Irregular List
(As of 5th September 2020 for Japanese Format)
On 1st September 2020, it was announced for the Japanese version of Future Card Buddyfight that the following restriction on cards will take place.
Cards in the Irregular List are cards that have proven themselves to be stronger than expectations, and will have limitations in tournaments.
(i) All Flags
A: Off-Limits! List
- Cards that are “Off-Limits!” cannot be used in your Main Deck, or Side Deck regardless what Flag that you are using.
CHAOS Death Tallica (C・デスタリカ)
Obstruct (オプストラクト)
Black Sage, Bem (黒き答弁者 ビム)
Crystal Dragon, Adamanquatz (クリスタルドラゴン アダマンクォーツ)
Dragon Lord Initiation, Giga Howling Crusher!! (竜王直伝 ギガハウリング・クラッシャー!!) [NEW]
Overturn Black Death Dragon, Abygale (逆天の黒死竜 アビゲール) [NEW]
Actor Knights the World (アクターナイツ・ザ・ワールド) [NEW]
B: 1-Limit List
- You can only have 1 copy maximum of a “1-Limit” card in your Main Deck, and Side Deck combined regardless what Flag that you are using.
Gambit (ギャンビット)
(ii) Darkness Flags
A: Off-Limits! List
- Cards that are “Off-Limits!” cannot be used in your Main Deck, or Side Deck regardless what Flag that you are using.
Abygale, "Unlimited Death Drain!" (アビゲール “アンリミテッド・デスドレイン !”) [NEW]
Abygale, "Armed Howl Bringer" (アビゲール “鎧装器 ハウルブリンガー”) [NEW]
(iii) Star Dragon World Flags
A: Off-Limits! List
- Cards that are “Off-Limits!” cannot be used in your Main Deck, or Side Deck regardless what Flag that you are using.
Fantastic Final Counter Shoot!! (ファンタジック・ファイナル・カウンターシュート!!) [NEW]
(iv) CHAO Flag
A: Off-Limits! List
- Cards that are “Off-Limits!” cannot be used in your Main Deck, or Side Deck when you are using the CHAOS Flag.
Ladis the CHAOS (ラディス・ザ・C)
B: 1-Limit List
- You can only have 1 copy maximum of a “1-Limit” card in your Main Deck, and Side Deck combined when you are using the CHAOS Flag.
Machining Sacrifice (マシニング・サクリファイス)
Genome Upgrader, Geargod ver.1000 (超進化増進機 ギアゴッド ver.1ØØØ)
Full Mechrystal Dragon, Zindo Beta (全機晶竜 ジン・ド・ベータ)
(v) Thunder Emperor’s Fang
A: Remove from Irregular List
- You can now have up to 4 copies of the card in your Main Deck, and Side Deck combined when you are using the Thunder Emperor’s Fang Flag.
The Fighters' Oath (戦士たちの誓い) [NEW]
B: 1-Limit List
- You can only have 1 copy maximum of a “1-Limit” card in your Main Deck, and Side Deck combined when you are using the Thunder Emperor’s Fang Flag.
Loud Voice (ラウドヴォイス)
(vi) Katana World
A: 1-Limit List
- You can only have 1 copy maximum of a “1-Limit” card in your Main Deck, and Side Deck combined when you are using the Katana Flag.
Demon Way, Sakurafubuki (鬼道 桜吹雪)
(vii) Detective Conan
- Errata'd of the card effects.
Original Abilities:
- 【Act】 Choose a character on your field, and reveal this hand card. If you do, put this card face down into the chosen character's soul.
- When this card enters the field, put the top card of your deck into your gauge, and you gain 1 life. Then, if it entered by a card effect, drop 1 of your opponent's gauge, and deal 1 damage to your opponent!
Errata'd Abilities [NEW!]:
- You can only call "Informant, Bourbon" once per turn.
- 【Act】 Choose a character on your field, and reveal this hand card. If you do, put this card face down into the chosen character's soul.
- When this card enters the field, put the top card of your deck into your gauge, and you gain 1 life. Then, if it entered by a card effect, drop 1 of your opponent's gauge, and deal 1 damage to your opponent!
Painful Strike (痛恨の一撃)
Original Abilities:
- Declare a card type, and look at your opponent's hand. If there is a card of the declared card type among them, draw two cards. If not, your opponent draws two cards. You may only cast "Painful Strike" once per turn. (You can choose Character, Event, Item, Special, Flag, and Special Character for card types.)
Errata'd Abilities [NEW!]:
- You may only cast this card if your opponent has three or less cards in hand.
- Declare a card type, and look at your opponent's hand. If there is a card of the declared card type among them, draw two cards. If not, your opponent draws two cards. You may only cast "Painful Strike" once per turn. (You can choose Character, Event, Item, Special, Flag, and Special Character for card types.)