Digimon Booster Set Volume 5 (BT5):
[Japanese Edition] 26th February 2021
[English Edition] 23rd July 2021
Total Number of Cards: 112
SEC: 2
SR: 10
R: 26
U: 30
C: 44
- BATTLE OF OMEGA is the Fifth Booster Set introduced to the Japanese and English format.
- BATTLE OF OMEGA is the Fifth Booster Set introduced to the Japanese and English format.
- Further boosting to Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black and Purple.
- Each carton will comes with 12 boxes.
- Each box will come with 24 packs.
- Each pack will comes with 6 cards.
- A booster with Omegamon as the main theme.
- Introducing Digimons with X-Antibody as Secret Rare (SEC).
- Parallel cards will come in Red Frame.
- Introducing Dual Tamers. We will be getting Dual Tamer cards such as Taichi & Yamato.
- SP cards comes in Combine Artworks:
:: Cardlist ::
Koromon (コロモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Once PEr Turn: f this Digimon has [Omnimon] or [Greymon] (other than [DoruGreymon], [BurningGreymon], or [DexDoruGreymon]) in its name, trigger, Draw 1. (Draw 1 card from your deck.)
Tsunomon (ツノモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] in its name, it gets +1000 DP.
Pickmon (ピックモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Minor
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: If you have 3 or more Digimon in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -1000 DP for the turn.
Yokomon (ピョコモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: When this card is trashed due to activating this Digimon's Digi-Burst, 1 of your Digimon gets +2000 DP for the turn.
Tsumemon (ツメモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Unidentified
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Ince Per Turn: If this Digimon has [Unidentified] in its type, trigger Draw 1. (Draw 1 card from your deck.)
Gigimon (ギギモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When one of your other Digimon is deleted, this Digimon gets +2000 DP for the turn.
Agumon (アグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Reveal 3 cards from the top of your deck. Add 1 Digimon card with [Greymon] in its name (other than [DoruGreymon], [BurningGreymon], or [DexDoruGreymon]) and/or 1 Digimon card with [Omnimon] in its name among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Gaossmon (ガオスモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Your Turn: Your other [Gaossmon] all get +3000 DP.
• Opponent’s Turn: Your opponent can't reduce digivolution costs.
Shoutmon (シャウトモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mini Dragon
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: Reveal 5 cards from the top of your deck. Add 1 Digimon card with [Shoutmon] in its name and/or 1 Digimon card with Blitz among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has Blitz, it gets +2000 DP.
Greymon (グレイモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dinosaur
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• When Digivolving: If this Digimon has [Agumon] in its digivolution cards, Memory +1.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has [Omnimon] or [Greymon] (other than [DoruGreymon], [BurningGreymon], or [DexDoruGreymon]) in its name, it gets +2000 DP.
Meramon (メラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Flame
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• When Digivolving: 1 of your other Digimon gets +3000 DP for the turn.
Monochromon (モノクロモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Ankylosaur
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
• When Attacking: Memory -2.
Triceramon (トリケラモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Ceratopsian
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
OmniShoutmon (オメガシャウトモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• Your [Shoutmon] can digivolve into this card in your hand for a memory cost of 4, ignoring this card's digivolution requirements.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has Blitz , it gains Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
Metal Greymon: Alterous Mode (メタルグレイモン:アルタラウスモード)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Cyborg
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.5
DP: 8000
• When Digivolving: If a Digimon card with [MetalGreymon] in its name is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 4000 DP or less.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has [Omnimon] or [Greymon] (other than [DoruGreymon], [BurningGreymon], or [DexDoruGreymon]) in its name, it gets +2000 DP.
WarGreymon (ウォーグレイモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: If a Digimon card with [Greymon] in its name (other than [DoruGreymon], [BurningGreymon], or [DexDoruGreymon]) is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with Blocker.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less.
ZeigGreymon (ジークグレイモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: Blitz (This Digimon can attack when your opponent has 1 or more memory.)
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: When this Digimon attacks with Blitz, it can also attack your opponent's unsuspended Digimon.
Dorbickmon (ドルビックモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin / Big Death-Stars
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Attacking: You may trash 1 red Digimon card in your hand to add the trashed card's DP to this Digimon for the turn.
Shoutmon DX (シャウトモンDX)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Composition
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.6
DP: 12000
• When Digivolving: Blitz (This Digimon can attack when your opponent has 1 or more memory.)
