Agumon (アグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
• On Play: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less.
Promotion Pack Ver 0.0
Biyomon (ピヨモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Bird
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: When this Digimon deletes one of your opponent's Digimon in battle and survives, Draw 1 (Draw 1 card from your deck.)
Promotion Pack Ver 0.0
Gabumon (ガブモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
• On Play: Trash the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Promotion Pack Ver 0.0
Gomamon (ゴマモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Sea Beast
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When you trash a digivolution card of 1 of your opponent's Digimon, Memory +1.
Promotion Pack Ver 0.0
Patamon (パタモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mammal
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have 1 or fewer security cards, Recovery +1 (Deck) (Place the top card of your deck on top of your security stack.)
Promotion Pack Ver 0.0
Gatomon (テイルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Evolution Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While you have 3 or more security cards, this Digimon gets +1000 DP.
Promotion Pack Ver 0.0
Garurumon (ガルルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: If this Digimon's name contains [Garurumon], Draw 1 (Draw 1 card from your deck).
V-Jump May 2020 Special Issue
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beastkin
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 6000
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: If there is a [Garurumon] under this Digimon's digivolution, unsuspense this Digimon.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: As long as you have 8 or more cards in your hand, this Digimon gains Security Attack +1 (The number of cards this Digimon Checks when attacking Security increases by 1.)
V-Jump May 2020 Special Issue / Championship 2023 Area 2nd Elimination Round
Agumon (アグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: As long as this Digimon's name contains [Greymon], this Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Saikyo Jump May 2020 Issue
Greymon (グレイモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dinosaur
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• Your Turn: As long as there is an [Agumon] under this Digimon's digivolution, this Digimon gains Security Attack +1 (The number of cards this Digimon Checks when attacking Security increases by 1).
Saikyo Jump May 2020 Issue
Veedramon Zero (ブイドラモン ゼロ)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Mythical Dragon
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• When Attacking: If you have a blue Tamer in play, trash the top 3 cards of your deck; if you do, this Digimon gets +2000 DP for the turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: You may choose 3 non-Digi-Egg cards from your Trash and place them at the bottom of your deck in any order; if you do, Draw 1 (Draw 1 card from your deck).
V-Jump July 2020 Issue
Taichi Yagami (Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01) (八神太一(デジモンアドベンチャー Vテイマー01))
Play Cost: 2
• Main: If you have a Digimon whose name contains [Veedramon] in play, you may Rest this Tamer and activate 1 of the following effects:
- Draw 1 (Draw 1 card from your deck).
- Choose 1 of your Digimon; that Digimon gets +1000 DP for the rest of this turn.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
V-Jump July 2020 issue
P-013 - P-020
Keramon (ケラモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Digivolve Effect:
• Opponent's Turn: This Digimon gets +1000 DP.
Promotion Pack
Kurisarimon (クリサリモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
• When Attacking: Memory -2.
Promotion Pack
Infermon (インフェルモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• On Play: De-Digivolve 1 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. (Trash a card from the top of one of your opponent's Digimon. If it has no digivolution cards, or becomes a Lv.3 Digimon, you can't trash any more cards.)
Promotion Pack
Diaboromon (ディアボロモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Your Turn: For each [Diaboromon] you have in play, this Digimon gains Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
Promotion Pack / Championship 2023 Area 2nd Elimination Round
DemiDevimon (ピコデビモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Evil
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Trash the top 2 cards of your deck.
Promotion Pack
Devimon (デビモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Fallen Angel
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 3000
• On Play: Delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.3 Digimon.
Promotion Pack
Myotismon (ヴァンデモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Undead
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Digivolve Effect:
• Retaliation (When this Digimon is deleted after losing a battle, delete the Digimon it was battling.)
Promotion Pack
VenomMyotismon (ヴェノムヴァンデモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dark Animal
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• On Deletion: You may play a purple Digimon Card with a Lv. of 4 or less from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any On Play effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
Promotion Pack / Tamer's Selection Box Evolution Cup 2022 (Omegamon)
A New World (新たな世界)
Play Cost: 0
• Main: If you have [Mimi Tachikawa] in play, you may play a [Palmon] from your hand without paying its memory cost to return 1 of your [Mimi Tachikawa] cards to its owner's hand.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to your hand.
October 2020 Tamer Gathering Participation Prize
DNA Digivolution - Hearts United (ジョグレス進化 今、心をひとつに)
Play Cost: 0
• Main: If you have [Davis Motomiya] and [Ken Ichijoji] in play, you may place 1 [ExVeemon] and 1 [Stingmon] from your hand at the bottom of your deck in any order to play 1 [Paildramon] from your hand without paying its memory cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to your hand.
October 2020 Tamer Gathering Participation Prize
Patamon's Confession (パタモンの告白)
Play Cost: 0
• Main: If you have [T.K. Takaishi] in play, place 1 of your [Patamon] at the bottom of your security stack face down. Trash that Digimon's digivolution cards.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to your hand.
October 2020 Tamer Gathering Participation Prize
Tai's Growing Up! (太一、おっきくなったね)
Play Cost: 0
• Main: If you have [Tai Kamiya] in play, you may place 1 of your [Agumon] cards at the bottom of its owner's deck to Draw 3. (Draw 3 cards from your deck.). Trash that Digimon's digivolution cards.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to your hand.
October 2020 Tamer Gathering Participation Prize
P-025 - P-027
GranKuwagamon (グランクワガーモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Free | Type: Insectoid
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Main Digi-Burst 2 (Trash 2 of this Digimon's digivolution cards to activate the effect below.)
- 1 of your Digimon gains Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card) for the turn.
Start Deck Purchase Campaign / Tamer's Selection Box DC-1 Grand Prix 2022 (Chaosdramon)
BlackWar Greymon (ブラックウォーグレイモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Main Digi-Burst 2 (Trash 2 of this Digimon's digivolution cards to activate the effect below.)
- Unsuspend this Digimon.
Start Deck Purchase Campaign / Tamer's Selection Box DC-1 Grand Prix 2022 (Chaosdramon)
MetalGarurumon (メタルガルルモン)
Lv: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Main Digi-Burst 2 (Trash 2 of this Digimon's digivolution cards to activate the effect below.)
- Use a purple Option card with a memory cost of 7 or less in your hand without paying its memory cost.
Start Deck Purchase Campaign / Tamer's Selection Box DC-1 Grand Prix 2022 (Chaosdramon)
Pulsemon (パルスモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Traits: Beastkin
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have 3 or more security cards, Draw 1 (Draw 1 card from your deck). If you have 3 or fewer security cards, Memory +1.
Vital Bracelet Early Purchase Bonus / April 2021 Tamer Gathering Participation Prize (Parallel)
P-029 - P-034
Agnimon (アグニモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Wizard
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• When Attacking: This Digimon can digivolve into an [AncientGreymon] in your hand for a memory cost of 2, ignoring its digivolution requirements. If it does, delete this Digimon at the end of the turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: When digivolving one of your Digimon into an [AncientGreymon] in your hand, reduce its digivolution cost by 2.
1st Anniversary Commemoration Promotion Pack
Lobomon (ヴォルフモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Warrior
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• When Digivolving: This Digimon can digivolve into an [AncientGarurumon] in your hand for a memory cost of 1, ignoring its digivolution requirements. If it does, delete this Digimon at the end of the turn.
Digivolve Effects:
• Your Turn: When digivolving one of your Digimon into an [AncientGarurumon] in your hand, reduce its digivolution cost by 2.
