- Reprint of Sentinels.
Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei (純真の宝石騎士 アシュレイ)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Royal Paladin
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | FORCE
AUTO [V/R]: At the end of the battle it attacked, COST[S-Blast (2)], search your deck for up to one grade 2 or less card with "Jewel Knight" in its card name, call it to [R], and shuffle your deck. If this unit is on [V], call up to two cards instead of one.
AUTO [V/R]: When your other unit is placed on this unit's circle, COST[C-Blast (1)], and that placed unit gets [Critical] +1 until end of turn.
Explode Jewel Knight, Laile (炸裂の宝石騎士 レイル)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Royal Paladin
AUTO [R]: When it attacks, COST[put two normal units from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck in any order], [S-Charge (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.
AUTO [V/R]: When your other unit is placed on this unit's circle, that placed unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus (集約の宝石騎士 モルウィドゥス)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Royal Paladin
ACT [R]: COST[C-Blast (1) & Put a normal unit from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck], [S-Charge (1)], and one of your units with "Jewel Knight" in its card name gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [V/R]: When your other unit is placed on this unit's circle, draw a card.
Diaconnect Dragon (ディアコネクト・ドラゴン)
United Sanctuary/Cosmo Dragon/Royal Paladin
AUTO [R]: When placed, if you have another unit in the same column as this unit, [S-Charge (1)]. If you [S-Charge] a trigger unit, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Little Sage, Marron (小さな賢者 マロン)
United Sanctuary/Giant/Royal Paladin
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your other rear-guard is placed in the same column as this unit, COST[C-Blast (1)], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn.
Flourishing Knight, Edith (繁華の騎士 エディス)
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[S-Blast (1)], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, call up to one card with "Altmile" in its card name from among them to the [R] in the same column as this unit, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle it boosted a grade 3 rear-guard, COST[put the rear-guard that was boosted into your soul], and return this unit to your hand.
Flash Shield, Iseult (閃光の盾 イゾルデ)
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Battle Sister, Fromage (バトルシスター ふろまーじゅ)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Oracle Think Tank
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | PROTECT
CONT [V]: During your turn, if your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, all of your units with "Battle Sister" in its name get [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], and draw a card. If you have a vanguard with "Battle Sister" in its name, draw a card.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[Discard a card from your hand], look at the same number of cards from the top of your deck as the number of units with "Battle Sister" in their different card names, and put each card you looked on top or bottom of your deck in any order.
Battle Sister, Trifle (バトルシスター とらいふる)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Oracle Think Tank
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at three cards from the top of your deck, call up to one card with "Battle Sister" in its card name from among them to [R], and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks, if you looked at your deck by a card's ability this turn, until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power] +5000, then COST[S-Blast (1) - grade 3], and your opponent cannot call sentinels from his or her hand to [G].
Battle Sister, Torrijas (バトルシスター とりはす)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Oracle Think Tank
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, reveal top card of deck, if it is a "Battle Sister", you may add it to hand. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn. (Return it if not added)
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: During your turn, if you looked at your deck by a card effect, you may have this unit get [Power] +5000 until end of turn. (Activates from, "reveal", "search" effects. +5000 regardless of number of cards looked at with one effect)
Battle Sister, Chouquette (バトルシスター しゅーけっと)
United Sanctuary/Human/Oracle Think Tank
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[S-Blast (1)], look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 card from among them and put it on the top of your deck, shuffle the rest of the cards and put them on the bottom of your deck, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Battle Sister, Cassata (バトルシスター かっさーた)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Oracle Think Tank
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, you may have this unit get [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Battle Sister, Panettone (バトルシスター ぱねとーね)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Oracle Think Tank
ACT [R]: COST[put this unit into your soul], look at two cards from the top of your deck, put a card from among them on the top of your deck, one card from among them on the bottom of your deck, and until end of turn, the [Power] increase of your next trigger effect gets +10000.
