Official Release Date: 19th April 2025 Official Price (Per Pack): 220 Yen (including tax); (Per Box): 4,400 Yen (including tax); (Per Carton): 52,800 Yen (including tax) | 4.99 USD (Per Pack)
Total Number of Cards: 113
Alternate Arts: ?
Special Rare Card: ?
SEC: ?
SR: ?
R: ?
U: ?
C: ?
- WORLD CONVERGENCE is the Twenty-First Booster Set introduced to the Japanese and English format.
- Further boosting to Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black and Purple.
- 1 Japanese Booster Pack contains 6 cards, and 1 English Booster Pack contains 12 cards.
- This set will be based on cards from
Digimon Liberator and Digimon Universe: App Monsters anime!!
The TV anime protagonist's partner Digimon are gathered! Starting with "Digimon Adventure" Digimon from the TV anime over the years are here as cards! With the cards in this booster's lineup, you'll be able to strengthen previous decks based on the various protagonists as well as [ST-20] and [ST-21].
The 2 champions from Digimon Liberator are back! From Digimon Liberator, which is nearing it's second year, the former champion Owen Dreadnought, and current champion Zenith are back alongside their respective partner Digimon Elizamon and Ragnamon!
- Box Topper includes an
Illustration Celebration Pack (tentative)! This BOX purchase bonus contains 6 new Digimon cards illustrated by the same illustrator! The top 6 Digimon from "Which card do you thing is the coolest?" pole results announced at DIGIMON CON 2024 are featured on these cards.
- Box Purchase Bonus Pack will feature 6 new promo cards (LM-05) and 4 alternate art reprints.
Valkyrimon (ヴァルキリモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Free | Type: Warrior
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from [Silphymon]
• When Digivolving: Blitz
• When Digivolving When Attacking Once Per Turn: Return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 6000 DP or less to the bottom of the deck. If this effect didn't return, this Digimon gains Security A. +1 for the turn.
• Your Turn: This Digimon's attack target can't be change.
Vikemon (ヴァイクモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Free | Type: Beastkin
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from [Shakkoumon] / [Zudomon]
• Iceclad
• When Digivolving: Trash any 4 digivolution cards from your opponent's Digimon.
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: If your opponent has no Digimon with as many or more digivolution cards as this Digimon, it unsuspends. Then, all of your opponents Security Digimon gets -6000 DP for the turn.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Sea Beast] Type.
Regalecusmon (レガレクスモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Free | Type: Aquatic/ DS
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with the [DS] trait
• On Play When Digivolving: 1 of your Digimon with the [DS] trait unsuspends
• When Digivolving When Attacking Once Per Turn: If you have 1 or more memory, your opponent adds their top
security card to the hand. Then, if you have 1 or less, until your opponent's turn ends, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't suspend.
Rasielmon (ラジエルモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Throne
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with the [Angel] / [Archangel] trait
• Security A. +1
• On Play When Digivolving: Suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers. Then, until their turn ends, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't activate When Digivolving effects or unsuspend.
• On Deletion: Place this card as the bottom security card.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Three Great Angels].
Darkdramon ACE (ダークドラモン ACE)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg / D-Brigade / ACCEL
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with the [D-Brigade] / [ACCEL] trait
• Hand Counter: Blast Digivolve (Your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.)
• Scapegoat
• On Play When Digivolving: De-Digivolve 1 on 1 your opponent's Digimon. Then, delete all of their Digimon with the lowest play cost.
• Overflow [-4] (As this card moves from the field or under a card to an area other than those, Memory -4.)
Inherited Effect:
• Collision (During this Digimon's attack, give all of your opponent's Digimon Blocker, and the opponent blocks if able.)
Ghoulmon ACE (デスモン ACE)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Demon Lord
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Hand Counter: Blast Digivolve (Your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.)
• Blocker Retaliation
• On Deletion: If your opponent has 5 or more cards in their hand, they trash 1 card in their hand. Then, if they have 4 or fewer cards in their hand, delete 1 of their Lv.6 or lower Digimon.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Fallen Angel] Type.
- Illustration Celebration Pack:
WarGreymon (ウォーグレイモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragonkin / ADVENTURE
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [MetalGreymon] in name or with the [ADVENTURE] trait
• Security A. +1 Blocker
• When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with as much or less DP as this Digimon.
• All Turns: This Digimon gets +1000 DP for each color Digimon and Tamers have.
Gaiomon (ガイオウモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin / X Antibody
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.5
DP: 13000
• Reboot Blocker
• When Digivolving: Until your opponent's turn ends, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains "Start of Your Main Phase: This Digimon attacks." Then, this Digimon may attack.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When attack targets change, trash your opponent's top security card.
• [Rule] Name: Also treated as having [Greymon].
P-184 | 05
Dorugoramon (ドルゴラモン
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Beast Dragon / X Antibody / SoC
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [DoruGreymon] in name or with the [SoC] trait
• Collision Security A. +1
• When Digivolving: This Digimon gets +3000 DP until your opponent's turn ends. Then, if [Kosuke Kisakata] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, all of your Digimon with the [SoC] trait unsuspend.
P-185 | 05 EmperorGreymon (カイゼルグレイモン
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Dragon Warrior
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 4 from [Takuya Kanbara] with 5 cards with [Hybrid] trait under
• Blocker
• When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon
with as much or less DP as this Digimon.
• All Turns: This Digimon gets + 1000 DP for each color in its digivolution cards.
• End of Your Turn Once Per Turn: This Digimon unsuspends.