1st Anniversary Commemoration Promotion Pack
Gatomon (テイルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• Opponent's Turn: While you have a purple Digimon in play, this Digimon gains Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
• On Play: If you have 3 or fewer security cards, trigger Recovery +1 (Deck) (Place the top card of your deck on top of your security stack.)
1st Anniversary Commemoration Promotion Pack
Palmon (パルモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Vegetation
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: When this card is trashed due to activating this Digimon's Digi-Burst, 1 of your Digimon gains Jamming (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles against Security Digimon) for the turn.
1st Anniversary Commemoration Promotion Pack
Sunarizamon (スナリザモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Traits: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Your Turn: All of your black Digimon with 13000 DP or more gain Piercing (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle, it performs any security checks it normally would.)
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon is black and has 13000 DP or more, this Digimon gains Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
1st Anniversary Commemoration Promotion Pack
DemiDevimon (ピコデビモン)
Form: rookie | Attribute: Virus | Traits: Evil
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: If you have 7 or more Digimon cards with [Devimon] in their names in your trash, you may play 1 [DanDevimon] from your trash without paying its memory cost.
1st Anniversary Commemoration Promotion Pack
Red Memory Boost!! (レッド・メモリーブースト!!)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 red Digimon card among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area.
• Main: Delay (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
- Memory +2.
1st Anniversary Commemoration SR Campaign / Memorial Collection 03
Blue Memory Boost!! (ブルー・メモリーブースト!!)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 blue Digimon card among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area.
• Main: Delay (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
- Memory +2.
1st Anniversary Commemoration SR Campaign / Memorial Collection 03
Yellow Memory Boost!! (イェロー・メモリーブースト!!)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 yellow Digimon card among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area.
• Main: Delay (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
- Memory +2.
1st Anniversary Commemoration SR Campaign / Memorial Collection 03 / Starter Deck Fable Waltz (ST19)'s Bonus Card
Green Memory Boost!! (グリーン・メモリーブースト!!)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 green Digimon card among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area.
• Main: Delay (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
- Memory +2.
1st Anniversary Commemoration SR Campaign / Memorial Collection 03 / Starter Deck Guardian Vortex (ST18)'s Bonus Card
Black Memory Boost!! (ブラック・メモリーブースト!!)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 black Digimon card among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area.
• Main: Delay (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
- Memory +2.
1st Anniversary Commemoration SR Campaign / Memorial Collection 03
Purple Memory Boost!! (ヴァイオレット・メモリーブースト!!)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 purple Digimon card among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area.
• Main: Delay (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
- Memory +2.
1st Anniversary Commemoration SR Campaign / Memorial Collection 03
Guilmon (ギルモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• When Attacking: Trigger Draw 1. (Draw 1 card from your deck.)
Special Promotion Pack 2022 / DC-1 Grand Prix 2022
Gabumon (ガブモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Add 1 Tamer card among them to your hand. Place the cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Special Promotion Pack 2022
Kudamon (クダモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Beast
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: You may return 1 [Kentaurosmon] from your trash to the bottom of your deck to Recovery +1 (Deck). (Place the top card of your deck on top of your security stack.)
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -1000 DP for the turn.
Special Promotion Pack 2022
HerculesKabuterimon (ヘラクルカブテリモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Insectoid
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Dgivolving: Suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon, or 2 of your opponent's Digimon with 5000 DP or less.
Special Promotion Pack 2022
Kurisarimon (クリサリモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unknown
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns: All of your other Digimon with the same name as this Digimon gain Decoy (Black/White). (When one of your other black or white Digimon would be deleted by an opponent's effect, you may delete this Digimon to prevent that deletion.)
Special Promotion Pack 2022
Wizardmon (ウィザーモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Wizard
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When you use an option card, Memory +1.
Special Promotion Pack 2022
AeroVeedramon Zero (エアロブイドラモン ゼロ)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Dragon
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• When Digivolving: Delete 3 cards from the top of your deck. Then, if you have a Tamer, this Digimon gets DP +3000 for the rest of turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: Return 3 non-Digi-Egg cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck, this Digimon gets DP +2000 for the rest of turn.
Digimon Card Game 1st Anniversary CARD CATALOG
UlforceVeedramon Zero (アルフォースブイドラモン ゼロ)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Warrior
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
• When Digivolving: Return 3 non-Digi-Egg cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck, unsuspend this Digimon and 1 of your Tamer.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When you return a card from trash back to deck, Memory +1.
Digimon Card Game 1st Anniversary CARD CATALOG
Phoenixmon (ホウオウモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Beast
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, this Digimon gains Security Attack +1 for the turn. (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon is blocked, trash the top card of your opponent's security stack.
Next Adventure (BT7)
WarGreymon (ウォーグレイモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 13000 DP or more.
• When Attacking: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 4000 DP or less.
Next Adventure (BT7)
MetalGarurumon (メタルガルルモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, Draw 2. (Draw 2 cards from your deck.)
• Opponent's Turn: This Digimon can't be attacked.
Next Adventure (BT7)
Vikemon (ヴァイクモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Free | Type: Beastkin
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, up to 3 of your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards can't attack until the end of your opponent's next turn.
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: Return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards to its owner's hand.
Next Adventure (BT7)
Ophanimon (オファニモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Throne / Three Great Angels
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -5000 DP for the turn.
• When Attacking: 1 of your opponent's Digimon and all of your opponent's Security Digimon get -2000 DP for the turn.
Next Adventure (BT7)
Seraphimon (セラフィモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Seraph / Three Great Angels
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, Recovery +1 (Deck). (Place the top card of your deck on top of your security stack.)
• On Deletion: Recovery +1 (Deck). (Place the top card of your deck on top of your security stack.)
Next Adventure (BT7)
HerculesKabuterimon (ヘラクルカブテリモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Insectoid
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
• Your Turn: When this Digimon deletes an opponent's Digimon in battle and survives, Memory +1.
Next Adventure (BT7)
Rosemon (ロゼモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Fairy
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
• Digisorption -2. (When one of your Digimon digivolves into this card from your hand, you may suspend 1 of your Digimon to reduce the memory cost of the digivolution by 2.)
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon can't attack or block until the end of their next turn.
Next Adventure (BT7)
Tyrannomon (ティラノモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Dinosaur
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +3000 DP.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon is Lv.6 or higher, it gets +2000 DP.
Participation Prize for August 2021 Tamer Workshop
Gammamon (ガンマモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Ceratopsian
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 4000
• Your Turn: If you have a red Tamer, this Digimon can also attack your opponent's unsuspended Digimon.
Saikyo Jump November 2021 Issue
Gammamon (ガンマモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Ceratopsian
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
• Your Turn: While you have a [Hiro Amanokawa] in play, this Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Ghost Game Promo Pack
Angoramon (アンゴラモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beast
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: If you have a [Ruri Tsukiyono] in play, Memory +1.
Ghost Game Promo Pack
Jellymon (ジェリーモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mollusk
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: If you have a [Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai] in play, Draw 1. (Draw 1 card from your deck.)
Ghost Game Promo Pack
Hiro Amanokawa (天ノ河 宙)
Play Cost: 3
• Your Turn: When you attack with a Digimon that has [Gammamon] in its digivolution cards, you may suspend this Tamer to have that Digimon gain Security Attack +1 for the turn. (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Ghost Game Promo Pack
Ruri Tsukiyono (月夜野 瑠璃)
Play Cost: 3
• Your Turn: When you attack with a Digimon that has [Angoramon] in its digivolution cards, you may suspend this Tamer to have that Digimon get +3000 DP for the turn.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Ghost Game Promo Pack
Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai (東御手洗 清司郎)
Play Cost: 3
• Your Turn: When you attack with a Digimon that has [Jellymon] in its digivolution cards, you may suspend this Tamer to have that Digimon gain Jamming for the turn. (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles against Security Digimon.)