• When Attacking: You may place 1 red Digimon card from your hand at the top of this Digimon's digivolution cards. Then, for each [OmniShoutmon] or [ZeigGreymon] in this Digimon's digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 5000 DP or less.
Gabumon (ガブモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Reveal 3 cards from the top of your deck. Add 1 Digimon card with [Garurumon] in its name and/or 1 Digimon card with [Omnimon] in its name among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Syakomon (シャコモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Crustacean
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
• Opponent's Turn: Your opponent can't reduce digivolution costs.
Bulucomon (ブルコモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Mini Dragon
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once PEr Turn: When you trash a digivolution card of 1 of your opponent's Digimon, Memory +1.
Gesomon (ゲソモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Mollusk
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Garurumon (ガルルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• When Digivolving: If this Digimon has [Gabumon] in its digivolution cards, Memory +1.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] in its name, it gets +1000 DP.
Paledramon (ペイルドラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Dragon
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• When Digivolving: Trash up to 2 digivolution cards from the bottom of 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Coelamon (シーラモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Ancient Fish
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
• When Attacking: Memory -2.

MarinDevimon (マリンデビモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Aquabeast
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
CrysPaledramon (クリスペイルドラモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• When Digivolving: Trash the bottom digivolution card of all of your opponent's Digimon.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: If your opponent has a Digimon with no digivolution cards in play, this Digimon gains Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
WereGarurumon: Sagittarius Mode (ワーガルルモン:サジタリウスモード)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beastkin
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
• Your Turn: While a Digimon card with [WereGarurumon] in its name is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, this Digimon gains Jamming (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles against Security Digimon.)
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns: While this Digimon has [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] in its name, it gets +1000 DP.
Neptunemon (ネプトゥーンモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Shaman / Olympos XII
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 10 | Evolution Cost: 2 from Lv.5
DP: 10000
• Opponent's Turn: This Digimon can't be attacked.
MetalGarurumon (メタルガルルモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: If a Digimon card with [Garurumon] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with an On Deletion effect to the bottom of its owner's deck. Trash all of the digivolution cards of that Digimon.
Digivolve Effect:
• When Attacking Once Per Turn: Memory +1.
Hexeblaumon (ヘクセブラウモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Magic Knight
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digiolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Attacking: Trash up to 2 digivolution cards from the bottom of 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if your opponent has a Digimon with no digivolution cards in play, this Digimon gains Jamming (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles against Security Digimon) for the turn.
• All Turns: Your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards can't attack or block.
Cutemon (キュートモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Fairy
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
• Opponent's Turn: Your opponent can't reduce digivolution costs.
Kotemon (コテモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Reveal 5 cards from the top of your deck. Add up to 2 yellow Digimon cards with [Warrior] or [Holy Warrior] in their types among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Starmons (スターモンズ)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Major
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Play: For each Digimon you have in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -1000 DP for the turn.
Renamon (レナモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Beastkin
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 3000
• On Play: Give 1 of your opponent's Digimon Security Attack -1 (This Digimon checks 1 fewer security cards) until the end of your opponent's next turn.
Gladimon (グラディモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Warrior
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• On Play: ou may search your security stack for 1 Digimon card with [Warrior] or [Holy Warrior] in its type, reveal it, and add it to your hand. If you do, trigger Recover +1 (Deck). (Place the top card of your deck on top of your security stack.) Then, shuffle your security stack.
Kyubimon (キュウビモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Mysterious Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: All of your opponent's Security Digimon get -1000 DP.
ShootingStarmon (シューティングスターモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Super Major
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• On Deletion: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn.
SuperStarmon (スーパースターモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Mutant
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Taomon (タオモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Wizard
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: All of your opponent's Security Digimon get -1000 DP.
Knightmon (ナイトモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Warrior
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• On Play: 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -4000 DP for the turn.
Jijimon (ジジモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Ancient
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 10 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.5
DP: 10000
• On Deletion: Recovery +1 (Deck) (Place the top card of your deck on top of your security stack.)
Sakuyamon (サクヤモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Shaman
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Opponent's Turn: When an opponent's Digimon moves from the breeding area to the battle area, it gains Security Attack -3 (This Digimon checks 3 fewer security cards) for the turn.