Weather Forecaster, Miss Mist (ウェザーフォーキャスター ミス・ミスト)
United Sanctuary/Ghost/Oracle Think Tank
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Regalia of Wisdom, Angelica (叡智の神器 アンジェリカ)
United Sanctuary/Noble/Genesis
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | FORCE
CONT [V]: All of your rear-guards with divine gauge cannot be chosen by your opponent's card's effects, and get [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, choose up to two of your rear-guards, and put up to one card from your soul face down as a divine gauge for each of those units.
AUTO [V]: At the end of your opponent's turn, COST[discard five divine gauge], and heal a card from your damage zone.
Demon Exorcising Regalia, Thrud (祓魔の神器 スルーズ)
United Sanctuary/Noble/Genesis
AUTO [R]: When placed, you may put a card from your soul face down as a divine gauge for this unit.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle it attacked or boosted, COST[this unit has one or more divine gauges, move all of them to another rear-guard], put this unit into your soul, and draw a card.
Regalia of Dedication, Var (奉納の神器 ヴァール)
United Sanctuary/Noble/Genesis
AUTO [R]: When it attacks or boosts, you may put a card from your soul face down as a divine gauge for this unit.
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: COST[Discard a divine gauge from this unit], [S-Charge (3)], then if you have a vanguard with "Regalia" in its card name, COST[retire this unit], and [C-Charge (1)].
Witch of Frogs, Melissa (蛙の魔女 メリッサ)
United Sanctuary/Human/Genesis
AUTO [R]: When placed from hand, COST[S-Blast (3)], your opponent looks at the same number of cards from the top of his or her deck as the number of his or her rear-guards, calls them to [R] with units, and shuffles the deck. Your opponent's abilities do not activate from this call.
Dikei of the Just Path (恒道のディケイ)
United Sanctuary/Noble/Genesis
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[put a card from your hand into your soul], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to two <Astral Poet> cards from among them and put them into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you revealed two cards, get an Imaginary Gift:Force, and put that marker on your [V].
White Brush Witch, Artic (白筆の魔女 アーティク)
United Sanctuary/Human/Genesis
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, look at two cards from the top of your deck, put one card from among them into your soul, and put one card from among them on the top of your deck.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your grade 3 or greater vanguard attacks, one of your vanguards and this unit get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Goddess of Self-sacrifice, Kushinada (挺身の女神 クシナダ)
United Sanctuary/Noble/Genesis
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Dauntless Drive Dragon (ドーントレスドライブ・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon/Kagero
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | FORCE
AUTO [V]: At the end of the battle your drive check revealed two or more normal units, one of your front row rear-guard gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle it attacked, if your hand has four or more cards, COST[discard three cards from your hand], and [Stand] this unit.
AUTO: When rode upon, choose one of your vanguards, and it get all of this card’s AUTO abilities other than this ability until end of turn.
Break Breath Dragon (ブレイクブレス・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon/Kagero
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle it attacked, if your opponent's rear-guard was retired during this turn, COST[retire this unit], and draw a card.
AUTO: When rode upon, choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, retire it. If it was not retired, draw a card.
Dragon Knight, Hishat (ドラゴンナイト ヒーシャット)
Dragon Empire/Human/Kagero
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], draw a card, choose one of your opponent's back row rear-guards, and retire it.
AUTO: When rode upon, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 card from among them and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Burnrise Dragon (バーンライズ・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon/Kagero
AUTO [R]: When your vanguard [Stand] by a card's ability, COST[C-Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], and this unit gets [Power] +15000 / [Critical] +1 until end of turn.
Calamity Tower Wyvern (カラミティタワー・ワイバーン)
Dragon Empire/Winged Dragon/Kagero
ACT [R]: COST[S-Blast (1) & retire this unit], and one of your vanguards gets [Power] +15000 until end of turn.
Flame of Hope, Aermo (希望の火 エルモ)
Dragon Empire/Salamander/Kagero
CONT [R]: During the battle that it boosted, this unit gets [Power] +3000.
AUTO [R]: When your opponent's rear-guard is retired during your turn, COST[retire this unit], draw a card, and [C-Charge (1)].
Wyvern Guard, Barri (ワイバーンガード バリィ)
Dragon Empire/Dragonman/Kagero
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.