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Ghost Game Promo Pack
Gammamon (ガンマモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Ceratopsian
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 2000 DP or less.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 2000 DP or less.
Special Entry Set / Digimon Con Promotion Pack
Huckmon (ハックモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mini Dragon
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Security: At the end of the battle, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 4000 DP or less. If you don't delete an opponent's Digimon with this effect, Draw 1. (Draw 1 card from your deck.) Then, add this card to its owner's hand.
Limited Card Set ONLINE
Bulucomon (ブルコモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mini Dragon
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Security: At the end of the battle, Draw 2. (Draw 2 cards from your deck.) Then, add this card to its owner's hand.
Limited Card Set ONLINE
Herissmon (エリスモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mammal
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Security: At the end of the battle, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains Security Attack -1 (This Digimon checks 1 fewer security card) for the turn. Then, add this card to its owner's hand.
Limited Card Set ONLINE
Pulsemon (パルスモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beastkin
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Security: At the end of the battle, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, add this card to its owner's hand.
Limited Card Set ONLINE
Dorumon (ドルモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Beast / X Antibody
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Security: At the end of the battle, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is a black Digimon card with a play cost of 4 or less, you may play it without paying its memory cost. Add any remaining cards to your hand. Then, add this card to its owner's hand.
Limited Card Set ONLINE
Impmon (インプモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Evil
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Security: At the end of the battle, you may play 1 purple Lv.3 Digimon card from your trash without paying its memory cost. Then, add this card to its owner's hand.
Limited Card Set ONLINE
Digimon Card Game 2nd Year Anniversary Update Pack
P-072 - P-077
MetalGreymon: Alterous Mode (メタルグレイモン:アルタラウスモード)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine| Type: Cyborg
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirement:
• Digivolve: 0 from [MetalGreymon]
• The name of this card/Digimon is also treated as [MetalGreymon].
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 5000 DP or less.
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns: While this Digimon with [Greymon] or [Omnimon] in its name and an effect would delete it or return it to your hand or deck, you may trash 2 cards of the same level in this Digimon's digivolution cards to prevent it from leaving play.
2nd Anniversary Update Pack
WereGarurumon: Sagittarius Mode (ワーガルルモン:サジタリウスモード)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine| Type: Beastkin
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Alternate Digivolution Requirement:
• Digivolve: 0 from [WereGarurumon]
• The name of this card/Digimon is also treated as [WereGarurumon].
• When Digivolving: If you have a Tamer in play, return 2 of your opponent's Lv.3 Digimon to their owner's hand.
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns: When this Digimon has [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] in its name and would be deleted in battle, you may trash 2 cards of the same level in this Digimon's digivolution cards to prevent that deletion.
2nd Anniversary Update Pack
Boutmon (バウトモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beastkin
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• Your Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with [Shaman] or [Wizard] in its traits, you may trash up to 3 cards from the top of your security stack. For each security card trashed by this effect, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: If you have 3 security cards, unsuspend this Digimon.
2nd Anniversary Update Pack
Okuwamon (オオクワモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Insectoid
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• Your Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with [Insectoid] in its traits, all of your opponent's Digimon gain "All Turns: When this Digimon becomes suspended, Memory -1." until the end of your opponent's turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has [Insectoid] in its traits, it gains Piercing. (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle, it performs any security checks it normally would.)
22nd Anniversary Update Pack / Tamer Battle Winner's Prize
Deltamon (デルタモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Composite
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
• Your Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with 2 colors or [Composite] in its traits, reduce the digivolution cost by 2.
• When Attacking: For each of this Digimon’s colors, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less.
2nd Anniversary Update Pack / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Wizardmon (ウィザーモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Wizard
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• When this card is trashed from your Deck, Memory +1.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: You may reveal 1 purple card from your hand and place it on top of your deck.
2nd Anniversary Update Pack
P-078 | 02
Espimon (エスピモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Reveal the top card of your opponent's security stack. If that card is a Digimon card, Draw 1. (Draw 1 card from your deck.) Place the revealed card on top of your opponent's security stack face down.
Saikyo Jump August '22
Digimon Survive Promotion Pack:
Agumon (アグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have a red Tamer in play, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less.
Digimon Survive Release Commemorative Promotion Pack / Digimon Survive Promotion Pack
Labramon (アグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beast
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have a purple Tamer in play, delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.3 Digimon.
Digimon Survive Release Commemorative Promotion Pack / Digimon Survive Promotion Pack
Falcomon (ファルコモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Avian
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have a yellow Tamer in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP until the end of their turn.
Digimon Survive Release Commemorative Promotion Pack / Digimon Survive Promotion Pack
Kunemon (クネモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Larva
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have a green Tamer in play, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Digimon Survive Promotion Pack
Floramon (フローラモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Vegetation
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have a green Tamer in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon can't unsuspend until the end of their turn.
Digimon Survive Promotion Pack
Lopmon (ロップモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Beast
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have a yellow Tamer in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains Security Attack -1 (This Digimon checks 1 fewer security card) until the end of their turn.
Digimon Survive Promotion Pack
Dracmon (ドラクモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Undead
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have a purple Tamer in play, if its your turn, you may digivolve this Digimon into a Digimon card with [Undead] or [Dark Animal] in its traits from your trash by paying its digivolution cost.
Digimon Survive Promotion Pack
Syakomon (シャコモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Crustacean
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: If you have a blue Tamer in play, 1 of your Digimon can't be attacked until the end of your opponent's turn.
Digimon Survive Promotion Pack
Ritz Kodo (鼓堂リツ)
Play Cost: 3
• Your Turn: When you play a [Pulsemon], by suspending this tamer, if you have 3 or more security, Draw 1. (Draw 1 card from your deck.) If you have 3 or less security, Memory +1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Digimon Dreamers Manga Volume 01
Siriusmon (シリウスモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Light Dragon
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: By placing a card with [Gammamon] in its name from your hand as this Digimon's digivolution on the most bottom, this Digimon gets +2000 DP for the turn.
• When Attacking: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon DP 6000 or less. If this Digimon's DP is 12000 or greater, delete 2 of your opponent's Digimon DP 6000 or less instead.
Saikyo Jump Magazine: January 2023 issue
Amphimon (アンフィモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: You may trash up to 3 blue cards from your hand. For each card trashed by this effect, you may trash 1 card under 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers. Then, 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers without cards under it can't suspend until the end of your opponent's turn.
• Opponent's Turn Once Per Turn: When an opponent's Digimon attacks, end that attack by returning 3 cards with [Jellymon] in their text from your trash to the bottom of your deck.
Saikyo Jump Magazine: February 2023 issue
Diarbbitmon (ディルビットモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beast Knight
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: Suspend 2 of your opponent's Digimon.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When 1 of your Digimon deletes an opponent's Digimon in battle and survives, if [Angoramon] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, unsuspend 1 of your Digimon.
Saikyo Jump Magazine: February 2023 issue
Digimon Card Game 3rd Year Anniversary Update Pack
P-091 - P-096
Saberdramon (セーバードラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Giant Bird
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• Raid (When this Digimon attacks, you may switch the target of attack to 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Digimon with the highest DP.)
