your turn, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater <Insect>, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]:When your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lascaria" in its card name attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], [Stand] this unit, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Honest Rendition, Sinceriete (誠実なる奉奏 サンセリーテ)
AUTO: When this card is discarded from hand during your ride phase, choose a grade 3 card with "Lianorn" or "Magnolia" in its card name from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card, or you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lianorn" or "Magnolia" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1) or E-Blast (3)], and draw a card.
ACT [Drop]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lianorn" or "Magnolia" in its card name, and your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST[put this card on the bottom of the deck], choose one of your rear-guards, and that unit's original [Power] becomes 15000 until end of turn. If you persona rode this turn, it becomes 20000 instead of 15000.
DZ-BT08/016 | 2025 RRR
AngelicEcho, Luminoel (AngelicEcho ルミノエル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Angel
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], choose a grade 3 card with "Artisaria" in its card name from your hand, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card, or you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Artisaria" in its card name, COST[E-Blast (2)], call a Shadow Army token to [R], and that unit cannot attack until end of turn.
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Artisaria" in its card name, COST[retire one-two Shadow Army tokens], and this unit gets [Shield] +10000 until end of that battle for each unit retired for this cost.
DZ-BT08/018 | 2025
Eluding Dragon (エルーディング・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Tear Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [R/G]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Varga" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +10000 / [Shield] +10000. (Active on opponent's turn too)
AUTO: When this unit is retired from [R] by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Varga" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], and put this card into your hand.
DZ-BT08/020 | 2025 RR - A Dragon Empire Card
Constricting Bullet of Dust Storm, Ibrines (砂塵の括弾 イブリネス)
Dragon Empire/Human
CONT: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Wirbel" in its card name, this unit gets all of the following.
• AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, [E-Charge (3)], and you cannot activate the ACT ability of your "Energy Generator" until end of turn.
• AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle, and if this unit boosted a grade 3 or greater unit with "Wirbel" in its card name, at the end of that battle, COST[S-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.
DZ-BT08/022 | 2025 RR
DZ-BT08/023 | 2025 RR
Appearing Nightmare, Dimmea (現れる凶夢 ディムメア)
Dark States/Demon
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], choose a grade 3 card with "Drajeweled" in its card name from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card, or you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Drajeweled" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "Demonic Stone Dragon" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck. If you did not put a card into hand, [S-Charge (2)].
Direful Doll, Concerata (ダイアフルドール こんそらーた)
Dark States/Workeroid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "Direful Doll" in its card name from among them, put it into your soul, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When your other rear-guard is bound during your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Direful Doll" in its card name, COST[bind this unit], choose two of your units, and they get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Whiteout Wulberus (ホワイトアウト・ウルベロス)
Dark States/Chimera
AUTO [Soul]: When your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Ominagruzio" in its card name is placed during your ride phase, if you do not have a rear-guard with the same card name as this card, COST[S-Blast (1) - card other than this card], and call this card to [R].
AUTO: When this unit is put from [R] into soul by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Ominagruzio" in its card name, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. If your bind zone has two or more types of trigger icons, COST[E-Blast (3)], and draw a card.
Galactic B-Hero, Levin Prondia (銀河英勇 レヴィン・ブロンディア)
Brandt Gate/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a vanguard with "B-Hero" in its card name and you have not put a Base into your order zone this turn, COST[Scout a card with "B-Hero" in its card name from your hand to your base], search your deck or drop for up to one Base card, put it into your order zone, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn for each different name among Bases in your order zone.
DZ-BT08/028 | 2025 RR - A Brandt Gate Card
Blitz Mechanic, Bauen (ブリッツメカニック バウエン)
Brandt Gate/Warbeast
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a vanguard with "Blitz" in its card name, and your order zone does not have a grade 2 Product, COST[put a card from hand into soul], search your deck for up to one grade 2 Product card, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.
CONT [G]: If your order zone has two or more Products, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.
Cardinal Draco, Delcomanis (柩機の竜 デルコマニス)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Dragon
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if your World is either Dark Night or Abyssal Dark Night, search your deck for up to one World card, discard it, shuffle your deck, and this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.
ACT [Drop]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Orfist" in its card name, COST[E-Blast (2) & bind this card], and call a Shadow Army token to [R].