P-186 | 05
Gallantmon (デュークモン
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Holy Warrior / Royal Knight
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [WarGrowlmon] in name
• When this card would be played, if there is a Digimon with 13000 DP or more, reduce the play cost by 2 for every 5 total cards in both players trashes.
• Rush Blocker
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete 1 Digimon with 13000 DP or more. If this effect didn't delete, Recovery +1 (Deck).
P-187 | 05
Mastemon (マスティモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Angel
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.5
DP: 13000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• DNA Digivolve: 0 from purple Lv.5 + yellow Lv.5
(Stack the 2 specified Digimon and digivolve unsuspended.)
• When Digivolving: Recovery +1 (Deck). Then, if DNA
digivolving, by placing 1 other Digimon or Tamer as the top or bottom security card, trash your opponents top security card.
• When Digivolving When Attacking Once Per Turn: By trashing your top security card, you may play 1 purpleor yellow Digimon card with 6000 DP or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost.
- They are running a "
Omnimon GET Campaign" with serial number. Enter the code in the BOX purchase bonus pack and 150 people will be entered into a lottery to win a gift!
Omnimon (オメガモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Warrior / Royal Knight
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 14 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.6
DP: 14000
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon, or you may play 1 of each Digimon with the [Royal Knight] trait and a different name from the digivolution cards of a Digimon in your breeding area without paying their costs. When a Digimon is played by this effect, trash 1 of your Digimon in the breeding area, and all of your Digimon gain Rush for the turn.
- Introducing a new ability:
Link (リンク).
- Link Effect FAQs:
- Introducing 6 God Appmon in Digimon Universe:
- Includes foil processed signed cards by
7 illustrators.
Zephagamon (ゼファーガモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Magic Knight / Vortex Warriors / LIBERATOR
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
• Security Attack +1 Vortex (At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack an opponent's Digimon. This Digimon may attack with this effect on the turn it was played.)
• When Digivolving When Attacking: Suspend 1 Digimon. If you suspended your own Digimon with this effect, return 1 of your opponent's Digimon to the bottom of the owner's deck.
• [Rule] Trait: Has the [Bird Dragon] Type.
GraceNovamon (グレイスノヴァモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Galaxy
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 15 | Digivolve Cost: 6 from Lv.6
DP: 15000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• DNA Digivolve: 0 from [Apollomon] + [Dianamon]
• Security Attack +1 Blocker
• When Digivolving When Attacking: If DNA digivolving, trash any 8 digivolution cards from your opponent's Digimon. Then, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with equal or fewer digivolution cards than this Digimon.
• All Turns: If this Digimon would leave the battle area by your opponent's effect, by trashing 2 cards of the same Lv. in this digimon's digivolution cards, prevent it from leaving play.
WarGreymon (X Antibody) (ウォーグレイモン X抗体)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragonkin / X Antibody
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 1 from [WarGreymon]
• All Turns: When a card is removed from your opponent's security stack, Memory +1.
• End of Attack Once Per Turn: If this Digimon has [WarGreymon] or [X Antibody] in its digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with DP less than or equal to this Digimon's DP.
Agunimon (アグニモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Wizard
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3 / 3 from Tamer
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Takuya Kanbara] / 0 from [BurningGreymon]
• When Digivolving: You may return 1 card with the [Hybrid] or [Ten Warriors] trait or 1 Tamer card with inherited effects from your trash to the hand.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Titamon (タイタモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Shaman
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
• When Digivolving: Trash 1 card in your hand. Then, you may play 1 purple Lv.4 or lower Digimon card from your trash without paying its memory cost.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When you trash a card in your hand using one of your effects, this Digimon gets +2000 DP and Security Attack +1 for the turn.
Lanamon (ラーナモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Fairy
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3 / 2 from Tamer
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Calmaramon]
• On Play When Digivolving: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 Digimon card with the [Aqua] or [Sea Animal] trait among them to the hand or place 1 such card as any of your blue Digimon's bottom digivolution card. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Aquatic] Type.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: You may return 1 Lv.3 Digimon to the hand.
Beelzemon: Blast Mode (ベルゼブモン:ブラストモード)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Demon Lord
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 15 | Digivolve Cost: 6 from Lv.6
DP: 15000
• When this card is trashed from your deck, delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.4 or lower Digimon.
• When Digivolving: Delete all of your opponent's Digimon with the highest Lv.
• Your Turn: For every 10 cards in your trash, this Digimon gains Security Attack +1 for the turn.
- [Speculation] There might be a Hikari & Vamdemon, Nene & Bagramon, Hokuto & Regulusmon pair tamers in BT21 World Convergence.
:: Cardlist ::
BT21-001 | 05 - A Red Digi-Egg
Gurimon (グリモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser / Hero
Inherited Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: If this Digimon has [Gammamon] in its text or the [Hero] trait, Draw 1.
Yokomon (ピョコモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Bulb / WG
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When any of your Digimon with the [WG] trait are played, Draw 1.
Koromon (コロモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser / Hero
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When any of your yellow or red Tamers suspend, Draw 1.
Swipemon (スワイプモン)
Form: Appmon | Attribute: Social | Type: Swipe
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon gets linked, Draw 1.
Tsumemon (ツメモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Unidentified / LIBERATOR
Inherited Effect:
• All Turns: This Digimon with 4 or more [Vemmon] digivolution cards gets +3000 DP.
Agumon (アグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: You may return 1 Digimon card with the [Reptile] or [Dragonkin] trait from your trash to the hand.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Elizamon (エリザモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Reptile / LIBERATOR
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [Reptile] or [Dragonkin] trait and 1 card with the [LIBERATORI trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When your opponent's security stack is removed from, Memory +1.