V-SS10/029 (V-SS10/SP05)
Evil Stealth Dragon Tasogare, Hanzo (妖魔忍竜・暁 ハンゾウ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | PROTECT
AUTO [Hand]: At the beginning of your opponent's turn, if your vanguard is "Evil Stealth Dragon Akatsuki, Hanzo", COST[discard two cards from your hand], ride this card as [Rest], and all of your rear-guards get [Shield] +5000 until end of turn. At the end of that turn, ride a "Evil Stealth Dragon Akatsuki, Hanzo" from your soul as [Rest].
AUTO [Soul]: When your vanguard with "Hanzo" in its card name attacks, COST[retire a grade 0], call this card to [R], and until end of turn, this unit gets [Power] +20000 and can attack from the back row. At the end of that turn, put this unit into your soul. If you put it into your soul, call an Evil Decoy token to [R].
Evil Stealth Dragon, Yamishibuki (妖魔忍竜 ヤミシブキ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a grade 0 rear-guard, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & return one of your other rear-guards to your hand], and call two Evil Decoy tokens to [R].
Evil Stealth Dragon, Kagesarashi (妖魔忍竜 カゲサラシ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
ACT [R]: COST[Retire this unit], call up to two Evil Decoy tokens to [R], then if you have a vanguard with "Hanzo" in its card name, COST[put a card from your hand into your soul], search your deck for up to one card with "Hanzo" in its card name, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn.
Evil Stealth Dragon, Zangetsu (妖魔忍竜 ザンゲツ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
ACT [V/R]: COST[C-Blast (1)], call an evil decoy token to [R], and until end of turn, all of your tokens get "Boost", and [Power] +5000. (Evil decoys are grade 0 / [Shield] 5000 and have intercept)
AUTO [R]: When attacked, you may change that attack's target to one of your [R] tokens. If you do, return this unit to your hand.
Evil Stealth Dragon, Kurogiri (妖魔忍竜 クロギリ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
ACT [R]: COST[S-Blast (2) & Return this unit to your hand], and call up to two evil decoy tokens to [R]. (Evil decoys are grade 0 / [Shield] 5000 and have intercept)
Stealth Rogue of the Night, Sakurafubuki (月下の忍鬼 サクラフブキ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When placed, if you have three or more units, COST[discard a card from your hand], this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn, if there are one or less face up cards in your damage zone, draw a card, and [C-Charge (1)].
Stealth Beast, Mijingakure (忍獣 ミジンガクレ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Beast Deity, Ethics Buster (獣神 エシックス・バスター)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When placed or rode upon, COST[discard two cards from your hand], [Stand] one of your units with "Beast Deity" in its card name, and attack your opponent's vanguard with that unit. At the end of that battle, if that attack did not hit, [Stand] that unit, and if that attack hit, that unit gets drive -1 until end of turn.
AUTO [V]: When your unit with "Beast Deity" in its card name attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], and that unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Beast Deity, Typhoon Bird (獣神 タイフーン・バード)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
ACT [V/R] [1/Turn]: If you have a vanguard with "Beast Deity" in its card name, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at five cards from the top of your deck, call up to one non-grade 2 card with "Beast Deity" in its card from among them to [R] as [Rest], and shuffle your deck.
Beast Deity, Lift Taurus (獣神 リフト・タウロス)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R]: When placed during your main phase, you may [Stand] one of your units with "Beast Deity" in its card name.
AUTO [V/R]: When your vanguard's attack hits, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 card with "Beast Deity" in its card name from among them and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you put a card into your hand, and this unit is on [R], put this unit into your soul.
Ultra Beast Deity, Illuminal Dragon (超獣神 イルミナル・ドラゴン)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle that your rear-guard's attack did not hit, COST[C-Blast (1)], [Stand] that unit, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn. That unit attacks your opponent's vanguard.
AUTO [V/R] [1/Turn]: When your other unit's attack hits, this unit gets [Power] +15000 until end of turn.
Beast Deity, Scarlet Bird (獣神 ヴァーミリオン・バード)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R]: When placed during your main phase, COST[S-Blast (1)], [Stand] all of your units. If you [Stand] two or more units, and if "Beast Deity, White Tiger" is in your soul, draw a card.