• Retaliation (When this Digimon is deleted after losing a battle, delete the Digimon it was battling.)
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: Return 1 red or purple Digimon card from your trash to the hand.
Digimon Card Game 3rd Year Anniversary Update Pack — Versus Royal Knights (BT13): Box Topper / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Dracomon (ドラコモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Dragon
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 5000
Alternative Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Bebydomon]
• Your Turn: When you play a [Groundramon], this Digimon may digivolve into a [Wingdramon] from your hand for a cost of 3, ignoring its digivolution requirements.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: When you play a [Groundramon], this Digimon may digivolve into a [Wingdramon] from your hand without paying its cost.
Digimon Card Game 3rd Year Anniversary Update Pack — Versus Royal Knights (BT13): Box Topper
Bastemon (バステモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Beastkin
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• All Turns: When this Digimon becomes suspended, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Digimon Card Game 3rd Year Anniversary Update Pack — Versus Royal Knights (BT13): Box Topper
Destromon (デストロモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unknown
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 10 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.4
DP: 10000
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete your opponent's Digimon and Tamers with a total play cost of 3. For every [Vemmon] in this Digimon's digivolution cards, increase the maximum play cost you can choose by this effect by 1.
DigiXros Requirements:
• DigiXros -1: [Snatchmon] x 4x [Vemmon]
(When you would play this card, you may place specified cards from your hand/battle area under it. Each placed card reduces the play cost.)
Digivolve Effect:
• Opponent's Turn Once Per Turn: When an opponent's Digimon attacks, by placing 2 [Vemmon] from 1 of your [Galacticmon]'s digivolution cards at the bottom of their owners' decks, switch the target of attack to this Digimon.
Digimon Card Game 3rd Year Anniversary Update Pack — Versus Royal Knights (BT13): Box Topper
Invalidation Plug-In P (無効化プラグインP)
Play Cost: 5
• While you have a Tamer in play, you may use this card without meeting its color requirements.
• Main: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -6000 DP and cannot activate its When Digivolving effects until the end of your opponent's turn.
Security Effect:
• Security: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -6000 DP until the end of this turn. Then, add this card to your hand.
Digimon Card Game 3rd Year Anniversary Update Pack — Versus Royal Knights (BT13): Box Topper
Prism Garrett (プリズムギャレット)
Play Cost: 1
• While you have a Tamer with the [Hunter] trait in play, you may use this card without meeting its color requirements.
• Main: By placing up to 2 Digimon cards with Save from under your Tamers or your trash under 1 of your Digimon with Save in its text as its bottom digivolution cards, that Digimon gains +1000 DP for each card placed by this effect.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to its owner's hand.
Digimon Card Game 3rd Year Anniversary Update Pack — Versus Royal Knights (BT13): Box Topper
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023 P-097 - P108
Zubamon (ズバモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Weapon / Legend-Arms
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: By placing this card under 1 of your other Digimon in play as its bottom digivolution card, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Place those cards at the top or bottom of your deck in any order. Then, if you have a Digimon with the [Legend-Arms] trait in play, Memory +2.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While you have a Digimon with the [Legend-Arms] trait or a black Digimon in play, this Digimon gains Raid.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023
Seadramon (シードラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Aquatic
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• On Play When Digivolving: 1 of your blue Digimon cannot be deleted in battle until the end of your opponent's turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When you play another Digimon by an effect, 1 of your blue Digimon gains Rush for the turn.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023
Etemon (エテモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Puppet
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• On Play When Digivolving: De-Digivolve 1 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon (Trash up to 1 card from the top of one of your opponent's Digimon. If it has no digivolution cards, or becomes a Lv.3 Digimon, you can't trash any more cards.)
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: You may play 1 yellow or black Digimon card with a play cost of 3 or less from your hand without paying the cost.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023
Kuwagamon (クワガーモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Insectoid
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• On Play When Digivolving: 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers cannot unsuspend until the end of your opponent's turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023
Raremon (レアモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Undead
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• This card/Digimon is also treated as having the [Cyborg] trait.
• On Play When Digivolving: By trashing 1 card from your hand, Draw 2.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: By trashing 1 card from your hand, delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.3 Digimon.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023
SkullGreymon (スカルグレイモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Undead
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• On Play When Digivolving: By deleting 1 of your Digimon, delete 2 of your opponent's Digimon with 5000 DP or less.
• On Deletion: You may play 1 purple or red Lv.3 Digimon card from your trash without paying the cost.
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: You may play 1 red or purple Lv.3 Digimon card from your trash without paying the cost.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023
Offense Training (オフェンス・トレーニング)
Play Cost: 2
• Main: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 red card among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card into your battle area.
• Main: Delay. (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a red Digimon card in your hand by paying the digivolution cost. When digivolving with this effect, reduce that digivolution cost by 2.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023 / Starter Deck Guardian Vortex (ST18)'s Bonus Card / Starter Deck Fable Waltz (ST19)'s Bonus Card
Mental Training (メンタル・トレーニング)
Play Cost: 2
• Main: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 blue card among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card into your battle area.
• Main: Delay. (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a blue Digimon card in your hand by paying the digivolution cost. When digivolving with this effect, reduce that digivolution cost by 2.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023 / Starter Deck Guardian Vortex (ST18)'s Bonus Card / Starter Deck Fable Waltz (ST19)'s Bonus Card
Physical Training (フィジカル・トレーニング)
Play Cost: 2
• Main: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 yellow card among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card into your battle area.
• Main: Delay. (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a yellow Digimon card in your hand by paying the digivolution cost. When digivolving with this effect, reduce that digivolution cost by 2.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023 / Starter Deck Guardian Vortex (ST18)'s Bonus Card / Starter Deck Fable Waltz (ST19)'s Bonus Card
Agility Training (アジリティ・トレーニング)
Play Cost: 2
• Main: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 green card among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card into your battle area.
• Main: Delay. (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a green Digimon card in your hand by paying the digivolution cost. When digivolving with this effect, reduce that digivolution cost by 2.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023 / Starter Deck Guardian Vortex (ST18)'s Bonus Card / Starter Deck Fable Waltz (ST19)'s Bonus Card
Defense Training (ディフェンス・トレーニング)
Play Cost: 2
• Main: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 black card among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card into your battle area.
• Main: Delay. (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a black Digimon card in your hand by paying the digivolution cost. When digivolving with this effect, reduce that digivolution cost by 2.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023 / Starter Deck Guardian Vortex (ST18)'s Bonus Card / Starter Deck Fable Waltz (ST19)'s Bonus Card
Wisdom Training (ウィズダム・トレーニング)
Play Cost: 2
• Main: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 purple card among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card into your battle area.
• Main: Delay. (Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a purple Digimon card in your hand by paying the digivolution cost. When digivolving with this effect, reduce that digivolution cost by 2.
Limited Card Set ONLINE 2023 / Starter Deck Guardian Vortex (ST18)'s Bonus Card / Starter Deck Fable Waltz (ST19)'s Bonus Card
Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode ACE (インペリアルドラモン:ドラゴンモードACE)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Free | Type: Ancient Dragon
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from [Paildramon] / [Dinobeemon]
• Hand Counter: Blast Digivolve (Your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.)
• On Play When Digivolving: Suspend 1 Digimon. Then, unsuspend 1 Digimon.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When this Digimon becomes suspended, you may play 1 Tamer / Digimon card with 4000 DP or less from your hand without paying the cost.
• Overflow [-4] (When this card is sent from battle area or under your card to another area, Memory -4.)