Adoaslight Angel (アドアスライト・エンジェル)
Keter Sanctuary/Angel
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] during your battle phase, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Solrairon" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.
CONT [R]: If a normal unit was revealed by the ability of your vanguard with "Solrairon" in its card name this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
Armor Breaking Knight, Dooringen (甲破の騎士 ドーリンゲン)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
CONT [R]: During your turn, if your bind zone has a card with "RevolForm" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: When this unit [Stand] by the ability of your vanguard with "Youthberk" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], draw a card, and until end of turn, when your opponent would call cards from hand to [G] for the battle this unit attacked, they cannot call unless they call two or more at the same time.
DZ-BT08/033 | 2025 RR
DZ-BT08/034 | 2025 RR
DZ-BT08/035 | 2025 RR
Wisdom Brave Shooter (賢明のブレイブ・シューター)
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Flagburg" in its card name, COST[E-Blast (3)], choose a <Tear Dragon> from your drop, and call it to [R].
CONT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Flagburg" in its card name, this unit gets "Boost".
Sylvan Horned Beast, Voldyaar (樹角獣
ヴォルジャール) Stoicheia/High Beast
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name, until end of battle, this unit gets [Power] +5000 and your opponent cannot intercept.
AUTO [R]: At the end of your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name, if your unit attacked from the back row this turn, COST[put this unit into your soul], and draw a card.
DZ-BT08/038 | 2025 RR
Airy Tempo, Prizuel (風と一緒に プリズエル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Angel
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if your unit was returned from [R] to hand by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard, COST[put a grade 2 or less card from your hand into your soul], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of battle.
Demonic Teaser, Wilsha (煽る小悪魔 ウィルシャ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Demon
CONT [R]: During your turn, if your vanguard has the DressUp ability, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST[retire this unit], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one card with the DressUp ability from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Audicious Princess, Cacomy (大胆不敵 カコミィ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Warbeast
AUTO [Back Row - R] [1/Turn]: When your grade 3 or greater unit attacks from the back row center column, all of your units in the center column get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, if your grade 3 or greater units attacked a total of two or more times this turn, COST[E-Blast (2) & put this unit on the bottom of your deck], choose a grade 3 or greater card with a different card name from your vanguard from your drop, and put it into your hand.
FL∀MMe-Glam Supporting Drum, Rimril (FL∀MMe-G sup.Dr.リムリル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Human
AUTO [Back Row Center - R]: When this unit boosts, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "FL∀MMe-Glam" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, at the end of that battle, COST[discard a card from your hand & retire this unit], choose one of your vanguards, and increase or decrease its drive to 2 until end of turn.
Illusory Tunes Nymph, Rekai (幻奏仙女 レーカイ)
Dragon Empire/Human
CONT [R]: If you played a "Wondrous Melodies" this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle your grade 3 or greater vanguard attacked, if your unit did not [Stand] by a card's ability this turn, COST[C-Blast (1) & retire a "Lightning Legend Hermit, Ryodo" on your front row [R]], and [Stand] this unit.
Spinning Shot Dragon (スピニングショット・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Wind Dragon
CONT [Back Row - R]:During your turn, if your vanguard is in the [Malwyrm] state, and your back row has no other rear-guards with the same card name as this unit, this unit cannot be retired by card effects, and gets [Power] +5000.
DZ-BT08/045 | 2025 R - A Dragon Empire Card
Wondrous Melodies (妙なる調べは悠々と)
Dragon Empire/-
Normal Order/2/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[E-Blast (2)]!
Look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one normal unit with "Nymph" in its card name from among them, call it to [R], and shuffle your deck.
Beautiful Princess of Placidity, Ardalil (深閑の麗姫 アルダリル)
Dark States/Demon
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, COST[put a rear-guard with a different card name from this unit into soul], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Direful Doll, Artea (ダイアフルドール あるて一あ)
Dark States/Workeroid
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Direful Doll" in its card name, choose up to one card with "Direful Doll" in its card name from your drop, put it into your soul, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle, and at the end of that battle, bind this unit. (This effect is mandatory)
Petite Tilget (ペティート・ティルゲット)
Dark States/Chimera
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, choose a grade 3 card with "Ominagruzio" in its card name from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you either revealed a card or you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Ominagruzio" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one trigger unit other than Over triggers, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Three Evil Heads Are Better Than One (三人寄らば悪鬼の悪知恵)
Dark States/-
Normal Order/1/-/-/-/-
Choose up to one card from your drop, and put both that card and this card into your soul.
