Storm of the Blue Cavalry
Official Release Date:
[Japanese Edition]
[English Edition] 20th November 2020
Total Number of Cards: 89 (81 New Cards + 8 Reprint Cards)
RLR: 2
SP: 36 (including SP Clan Packs)
VR: 5
RRR: 11
RR: 12
R: 18
C: 43
- Storm of the Blue Cavalry is the 11th V series Booster Set releases in the Japanese and English Format.
- Includes support for the clan: Nubatama, Nova Grappler, Aqua Force and Great Nature.
- Includes support for archetypes: Shiranui, Victor, Blue Storm, Maelstrom, Isabelle, and Bigbelly.
- For Aqua Force, Marine General of Heavenly Silk, Lambros will be a grade 4 unit that combo with One Who Surpasses the Storm, Thavas.
- For Great Nature, Isabelle will return with a power-up Lottery ability!
- There will also be both SP version of VR and RRR!
- The set will also include a SP clan pack!
- Each display/box contains 16 packs.
- Each pack contains 7 random cards.
- 2 cards in every pack will definitely be R or above cards!!
- Includes Special Reprint of Blue Wave Soldier Senior, Beragios! There will a playset in each carton/display!
- The pull rate percentage for the foils in the Set:
• SP/Re/RLR: 2.84%
• VR: 9.38%
• RRR: 20.94%
• RR: 33.75%
- Includes support for the Imaginary Gift: Accel (Nova Grappler, Aqua Force and Great Nature) and Protect (Nubatama).
Mask of Domination FAQs:

If “Demonic Stealth Dragon, Shiranui "Oboro"” bind a unit with [Twin Drive!!], will the “Token of Domination” get [Twin Drive!!]?
—> Yes.
《Question 2》
Can I activate the “When placed” effect that the “Token of Domination” get to activate the effect?
—> No.

At the end of turn when the “Token of Domination” gets removed, can I activate the "When retired" effect?
—> No.
《Question 4》
If I bind a rear-guard with a Force II marker, will the original [Critical] of the “Token of Domination” be [Critical] 2?
—> Yes.
:: Cardlist ::
Emerald Shield, Paschal (翠玉の盾 パスカリス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Draw / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Quick Shield (クイックシールド)
Blitz Order/0/-/-/-/-
One of your attacked units gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle!
Stealth Dragon, Magatsu Gale (忍竜 マガツゲイル)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power] +6000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle it attacked, COST[put this unit into your soul], and return one of your rear-guards to your hand.
Stealth Beast, Mijingakure (忍獣 ミジンガクレ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
Draw / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Quick Shield (クイックシールド)
Blitz Order/0/-/-/-/-
One of your attacked units gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle!
Twin Blader (ツイン・ブレーダー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Draw / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Quick Shield (クイックシールド)
Blitz Order/0/-/-/-/-
One of your attacked units gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle!
Cable Sheep (ケーブル・シープ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Draw / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
AUTO [G]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and one of your units cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Quick Shield (クイックシールド)
Blitz Order/0/-/-/-/-
One of your attacked units gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle!
V-BT11/Re:01 (V-BT11/SP21)
Blue Wave Soldier Senior, Beragios (蒼波兵長 ベラギオス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [V/R]: During your turn, if you have four or more [Rest] rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.
Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom (蒼嵐竜 メイルストローム)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1)], and all of your front row units get [Power] +3000 until end of turn.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: When your rear-guard's attack hits a vanguard, if it is the third or fourth battle of that turn, COST[discard two cards from your hand], and [Stand] this unit.
Blue Wave Soldier Senior, Beragios (蒼波兵長 ベラギオス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [V/R]: During your turn, if you have four or more [Rest] rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.
Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom (蒼嵐竜 メイルストローム)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1)], and all of your front row units get [Power] +3000 until end of turn.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: When your rear-guard's attack hits a vanguard, if it is the third or fourth battle of that turn, COST[discard two cards from your hand], and [Stand] this unit.
V-BT11/001 (V-BT11/SP01)
Marine General of Heavenly Silk, Lambros (天羅水将 ランブロス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/4/Twin Drive!!/15000/-/1
CONT [Hand]: If you have a vanguard with "Thavas" in its card name, this card gets grade -1.
AUTO [V]: When placed, choose any number of your rear-guards, and [Stand] them.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose a column, [Stand] all of your rear-guards in that column, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, those rear-guards get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
V-BT11/002 (V-BT11/SP02)
Demonic Stealth Dragon, Shiranui "Oboro" (魔忍竜 シラヌイ “朧”)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | PROTECT
CONT [V]: During your turn, if you have two or more cards in your soul with "Shiranui" in their card names, this unit gets [Power] +15000, and you perform drive checks for the battles your Mask of Domination token attacked.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & Discard a card from your hand], choose a unit card from your opponent's [R] or drop zone, and bind it. If you bound a card, call a Mask of Domination token to your back row center [R], and until end of turn, that token gets the original grade, [Power], [Critical], and abilities of the card bound by this effect, and can attack from your back row center [R]. At the end of that turn, remove that token.