• Your Turn: All of your opponent's Security Digimon get -3000 DP.
LordKnightmon (ロードナイトモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Holy Warrior / Royal Knight
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Attacking: You may play a yellow Lv.3 Digimon card or a yellow Digimon card with [Warrior] in its type from your hand without paying its memory cost.
• All Turns: For each other Digimon you have in play, this Digimon gets +1000 DP.
Terriermon Assistant (テリアモン助手)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Beast
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• Main: Digi-Burst 1 (Trash 1 of this Digimon's digivolution cards to activate the effect below.)
- Reveal the top card of your deck. Add it to your hand if it's a green Digimon card. Otherwise, place it at the bottom of your deck.
Palmon (パルモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Vegetation
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Deletion: Place 1 [Palmon] from your trash under 1 of your green Digimon at the bottom of its digivolution cards.
Floramon (フローラモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: Vegetation
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 4000
Kiwimon (キウイモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Ancient Bird
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• On Play: Reveal 3 cards from the top of your deck. Add all Digimon cards with Digisorption among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Zassoumon (ザッソーモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Vegetation
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.3
DP: 3000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: When this card is trashed due to activating this Digimon's Digi-Burst, Memory +1.
MoriShellmon (モリシェルモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Mollusk
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 7000
Garbagemon ガーベモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Mutant
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
Deramon (デラモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Avian
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• Your Turn: For each other suspended Digimon you have in play, this Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Piximon (ピッコロモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Fairy
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
BanchoLillymon (バンチョーリリモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Fairy / Boss
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• On Deletion: Return 1 of your opponent's suspended Digimon to the bottom of its owner's deck. Trash all of the digivolution cards of that Digimon.
Rafflesimon (ラフレシモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Fairy
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5 | Digivolve Cost: 1 from Lv.6
DP: 11000
• Main Digi-Burst 2 (Trash 2 of this Digimon's Digivolution cards to activate the effect below.)
- All of your Digimon get +2000 DP for the turn.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When one of your Digimon activates Digi-Burst, 1 of your opponent's Digimon can't attack or block until the end of your opponent's next turn.
Rosemon (ロゼモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Fairy
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Main Digi-Burst 3 (Trash 3 of this Digimon's Digivolution cards to activate the effect below.)
- All of your Digimon with Digi-Burst gain Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card) for the turn.
Argomon (アルゴモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Mutant
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 13 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Digisorption -2 (When one of your Digimon digivolves into this card from your hand, you may suspend 1 of your Digimon to reduce the memory cost of the digivolution by 2.)
• When Digivolving: Suspend all of your opponent's Tamers.
• All Turns: Your opponent's Tamers don't unsuspend.
Keramon (ケラモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Reveal 5 cards from the top of your deck. Add 1 Digimon card with [Unidentified] in its type and/or 1 [Arata Sanada] card among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Monitamon (モニタモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Data | Type: CRT
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Look at the top card of your deck.
• On Deletion: Reveal 3 cards from the top of your deck. You may play 1 [Monitamon] among them without paying its memory cost. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Commandramon (コマンドラモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg / D-Brigade
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
Mekanorimon (メカノリモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Machine
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
• Your Turn: This Digimon can't attack.
• Opponent's Turn: When this Digimon deletes an opponent's Digimon in battle and survives, unsuspend it.
Kurisarimon (クリサリモン)
Lv: Adult | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• When Digivolving: If you don't have an [Arata Sanada] card in play, you may play one from your hand without paying its memory cost.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: All of your other Digimon with the same name as this Digimon gain Rush. (This Digimon can attack the turn it comes into play.)
BlackGaogamon (ブラックガオガモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Beast
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has Reboot, it gains Jamming (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles against Security Digimon.)
Shademon (シェイドモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Unidentified
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
• Security: At the end of the battle, play this card without paying its memory cost.
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
• Your Turn: This Digimon can't attack.
WaruMonzaemon (ワルもんざえモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Puppet
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.4
DP: 6000
Infermon (インフェルモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 6000
• Your Keramon can digivolve into this card in your hand for a memory cost of 4, ignoring this card's digivolution requirements.
Digivolve Effect:
• On Deletion: You may play 1 [Diaboromon] Token without paying its memory cost. (Diaboromon Tokens are Lv.6 white Digimon with a memory cost of 14, 3000 DP, and are Mega form, Unidentified type, and Unknown attribute.)