Cardinal Fang, Purisma (柩機の獣 ピュリスマ)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Beast
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
ACT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Orfist" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1) & retire this unit], and call up to two Shadow Army Tokens to [R].
DZ-BT08/052 | 2025 R
DZ-BT08/053 | 2025 R
DZ-BT08/054 | 2025 R
Knight of Rebuilding, Duidelijk (喝破の騎士 ダウドリック)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [RCOST[C-Blast (1)], look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "Youthberk" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Youthberk" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Preserve Wizard (プリザーヴ・ウィザード)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts, if a normal unit was revealed by the ability of your vanguard with "Solrairon" in its card name this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle, and at the end of that battle, you may return this unit to your hand.
DZ-BT08/057 | 2025 R
Resting Perch (憩いの止まり木)
Keter Sanctuary/-
Normal Order/2/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
Choose up to three grade 1 normal units from drop without Sentinel, and put them on the bottom of your deck in any order. If you chose three cards, draw a card.
Sylvan Horned Beast, Comadrett (樹角獣 コマドレット)
Stoicheia/High Beast
AUTO [Drop]: When your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name is placed, perform one of the following.
• If you do not have a rear-guard with the same name as this card, call this card to [R], and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
• Put this card into your soul, choose one of your vanguards, and the cost of that unit's original ACT abilities is reduced by [C-Blast (1)] until end of turn.
DZ-BT08/060 | 2025 R - A Stoicheia Card
Veleno Famiglia, Direone (ヴェレーノ・ファミリア ディレオーネ)
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lascaria" in its card name, [S-Charge (1)].
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts a grade 3 or greater unit with "Veleno" in its card name, [E-Charge (1)].
A Gardener's Treasure (或る庭師の宝物)
Normal Order/1/-/-/-/-
Perform one of the following.
• Call a plant token to [R].
• COST[Retire one of your plant tokens], look at the top 3 cards of your deck, choose up to one card with grade less than or equal to your vanguard from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Thumbs Up, Febrar (サムズアップ フェボラル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Dragoroid
ACT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "FL∀MMe-Glam" in its card name, COST[retire this unit], choose a normal unit with "FL∀MMe-Glam" in its card name from your drop, call it to [R], and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, that unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
DZ-BT08/064 | 2025
DZ-BT08/065 | 2025
DZ-BT08/066 | 2025
DZ-BT08/067 | 2025
Dragritter, Azbal (ドラグリッター アズハール)
Dragon Empire/Dragoroid
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by a grade 3 or greater card with "Wirbel" in its card name, choose one of your vanguards, and the cost of all of that unit's original AUTO abilities are reduced by [C-Blast (1)] until end of turn.
Stealth Fiend, Fukuromuji (忍妖 フクロムジ)
Dragon Empire/Ghost
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G] from hand, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a trigger unit other than Over trigger from your drop, and call it to [G].
Lightning Legend Hermit, Ryodo (雷伝仙人 リョドウ)
Dragon Empire/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[C-Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Wondrous Melodies", reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck.
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater vanguard, if this unit is boosted by a unit with "Nymph" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until the end of that battle.
Dragritter, Zaiyad (ドラグリッター ザイヤード)
Dragon Empire/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, choose up to one normal unit without [Sentinel] from your drop, and put it on the bottom of your deck. If you chose, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.
Demonic Dragon Nymph, Jami (魔竜仙女 ジャミ)
Dragon Empire/Dragonman
AUTO [R]: When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST[E-Blast (3)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.
Demonic Dragon Mage, Joukou (魔竜導師 ジョウコウ)
Dragon Empire/Dragonman
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by "Dragritter, Azbal", COST[E-Blast (3)], draw a card, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Lizard Soldier, Jisen (リザードソルジャー ジセン)
Dragon Empire/Dragonman
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.
DZ-BT08/075 | 2025
Bone Staff Mage, Grivinea (骨杖の魔道士 グリヴィネア)
Dark States/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, [S-Charge (1)], and perform one of the following according to the grade of the card [S-Charge] by this effect.
• 1 or less - Until end of turn, this unit gets "Boost", and [Power] +5000.
• 2 or greater - Until end of your opponent's next turn, this unit gets "Intercept", and [Shield] +5000.