Gatchmon (ガッチモン)
Form: Stnd. / Appmon | Attribute: Social | Type: Search / Hero
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 with the [Appmon] / [Hero] trait
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon gets linked, if you have 1 or fewer Tamers, you may play 1 [Haru Shinkai] from your hand without paying the cost.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +2000 DP
• Link: 1 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• Raid (When this Digimon attacks, you may change the attack target to 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Digimon with the highest DP.)
Gammamon (ガンマモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Ceratopsian / Hero
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Gurimon] / Lv.2 from the [Hero] trait
• Your Turn: While you have 2 or fewer security cards or 3 or more Tamers with the [Hero] trait with different names, this Digimon may digivolve into [Siriusmon] in the hand for a digivolution cost of 4, ignoring Digivolution requirements.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Shoutmon (シャウトモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mini Dragon / Xros Heart / Hero
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 with the [Xros Heart] / [Hero] trait
• Your Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a
Digimon card with the [Xros Heart] or [Hero] trait, reduce The digivolution cost by 1.
• On Deletion: Save
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon with the [Xros Heart] trait gains Rush.
Flamemon (フレイモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Wizard
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• Main: By suspending this Digimon, you may play 1 red Tamer card with inherited effects from your hand without paying the cost. If you did, place this Digimon under the played Tamer.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Agunimon (アグニモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Wizard / Hero
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3 / 2 from Tamer
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [BurningGreymon]
• When Digivolving: You may place 1 Digimon card with the [Hybrid] or [Hero] trait from your hand or trash as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card or under any of your red Tamers with inherited effects.
• When Attacking: This Digimon may digivolve into a red Digimon card with the [Hybrid] or [Hero] trait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
BurningGreymon (ヴリトラモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Dark Dragon
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3 / 3 from Tamer
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 1 from [Agunimon]
• On Play When Digivolving: This Digimon gains Piercing and +3000 DP for the turn.
• Your Turn: When your opponent's security stack is removed from, this Digimon may digivolve into a Lv.5 Digimon card with the [Hybrid] trait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Cyclonemon (サイクロモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• Security: At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost.
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 4000 DP or less.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Shoutmon (King Version) (シャウトモン キングVer.)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Mini Dragon / Xros Heart / Hero
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with the [Xros Heart] / [Hero] trait
• Raid Piercing
• On Deletion: You may place 1 Digimon card with the [Xros Heart], [Blue Flare] or [Hero] trait from your hand or trash under any of your Tamers. Then, Save.
• [Rule] Name: Also treated as [Shoutmon].
DigiXros Requirements:
• DigiXros -1: 1 Digimon card with the [Xros Heart] trait
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Dimetromon (ディメトロモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Reptile / LIBERATOR
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• When Digivolving: If you have 1 or fewer Tamers, you may play 1 [Owen Dreadnought] from your hand without paying the cost.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When your opponent's security stack is removed from, Memory +1.
DoGatchmon (ドガッチモン)
Form: Sup. / Appmon | Attribute: Social | Type: Super Search / Hero
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3 | Stnd. Cost: 3
DP: 6000
App Fusion:
• App Fusion: 0 from [Gatchmon] & [Navimon] & [Tweetmon]
(If 2 such cards are linked together, stack the link card on top and digivolve.)
• Rush Raid
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon gets linked, it may attack.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +3000 DP
• Link: 2 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• When Linking: This Digimon may attack.
BetelGammamon (ベテルガンマモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Gammamon]
• When Digivolving: If you have 1 or fewer Tamers, you may play 1 [Hiro Amanokawa] from your hand without paying the cost.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Aldamon (アルダモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Wizard
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
• When any of your Digimon with [Agunimon] or [Burning Greymon] in their digivolution cards would digivolve Into this card in the hand, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
• Security A. + 1
• On Deletion: You may play 1 red Tamer card with inherited effects from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Lv.5
Inherited Effect:
• On Deletion: You may play 1 red Tamer card with inherited effects from your hand or trash without paying the cost.
OmniShoutmon (オメガシャウトモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Dragonkin / Xros Heart / Hero
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 4 from [Shoutmon] / 3 from Lv.4 with the [Xros Heart] / [Hero] trait
• This card is also treated as [Shoutmon] for DigiXros.
• End of Attack: You may play 1 card with the [Xros Heart], [Blue Flare] or [Hero] trait from your hand with the play cost reduced by 5. If you did, delete this Digimon.
• On Deletion: You may place 1 Digimon card with the [Xros Heart] or [Blue Flare] trait from your hand or trash under any of your Tamers. Then, Save.
DigiXros Requirements:
• DigiXros -2: [Shoutmon]
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon with the [Xros Heart] gains Rush.
Canoweissmon (カノーヴァイスモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Sky Dragon
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with [Gammamon] in text
• On Play When Digivolving: By placing 1 Digimon card with [Gammamon] in its text from your hand as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 7000 DP or less.
Inherited Effect:
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When this Digimon with [Gammamon] in its text would leave the battle area by your opponent's effects, by trashing 3 Digimon cards from its digivolution cards, it doesn't leave.
Globemon (グローブモン)
Form: Ult. / Appmon | Attribute: Social | Type: Global / Hero
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 9 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4 | Stnd. Cost: 4
DP: 10000
App Fusion:
• App Fusion: 0 from [DoGatchmon] & [Timemon]
(If 2 such cards are linked together, stack the link card on top and digivolve.)