Beast Deity, Glanz Dragon (獣神 グランツ・ドラゴン)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your other unit attacks, if you have a grade 3 vanguard with "Beast Deity" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.
Twin Blader (ツイン・ブレーダー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Galactic Beast, Zeal (銀河超獣 ズィール)
Star Gate/Alien/Dimension Police
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | FORCE
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at the top card of your deck, and call it to [R]. If this unit is on [V], choose one of your opponent's vanguards, and it gets [Power] -5000 until end of turn for each marker on your opponent's circles.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & Put one or more rear-guards into your soul], choose one of your opponent's vanguards, until end of turn, it gets [Power] -10000, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, and "Devourer of Planets, Zeal" is in your soul, this unit gets drive +1 for every two cards put into your soul for this cost.
Devourer of Planets, Zeal (星を喰う者 ズィール)
Star Gate/Alien/Dimension Police
ACT [V/R] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & [Rest] two rear-guards], choose one of your opponent's vanguards, and it gets [Power] -5000 until end of turn. If "Eye of Destruction, Zeal" is in your soul, draw a card.
AUTO: When rode upon by a grade 3, choose one of your opponent's vanguards, and it gets [Power] -5000 until end of turn.
Eye of Destruction, Zeal (滅びの瞳 ズィール)
Star Gate/Alien/Dimension Police
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 2 or greater card with "Zeal" in its card name from among them and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn.
Platinum Ace (プラチナム・エース)
Star Gate/Alien/Dimension Police
CONT [V]: During your turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater with [Power] 30000 or greater, COST[S-Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 / [Critical] +1 until end of turn.
Twin Order (ツイン・オーダー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Dimension Police
AUTO [R]: When it boosts, one of your vanguards gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn for each of your force markers.
Magical Police Quilt (マジカルポリス・キルト)
Star Gate/Human/Dimension Police
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your vanguards gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: When your vanguard attacks, if that unit's [Power] is 30000 or greater, COST[C-Blast (1)], and draw a card. ([Power] gain from boost is included)
Diamond Ace (ダイヤモンド・エース)
Star Gate/Alien/Dimension Police
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Demonic Lord, Dudley Lucifer (魔王 ダッドリー・ルシファー)
Dark Zone/Ogre/Spike Brothers
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | FORCE
AUTO [R]: When placed by your card’s ability, COST[S-Blast (1)], [C-Charge (1)].
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & put a rear-guard into your soul], draw a card, call up to one card with "Dudley" in its name from your hand to [R], and if your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, that called unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Dudley Davie (ダッドリー・デーヴィー)
Dark Zone/Ogre/Spike Brothers
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one non-grade 2 card with "Dudley" in its name, call it to your [R], and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When a force marker is put on this unit’s circle, you may [S-Charge (1)]. (includes moving the marker too)
Dudley William (ダッドリー・ウィリアム)
Dark Zone/Ogre/Spike Brothers
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle that it boosted, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, move all of your force markers to that unit's circle.
AUTO: When rode upon, you may call this card to [R].
Highspeed, Brakki (ハイスピード・ブラッキー)
Dark Zone/Warbeast/Spike Brothers
AUTO [R]: When placed, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the beginning of your main phase, COST[put this unit into your soul], search your deck for up to one "Highspeed, Brakki", call it to your [R], and shuffle your deck.
Commander, Garry Gannon (指揮官 ゲイリー・ギャノン)
Dark Zone/Ogre/Spike Brothers
AUTO [R]: When the attack that it boosted hits a vanguard, COST[put this unit into your soul], draw two cards, and put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.
Wonder Boy (ワンダー・ボーイ)
Dark Zone/Human/Spike Brothers
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[put a non-grade 1 card from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the beginning of your main phase, COST[put this unit into your soul], search your deck for up to one "Wonder Boy", call it to your [R] and shuffle your deck.