V-BT11/003 V-BT11/SP03)
Exxtreme Battler, Victor (メッチャバトラー ビクトール)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, call up to one grade 2 or less card with "Extreme Battler" in its card name from among them to [R], and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose up to one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it. If that rear-guard [Stand] two or more times this turn by a card's ability, this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn. (Includes [Stand] from this ability)
V-BT11/004 (V-BT11/SP04)
Sage-saint Mentor of Black Lacquer, Isabelle (黒漆の聖賢師 イザベル)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you perform both of the effects for "perform one of the effects".
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, look at three cards from the top of your deck, and put them on the top of your deck in any order.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1)], choose an AUTO ability with "When placed" of your units, and activate it. If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, all of your front row units get [Power] +10000 until end of turn. (Cost and conditions of that AUTO cannot be ignored)
V-BT11/005 (V-BT11/SP05)
Famous Professor, Bigbelly (名物博士 ビッグベリー)
Zoo/Warbeast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When your rear-guard is retired by a card's ability during each battle phase or each end phase, you may draw a card.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your [Power] 20000 or greater rear-guards, and [Stand] it. If your soul has a grade 3, [Stand] all of your [Power] 20000 or greater rear-guards.
V-BT11/006 (V-BT11/SP06)
Stealth Dragon, Shiranui (忍竜 シラヌイ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | PROTECT
ACT [V]: COST[Discard a card from your hand], search your deck for up to one "Demon Stealth Dragon, Shiranui "Oboro"", ride it as [Stand], and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks a vanguard, if you have a vanguard with "Shiranui" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn. Then, at the end of that battle, COST[put this unit into your soul], draw a card, choose up to one of your opponent's rear-guards, and return it to his or her hand. If it was returned, your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, and discards it.
V-BT11/007 (V-BT11/SP07)
Stealth Beast, Katarigitsune (忍獣 カタリギツネ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a token unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.
V-BT11/008 (V-BT11/SP08)
Galaxy Blaukluger (ギャラクシー・ブラウクリューガー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V]: During your turn, if "Blaukluger" is in your soul, all of your grade 3 units with "Blau" in their card names get [Power] +10000.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], and call a "Stern Blaukleuger" to [R] from your soul.
AUTO: When rode upon by a card with "Blau" in its card name, you may call this card to [R].
V-BT11/009 (V-BT11/SP09)
Cool Hank (ホワイト・ハンク)
Star Gate/Alien/Nova Grappler
AUTO [V]: When its attack hits, COST[S-Blast (1)], and draw a card.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, COST[discard a card from your hand], and [Stand] one of your other rear-guards.
V-BT11/010 (V-BT11/SP10)
Extreme Battler, Arashid (メチャバトラー アラシード)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
CONT [R]: If your unit was [Stand] by a card's ability this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.
V-BT11/011 (V-BT11/SP11)
One Who Surpasses the Storm, Thavas (嵐を超える者 サヴァス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V/R] [1/Turn]: COST[[Rest] a rear-guard], choose up to one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.
AUTO [V/R]: At the beginning of your battle phase, if three or more of your rear-guards are [Rest], COST[discard a card from your hand], search your deck for up to one grade 4 card, ride it as [Stand], shuffle your deck, and that unit gets [Power] +10000 / drive +1 until end of turn. At the end of this turn, retire that unit, and ride a grade 3 card from your soul as [Rest].
V-BT11/012 (V-BT11/SP12)
Kelpie Rider, Denis (ケルピーライダー デニス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
ACT [R]: COST[[Rest] another rear-guard], look at the top card of your deck, and call it to [R]. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn.
V-BT11/013 (V-BT11/SP13)
Terrific Coil Dragon (テリフィックコイル・ドラゴン)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it [Stand] by a card's ability, you may have this unit get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks, if it is the first battle of this turn, COST[S-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.
V-BT11/014 (V-BT11/SP14)
Measured Fossa (メジャード・フォッサ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at two cards from the top of your deck, call up to one card from among them to [R], and put the rest into your drop zone.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn, and at the end of that turn, retire that unit.
V-BT11/015 (V-BT11/SP15)
Lablab Dotter (ラブラブ・ドッター)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], put the top card of your deck into the drop zone, and perform one of the effects below depending on that card's type.