BlackMachGaogamon (ブラックマッハガオガモン)
Form: Ultimate| Attribute: Data | Type: Cyborg
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• Reboot (Unsuspend this Digimon during your opponent's unsuspend phase.)
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn: While this Digimon has Reboot, it gets +2000 DP.
BlackWarGreymon (ブラックウォーグレイモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
• Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
• Reboot (Unsuspend this Digimon during your opponent's unsuspend phase.)
MetalGarurumon (メタルガルルモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type Cyborg
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• Reboot (Unsuspend this Digimon during your opponent's unsuspend phase.)
• When Digivolving: Digi-Burst 2 (Trash 2 of this Digimon's Digivolution cards to activate the effect below.)
- Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with a play cost of 6 or less. If no Digimon was deleted by this effect, trash the top card of your opponent's security stack.
Guilmon (ギルモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Reptile
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Deletion: If this card was deleted by an effect, Memory +1.
Fake Agumon Hakase (ニセアグモン博士)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dinosaur
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
• On Deletion: You may return 1 Lv.3 Digimon card with an On Deletion effect other than [Fake Agumon Expert] from your trash to your hand.
Pillomon (ピロモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Mammal
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 4000
Troopmon (トループモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Undead
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 3000
• On Deletion: You may play 1 [Troopmon] from your hand without paying its memory cost.
Musyamon (ムシャモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Wizard
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
• Jamming (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles against Security Digimon.)
BlackGrowlmon (ブラックグラウモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dark Dragon
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 4000
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When one of your other Digimon is deleted, this Digimon gains Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card) for the turn.
Vajramon (ヴァジラモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Beast / Deva
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
Jokermon (ジョーカーモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Wizard
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.3
DP: 7000
• On Deletion: You may play 1 Lv.3 purple Digimon card from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any On Play effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
BlackWarGrowlmon (ブラックメガログラウモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Cyborg
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• Main Digi-Burst 3 (Trash 3 of this Digimon's Digivolution cards to activate the effect below.)
- You may play 1 Lv.3 purple Digimon card from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any On Play effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
Digivolve Effect:
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: You may delete 1 of your other Digimon to unsuspend this Digimon.
Zanbamon (ザンバモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Wizard
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 10 | Digiolve Cost: 2 from Lv.5
DP: 10000
• Retaliation (When this Digimon is deleted after losing a battle, delete the Digimon it was battling.)
ChaosGallantmon (カオスデュークモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Dark Knight
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Evolution Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
• When Digivolving: You may delete 1 of your other Digimon to delete 1 of your opponent's Lv.5 or lower Digimon.
• Your Turn Once Per Turn: When one of your other Digimon is deleted, you may play 1 Lv.3 purple Digimon card from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any On Play effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
Tactimon (タクティモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Data | Type: Wizard
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Attacking: Activate 1 of the effects below. If you have no other Digimon in play, activate all of the effects below instead.
- Memory +1.
- This Digimon gets +2000 DP for the turn.
- Destroy up to 3 of your opponent's Lv.3 Digimon.
Megidramon (メギドラモン)
Form: MEga | Attribute: Virus | Type Evil Dragon / Four Great Dragons
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 12 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: Both players trash the top 5 cards of their decks.
• On Deletion: If you have a Tamer in play, you may play 1 Lv.6 Digimon card with [Gallantmon] in its name from your hand or trash without paying its memory cost.
Diaboromon (ディアボロモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
• When Digivolving: You may play 1 [Diaboromon] Token without paying its memory cost. (Diaboromon Tokens are Lv.6 white Digimon with a memory cost of 14, 3000 DP, and are Mega form, Unidentified type, and Unknown attribute.)
Armageddemon (アーマゲモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unidentified
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 15 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.6
DP: 15000
• When playing this card from your hand, you may delete 1 of your [Diaboromon] to reduce this card's play cost by 12.
• Rush (This Digimon can attack the turn it comes into play.)
• All Turns: The When Digivolving effects on Lv.7 Digimon don't activate.
Omnimon (オメガモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Warrior / Royal Knight
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 15 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.6 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.6
DP: 14000
• When Digivolving: Blitz (This Digimon can attack when your opponent has 1 or more memory.)
