Cardfight!! Vanguard Divinez Booster Set Volume 09 (DZ-BT09):
Super-Heroic Explosion
Official Price: 363 yen per pack; 5,808 yen per box
Total Number of Cards: ? (? New Cards + ? Reprint Card)
SEC: ?
RRR: ?
RR: ?
R: ?
C: ?
- Super-Heroic Explosion is the 9th Divinez Booster Set released in both the Japanese Format and English Format.
- Featuring units from “CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD Divinez: DELUXE ARC” TV Animation and “Cardfight!! Vanguard YouthQuake” Manga.
- Each box comes with 16 packs; each pack comes with 7 cards; each pack will contain at least 2 foil cards.
- Includes boosts to the Nations: Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, and Stoicheia.
:: Cardlist ::
Malwyrm, Sybilt (邪竜 シヴィルト)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
:: Effect Unknown ::
Whimsical and Wacky Amusement Park, Heartlulu (お菓子な可笑しな遊園地 ハートルールー)
Dark States/?
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
:: Effect Unknown ::
Blazing Lion, Platina Ezel (光輝の獅子 プラチナエイゼル)
Keter Sanctuary/Human/Gold Paladin
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
:: Effect Unknown ::
Nebula Knight of Brilliance, Sellius (清煌なる星霧騎士爵 セリウス)
Keter Sanctuary/?
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
:: Effect Unknown ::
Berg the Skyruler (ベルグ・ザ・ スカイルーラー)
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
:: Effect Unknown ::