• Normal Unit - Call that card to [R].
• Trigger Unit - This unit gets [Power] +15000 until end of turn.
V-BT11/016 (V-BT11/SP16)
Diligent Assistant, Minibelly (ひたむき助手 ミニベリー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
CONT [R]: During your turn, if a unit is in your additional [R], this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.
Stealth Dragon, Genkai (忍竜 ゲンカイ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a token unit, all of your token units and this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: When placed, choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets "Boost" until end of turn. If you chose a unit other than this unit, [S-Charge (1)].
Stealth Dragon, Fuurai (忍竜 フウライ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
AUTO [V]: When placed, your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, discards it, and draws a card. If a grade 0 was discarded, you draw a card.
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & return another rear-guard to your hand], and one of your units gets [Power] +6000 until end of turn. If this unit is on [V], draw a card.
Stealth Dragon, Noroi (忍竜 ノロイ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Critical / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
V-BT11/020 (V-BT11/SP17)
Stern Blaukluger (シュテルン・ブラウクリューガー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V]: During your turn, if "Blaukluger" is in your soul, all of your grade 3 units with "Blau" in their card names get [Power] +10000.
AUTO [V]: At the end of the battle that it attacked, COST[discard two cards from your hand], choose one of your [R]’s "Galaxy Blaukleuger", bind it, ride that card as [Stand], and it gets drive-1 until end of turn.
Extreme Battler, Break-pass (メチャバトラー ブチヌーク)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Critical / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
V-BT11/023 (V-BT11/SP19)
Kelpie Rider, Nikki (ケルピーライダー ニッキー)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one "One Who Surpasses the Storm, Thavas" or "Kelpie Rider, Denis" from among them and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
ACT [R]: COST[[Rest] this unit & put a normal unit from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck], and [S-Charge (1)].
Drifting Flow Fencer (ドリフティング・フローフェンサー)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Maelstrom" in its card name from among them, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks, if it is the fourth battle of that turn or more, and you have a vanguard with "Maelstrom" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +15000 until end of that battle.
Kelpie Rider, Petros (ケルピーライダー ペトロス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Critical / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
Blusher Parakeet (ブラシャー・インコ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn, and if this unit is on [R], at the end of that turn, retire this unit.
V-BT11/027 (V-BT11/SP20)
Besom Ringtail (ビーズム・リングテイル)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [R]: When it attacks or boosts, COST[C-Blast (1)], put the top card of your deck into the drop zone, and perform one of the effects below depending on that card's type.
• Normal Unit - Draw a card.
• Trigger Unit - Choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Application Researcher, Ponbelly (実践研究員 ポンベリー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Critical / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
Stealth Rogue of Incantation, Hyoue (呪法の忍鬼 ヒョウエ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | PROTECT
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks, if you have two or more grade 3 cards in your soul, COST[C-Blast (1) & discard two cards from your hand], and until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power] +15000 / [Critical] +1, and your opponent cannot call sentinels to [G] from hand.
Stealth Rogue of Bonds, Yura (桎梏の忍鬼 ユラ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When your grade 3 vanguard is placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], and return all of your opponent's rear-guards in the same column as this unit to his or her hand. Your opponent chooses cards from his or her hand equal to the number of cards returned, and discards them.
Stealth Rogue of Cooperation, Sadamune (催合の忍鬼 サダムネ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
AUTO [V]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Shiranui" in its card name from among them and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[S-Blast (1)], your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, discards it, and increase this unit's [Power] by the [Shield] of that card until end of turn. Your opponent draws a card.
Qigong Fighting Hermit, Master Torga (気功闘仙 マスター・トルガ)
Star Gate/Warbeast/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V/R]: The [Power] increase of Front trigger effects revealed for your drive check get +5000.
AUTO [V/R] [1/Turn]: When your drive check reveals a Front trigger, COST[discard a card from your hand], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.
Blaukluger (ブラウクリューガー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [V]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Blau" in its card name, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle that it attacked, if you have a vanguard with "Blau" in its card name, COST[put this unit into your soul], and draw a card.
Blaupanzer (ブラウパンツァー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [V]: When placed by riding "Blaujunger", look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Blau" in its card name, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[discard a trigger unit from your hand], search your deck for up to one grade 3 with "Blau" in its card name, reveal it, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Extreme Battler, Ganbarugun (メチャバトラー ガンバルガン)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Victor" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], [Stand] one of your rear-guards, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Extreme Battler, Sosaucer (メチャバトラー ソーソーサー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [V]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it [Stand], if this unit is on an additional [R], you may have this unit get [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Marine General of the Raging Tides, Hristina (荒潮の水将 フリスティナ)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V/R] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle it attacked while was boosted, you may [Stand] one of the rear-guards that boosted. If it [Stand], you may move that unit to an open back row [R].