Cheer Girl, Marilyn (チアガール マリリン)
Dark Zone/Succubus/Spike Brothers
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Nightmare Doll, Chelsea (ナイトメアドール ちぇるしー)
Dark Zone/Workeroid/Pale Moon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, COST[C-Blast (1)], and call up to two <Workeroid> units from your soul to [R]. If your opponent's Vanguard is grade 3 or greater, the units called by this ability gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, if you have a <Workeroid> on [V], COST[put this unit into soul], choose one of your opponent's units on [R], and your opponent puts that unit into soul.
Nightmare Doll, Marissa (ナイトメアドール まりっさ)
Dark Zone/Workeroid/Pale Moon
AUTO [V/R]: When this card is placed from hand, COST[put a card from hand into soul], look at top seven cards from deck, reveal up to two non-grade 2 Workeroid> normal cards, add them to your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Nightmare Doll, Abigail (ナイトメアドール あびげいる)
Dark Zone/Workeroid/Pale Moon
AUTO [V]: When placed, [S-Charge (1)].
AUTO [R]: At the end of your turn, COST[retire this unit], search your soul for up to one grade 3 <Workeroid>, add it to your hand, and if your vanguard is a <Workeroid>, [C-Charge (1)].
Nightmare Doll, Alice (ナイトメアドール ありす)
Dark Zone/Workeroid/Pale Moon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When placed, call up to one <Workeroid> from your soul to [R], and that unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle that it attacked, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], and call a non-grade 3 card from your soul to [R].
Nightmare Doll, Carroll (ナイトメアドール きゃろる)
Dark Zone/Workeroid/Pale Moon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When placed, look at five cards from the top of your deck, put one card from among them into your soul, and shuffle your deck. If you put a grade 3 <Workeroid>, you may call that card to [R].
AUTO [V]: When your grade 3 rear-guard is put into your soul, COST[C-Blast (1) & discard two cards from your hand], ride a <Workeroid> from your soul as [Stand], and that unit gets drive-1 until end of turn.
Amaranth Beast Tamer (アマランス・ビーストテイマー)
Dark Zone/Elf/Pale Moon
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks a vanguard, COST[put one other rear-guard into your soul], and this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of that battle.
Hades Hypnotist (冥界の催眠術師)
Dark Zone/Demon/Pale Moon
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Legendary PR♥ISM-Duo, Nectaria (伝説のPR♥ISM-Duo ネクタリア)
Magallanica/Mermaid/Bermuda △
Normal/4/Twin Drive!!/14000/-/1 | FORCE
ACT [Hand]: COST[Bind this card], search your deck for up to one normal unit, bind it, and shuffle your deck. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn.
CONT [V/R]: During your turn, if you have a card with the same card name as this unit in your bind zone, this unit gets [Power] +10000, and if this unit is on your [V], it gets [Critical] +1 / drive +1.
Noir Fixer, Hilda (陰の主役 ヒルダ)
Magallanica/Mermaid/Bermuda △
CONT [R]: If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, this unit gets "Boost".
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your grade 3 or greater unit is placed during your battle phase, if this unit is in your back row, you may [Stand] this unit.
Innocence, Mernil (天真爛漫 メルニル)
Magallanica/Mermaid/Bermuda △
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[reveal a normal unit from your hand, and put it on the bottom of your deck], and draw a card.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your grade 3 or greater unit is placed during your battle phase, if this unit is in your back row, you may have one of your vanguards get [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Masterly Cover, Minne (名曲の継承者 ミンネ)
Magallanica/Mermaid/Bermuda △
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], draw two cards, return a card from your hand to your deck, and shuffle it. If you do not have a rear-guard with the same card name as your vanguard on your [R], return three cards to your deck instead of one.
Equable Career, Spiana (英明才女 スピアナ)
Magallanica/Mermaid/Bermuda △
AUTO [R]: When placed, you may return a card with the same card name as a grade 3 card on your [V] or [R] from your drop zone to your deck. If you returned a card, shuffle your deck, and [C-Charge (1)].
Rainy Tear, Stezza (レイニーティア ステッツァ)
Magallanica/Mermaid/Bermuda △
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle it boosted a vanguard, COST[retire this unit], draw a card, then, COST[C-Blast (1) & put a grade 3 card from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck], and draw a card.
Glittery Baby, Lene (煌きのお姫様 レネ)
Magallanica/Mermaid/Bermuda △
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Blue Wave Marshal, Valeos (蒼波元帥 ヴァレオス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets [Power] -5000, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, its [Power] cannot increase or decrease other than by this effect and guardians' [Shield].
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[Discard a card with the same card name as your vanguard from your hand], remove all markers from your circles, and call up to five cards from your drop zone to [R].
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle that your unit attacked, choose two of your rear-guards, and you may exchange their positions.
Blue Wave Marine General, Gailot (蒼波水将 ガリオット)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], and [Stand] one of your rear-guards with "Blue Wave" in its card name.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle it attacked, if your opponent's vanguard's current [Power] is different from its original [Power], COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your other rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and exchange its position with this card.
Blue Wave Soldier Senior, Corvette (蒼波兵長 コルベット)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Blue Wave" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When its attack or the attack it boosted hits a vanguard, look at three cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Blue Wave" in its card name from among them and put it into your hand, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
Coral Assault (コーラル・アサルト)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [R]: During the battle it attacked, if four or more of your other units are in [Rest], this unit gets [Power] +15000.
AUTO [R]: At the end of your turn, if the total number of attacks this turn is four or more, COST[put this unit into your soul], and draw a card.
Blue Wave Marine General, Galleass (蒼波水将 ガレアス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [V/R]: During your turn, if you have four or more [Rest] rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your grade 3 vanguard attacks, if your opponent's vanguard's current [Power] is different from its original [Power], COST[C-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.
Battle Siren, Dolcia (戦場の歌姫 ドルシア)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.
CONT [R]: If your opponent's vanguard's current [Power] is different from its original [Power], this unit can attack from the back row.
Emerald Shield, Paschal (翠玉の盾 パスカリス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Hammsuke's Rival, Deka Crayon Hamuyan (はむすけの学友 デカクレヨンのはむやん)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (2) & discard a card from your hand], search your deck for any number of cards with "Hammsuke" in their different card names, call them to the front row [R], and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [V]: At the end of the battle it attacked, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST[discard two cards from your hand], reveal the bottom card of your deck, if that card is "Pencil Hero, Hammsuke", ride it as [Stand], and that unit gets drive -1 until end of turn.
Hammsuke's Rival, Nail Pencil Hammgoro (はむすけの学友 釘鉛筆のはむごろー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at three cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Hammsuke" in its card name from among them and put it into your hand, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: If you have a vanguard with "Hammsuke" in its card name, COST[put two cards with "Hammsuke" in their card names from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck in any order], and this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn.
Hammsuke's Teacher, Dip Pencil Hammyuki (はむすけの恩師 つけペンのはむゆき)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], search your deck for up to one "Pencil Squire, Hammsuke", call it to [R], and shuffle your deck.
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: If you have a vanguard with "Hammsuke" in its card name, COST[put two cards with "Hammsuke" in their card names from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck in any order], and [C-Charge (1)].
Pencil Hero, Hammsuke (鉛筆英雄 はむすけ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When placed, if you have "Pencil Knight, Hammsuke" and "Pencil Squire, Hammsuke" in your soul, COST[discard two cards from your hand], you get an Imaginary Gift: Accel, search your deck for up to one "Pencil Knight, Hammsuke" and "Pencil Squire, Hammsuke", call them to [R], and shuffle your deck.
Pencil Knight, Hammsuke (鉛筆騎士 はむすけ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
CONT [R]: If your vanguard is "Pencil Hero, Hammsuke", this unit gets [Power] +3000.
CONT [V]: During the battle that it attacked, if you have a "Pencil Squire, Hammsuke" in your soul, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
Pencil Squire, Hammsuke (鉛筆従士 はむすけ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
CONT [R]: If your vanguard is "Pencil Hero, Hammsuke", this unit gets [Power] +4000.
AUTO [R]: At the end of your turn, COST[S-Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], search your deck for up to one "Pencil Knight, Hammsuke", reveal it, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Cable Sheep (ケーブル・シープ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.