• Security A. +1
• On Play When Digivolving: You may link 1 Lv.4 or lower Digimon card from your hand or this Digimon's digivolution cards to this Digimon without paying the cost.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon gets linked, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with as much or less DP as this Digimon.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +4000 DP
• Link: 3 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• When Linking: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with as much or less DP as this Digimon.
BT21-024 | 05 - A Red Digimon
BT21-025 | 05 - A Red Digimon
BT21-026 | 05 - A Red Digimon
Shoutmon DX (シャウトモンDX)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Composite / Xros Heart / Blue Flare
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [ZeigGreymon] / 3 from Lv.5 with the [Xros Heart] trait
• This card is also treated as [OmniShoutmon] or [ZeigGreymon] for DigiXros.
• Security A. +1
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's lowest DP Digimon.
• All Turns: When this Digimon would leave the battle area, you may place up to 4 Digimon cards with the [Xros Heart] or [Blue Flare] trait from its digivolution cards under 1 of your Tamers.
DigiXros Requirements:
• DigiXros -3: [OmniShoutmon] x [ZeigGreymon]
Siriusmon (シリウスモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Light Dragon / Hero
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [Gammamon] in text or with the [Hero] trait
• Security A. +1 Raid
• When Digivolving When Attacking: By placing 1 Digimon
card with [Gammamon] in its text or the [Hero] trait from your hand as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card, delete 1 of your opponent's lowest DP Digimon.
BT21-029 | 05
Medusamon (メデューサモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin / LIBERATOR
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.4
DP: 12000
• Security A. +1 Progress (While attacking, your opponent's effects don't affect this Digimon.)
• When Digivolving End of Attack Once Per Turn: You may delete 1 of your opponent's lowest DP Digimon.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When any of your opponent's Digimon are deleted or their security stack is removed from, they play 1 [Petrification] Token. (Digimon / White / 3000 DP / Your Turn: This Digimon can't suspend. / On Deletion: Trash your top security card.)
Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode (シャウトモンX7:スペリオルモード)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Composite / Xros Heart / Blue Flare / Hero
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 15
DP: 17000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 5 from Lv.6 with the [Hero] trait
• When this card would be played, by placing 1 of your [Shoutmon] under it, reduce the play cost by 1 and cards in your trash can also be placed for DigiXros.
• On Play When Digivolving: Trash the top 10 stacked cards of 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: You may return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards to the bottom of the deck.
DigiXros Requirements:
• DigiXros -1: ∞ Digimon cards with the [Xros Heart] or [Blue Flare] trait & different card numbers
Sangomon (サンゴモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mollusk / LIBERATOR
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• Your Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Mollusk] or [Aquatic] trait, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Aquatic] Type.
Inherited Effect:
• End of Attack Once Per Turn: Memory +1.
Veemon (ブイモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Free | Type: Mini Dragon / Hero
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [DemiVeemon] / Lv.2 with the [Hero] trait
• Your Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Armor Form] or [Hero] trait, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Floramon (フローラモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Vegetation/ WG
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 with the [WG] trait
• On Play: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [Avian] or [Bird] in any of its traits and 1 card with the [WG] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Inherited Effect:
• Jamming (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles against Security Digimon.)
Kiwimon (キウイモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Ancient Bird / WG
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv. 3 with the [WG] trait
• All Turns: When this Digimon suspends, Draw 1.
Inherited Effect:
• Jamming (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles
against Security Digimon.)
Flamedramon (フレイドラモン)
Form: Armor Form | Attribute: Free | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Veemon]
• Armor Purge
• When Digivolving: This Digimon gets +2000 DP until your opponent's turn ends.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon's attack target changes, this Digimon unsuspends.
Magnamon (マグナモン)
Form: Armor Form | Attribute: Free | Type: Holy Warrior / Royal Knight / Hero
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.3
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from [Veemon] / Lv.3 with the [Hero] trait
• Blocker Armor Purge
• When Digivolving: This Digimon unsuspends. Then, to 1 of your opponent's Digimon, give -2000 DP for the turn for each card with the [Armor Form] trait in your trash.
Lightdramon (ライドラモン)
Form: Armor Form | Attribute: Free | Type: Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Veemon]
• Piercing Armor Purge
• When Digivolving: Suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, this Digimon gets +2000 DP until your opponent's turn ends.
Deramon (デラモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Avian / WG
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with the [WG] trait
• Evade
• On Play When Digivolving: 1 of your Digimon with the [WG] trait may unsuspend.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon's attack target can't change.
Gryphomon (グリフォモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Mythical Beast / WG
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• DNA Digivolve: 0 from Blue/Yellow Lv.5 + Green/Red Lv.5
• Alliance
• When Digivolving: You may play 1 Lv.4 or lower Digimon card with the [WG] trait from your hand without paying the cost.
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: 1 of your other Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [WG] trait in the hand without paying the cost.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Avian] Trait.
Agumon (アグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dinosaur / Hero
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Koromon] / Lv.2 with the [Hero] trait
• Your Turn: While your opponent has a Lv.6 or higher Digimon or you have 3 or more Tamers with the [Hero] trait with different names, this Digimon may digivolve into [ShineGreymon] in the hand for a digivolution cost of 4, ignoring digivolution requirements.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Calendamon (カレンダモン)
Form: Stnd. / Appmon | Attribute: Tool | Type: Calendar
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 with the [Appmon] trait
• Security: At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +2000 DP
• Link: 1 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• Your Turn: All of your opponent's Security Digimon gets -3000 DP.
GeoGreymon (ジオグレイモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dinosaur
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with [Agumon] in name and [Dinosaur] trait
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When any of your [Marcus Damon]s are played, this Digimon may digivolve into a yellow Digimon card with [RizeGreymon] in its name in the hand without paying the cost.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Sociamon (ソーシャモン)
Form: Sup. / Appmon | Attribute: Social | Type: SNS
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3 | Stnd. Cost: 2
DP: 4000
• Security: At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost.