Tamer Battle Winner's Prize / Tamer Battle Random Prize / Bandai Card Games (BCG) Fest 23-24 World Tour Visitor Souvenir / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
3rd Anniversary Questionnaire Pack
P-110 - P115
Shadramon (シェイドラモン)
Form: Armor | Attribute: Free | Type: Insectoid
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Wormmon]
• When Digivolving: You may play 1 [Veemon] / [Wormmon] from your trash suspended without paying the cost.
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: You may play 1 [Veemon] / [Wormmon] from your hand suspended without paying the cost.
3rd Anniversary Questionnaire Pack
Knightmon (ナイトモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Warrior
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• Blocker
• On Play When Digivolving: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for each of your Digimon for the turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When another Digimon attacks, you may play 1 black or yellow Lv.3 Digimon from your hand without paying the cost.
3rd Anniversary Questionnaire Pack
Morphomon (モルフォモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Insectoid
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 [Eosmon] and 1 [Menoa Bellucci] among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck. Then, by placing this card under 1 of your [Eosmon], you may play 1 [Menoa Bellucci] from your hand without paying the cost.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When another [Eosmon] is played, this Digimon may digivolve into an [Eosmon] from your hand, reducing the digivolution cost by 3.
3rd Anniversary Questionnaire Pack
RustTyrannomon ACE (ラストティラノモンACE)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [Tyrannomon] in its name
• Hand Counter: Blast Digivolve (Your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.)
• When Digivolving: Suspend all of your opponent's Digimon with DP less or equal than this Digimon.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When an opponent's Digimon is deleted in battle, trash the top card of your opponent's security stack.
• Overflow [-4] (When this card is sent from battle area or under your card to another area, Memory -4.)
3rd Anniversary Questionnaire Pack
Diaboromon ACE (ディアボロモン ACE)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Unidentified | Type: Unidentified
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Hand Counter: Blast Digivolve (Your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.)
• When Digivolving When Attacking: You may play 1 [Diaboromon] Token without paying its memory cost. (Diaboromon Tokens are Lv.6 white Digimon with a memory cost of 14, 3000 DP, and are Mega form, Unidentified type, and Unknown attribute.)
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When another Digimon is played by an effect, you may delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with a play cost of 3 or less. For each [Diaboromon] you have in play, increase the maximum cost of the Digimon card you can delete with this effect by 2.
• Overflow [-4] (When this card is sent from battle area or under your card to another area, Memory -4.)
3rd Anniversary Questionnaire Pack
SkullKnightmon (スカルナイトモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Undead / Bagra Army / Twilight
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• On Deletion: You may play 1 tamer card with [Nene Amano] / [Yuu Amano] in its name from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, Save.
Security Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon is Lv.5 or higher and has the [Bagra Army] / [Twilight] in its trait, this Digimon gets Security Attack +1.
3rd Anniversary Questionnaire Pack
Digimon Con 2023 (Digimon Con 2023)
Play Cost: 2
• While you have [Agumon], [Pulsemon], and [Gammamon] in play, the cost of this card becomes 0.
• Main: Reveal top 2 cards of your deck. Add all Tamer with play cost equal or less than 3 to your hand. Put the rest back to the top of the deck.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate the Main effect of this card.
Digimon Con Promotion Pack
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning — Promotion Pack
[P-117 - P-130]
Veemon (ブイモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Free | Type: Mini Dragon
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with the [Free] in its trait, if you have a Tamer, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: If this Digimon has 2 or more colors, Draw 1.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Wormmon (ワームモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Free | Type: Larva
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 green / blue card with 2 or more colors and 1 Tamer card with [Ken Ichijoji] among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Digivolve Effect:
• End of Your Turn: You may DNA digivolve this Digimon and 1 of your other Digimon in play into a Digimon card in your hand by paying its DNA digivolve cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Hawkmon (ホークモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Free | Type: Avian
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 red / yellow card with 2 or more colors and 1 Tamer card with [Yolei Inoue] among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Digivolve Effect:
• End of Your Turn: You may DNA digivolve this Digimon and 1 of your other Digimon in play into a Digimon card in your hand by paying its DNA digivolve cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Gatomon (テイルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• Barrier (When this Digimon would be deleted in battle, by trashing the top card of your security stack, prevent that deletion.)
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: All of your opponent's security Digimon get -2000 DP.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Armadillomon (アルマジモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Free | Type: Mammal
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 black / yellow card with 2 or more colors and 1 Tamer card with [Cody Hida] among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Digivolve Effect:
• End of Your Turn: You may DNA digivolve this Digimon and 1 of your other Digimon in play into a Digimon card in your hand by paying its DNA digivolve cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Patamon (パタモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mammal
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: Search your security stack. You may add 1 yellow/black card with 2 or more colors among them to the hand. If you did, Recovery +1 (Deck). Then, shuffle your security stack.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: All of your opponent's security Digimon get -2000 DP.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Ukkomon (ウッコモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Free | Type: Ancient Fairy
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When 1 of your Digimon moves from the breeding area to the battle area, you may hatch in your breeding area. Then, Memory +1.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Davis Motomiya (本宮大輔)
Play Cost: 3
• Start of Your Main Phase: If you have a Digimon with the [Free] in its trait, Memory +1.
• On Play: Activate 1 of the effects below:
— You may play 1 [Veemon] from your hand without paying the cost.
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into [ExVeemon] in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Play Cost: 3
• Start of Your Main Phase: If you have a Digimon with the [Free] in its trait, Memory +1.
• On Play: Activate 1 of the effects below:
— You may play 1 [Wormmon] from your hand without paying the cost.
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into [Stingmon] in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Yolei Inoue (井ノ上京)
Play Cost: 3
• Start of Your Main Phase: f you have a Digimon with the [Free] in its trait, Memory +1.
• On Play: Activate 1 of the effects below:
— You may play 1 [Hawkmon] from your hand without paying the cost.
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into [Aquilamon] in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Kari Kamiya (八神ヒカリ)
Play Cost: 3
• Start of Your Main Phase: If you have fewer security cards than your opponent, Memory +1.
• On Play: Activate 1 of the effects below:
— You may play 1 [Salamon] from your hand without paying the cost.
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into [Gatomon] in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Cody Hida (火田伊織)
Play Cost: 3
• Start of Your Main Phase: f you have a Digimon with the [Free] in its trait, Memory +1.
• On Play: Activate 1 of the effects below:
— You may play 1 [Armadillomon] from your hand without paying the cost.
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into [Ankylomon] in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
T.K. Takaishi (高石タケル)
Play Cost: 3
• Start of Your Main Phase: If you have fewer security cards than your opponent, Memory +1.
• On Play: Activate 1 of the effects below:
— You may play 1 [Pataman] from your hand without paying the cost.
— 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into [Angemon] in the hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
Lui Ohwada (大和田ルイ)
Play Cost: 3
• On Play: You may move 1 of your Lv.3 or higher Digimon from the breeding area to the battle area.
• Your Turn: When 1 of your Digimon moves from the breeding area to the battle area, by suspending this Tamer, Memory +1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack / Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING Set
— Promotion Pack Ver.1
[P-131 - P-136]
Pteromon (プテロモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Bird Dragon / LIBERATOR
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: Suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Digimon Liberator: Promotion Pack Ver.1
Galemon (ゲイルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Bird Dragon / LIBERATOR
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• When Digivolving: By suspending 1 Digimon, this Digimon gets +2000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.
• Your Turn: While you have [Shoto Kazama], this Digimon gains Piercing.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Digimon Liberator: Promotion Pack Ver.1 / Evoca Prize Top 8 Prize
Shoto Kazama (風真照人)
Play Cost: 3
• On Play: You may play 1 [Pteromon] from your hand without paying the cost.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When 1 of your Digimon digivolves into a Digimon with the [Avian] or [Bird] in 1 of its traits, by suspending this Tamer, Memory +1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Digimon Liberator: Promotion Pack Ver.1 / Evoca Prize Participation Prize
Shoemon (シューモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Puppet / LIBERATOR
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains Security Attack -1 until the end of their turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP for the turn.
Digimon Liberator: Promotion Pack Ver.1
ShoeShoemon (シューシューモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Puppet / LIBERATOR
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• When Digivolving: Until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon can't attack and gains Security Attack -1.
• Your Turn: While you have [Arisa Kinosaki], this Digimon gains Jamming.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP for the turn.
Digimon Liberator: Promotion Pack Ver.1
Arisa Kinosaki (城之崎有紗)
Play Cost: 3
• On Play: You may play 1 [Shoemon] from your hand without paying the cost.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When 1 of your Digimon digivolves into a Digimon with the [Puppet] in its traits, by suspending this Tamer, Memory +1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Digimon Liberator: Promotion Pack Ver.1
Flamedramon (フレイドラモン)
Form: Armor Form | Attribute: Free | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Veemon]
• Armor Purge Raid
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon's attack target is switched, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to the hand.
Update Pack 2024
Veedramon (ブイドラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Mystical Dragon
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• On Play When Digivolving: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 Digimon card with [Veedramon] in its name and 1 blue Tamer card among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When this Digimon becomes unsuspended, Memory +1.
Update Pack 2024
Leomon X-Antibody (レオモンX抗体)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beastkin / X-Antibody
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Leomon]
• On Play When Digivolving: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn.
• All Turns: While [Leomon] / [X-Antibody] is in this Digimon’s digivolution cards, this Digimon gains Blocker and Fortitude.
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: Recover +1 (Deck)
Update Pack 2024
MegaKabuterimon (アトラーカブテリモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Insectoid
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with [Insectoid] in its trait
• Evade
• All Turns: While this Digimon is suspended, it isn’t affected by the effects of your opponent's Digimon.
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When this Digimon deletes an opponent's Digimon in battle, trash the top card of your opponent's security stack.
Update Pack 2024
MameTyramon (マメティラモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Mutant / X-Antibody
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.4
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.4 with [Mamemon] / [Tyrannomon] in its name
• Collision Blocker
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When an opponent's Digimon becomes suspended, you may unsuspended this Digimon.
• [Rule] Name: Treated as having [Maamemon] / [Tyrannomon].
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When an opponent's Digimon becomes suspended, you may unsuspended this Digimon.
Update Pack 2024
Falcomon (ファルコモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Avian
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Pinamon]
• On Play: Suspend 1 of your opponent's Lv.6 or lower Digimon. Then, by placing this Digimon as the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your Digimon with [Ravemon] in its name, that Digimon may attack an opponent's Digimon.
• On Deletion: When this Digimon is deleted other than in battle, your opponent trashes 1 card in their hand.
Update Pack 2024
Tamer Battle Pack 21
[P-143 - P-146]
Drimogemon (ドリモゲモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• End of Your Turn Once Per Turn: You may place this Digimon to the empty space in your breeding area.
Digivolve Effect:
• Piercing (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle, it performs any security checks it normally would.)
Tamer Battle Pack 21 / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Gotsumon X-Antibody (ゴツモンX抗体)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Rock / X-Antibody
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 4000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Gotsumon]
• Blocker
• Your Turn: This Digimon without [Gotsumon] / [X-Antibody] in it's digivolution cards can't attack.
• Opponent's Turn Once Per Turn: When an attack target is switched, you may unsuspend 1 of your Digimon with Blocker.
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns: All of your Digimon with Blocker get +1000 DP.
Tamer Battle Pack 21 / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Myotismon X-Antibody (ヴァンデモンX抗体)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Viru | Type: Undead / X-Antibody
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Myotismon]
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.4 or lower Digimon.
• On Deletion: If [Myotismon] / [X-Antibody] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, you may play 1 Lv.6 Digimon card with [Myotismon] in its name from your trash without paying the cost.
Tamer Battle Pack 21 / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Reload Plug-In Q (充填プラグインQ)
Play Cost: 3
• While you have a Tamer, you may ignore this card's color requirements.
• Security: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains Security Attack -1 for the turn.
• Main: Place this card as 1 of your non-white Digimon's bottom digivolution card.
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns: When this Digimon would be deleted by battle, by placing 1 [Reload Plug-In Q] from this Digimon's digivolution cards at the bottom of your security stack, prevent that deletion.
Tamer Battle Pack 21 / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Digimon Dreamers Vol.2
P-147 | 03
Pal (パル)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beastkin
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Bibimon]
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: By placing 1 Lv.4 card with [Pulsemon] in its text from your hand as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card, activate 1 of the placed card's When Digivolving an effect of this Digimon.
• Your Turn: While you have a Tamer, this Digimon gets +3000 DP.
• [Rule] Name: Also treated as [Pulsemon].
Digimon Dreamers Vol.2
Wanyamon (ワニャモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser / NSp
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: If this Digimon has the [NSp] in its trait, Draw 1.
Tamer Battle Pack 22 / Monthly Tournament: May 2024 — Winner Promo / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Minomon (ミノモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Larva
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: If this Digimon has 2 or more colors, by trashing 1 card in your hand, delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.3 Digimon.
Tamer Battle Pack 22 / Monthly Tournament: May 2024 — Winner Promo / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Exermon (エキサモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Insectoid
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Pulsemon]
• When Digivolving: If you have 3 or more security cards, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers. If you have 3 or fewer security cards, 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers can't unsuspend until the end of their turn.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When this Digimon becomes suspended, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon with DP less than or equal to this Digimon.
Tamer Battle Pack 22 / Monthly Tournament: May 2024 — Winner Promo / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4)
Digimon Liberator (デジモンリベレイター)
Play Cost: 3
• While you have a Digimon or Tamer with the [LIBERATOR] in its trait, you may ignore this card's color requirements.
• Main: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [LIBERATOR] in its trait among them to your hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck in any order. Then, you may play 1 card with the [LIBERATOR] in its trait and a play cost of 3 or less from your hand without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Tamer Battle Pack 22 / Monthly Tournament: May 2024 — Winner Promo / Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss (LM-4) / Bandai Card Games Fest 24-25
Tamer Battle Pack 23
P-152 - P155
Shoutmon + Dorulu Cannon (シャウトモン+ドルルキャノン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Enhancement / Xros Heart
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.2
DP: 4000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Shoutmon] / [Dorulumon] with Play Cost 4 and below
• When Attacking: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP until end of your opponent's turn. Then, by placing 1 Digimon with the [Xros Heart] in its trait from this Digimon's digivolution card under 1 of your Tamer, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less.
• [Rule] Name: Treated as having [Shoutmon] / [Dorulumon].
DigiXros Requirements:
• DigiXros -1: [Shoutmon] x [Dorulumon]
(When you would play this card, you may place specified cards from your hand / battle area under it. Each placed card reduces the play cost.)
Tamer Battle Pack 23 / Winner Prize
MagnaGarurumon (マグナガルルモン)
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from 3-colour [MagnaGarurumon]
• Armor Purge
• When Digivolving: Return 1 of your opponent's Lv.3, Lv.4 and Lv.5 Digimon to the hand.
• End of Attack: By placing top card of this Digimon to the top of your security, unsuspend this Digimon / Tamer.
Tamer Battle Pack 23 / Winner Prize
Maildramon (メイルドラモン)
Form: Armor | Attribute: Free | Type: Cyborg
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• All Turns: When your other Digimon with [Knightmon] in text would leave battle area by your opponent effect, by placing this Digimon to that Digimon digivolution card, it doesn't leave.
Digivolve Effect:
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
Tamer Battle Pack 23 / Winner Prize
Pawn Device (ポーン・デヴァイス)
Play Cost: 2
Type: Device
• While you don't have [Pawn Device] in Battle Area, you may ignore this card color requirement.
• Main: Draw 1. Then, place this card in the battle area.
• Main: Delay
— By remove 1 non-red Option Card from the battle area, Memory +1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 11000DP or less. Then, add this card to the hand.
Tamer Battle Pack 23 / Winner Prize
Possibilities for the Future!! (未来への可能性!!)
Play Cost: 2
• While you have a Tamer, you may use this card ignoring its color requirements.
• Main: Choose 1 Tamer. You may play 1 Digimon card with the same color as the chosen tamer with a play cost of 3 or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play 1 tamer card from your hand without paying the cost. Then, add this card to your hand.
Digimon Adventure Digivice -25th Color Evolution- DX Set / Tamer Battle Pack 24 / Winner Prize
Monimon (モニモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: CRT / Twilight/ Xros Heart
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: If you have a black tamer in play, Draw 1.
Tamer Battle Pack 24 / Winner Prize
Fake Jeri (偽ジュリ)
Play Cost: 4
Type: D-Reaper
• On Play: Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [D-Reaper] in its trait from among them to your hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
• Main: Return this tamer to the bottom of the deck, you may play 1 Digimon card with the [D-Reaper] in its trait with a play cost of 3 or less from your hand without paying the cost. For each digivolution card under 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper], increase this effect's play cost limit by 1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Tamer Battle Pack 24 / Winner Prize
Rook Device (ルーク・デヴァイス)
Play Cost: 3
Type: Device
• While you have no [Rook Device] in the battle area, this card can ignore the color requirements.
• When this card is trashed from the battle area by an effect, 1 of your Digimon gain Reboot, Blocker, and get +2000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.
• Main: 1 of your Digimon gain Reboot, Blocker, and get +2000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn. Then, place this card in the battle area.
Security Effect:
• Security: De-Digivolve 2 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, add this card to your hand.
Tamer Battle Pack 24 / Winner Prize
P-160 - P163
Tyrannomon X-Antibody (ティラノモンX抗体)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Dinosaur / X-Antibody
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from Lv.4 with [Tyrannomon] in its name without the [X-Antibody] in its trait
• Raid
• When Attacking: If a card with [Tyrannomon] in its name or [X-Antibody] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, this Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with [Tyrannomon] in its name or [Dinosaur] in its trait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.
Digivolve Effect:
• Piercing (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle, it performs any security checks it normally would.)
Tamer Battle Pack 25 / Winner Prize
Bishop Device (ビショップ・デヴァイス)
Play Cost: 3
Type: Device
• While you don't have [Bishop Device], you may ignore this card's color requirements.
• When an effect trashes this card in your battle area, When this card is trashed from the battle area, until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't Suspend.
• Main: Until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't suspend. Then, place this card in the battle area.
Security Effect:
• Security: Return 1 of your opponent's Lv.5 or lower Digimon to the bottom of the deck. Then, add this card to the hand.
Tamer Battle Pack 25 / Winner Prize
Coelamon (シーラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Ancient Fish / DS
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with the [DS] in its trait
• On Play When Digivolving: 1 of your Digimon with the [DS] in its trait can't have its DP reduced or be affected by your opponent's De-Digivolve effects until the end of their turn.
Digivolve Effect:
• Blocker (At blocker timing, by suspending this Digimon, it becomes the attack target.)
Tamer Battle Pack 25 / Winner Prize
Dokugumon (ドクグモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Insectoid / NSo
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 3000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from Lv.3 with the [NSo] in its trait
• On Play When Digivolving: Suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Tamer Battle Pack 25 / Winner Prize
Shellmon (シェルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Mollusk / LIBERATOR
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• On Play When Digivolving: By placing 1 Lv.5 or lower Digimon card with the [Aquatic] in its traits in your hand as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card, Draw 1.
• [Rule] Trait: Also has [Aquatic] Type
Digivolve Effects:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: Draw 1.
Tamer Battle Pack 26 / Winner Prize
ShoeShoemon (シューシューモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Puppet / LIBERATOR
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• Security: At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost.
• On Play When Digivolving: Play 1 [Familiar] Token. (Digimon/Yellow/3000 DP/"On Deletion: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn."). At the end of your opponent's turn, delete that Token.
Digivolve Effect:
• Barrier (When this Digimon would be deleted in battle, by trashing the top card of your security stack, prevent that deletion.)
Tamer Battle Pack 26 / Winner Prize
Galemon (ゲイルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Bird Dragon / LIBERATOR
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• On Play When Digivolving: You may suspend 1 Digimon. Then, if it's your turn, this Digmon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Avian] / [Bird] in 1 of its traits in the hand. For each other suspended Digimon, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Tamer Battle Pack 26 / Winner Prize
Landramon (ランドラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Mineral / LIBERATOR
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• Start of Your Main Phase When Digivolving: By trashing 1 card with the [Mineral] / [Rock] in its trait from any of your Digimon’s digivolution cards, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Among them, add 1 card with the [Mineral] / [Rock] in its trait to the hand, or place 1 such card as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card. Return the rest to the top or bottom of the deck.
Digivolve Effect:
• When effects trash this card from digivolution cards of a Digimon with the [Mineral] / [Rock] in its trait, De-Digivolve 1 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Tamer Battle Pack 26 / Winner Prize
Yao Qinglan (姚青嵐)
Play Cost: 3
• Start of Your Main Phase: If your opponent has a Digimon, Memory +1.
• Your Turn: When effects add digivolution cards under any of your Digimon with the [Aquatic] in its traits, suspend this Tamer, 1 of those Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon with the [Aquatic] in its traits in the hand with the digivolve cost reduced by 1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Tamer Battle Pack 26 / Winner Prize
Close (クローズ)
Play Cost: 4
• Start of Your Main Phase: If your opponent has a Digimon, Memory +1.
• All Turns: When effects trash digivolution cards of any of your Digimon with the [Mineral] / [Rock] in its trait, by suspending this Tamer, place 1 card with the [Mineral] / [Rock] in its trait from your trash as any of your Digimon’s bottom digivolution card.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
Tamer Battle Pack 26 / Winner Prize
OVER THE X (BT20): Update Pack
P-170 - P-175
AvengeKidmon (アヴェンジキッドモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.5
DP: 13000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [Three Musketeers] in its text
• When this card would be played, by returning 3 cards with [Three Musketeers] in their texts from your trash to the bottom of the deck, reduce this card's play cost by 6.
• Raid Blocker Retaliation
• On Deletion: You may play 1 Digimon card with the [Three Musketeers] in its trait with a play cost of 12 or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost.
• [Rule] Trait: Has [Three Musketeers].
OVER THE X (BT20): Update Pack
Pukumon (プクモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Mutant / DS
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with the [DS] in its trait
• DNA Digivolve: 0 from Blue/Black Lv.5 + Purple Lv.5
(Digivolve unsuspended with the 2 specified Digimon stacked on top of each other.)