• When Digivolving: Unsuspend this Digimon.
• All Turns: If an opponent's effect would delete this Digimon or return it to its owner's hand or deck, you may prevent it from leaving play by trashing a Lv.6 Digimon card in this card's digivolution cards.
Omnimon Zwart (オメガモン ズワルト)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Holy Warrior
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 15 | Digivolve Cost: 6 from Lv.6 | Digivolve Cost: 6 from Lv.6
DP: 12000
• When Digivolving: Trash the top 3 cards of your deck. Then, you may play up to 2 black or purple Digimon cards with play costs of 8 or less from your trash without paying their memory costs.
• When Attacking: You may return 1 Lv.6 Digimon card in this Digimon's digivolution cards to its owner's hand to delete 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Digimon with a play cost of 12 or less.
Sora Takenouchi & Joe Kido (武之内空&城戸丈)
Play Cost: 4
• Start of Your Turn: If your opponent has a Digimon with no digivolution cards in play, Memory +2.
• Your Turn: When you attack with a blue Digimon, you may suspend this Tamer to trash up to 2 digivolution cards from the bottom of 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Izzy Izumi & Mimi Tachikawa (泉光子郎&太刀川ミミ)
Play Cost: 4
• Start of Your Turn: If your opponent has a suspended Digimon in play, Memory +2.
• Your Turn: When you attack with a Lv.5 green Digimon, you may suspend this Tamer to reveal 3 cards from the top of your deck. You may digivolve 1 green Lv.6 Digimon card among them onto the attacking Digimon without paying its memory cost. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Arata Sanada (真田アラタ)
Play Cost: 3
• Start of Your Turn: If a Digimon card with [Unidentified] in its type is in your trash, Memory +1.
• Your Turn: When one of your Digimon digivolves into [Diaboromon], you may suspend this Tamer to play 1 [Diaboromon] Token without paying its memory cost. (Diaboromon Tokens are Lv.6 white Digimon with a memory cost of 14, 3000 DP, and are Mega form, Unidentified type, and Unknown attribute.)
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Takumi Aiba (相羽 タクミ)
Play Cost: 2
• Your Turn: When one of your Digimon digivolves, you may suspend this Tamer to trigger Draw 1. (Draw 1 card from your deck).
• All Turns: All Lv.3 Digimon gain [When Attacking: Memory -1.].
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Nokia Shiramine (白峰 ノキア)
Play Cost: 3
• On Play: You may play 1 [Agumon] or [Gabumon] from your hand without paying its memory cost.
• Main:When digivolving one of your Digimon into a Digimon card in your hand with [Garurumon], [Omnimon], or [Greymon] (other than [DoruGreymon], [BurningGreymon], or [DexDoruGreymon]), in its name, you may suspend this Tamer to reduce the memory cost of the digivolution by 1.
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Tai Kamiya & Matt Ishida (八神太一&石田ヤマト)
Play Cost: 4
• Start of Your Turn: If your opponent has a Lv.6 or higher Digimon in play, Memory +2.
• Your Turn: All of your Digimon with [Omnimon] in their names gain Security Attack +1. (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
Security Effect:
• Security: Play this card without paying its memory cost.
Rowdy Rocker (ラウディロッカー)
Play Cost: 2
• Main: You may place 1 red Lv.4 or lower Digimon card from your hand under 1 of your Digimon as its bottom digivolution card. If you do, trigger Draw 2. (Draw 2 cards from your deck.)
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to its owner's hand.
Transcendent Sword (グレイソード)
Play Cost: 7
• Main: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 11000 DP or less. If you have a Digimon in play with [Omnimon] or [Greymon] (other than [DoruGreymon], [BurningGreymon], or [DexDoruGreymon]) in its name, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 15000 DP or less instead.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Supreme Cannon (ガルルキャノン)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: Return all of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less to their owners' hands. If you have a Digimon in play with [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] in its name, return all of your opponent's Digimon with 5000 DP or less to their owners' hands instead. Trash all of the digivolution cards of those Digimon.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Absolute Blast (アブソリュートブラスト)
Play Cost: 6
• Main: Trash the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards to the bottom of its owner's deck.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Meteor Shower (メテオスコール)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: You may play 1 yellow Digimon card with [Starmon] in its name from your hand without paying its memory cost.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Spiral Masquerade (スパイラルマスカレード)
Play Cost: 4
• Main: For each Digimon you have in play, activate the effect below.