Marine General of Desperate Fight, Agias (勇戦の水将 アギアス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & [Rest] two rear-guards], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Bubble-ball Corporal (バブルボール・コーパラル)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V/R]: When your attacks hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit attacked or boosted, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Maelstrom" in its card name from among them, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Radiant Assault (ラジエート・アサルト)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[S-Blast (1)], and until end of turn, during the battle that this unit attacked or boosted, all of your abilities with "When your attack hits" activate even if the attack does not hit. Then, COST[put a card with "Maelstrom" in its name from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck], and draw a card.
V-BT11/041 (V-BT11/SP32)
Searcher of Perfect Circle, Flopanther (真円の探求書 フロパンサー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V/R] [1/Turn]: COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn. At the end of that turn, retire the chosen rear-guard by this effect, and if this unit is on [V], draw a card.
AUTO: When retired from [R] by your card's ability, if you have a vanguard with "Bigbelly" in its card name, you may put this card into your soul.
R / SP
V-BT11/042 (V-BT11/SP33)
Spool Merry (スプール・メリー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Bigbelly" in its card name, you may have one of your vanguards and this unit get [Power] +10000 until end of turn. If you do, at the end of that turn, retire this unit.
AUTO: When rode upon, you may call this card to [R].
R / SP
Clerical Kakapo (クレリカル・カカポ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, put the top card of your deck into the drop zone, and perform one of the effects below depending on that card's type.
• Normal Unit - Draw a card, and discard a card from your hand.
• Trigger Unit - Draw a card, and put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.
Scoring Master, Mousetoby (採点名人 ネズトビー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V]: When its attack hits, draw a card.
AUTO: When retired from [R] by your card's ability, if you have a vanguard with "Bigbelly" in its card name, [C-Charge (1)].
History Scientist, Bushbeck (歴史学者 ブッシュベック)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle it boosted, COST[retire this unit], and one of your rear-guards gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Illusory Spirit Manuscript, Fancyclopedia (幻霊写本 ファンサイクロペディア)
Normal Order/2/-/-/-/-
COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)]
One of your rear-guards gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn, and at the end of that turn, retire that unit, and draw a card.
Stealth Beast, Zokuhihi (忍獣 ゾクヒヒ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
AUTO [V]: When it attacks a vanguard, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose two each of your and your opponent's rear-guards, and return them to the hand. If four or more cards were returned, your opponent chooses two cards from his or her hand, and discards them.
Stealth Rogue of Sincerity, Mafusa (真率の忍鬼 マフサ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
Stealth Beast, Gyumado (忍獣 ギュウマドー)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, and calls to [R]. Your opponent's AUTO abilities cannot activate by this call.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks, if your vanguard is grade 3, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Stealth Beast, Gekihasai (忍獣 ゲキハサイ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
CONT [R]: This unit gets [Power] +5000 for each of your token units.
Stealth Rogue of Snake Arts, Ujihime (蛇術の忍鬼 ウジヒメ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When placed, one of your units gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO: When rode upon, you may call this card to [R].
Stealth Beast, Ibudanuki (忍獣 イブダヌキ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When the attack it boosted hits a vanguard, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and return it to the hand. If a card was returned, your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, and discards it.
Stealth Beast, Jagunro (忍獣 ジャグンロウ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
AUTO: When retired from [R] during your opponent's turn, search your deck for up to one "Stealth Beast, Jagunro", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [Hand]: When your rear-guard is placed by your card's ability, COST[C-Blast (1)], and call this card to [R].
Stealth Beast, Yamiyamaneko (忍獣 ヤミヤマネコ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
AUTO: When discarded from hand during your turn, [S-Charge (1)].
CONT [R]: During the battle it boosted, this unit gets [Power] +3000.
V-BT11/055 (V-BT11/SP27)
Stealth Dragon, Madoi (忍竜 マドイ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
AUTO: When rode upon, draw a card. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 1 or greater, put a Quick Shield Ticket into your hand.
Visarded Ashura (ヴィザーディッド・アッシュラー)
Star Gate/Alien/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, COST[S-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.
Brute the Beast (ブルート・ザ・ビースト)
Star Gate/Warbeast/Nova Grappler
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: If your vanguard is grade 3 and greater, COST[C-Blast (2)], search your deck for up to one grade 3, call it to [R], and shuffle your deck.
Cutting Gyre (カッティング・ジャイル)
Star Gate/Human - Hero/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[S-Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit and another rear-guard], and draw a card.
Morgenrot (モルゲンロート)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R]: At the end of your turn, COST[retire this unit], and return a card with "Blau" in its card name from [R] to your hand.
Lightness Cool (ライトネス・クール)
Star Gate/Warbeast/Nova Grappler
V-BT11/065 (V-BT11/SP30)
Blaujunger (ブラウユンガー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO: When rode upon, draw a card. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 1 or greater, put a Quick Shield Ticket into your hand.
Steel Whip of Turbulence, George (波乱の剛鞭 ゲオルゲ)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, [Stand] one of your back row rear-guards.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's vanguards, and it gets [Power] -5000 until end of turn.
Kelpie Rider, Biron (ケルピーライダー ビロン)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks, if it is the fourth battle of this turn or more, this unit gets [Power] +15000 until end of that battle.
Jeweled Staff of Kingfisher Green, Elpida (翠緑の宝杖 エルピダ)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [R/G]: If you have a vanguard with "Maelstrom" in its name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 / [Shield] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks a vanguard, COST[C-Blast (1)], and until end of that battle, all of your abilities with "When your attacks hits" activate even if the attack does not hit.
Kelpie Rider, Thodoris (ケルピーライダー トドリス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [R]: When [Rest] by another card's ability, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, and that unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Activate Dracokid (アクティベート・ドラコキッド)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)
Castanet Donkey (カスタネット・ドンキー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Front / +10000
Insurance Doctor, Carebath (保険医 ケアバット)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)
Mask of Domination (支配の仮面)
(This card represents a Mask of Domination token, and cannot be put in a deck)
Blue Storm Supreme Dragon, Glory Maelstrom (蒼嵐覇竜 グローリー・メイルストローム)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1)], until end of turn, your opponent cannot intercept, and can only call up to one card from his or her hand to [G] for each battle. If your soul has a card with "Maelstrom" in its card name, all your front row units get [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1)], until end of turn, your opponent cannot intercept, and can only call up to one card from his or her hand to [G] for each battle. If your soul has a card with "Maelstrom" in its card name, all your front row units get [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
V-BT11/001 (V-BT11/SP01)
Marine General of Heavenly Silk, Lambros (天羅水将 ランブロス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/4/Twin Drive!!/15000/-/1
CONT [Hand]: If you have a vanguard with "Thavas" in its card name, this card gets grade -1.
AUTO [V]: When placed, choose any number of your rear-guards, and [Stand] them.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose a column, [Stand] all of your rear-guards in that column, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, those rear-guards get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
V-BT11/002 (V-BT11/SP02)
Demonic Stealth Dragon, Shiranui "Oboro" (魔忍竜 シラヌイ “朧”)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | PROTECT
CONT [V]: During your turn, if you have two or more cards in your soul with "Shiranui" in their card names, this unit gets [Power] +15000, and you perform drive checks for the battles your Mask of Domination token attacked.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & Discard a card from your hand], choose a unit card from your opponent's [R] or drop zone, and bind it. If you bound a card, call a Mask of Domination token to your back row center [R], and until end of turn, that token gets the original grade, [Power], [Critical], and abilities of the card bound by this effect, and can attack from your back row center [R]. At the end of that turn, remove that token.
Exxtreme Battler, Victor (メッチャバトラー ビクトール)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, call up to one grade 2 or less card with "Extreme Battler" in its card name from among them to [R], and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose up to one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it. If that rear-guard [Stand] two or more times this turn by a card's ability, this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn. (Includes [Stand] from this ability)
V-BT11/004 (V-BT11/SP04)
Sage-saint Mentor of Black Lacquer, Isabelle (黒漆の聖賢師 イザベル)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V]: If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you perform both of the effects for "perform one of the effects".
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, look at three cards from the top of your deck, and put them on the top of your deck in any order.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1)], choose an AUTO ability with "When placed" of your units, and activate it. If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, all of your front row units get [Power] +10000 until end of turn. (Cost and conditions of that AUTO cannot be ignored)
Famous Professor, Bigbelly (名物博士 ビッグベリー)
Zoo/Warbeast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When your rear-guard is retired by a card's ability during each battle phase or each end phase, you may draw a card.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your [Power] 20000 or greater rear-guards, and [Stand] it. If your soul has a grade 3, [Stand] all of your [Power] 20000 or greater rear-guards.
V-BT11/006 (V-BT11/SP06)
Stealth Dragon, Shiranui (忍竜 シラヌイ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | PROTECT
ACT [V]: COST[Discard a card from your hand], search your deck for up to one "Demon Stealth Dragon, Shiranui "Oboro"", ride it as [Stand], and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks a vanguard, if you have a vanguard with "Shiranui" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn. Then, at the end of that battle, COST[put this unit into your soul], draw a card, choose up to one of your opponent's rear-guards, and return it to his or her hand. If it was returned, your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, and discards it.
V-BT11/007 (V-BT11/SP07)
Stealth Beast, Katarigitsune (忍獣 カタリギツネ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a token unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.
V-BT11/008 (V-BT11/SP08)
Galaxy Blaukluger (ギャラクシー・ブラウクリューガー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V]: During your turn, if "Blaukluger" is in your soul, all of your grade 3 units with "Blau" in their card names get [Power] +10000.
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1)], and call a "Stern Blaukleuger" to [R] from your soul.
AUTO: When rode upon by a card with "Blau" in its card name, you may call this card to [R].
V-BT11/009 (V-BT11/SP09)
Cool Hank (ホワイト・ハンク)
Star Gate/Alien/Nova Grappler
AUTO [V]: When its attack hits, COST[S-Blast (1)], and draw a card.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, COST[discard a card from your hand], and [Stand] one of your other rear-guards.
V-BT11/010 (V-BT11/SP10)
Extreme Battler, Arashid (メチャバトラー アラシード)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
CONT [R]: If your unit was [Stand] by a card's ability this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.
V-BT11/011 (V-BT11/SP11)
One Who Surpasses the Storm, Thavas (嵐を超える者 サヴァス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V/R] [1/Turn]: COST[[Rest] a rear-guard], choose up to one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.
AUTO [V/R]: At the beginning of your battle phase, if three or more of your rear-guards are [Rest], COST[discard a card from your hand], search your deck for up to one grade 4 card, ride it as [Stand], shuffle your deck, and that unit gets [Power] +10000 / drive +1 until end of turn. At the end of this turn, retire that unit, and ride a grade 3 card from your soul as [Rest].
V-BT11/012 (V-BT11/SP12)
Kelpie Rider, Denis (ケルピーライダー デニス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
ACT [R]: COST[[Rest] another rear-guard], look at the top card of your deck, and call it to [R]. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn.
V-BT11/013 (V-BT11/SP13)
Terrific Coil Dragon (テリフィックコイル・ドラゴン)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it [Stand] by a card's ability, you may have this unit get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks, if it is the first battle of this turn, COST[S-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.
Measured Fossa (メジャード・フォッサ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at two cards from the top of your deck, call up to one card from among them to [R], and put the rest into your drop zone.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn, and at the end of that turn, retire that unit.
V-BT11/015 (V-BT11/SP15)
Lablab Dotter (ラブラブ・ドッター)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], put the top card of your deck into the drop zone, and perform one of the effects below depending on that card's type.
• Normal Unit - Call that card to [R].
• Trigger Unit - This unit gets [Power] +15000 until end of turn.
V-BT11/016 (V-BT11/SP16)
Diligent Assistant, Minibelly (ひたむき助手 ミニベリー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
CONT [R]: During your turn, if a unit is in your additional [R], this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When placed from hand, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.
Stealth Dragon, Genkai (忍竜 ゲンカイ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a token unit, all of your token units and this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [R]: When placed, choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets "Boost" until end of turn. If you chose a unit other than this unit, [S-Charge (1)].
Stealth Dragon, Fuurai (忍竜 フウライ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
AUTO [V]: When placed, your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, discards it, and draws a card. If a grade 0 was discarded, you draw a card.
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks, COST[C-Blast (1) & return another rear-guard to your hand], and one of your units gets [Power] +6000 until end of turn. If this unit is on [V], draw a card.
Stealth Dragon, Noroi (忍竜 ノロイ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Critical / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
V-BT11/020 (V-BT11/SP17)
Stern Blaukluger (シュテルン・ブラウクリューガー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V]: During your turn, if "Blaukluger" is in your soul, all of your grade 3 units with "Blau" in their card names get [Power] +10000.
AUTO [V]: At the end of the battle that it attacked, COST[discard two cards from your hand], choose one of your [R]’s "Galaxy Blaukleuger", bind it, ride that card as [Stand], and it gets drive-1 until end of turn.
V-BT11/021 (V-BT11/SP18)
Extreme Battler, Dosledge (メチャバトラー ドスレッジ)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R]: When [Stand] by a card's ability, perform the effects below depending on the number of times this unit [Stand] this turn.
• 1 time ‐ This unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
• 2 times ‐ [S-Charge (1)].
• 3 times ‐ Until end of turn, this unit gets [Power] +10000, and your opponent cannot call sentinels to [G] during the battle this unit attacked.
Extreme Battler, Dosledge (メチャバトラー ドスレッジ)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R]: When [Stand] by a card's ability, perform the effects below depending on the number of times this unit [Stand] this turn.
• 1 time ‐ This unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
• 2 times ‐ [S-Charge (1)].
• 3 times ‐ Until end of turn, this unit gets [Power] +10000, and your opponent cannot call sentinels to [G] during the battle this unit attacked.
Extreme Battler, Break-pass (メチャバトラー ブチヌーク)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Critical / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
V-BT11/023 (V-BT11/SP19)
Kelpie Rider, Nikki (ケルピーライダー ニッキー)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one "One Who Surpasses the Storm, Thavas" or "Kelpie Rider, Denis" from among them and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
ACT [R]: COST[[Rest] this unit & put a normal unit from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck], and [S-Charge (1)].
Drifting Flow Fencer (ドリフティング・フローフェンサー)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Maelstrom" in its card name from among them, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks, if it is the fourth battle of that turn or more, and you have a vanguard with "Maelstrom" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +15000 until end of that battle.
Kelpie Rider, Petros (ケルピーライダー ペトロス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Critical / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
Blusher Parakeet (ブラシャー・インコ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn, and if this unit is on [R], at the end of that turn, retire this unit.
V-BT11/027 (V-BT11/SP20)
Besom Ringtail (ビーズム・リングテイル)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [R]: When it attacks or boosts, COST[C-Blast (1)], put the top card of your deck into the drop zone, and perform one of the effects below depending on that card's type.
• Normal Unit - Draw a card.
• Trigger Unit - Choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Application Researcher, Ponbelly (実践研究員 ポンベリー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Critical / +10000
CONT: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "CONT: Sentinel" in a deck.)
Stealth Rogue of Incantation, Hyoue (呪法の忍鬼 ヒョウエ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | PROTECT
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks, if you have two or more grade 3 cards in your soul, COST[C-Blast (1) & discard two cards from your hand], and until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power] +15000 / [Critical] +1, and your opponent cannot call sentinels to [G] from hand.
Stealth Rogue of Bonds, Yura (桎梏の忍鬼 ユラ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When your grade 3 vanguard is placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], and return all of your opponent's rear-guards in the same column as this unit to his or her hand. Your opponent chooses cards from his or her hand equal to the number of cards returned, and discards them.
Stealth Rogue of Cooperation, Sadamune (催合の忍鬼 サダムネ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
AUTO [V]: When placed, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Shiranui" in its card name from among them and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[S-Blast (1)], your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, discards it, and increase this unit's [Power] by the [Shield] of that card until end of turn. Your opponent draws a card.
Qigong Fighting Hermit, Master Torga (気功闘仙 マスター・トルガ)
Star Gate/Warbeast/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V/R]: The [Power] increase of Front trigger effects revealed for your drive check get +5000.
AUTO [V/R] [1/Turn]: When your drive check reveals a Front trigger, COST[discard a card from your hand], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.
Blaukluger (ブラウクリューガー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [V]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Blau" in its card name, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle that it attacked, if you have a vanguard with "Blau" in its card name, COST[put this unit into your soul], and draw a card.
Blaupanzer (ブラウパンツァー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [V]: When placed by riding "Blaujunger", look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Blau" in its card name, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[discard a trigger unit from your hand], search your deck for up to one grade 3 with "Blau" in its card name, reveal it, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Extreme Battler, Ganbarugun (メチャバトラー ガンバルガン)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Victor" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], [Stand] one of your rear-guards, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Extreme Battler, Sosaucer (メチャバトラー ソーソーサー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [V]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it [Stand], if this unit is on an additional [R], you may have this unit get [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Marine General of the Raging Tides, Hristina (荒潮の水将 フリスティナ)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V/R] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle it attacked while was boosted, you may [Stand] one of the rear-guards that boosted. If it [Stand], you may move that unit to an open back row [R].
Marine General of Desperate Fight, Agias (勇戦の水将 アギアス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & [Rest] two rear-guards], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Bubble-ball Corporal (バブルボール・コーパラル)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V/R]: When your attacks hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit attacked or boosted, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Maelstrom" in its card name from among them, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Radiant Assault (ラジエート・アサルト)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[S-Blast (1)], and until end of turn, during the battle that this unit attacked or boosted, all of your abilities with "When your attack hits" activate even if the attack does not hit. Then, COST[put a card with "Maelstrom" in its name from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck], and draw a card.
Searcher of Perfect Circle, Flopanther (真円の探求書 フロパンサー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
ACT [V/R] [1/Turn]: COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn. At the end of that turn, retire the chosen rear-guard by this effect, and if this unit is on [V], draw a card.
AUTO: When retired from [R] by your card's ability, if you have a vanguard with "Bigbelly" in its card name, you may put this card into your soul.