DZ-BT08/077 | 2025 - A Dark States Card
Steam Fighter, Idinam (スチームファイター イディナム)
Dark States/Gearoid
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], if you played a Blitz Order this turn, COST[S-Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Shield] +10000 until end of battle.
Steam Maiden, Ralsa (スチームメイデン ラルサ)
Dark States/Gearoid
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Paw Wildmaster, Filairne (肉球の操獣師 フィライルネ)
Dark States/Elf
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, choose up to one normal unit without [Sentinel] from your drop, and put it on the bottom of your deck. If you chose, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.
Abrasive Dizona (アブレイシヴ・ディゾナ)
Dark States/Demon
AUTO [Back Row - R]: When your vanguard is attacked, COST[retire this unit], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle.
DZ-BT08/082 | 2025
Rust Cannon Bolster (ルストカノン・ボルスター)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit [Stand] by your card's ability, COST[E-Blast (3)], and all of your rear-guards in the same column as this unit get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
INDuCTioN 5-Ⅱ (INDuCTioN 5-Ⅱ)
Brandt Gate/Workeroid
CONT [G]: This unit gets [Shield] +5000 for every two set orders with different card names in your order zone.
Connector of Existence Indices (存在指標の繋ぎ手)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Fairy
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G] from hand, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a trigger unit other than Over trigger from your drop, and call it to [G].
Delivery Tabby (デリバリー・タビー)
Brandt Gate/Warbeast
AUTO [R]: When this unit's attack hits, COST[E-Blast (3)], choose an order card from your drop, and put it into your hand.
Galactic B-Hero, Sleek Kyuon (銀河英勇 スリーク・キュオン)
Brandt Gate/Warbeast
AUTO: When this card is scouted, if you have a vanguard with "B-Hero" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose a card with "B-Hero" in its card name that is different from this unit from your drop, and scout it to your base.
Compile Excavator (コンパイル・エクスカベーター)
Brandt Gate/Workeroid
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, choose up to one normal unit without [Sentinel] from your drop, and put it on the bottom of your deck. If you chose, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.
Scrub Forvmy (スクラブ・フォウミィ)
Brandt Gate/Alien
AUTO [R]: When your set order is put from your order zone to soul or drop, COST[retire this unit], and draw a card.
Greedy Ticket Vendor, Belorin (欲深き券売屋 ベロリーン)
Brandt Gate/Alien
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if there are two or more different card names among set orders in your order zone, either [S-Charge (1)] or [E-Charge (1)].
Spectacular Dragon (スペクタキュラー・ドラゴン)
Keter Sanctuary/Cosmo Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name, this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent's card effects, and gets [Power] +5000. (Active on opponent's turn too)
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], choose a grade 3 card with "Bastion" in its card name from your ride deck, and you may reveal it. If you revealed a card, or you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name, this unit gets [Shield] +5000 until end of that battle.
Sorrowful Ardent Light, Youth (憂いの烈光 ユース)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by a unit with the [RevolDress] ability, COST[E-Blast (3)], choose a grade 2 or greater unit card from your drop, and put it into your hand.
Battle Judgement Knight, Fesfohl (戦断の騎士 フェスフール)
Keter Sanctuary/Elf
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G] from hand, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a trigger unit other than Over trigger from your drop, and call it to [G].
Vaigaon (ゔぁいがおん)
Keter Sanctuary/High Beast
AUTO [R]: When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST[retire this unit], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
DZ-BT08/095 | 2025 - A Keter Sanctuary Card
Squire of Spear Strikes, Youth (迅槍の従騎士 ユース)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by "Sorrowful Ardent Light, Youth", COST[S-Blast (1)], look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one card from among them and reveal it, if it is a card with "Youthberk" in its card name, put it into your hand, and if it is a grade 2 or less unit card, call it to [R]. Shuffle your deck.
Running Beast Fang, Svrind (走破の獣牙 スーヴリンド)
Keter Sanctuary/High Beast
CONT [R]: If your bind zone has a card with "RevolForm" in its card name, this unit gets "Intercept", can intercept from the back row, and gets [Power] +2000. (Active on opponent's turn too)
Unsullied Eyes, Youth (穢れ知らぬ双眸 ユース)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you are going second, draw a card.