- 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Royal Nuts (ロイヤルナッツ)
Play Cost: 1
• Main: Reveal 5 cards from the top of your deck. Add 1 Digimon card with Digisorption among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to its owner's hand.
You Can't Actually Fly? (実はキミ......飛べないの?)
Play Cost: 3
• Main: Suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if your opponent has a Lv.7 Digimon in play, trash the top card of their security stack.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to its owner's hand.
Wisselen (ウィスレン)
Play Cost: 6
• Main: Up to 2 of your opponent's Digimon can't attack or block until the end of your opponent's next turn. Then, if you have a Digimon with Digi-Burst in play, Memory +2.
Security Effect:
• Security: Up to 2 of your opponent's Digimon can't attack until the end of the turn. Then, if you have a Digimon with Digiburst in play, Memory +2.
A Blazing Storm of Metal!! (熱く激しきメタルの嵐!!)
Play Cost: 1
• Main: Until the end of your opponent's next turn, all of your Digimon with Reboot get +1000 DP and Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
Security Effect:
• Security: Your opponent's Digimon can't attack players for the turn. Then, add this card to your hand.
Catastrophe Cannon (カタストロフィーカノン)
Play Cost: 4
• Main: Trigger De-Digivolve 2 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. (Trash up to 2 cards from the top of one of your opponent's Digimon. If it has no digivolution cards, or becomes a Lv.3 Digimon, you can't trash any more cards.) Then, if you have a [Diaboromon] in play, you may play 1 [Diaboromon] Token without paying its memory cost. (Diaboromon Tokens are Lv.6 white Digimon with a memory cost of 14, 3000 DP, and are Mega form, Unidentified type, and Unknown attribute.)
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Ultimate Flare (アルティメットフレア)
Play Cost: 8
• Main: Trigger De-Digivolve 3 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. (Trash up to 3 cards from the top of one of your opponent's Digimon. If it has no digivolution cards, or becomes a Lv.3 Digimon, you can't trash any more cards.) Then, delete all of your opponent's Digimon with play costs of 3 or less.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Demonic Disaster (デモンズディザスター)
Play Cost: 1
• Main: You may delete 1 of your Digimon to unsuspend 1 of your purple Digimon.
Security Effect:
• Security: ou may play 1 Lv.3 purple Digimon card from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any On Play effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
Revived from the Darkness!! (ヤミよりの復活!!)
Play Cost: 4
• Main: Delete 1 of your purple Digimon. Then, you may play 1 Lv.5 or lower purple Digimon card from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any On Play effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to its owner's hand.
Earth Shaker (壱の太刀)
Play Cost: 6
• Main: Delete 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Lv.4 Digimon and 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Lv.5 Digimon.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate this card's Main effect.
Mega Digimon Fusion! (究極合体デジモンへの融合!)
Play Cost: 0
• Main: The next time one of your Digimon digivolves from Lv.6 to Lv.7 this turn, reduce the cost of the digivolution by 6. At the end of the turn, return the Digimon that digivolved with this effect to the bottom of its owner's deck. Trash all of the digivolution cards of that Digimon.
Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to its owner's hand.
All Delete (オールデリート)
Play Cost: 10
• Main: You may return 1 of your Digimon with [Omnimon] in its name to its owner's hand to delete all Digimon and Tamers. Trash all of the digivolution cards of the Digimon you returned with this effect.Security Effect:
• Security: Add this card to its owner's hand.
Omnimon (X Antibody) (オメガモンX抗体)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Holy Warrior / Royal Knight / X Antibody
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 15 | Digivolve Cost: 6 from Lv.6 | Digivolve Cost: 6 from Lv.6
DP: 15000
• Your Digimon with [Omnimon] in its name can digivolve into this card in your hand for a memory cost of 3, ignoring this card's digivolution requirements.
• When Attacking: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with DP less than or equal to this Digimon's DP.
• Opponent's Turn: When your opponent's Digimon attacks, you may trash 2 of this Digimon's digivolution cards to end the attack.
Omnimon Zwart DEFEAT (オメガモン ズワルトDEFEAT)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Virus | Type: Holy Warrior
Lv.7 | Play Cost: 15 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.6
DP: 13000
• Security: Play this card without battling and without paying its memory cost.
• When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Tamers.
• On Deletion: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon.