Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Play! Points (P!P):
Player Rewards System
- Update has just updated their Player Rewards page outlining a new annual system for their rewards program. Many Pokemon players have been wondering what happened to Player Rewards, as TPCi has not mailed out any in quite a long time.
What can I earn?

Player Rewards are determined by the number of Play! Points earned in a year. For 2012:

5 or more Play! Points
All eligible players with at least 5 Play! Points will also receive a pack of Promotional Energy cards.

15 or more Play! Points
All eligible players with at least 15 Play! Points will also receive a pack of 3 great Promo Cards. There will be 4 copies of each promo card in the pack.

Top 100 Play! Point totals per age division
The eligible players with the top 100 Play! Point totals in each age division will also receive a pack of Play! Pokémon sleeves and 2 copies of a highly sought after Pokémon Trainer card.

Player of the Year
The eligible player with the highest Play! Point total in each age division will also receive Pokémon product for a full year. This will consist of two displays of each set released in 2013.
Rewards are subject to change at Play! Pokémon discretion and without prior notice.