Sylvan Horned Beast, Ragikka (樹角獣
ラヅッ力)Stoicheia/High Beast
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [R/G]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name, this unit gets "Intercept" and [Shield] +5000.
AUTO [Back Row - R]: When this unit attacks, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of battle.
Love Fortune Maiden, Lalie (愛幸の乙女 ラーレィ)
CONT [G]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lianorn" in its card name, and you have oneg or more grade 1 or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Shield] +5000. If you have theee or more grade 1 or less rear-guards, +10000 instead of +5000.
DZ-BT08/101 | 2025 - A Stoicheia Card
Mercy Sylvan Horned Beast, Lattice (仁恵の樹角獣 ラティス)
Stoicheia/High Beast
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by a grade 3 card with "Magnolia" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose a grade 3 or greater card from your drop or a normal order from your drop, and put it into hand.
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
Agrahas Assault (アグラハス・アサルト)
CONT [R/G]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Flagburg" in its card name, all of your grade 3 or greater <Tear Dragon> units get "Intercept" and [Shield] +5000.
Knight of Mutual Congratulation, Ravisto (同慶の騎士 ラヴィスト)
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, choose up to one normal unit without [Sentinel] from your drop, and put it on the bottom of your deck. If you chose, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.
Blossoming Flowers Sylvan Horned Beast, Charis (花めく樹角獣 カリス)
Stoicheia/High Beast
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by a grade 2 card with "Sylvan Horned Beast" in its card name, look at the top three cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 or less normal unit from among them, call it to [R], and you may discard the rest. If you did not discard any cards, put the cards not chosen on the bottom of the deck in any order.
Sylvan Horned Beast, Lotte (樹角獣 ローテ)
Stoicheia/High Beast
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you are going second, draw a card.
DZ-BT08/107 | 2025
Happy Invitation, Imeel (嬉しいお誘い イメール)
Lyrical Monasterio/Human
AUTO [Drop]: When a card is put into your order zone other than during the battle phase, if you do not have a unit with the same name as this card, COST[E-Blast (4)], and call this card to [R].
Come Around, Rapuole (カムアラウンド ラプオレ)
Lyrical Monasterio/Warbeast
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], if a card was put into your damage zone this turn, COST[S-Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Shield] +10000 until end of battle.
Swing on A Swing, Runarl (Swing on A Swing ルナール)
Lyrical Monasterio/Warbeast
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When this unit's attack hits, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Hip Hop Streamer, Serill (ヒップホップストリーマー セーリル)
Lyrical Monasterio/Dragoroid
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G] from hand, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a trigger unit other than Over trigger from your drop, and call it to [G].
A Smile Blooming in a Corner, Rukfi (片隅で咲く笑顔 ルクフィー)
Lyrical Monasterio/Elf
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, choose up to one normal unit without [Sentinel] from your drop, and put it on the bottom of your deck. If you chose, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.
Let Me Put it on You, Kalia (貼ってあげるね ケアリア)
Lyrical Monasterio/Human
ACT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Kairi" in its card name, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
BanG Dream! x Cardfight!! Vanguard — Collaboration
Crying Heart, Akari Takamatsu (クライングハート 高松 燈)
BanG Dream!/MYGO!!!!!
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
Independent Mood Maker, Aine Chihaya (自立ちたがりのムードメーカー 千早 愛音)
BanG Dream!/MYGO!!!!!
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
A Place to Breathe, Rakuna Kanam (息ができる場所 要 楽奈)
BanG Dream!/MYGO!!!!!
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
Unadorned True Feelings, Soyo Nagasaki (飾り気のない本心 長崎 そよ)
BanG Dream!/MYGO!!!!!
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
Dry Passionate Person, Ritsu Shiina (ドライな情熱家 椎名 立希)
BanG Dream!/MYGO!!!!!
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
Noble Oblivionis (気高きオブリビオニス)
BanG Dream!/Ave Mujica
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
Kind-hearted Doloris (心優しきドロリス)
BanG Dream!/Ave Mujica
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
Obedient Mortis (従順なモーティス)
BanG Dream!/Ave Mujica
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
Intelligent Timoris (聡明なティモリス)
BanG Dream!/Ave Mujica
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::
Loving Amoris (慈愛のアモーリス)
BanG Dream!/Ave Mujica
:: Effect Unknown — To Be Revealed on 27th March 2025 ::