• On Play When Digivolving: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP until their turn ends.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +3000 DP
• Link: 2 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• When Linking: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP until their turn ends.
RizeGreymon (ライズグレイモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Cyborg
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from [GeoGreymon]
• On Play When Digivolving: For the turn, 1 of your [Marcus Damon] is also treated as a 3000 DP Digimon, can't digivolve, and gains Rush and Alliance. Then, 1 of your Digimon may attack.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When any of your yellow or red Tamers are deleted, you may place 1 [Marcus Damon] from your trash as the top security card.
Inherited Effect:
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When any of your yellow or red Tamers are deleted, you may place 1 [Marcus Damon] from your trash as the top security card.
ShineGreymon (シャイングレイモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Light Dragon /Hero
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [RizeGreymon] in name or with the [Hero] trait
• Raid
• When Digivolving When Attacking Once Per Turn: You may delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 9000 DP or less.
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: By suspending 1 of your yellow or red Tamers, this Digimon gains Security A. +1 and +3000 DP for the turn.
Dracomon (X Antibody) (ドラコモンX抗体)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Dragon / X Antibody
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Dracomon]
• Start of Your Main Phase When Digivolving: This Digimon may digivolve into [Coredramon] in the hand without paying the cost.
Inherited Effect:
• End of Your Turn: This Digimon and any of your other Digimon may DNA digivolve into a Digimon card in the hand.
Navimon (ナビモン)
Form: Stnd. / Appmon | Attribute: Navi | Type: Navi
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 with the [Appmon] trait
• On Play: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck Add 1 card with the [Appmon] trait and 1 card with the [App Driver] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +2000 DP
• Link: 1 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• Piercing (When this Digimon attacks and deletes your opponent's Digimon in battle, it checks security before the attack ends.)
Mushroomon (マッシュモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Vegetation / WG
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 with the [WG] trait
• On Play: You may suspend 1 Digimon.
Inherited Effect:
• Piercing (When this Digimon attacks and deletes your opponent's Digimon in battles, it checks security before the attacks ends.)
Woodmon (ウッドモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Vegetation / WG
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with the [WG] trait
• On Play When Digivolving: You may suspend 1 Digimon.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When any of your opponent's Digimon are played, if this Digimon is suspended, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Inherited Effect:
• Piercing (When this Digimon attacks and deletes your opponent's Digimon in battle, it checks security before the attack ends.)
Cherrymon (ジュレイモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Vegetation / WG
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with the [WG] trait
• On Play When Digivolving: You may suspend 1 Digimon.
• Opponent's Turn Once Per Turn: When 1 of your opponent's Digimon attacks, if this Digimon is suspended, you may change the attack target to 1 of your Digimon with the [WG] trait.
Inherited Effect:
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When any of your [WG] trait Digimon are played, you may suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Puppetmon ACE (ピノッキモンACE)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Puppet / WG
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with the [WG] trait
• Hand Counter: Blast Digivolve (Your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.)
• Reboot Blocker
• On Play When Digivolving: De-Digivolve 2 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, return 1 of their suspended Digimon to the bottom of the deck.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Vegetation] Type.
• Overflow [-4] (When this card is sent from battle area or under your card to another area, Memory -4.)
Examon (X Antibody) (エグザモンX抗体)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Holy Warrior / X Antibody / Royal Knight
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 16 | Digivolve Cost: 6 from Lv.6
DP: 16000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Examon]
• Piercing Blocker Evade
• When Digivolving: Suspend all of your opponent's Digimon and Tamers. Then, delete 1 of their suspended Digimon or Tamers.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When this Digimon suspend, it unsuspend. Then, if [Examon] or [X Antibody] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, trash your opponent's top security card.
Watchmon (ウォッチモン)
Form: Stnd. / Appmon | Attribute: Tool | Type: Clock
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 with the [Appmon] trait
• On Play: Until your opponent's turn ends, 1 of their Digimon can't attack players.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +2000 DP
• Link: 1 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• When Linking: Until your opponent's turn ends, 1 of their Digimon can't attack players.
BT21-054 | 05 - A Black Digimon
Sunarizamon (スナリザモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Reptile / LIBERATOR
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• Your Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with the [Mineral] or [Rock] trait, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Mineral] Type.
Inherited Effect:
• When effects trash this card from the digivolution cards of a Digimon with the [Mineral] or [Rock] trait, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with play cost of 4 or less.
Vemmon (ベムモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unknown / LIBERATOR
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: By trashing 1 card with [Vemmon] in its text from your hand, you may return 1 non-Digi-Egg card with [Vemmon] in its text from your trash to the hand.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a Digimon card with [Vemmon] in its text, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Greymon (グレイモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dinosaur / ADVENTURE
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with [Agumon] in name or with the [ADVENTURE] trait
• On Play When Digivolving: If you have [Tai Kamiya] or a Tamer with the [ADVENTURE] trait, give 1 of your opponent's Digimon "Start of Your Main Phase: This Digimon attacks." until their turn ends.
Inherited Effect:
• Reboot (This Digimon also unsuspends in your opponent's unsuspend phase.)
Snatchmon (スナッチモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unknown / LIBERATOR
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
• On Play When Digivolving: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with [Vemmon] in its text among them to the hand. Trash the rest. Then, you may place up to 2 [Vemmon] from your trash as 1 of your Digimon's bottom digivolution cards.