• When this card would be played, if [Deep Savers] is face-up in your security stack, reduce the play cost by 4.
• Blocker
• On Play When Digivolving: Trash the top 2 digivolution cards of all of your opponent's Digimon. Then, delete 1 of their Digimon with no digivolution cards.
OVER THE X (BT20): Update Pack
Magnadramon (ホーリードラモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Dragon / Four Great Dragons / NSp
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with the [NSp] in its trait
• DNA Digivolve: 0 from Yellow/Red Lv.5 + Green/Black Lv.5
(Digivolve unsuspended with the 2 specified Digimon stacked on top of each other.)
• When this card would be played, if [Nature Spirits] is face-up in your security stack, reduce the play cost by 4.
• Blocker
• On Play On Deletion: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -5000 DP for the turn. Then, delete 1 of their Digimon with 5000 DP or less.
OVER THE X (BT20): Update Pack
RustTyrannomon (ラストティラノモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.5
DP: 13000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 4 from Lv.5 with [Tyrannomon] in its name
• Collision Piercing Blocker
• When Digivolving: De-Digivolve 4 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When your opponent's Digimon are deleted in battle, this Digimon may unsuspend.
OVER THE X (BT20): Update Pack
Boltmon (ボルトモン)
Form: Mega |Attribute: Data | Type: Cyborg / NSo
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with the [NSo] in its trait
• DNA Digivolve: 0 from Black/Yellow Lv.5 + Purple/Red Lv.5
(Digivolve unsuspended with the 2 specified Digimon stacked on top of each other.)
• When this card would be played, if [Nightmare Soldiers] is face-up in your security stack, reduce the play cost by 4.
• Blocker
• When Digivolving On Deletion: De-Digivolve 1 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, delete 1 of their Lv.4 or lower Digimon.
OVER THE X (BT20): Update Pack
Hina Kurihara (栗原ヒナ)
Play Cost: 4
• Start of Your Turn: If you have 2 memory or less, set your memory to 3.
• Your Turn: When any of your Digimon with the [Rock Dragon] / [Machine Dragon] in its trait are played, by suspending this Tamer, 1 of your Lv.4 or higher Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Rock Dragon] / [Earth Dragon] / [Machine Dragon] / [Sky Dragon] in its trait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 2.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying the cost.
OVER THE X (BT20): Update Pack
Tamer Pack Vol.27
P-176 - P-181
Dorimon (ドリモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser / X Antibody / Chronicle
Inherited Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: This Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Chronicle] trait in the hand.
Tamer Battle Pack 27 / Winner Prize
Gigimon (ギギモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser
Inherited Effect:
• On Deletion: You may return 1 card with [Growlmon] or [Gallantmon] in its name from your trash to the hand.
Tamer Battle Pack 27 / Winner Prize
Sagittarimon (サジタリモン)
Form: Armor Form | Attribute: Free | Type: Mythical Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 2 from [Veemon]
• Armor Purge
• When Digivolving: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn.
• When Attacking: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 4000 DP or less.
Tamer Battle Pack 27 / Winner Prize
Justimon: Critical Arm (ジャスティモン:クリティカルアーム)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 1 from [Justimon: Blitz Arm] / [Justimon: Accel Arm]
• When Digivolving: By placing 1 Option card with the [Device] trait from your hand or trash into the battle area, this Digimon gets +3000 DP until your opponent's turn ends.
• When Digivolving When Attacking Once Per Turn: By trashing 1 of your Option cards in the battle area, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with a play cost of 9 or less.
Tamer Battle Pack 27 / Winner Prize
Bind Red Trigger (バインドレッドトリッガー)
Use Cost: 6
Type: Three Musketeers
• When effects trash this card from digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's 7000 DP or lower Digimon.
• While you have a [Three Musketeers] trait Digimon, you can ignore this card's color requirements.
• Main: Trash your opponent's top security card. Then, place this card as the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your [Three Musketeers] trait Digimon.
Security Effect:
• Security: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the highest DP.
Tamer Battle Pack 27 / Winner Prize
Royal Base (ローヤルベース)
Use Cost: 2
Type: Royal Base
• Security Your Turn Once Per Turn: When any of your Digimon would digivolve into a Digimon with the [Royal Base] trait, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
• Main: Add your top security card to the hand. Then, place this card face up as your bottom security card.
Security Effect:
• Security: You may play1 Lv.5 or lower Digimon card with the [Royal Base] trait from your hand without paying the cost.
Tamer Battle Pack 27 / Winner Prize
Illustration Celebration Pack
P-182 - P-187
WarGreymon (ウォーグレイモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragonkin / ADVENTURE
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [MetalGreymon] in name or with the [ADVENTURE] trait
• Security A. +1 Blocker
• When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with as much or less DP as this Digimon.
• All Turns: This Digimon gets +1000 DP for each color Digimon and Tamers have.
Box Topper of WORLD CONVERGENCE (BT21): Illustration Celebration Pack
Gaiomon (ガイオウモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin / X Antibody
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.5
DP: 13000
• Reboot Blocker
• When Digivolving: Until your opponent's turn ends, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains "Start of Your Main Phase: This Digimon attacks." Then, this Digimon may attack.
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When attack targets change, trash your opponent's top security card.
• [Rule] Name: Also treated as having [Greymon].
Box Topper of WORLD CONVERGENCE (BT21): Illustration Celebration Pack
P-184 | 05
Dorugoramon (ドルゴラモン
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Beast Dragon / X Antibody / SoC
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [DoruGreymon] in name or with the [SoC] trait
• Collision Security A. +1
• When Digivolving: This Digimon gets +3000 DP until your opponent's turn ends. Then, if [Kosuke Kisakata] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, all of your Digimon with the [SoC] trait unsuspend.
Box Topper of WORLD CONVERGENCE (BT21): Illustration Celebration Pack
P-185 | 05
EmperorGreymon (カイゼルグレイモン
Form: Hybrid | Attribute: Variable | Type: Dragon Warrior
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 4 from [Takuya Kanbara] with 5 cards with [Hybrid] trait under
• Blocker
• When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon
with as much or less DP as this Digimon.
• All Turns: This Digimon gets + 1000 DP for each color in its digivolution cards.
• End of Your Turn Once Per Turn: This Digimon unsuspends.
Box Topper of WORLD CONVERGENCE (BT21): Illustration Celebration Pack
P-186 | 05
Gallantmon (デュークモン
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Holy Warrior / Royal Knight
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 with [WarGrowlmon] in name
• When this card would be played, if there is a Digimon with 13000 DP or more, reduce the play cost by 2 for every 5 total cards in both players trashes.
• Rush Blocker
• On Play When Digivolving: Delete 1 Digimon with 13000 DP or more. If this effect didn't delete, Recovery +1 (Deck).
Box Topper of WORLD CONVERGENCE (BT21): Illustration Celebration Pack
P-187 | 05
Mastemon (マスティモン
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Angel
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 5 from Lv.5
DP: 13000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• DNA Digivolve: 0 from purple Lv.5 + yellow Lv.5
(Stack the 2 specified Digimon and digivolve unsuspended.)
• When Digivolving: Recovery +1 (Deck). Then, if DNA
digivolving, by placing 1 other Digimon or Tamer as the top or bottom security card, trash your opponents top security card.
• When Digivolving When Attacking Once Per Turn: By trashing your top security card, you may play 1 purpleor yellow Digimon card with 6000 DP or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost.
Box Topper of WORLD CONVERGENCE (BT21): Illustration Celebration Pack