Inherited Effect:
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When any [Vemmon] are returned to the bottom of the deck from this Digimon's digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with a play cost of 4 or less.
Timemon (タイムモン)
Form: Sup. / Appmon | Attribute: Tool | Type: Time Slip
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3 | Stnd. Cost: 2
DP: 5000
App Fusion:
• App Fusion: 0 from [Watchmon] & [Calendamon]
(If 2 such cards are linked together, stack the link card on top and digivolve.)
• Blocker
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon gets linked, De-Digivolve 1 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +3000 DP
• Link: 2 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• When Linking: De-Digivolve 1 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Destromon (デストロモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unknown / LIBERATOR
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 10 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.4
DP: 10000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 6 from [Vemmon]
• When Digivolving: Until your opponent's turn ends, their effects can't trash this Digimon's stacked cards. Then, to 1 of your opponents Digimon, De-Digivolve 1 for every 2 [Vemmon] in this Digimon's digivolution cards.
• All Turns: When this Digimon would leave the battle area, you may play 1 [Vemmon] from its digivolution cards without paying the cost.
Inherited Effect:
• Opponent's Turn Once Per Turn: When 1 of your opponent's Digimon attacks, by returning 2 [Vemmon] from this Digimon's digivolution cards to the bottom of the deck, end that attack.
MetalGreymon (メタルグレイモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Cyborg / ADVENTURE
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with [Greymon] in name or with the [ADVENTURE] trait
• On Play When Digivolving: To 1 of your opponent's Digimon, De-Digivolve 1 for every 2 of your Tamers' colors.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When your other Digimon are e played or digivolve, if any of them have the [ADVENTURE] trait, 1 of your Digimon gains Alliance for the turn. Then, 1 of your Digimon may attack.
Inherited Effect:
• Alliance (When this Digimon attacks, by suspending 1 of your other Digimon, this Digimon gains Security A. + 1 and the suspended Digimon's DP for the attack.)
Galacticmon (ラグナモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unknown / LIBERATOR
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 14 | Digivolve Cost: 6 from Lv.5
DP: 14000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 9 from [Snatchmon]
• When Digivolving: By placing 4 cards with [Vemmon] in their texts from your trash as this Digimon's bottom digivolution cards, you may use 1 [Ragnarok Cannon] from your hand or trash without paying the cost.
• Start of Your Main Phase: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
• All Turns: When this Digimon would leave the battle area, by returning 4 [Vemmon] from its digivolution cards to the bottom of the deck, it doesn't leave.
Gumdramon (ガムドラモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Mini Dragon / Hero
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 with Save in text or with the [Hero] trait
• On Play: By trashing 1 card with Save in its text or the [Hero] trait from your hand, Draw 2.
• On Deletion: Save
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Guilmon (ギルモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Reptile / Hero
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Gigimon] / Lv.2 with the [Hero] trait
• On Play: By trashing 1 card with [Guilmon], [Growlmon],
[Gallantmon] or [Megidramon] in its name or the [Hero] trait from your hand, Draw 2.
Inherited Effect:
• On Deletion: Memory +1.
BT21-065 | 05 - A Purple Digimon
Arresterdramon (アレスタードラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragon / Hero
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with Save in text or with the [Hero] trait
• On Play When Digivolving: You may play 1 Tamer card with the [Hunter] or [Hero] trait from your hand without paying the cost.
• On Deletion: You may place 1 Digimon card with Save in its text or the [Hero] trait from your hand or trash under any of your Tamers. Then, Save.
DigiXros Requirements:
• DigiXros -2: 1 Digimon card with Save in text
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Garurumon (ガルルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beast / ADVENTURE
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with [Gabumon] in name or with the [ADVENTURE] trait
• Security: At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost.
• On Play When Digivolving: You may return 1 Digimon card with the [ADVENTURE] trait from your trash to the hand.
Inherited Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: Draw 1 and trash 1 card in your hand.
Growlmon (グラウモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dark Dragon
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with [Guilmon] in name
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 4000 DP or less. If this effect didn't delete, trash the top 2 cards of your deck.
Inherited Effect:
• On Deletion: Memory +1.
GulusGammamon (グルスガンマモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Gammamon]
• Security: At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost.
• On Play When Digivolving: By placing 1 Digimon card with [Gammamon] in its name from your hand or trash as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card, delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.4 or lower Digimon.
Inherited Effect:
• Retaliation (When only this Digimon is deleted in battle, delete the Digimon it battled.)
Gossipmon (ゴシップモン)
Form: Sup. / Appmon | Attribute: Social | Type: Gossip
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3 | Stnd. Cost: 2
DP: 4000
• Security: At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost.
• On Play When Digivolving: You may return 1 Digimon card with the [Appmon] trait from your trash to the hand.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +3000 DP
• Link: 2 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• When Linking: You may return 1 Digimon card with the [Appmon] trait from your trash to the hand.
Scopemon (スコープモン)
Form: Sup. / Appmon | Attribute: Tool | Type: Monitoring
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3 | Stnd. Cost: 2
DP: 4000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with [Three Musketeers] in text
• On Play When Digivolving: By placing 1 card with the [Appmon] or [Three Musketeers] trait from your hand or trash as 1 of your Digimon's bottom digivolution card, Memory +1.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +3000 DP
• Link: 2 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• When Linking: Draw 2 and trash 2 cards in your hand.
Arresterdramon: Superior Mode (アレスタードラモン:スペリオルモード)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragon / Hero
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 9 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 10000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with Save in text or with the [Hero] trait
• Raid Piercing
• When Digivolving: This Digimon may attack without suspending.
• All Turns: This Digimon gets +1000 DP for each of its digivolution cards.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Charismon (カリスモン)
Form: Ult. / Appmon | Attribute: Social | Type: Mind Control
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4 | Stnd. Cost: 4
DP: 8000
App Fusion:
• App Fusion: 0 from [Socialmon] & [Gossipmon]
(If 2 such cards are linked together, stack the link card on top and digivolve.)
• Blocker
• On Play When Digivolving: You may link 1 Lv.4 or lower Digimon card from your trash or this Digimon's digivolution cards to this Digimon without paying the cost.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon gets linked, give 1 of your opponent's Digimon "Start of Your Main Phase: This Digimon attacks." until their turn ends.
Link Effect:
• Link Bonus: +4000 DP
• Link: 3 from [Appmon] trait
(Plug this card from the hand or battle area sideways into the specified Digimon in the battle area.)
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When this Digimon would leave the battle area, by trashing 1 of this Digimon's link cards, it doesn't leave.
BT21-074 | 05 - A Purple Digimon
BT21-075 | 05 - A Purple Digimon
WarGrowlmon (メガログラウモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with [Growlmon] in name
• On Play When Digivolving: Trash the top 2 cards of your deck. Then, this Digimon gains Raid and Retaliation until your opponent's turn ends.
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: This Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with [Megidramon] or [ChaosGallantmon] in its name in the hand. For every 10 total cards in both players' trashes, reduce this effect's digivolution cost by 1.
Inherited Effect:
• On Deletion: Trash your opponent's top security card.
BT21-077 | 05 - A Purple Digimon
WereGarurumon (ワーガルルモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beastkin / ADVENTURE
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with [Garurumon] in name or with the [ADVENTURE] trait
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.4 or lower Digimon. If your Tamers have 2 or more total colors, add 1 to this effect's Lv. maximum.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When your other Digimon are
played or digivolve, if any of them have the [ADVENTURE] trait, 1 of your Digimon gains Alliance for the turn. Then, 1 of your Digimon may attack.
Inherited Effect:
• Alliance (When this Digimon attacks, by suspending 1 of your other Digimon, this Digimon gains Security A. +1 and the suspended Digimon's DP for the attack.)
Megidramon (メギドラモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Evil Dragon / Four Great Dragons
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.5
DP: 13000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 4 from Lv.5 with [Growlmon] in name
• Security A. +1
• End of Attack Once Per Turn: Delete all Digimon.
• On Deletion: You may play 1 play cost 3 or lower Digimon card with [Guilmon] or [Growlmon] in its name from your trash without paying the cost. For every 10 total cards in both players' trashes, add 2 to this effect's play cost maximum.
• [Rule] Name: Also treated as [ChaosGallantmon].
BT21-080 | 05
BT21-081 | 05
Takuya Kanbara (神原拓也)
Play Cost: 3
Type: Hero
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
• Start of Your Main Phase: 1 of your Digimon or Tamers may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Hybrid] or [Hero] trait in the hand. For each of your red Tamers with different names, reduce this effect's digivolution cost by 1.
Inherited Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When your opponent's security stack is removed from, you may play 1 red Tamer card from your hand without paying the cost.
Taiki Kudo (工藤タイキ)
Play Cost: 4
Type: General / Xros Heart / Hero
• Start of Your Main Phase: By placing 1 Digimon card with the [Xros Heart], [Blue Flare] or [Hero] trait from your hand under this Tamer, Draw 1 and Memory +1.
• Your Turn: When your Digimon are played or digivolve, if any of them have the [Xros Heart] or [Hero] trait, by suspending this Tamer, one of them may attack.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Haru Shinkai (新海ハル)
Play Cost: 4
Type: App Driver / Appmon / Hero
• Start of Your Turn: If you have 2 or less memory, set it to 3.
• Your Turn: When your Digimon get linked, by suspending this Tamer, Draw 1. Then, 1 of your Digimon may app fuse into a Digimon card in the hand.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Davis Motomiya (本宮大輔)
Type: Hero
• Start of Your Main Phase: If your opponent has a Digimon, Memory +1.
• Main: By suspending this Tamer and trashing the top stacked card of 1 of your Digimon with the [Armor Form] trait Digimon, Draw 1 and Memory +1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Marcus Damon (大門大)
Play Cost: 4
Type: Hero
• Start of Your Main Phase: If your opponent has a Digimon, Memory +1.
• On Play: 1 of your [Marcus Damon] may suspend.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When this tamer suspends, 1 of your Digimon gains Piercing and +3000 DP for the turn. Then, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Zenith (ゼニス)
Play Cost: 4
• Start of Your Turn: If you have 2 or less memory, set it to 3.
• On Play: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Among them, play 1 [Vemmon] without paying the cost or add 1 card with [Vemmon] in its text to the hand. Trash the rest.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Tagiru Akashi (明石タギル)
Play Cost: 4
Type: Hunter / Hero
• Start of Your Main Phase: By placing 1 Digimon card with Save its text or the [Hero] trait from your hand under this Tamer, Draw 1 and Memory +1.
• Your Turn: When any of your Digimon would digivolve into a Digimon card with Save in its text or the [Hero] trait, by suspending this Tamer and placing 1 card from under your Tamers as any of their bottom digivolution card, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Takato Matsuki (グラウモン)
Play Cost: 3
Type: Hero
• Start of Your Main Phase: If your opponent has a Digimon, Memory +1.
• All Turns: When any of your Digimon are played or digivolve, by suspending this tamer, until your opponent's turn ends, 1 of your Digimon with [Guilmon], [Growlmon], [Gallantmon] or [Megidramon] in its name or the [Hero] trait gains Blocker and, if there are 10 or more total cards in both players' trashes, gets +2000 DP.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
The Strongest of Brothers (最強の兄弟)
Use Cost: 3
• When you have a Digimon or Tamer with [Gammamon] in its text on the field, you can ignore this card's color requirements.
• Main: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with [Gammamon] in its text among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. Then, place this card in the battle area.
• All Turns: When effects place digivolution cards under your Digimon, Delay.
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with [Gammamon] in its text in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play 1 card with [Gammamon] in its text and a play cost of 4 or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, place this card in the battle area.
Spirit Evolution! (スピリットエボリューション!)
Use Cost: 3
Type: Ten Warriors
• While you have a Tamer with inherited effects, you can ignore this card's color requirements.
• Main: By trashing 1 card with the [Hybrid] trait from your hand, Draw 2. Then, place this card in the battle area.
• All Turns: When any of your Tamers with inherited effects are played, Delay.
— 1 of your Tamers may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Hybrid] trait in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play 1 Tamer card with inherited effects from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, add this card to the hand.
Can't Turn My Back! (放っとけない!)
Use Cost: 2
Type: Xros Heart
• While you have a Digimon with the [Xros Heart] trait, you can ignore this card's color requirements.
• Main: Place all Digimon cards in 1 of your [Xros Heart] trait Digimon's digivolution cards under 1 of your Tamers. Then, you may play 1 Digimon card with the [Xros Heart] trait from your hand with the play cost reduced by 1 for each card this effect placed.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play 1 [Xros Heart] trait card with a play cost of 5 or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost.
BT21-093 | 05
Armor Digivolution (アーマー進化)
Use Cost: 3
• Main: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with [Davis Motomiya] in its name and 1 card with the [Free] trait among them to the hand. Trash the rest. Then, place this card in the battle area.
• All Turns: When the top stacked card of any your Digimon with the [Armor Form] trait is trashed, Delay.
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Armor Form] trait in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effects.
Wind Guardians (ウィンドガーディアンズ)
Use Cost: 2
Type: WG
• While you have no face-up security cards, you can ignore this card's color requirements.
• Security Your Turn: All of your Digimon with the [WG] trait gain Vortex.
• Main: Add your bottom security card to the hand. Then, place this card face up as the bottom security card.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play 1 Lv.5 or lower Digimon card with the [WG] trait from your hand without paying the cost.
The Champion Ultimate Fighter! (日本一のケンカ番長!)
Use Cost: 4
• Main: For the turn, 1 of your [Marcus Damon]s is also treated as a 12000 DP Digimon, can't digivolve and gains Rush. Then, that Digimon may attack your opponent's Digimon. Your opponent's unsuspended Digimon can also be attacked with this effect.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play 1 [Marcus Damon] from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, add this card to the hand.
App Link (アプリンク)
Use Cost: 3
Type: Appmon
• While you have a Digimon or Tamer with the [Appmon] trait on the field, you can ignore this card's color requirements.
• Main: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [Appmon] or [App Driver] trait among them to the hand. Trash the rest. Then, place this card in the battle area.
• End of Your Turn: Delay.
— You may link 1 card from your hand with 1 of your Digimon without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Place this card in the battle area.
Ragnarok Cannon (ラグナロク・キャノン)
Use Cost: 6
• Main: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest
play cost. Then, place this card in the battle area.
• Your Turn: When 1 of your [Galacticmon] attacks, Delay.
— Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest play cost. If this effect didn't delete, trash the top cards of your opponent's security stack so that it has 1 card left.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play 1 card with [Vemmon] in its text and a play cost of 6 or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, add this card to the hand.
Xros Up (クロスアップ)
Use Coat: 1
Type: Hunter
• Main: You may place 1 Digimon card with Save in its text from your hand or trash under any of your Tamers. Then, 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with Save in its text in the trash.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play 1 card with Save in its text and a play cost of 5 or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, add this card to the hand.
The Digimon I Designed (僕の考えたデジモン)
Use Cost: 2
• While you have [Takato Matsuki], you can ignore this card's color requirements.
• Main: Draw 1 and trash 1 card in your hand. Then, place this card in the battle area.
• Your Turn: When effects delete Digimon, Delay.
— 1 of your Digimon with [Guilmon] or [Growlmon] in its name may digivolve into a Digimon card with [Growlmon], [Gallantmon] or [Megidramon] in its name in the trash without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Memory +1. Then, place this card in the battle area.
Gaiamon (ガイアモン)
Form: God / Appmon | Attribute: God | Type: Creation
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.5 | Stnd. Cost: 5
DP: 13000
App Fusion:
• App Fusion: 0 from [Globemon] & [Charismon]
(If 2 such cards are linked together, stack the link card on top and digivolve.)
• Blocker Link +1 (Add 1 to this Digimon's maximum links.)
• When Digivolving When Attacking: You may link 1 Digimon card with the [Appmon] trait from your hand or this Digimon's digivolution cards to 1 of your Digimon without paying the cost.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When your Digimon get linked, by unsuspending this Digimon, trash your opponent's top security card.
Tai Kamiya (八神太一)
Play Cost: 4
• Start of Your Turn: If you have 2 or less memory, set it to 3.
• Your Turn: When 1 of your Digimon attacks, by suspending this Tamer, Draw 1.
• Main Once Per Turn: You may play 1 card with the [ADVENTURE] or [Hero] trait with a play cost of 2 or less from your hand without paying the cost. For each of your Tamers' colors, add 1 to this effect's play cost maximum. Then, return this Tamer to the bottom of the deck.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.