R / SP
Spool Merry (スプール・メリー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Bigbelly" in its card name, you may have one of your vanguards and this unit get [Power] +10000 until end of turn. If you do, at the end of that turn, retire this unit.
AUTO: When rode upon, you may call this card to [R].
R / SP
Clerical Kakapo (クレリカル・カカポ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V/R]: When placed, put the top card of your deck into the drop zone, and perform one of the effects below depending on that card's type.
• Normal Unit - Draw a card, and discard a card from your hand.
• Trigger Unit - Draw a card, and put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.
Scoring Master, Mousetoby (採点名人 ネズトビー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V]: When its attack hits, draw a card.
AUTO: When retired from [R] by your card's ability, if you have a vanguard with "Bigbelly" in its card name, [C-Charge (1)].
History Scientist, Bushbeck (歴史学者 ブッシュベック)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO [V]: When placed, COST[discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle it boosted, COST[retire this unit], and one of your rear-guards gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Illusory Spirit Manuscript, Fancyclopedia (幻霊写本 ファンサイクロペディア)
Normal Order/2/-/-/-/-
COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)]
One of your rear-guards gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn, and at the end of that turn, retire that unit, and draw a card.
Stealth Beast, Zokuhihi (忍獣 ゾクヒヒ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
AUTO [V]: When it attacks a vanguard, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose two each of your and your opponent's rear-guards, and return them to the hand. If four or more cards were returned, your opponent chooses two cards from his or her hand, and discards them.
Stealth Rogue of Sincerity, Mafusa (真率の忍鬼 マフサ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
Stealth Beast, Gyumado (忍獣 ギュウマドー)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1)], your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, and calls to [R]. Your opponent's AUTO abilities cannot activate by this call.
AUTO [R]: When it attacks, if your vanguard is grade 3, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
Stealth Beast, Gekihasai (忍獣 ゲキハサイ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
CONT [R]: This unit gets [Power] +5000 for each of your token units.
Stealth Rogue of Snake Arts, Ujihime (蛇術の忍鬼 ウジヒメ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When placed, one of your units gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
AUTO: When rode upon, you may call this card to [R].
Stealth Beast, Ibudanuki (忍獣 イブダヌキ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
AUTO [R]: When the attack it boosted hits a vanguard, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and return it to the hand. If a card was returned, your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, and discards it.
Stealth Beast, Jagunro (忍獣 ジャグンロウ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
AUTO: When retired from [R] during your opponent's turn, search your deck for up to one "Stealth Beast, Jagunro", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [Hand]: When your rear-guard is placed by your card's ability, COST[C-Blast (1)], and call this card to [R].
Stealth Beast, Yamiyamaneko (忍獣 ヤミヤマネコ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
AUTO: When discarded from hand during your turn, [S-Charge (1)].
CONT [R]: During the battle it boosted, this unit gets [Power] +3000.
V-BT11/055 (V-BT11/SP27)
Stealth Dragon, Madoi (忍竜 マドイ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
AUTO: When rode upon, draw a card. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 1 or greater, put a Quick Shield Ticket into your hand.
C / SP
Stealth Dragon, Ganbaku (忍竜 ガンバク)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Voracious Stealth Rogue, Kosode (貪食の忍鬼 コソデ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)
Stealth Beast, Tobihiko (忍獣 トビヒコ)
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
Critical / +10000
Dragon Empire/Warbeast/Nubatama
Critical / +10000
Stealth Dragon, Ganbaku (忍竜 ガンバク)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon/Nubatama
Critical / +10000
Critical / +10000
Almsgiving Stealth Rogue, Jirokichi (喜捨の忍鬼 ジロキチ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
Draw / +10000
V-BT11/059Voracious Stealth Rogue, Kosode (貪食の忍鬼 コソデ)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Nubatama
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)
Visarded Ashura (ヴィザーディッド・アッシュラー)
Star Gate/Alien/Nova Grappler
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When it attacks, COST[S-Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.
Brute the Beast (ブルート・ザ・ビースト)
Star Gate/Warbeast/Nova Grappler
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: If your vanguard is grade 3 and greater, COST[C-Blast (2)], search your deck for up to one grade 3, call it to [R], and shuffle your deck.
Cutting Gyre (カッティング・ジャイル)
Star Gate/Human - Hero/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[S-Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit and another rear-guard], and draw a card.
Morgenrot (モルゲンロート)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO [R]: At the end of your turn, COST[retire this unit], and return a card with "Blau" in its card name from [R] to your hand.
Lightness Cool (ライトネス・クール)
Star Gate/Warbeast/Nova Grappler
Blaujunger (ブラウユンガー)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
AUTO: When rode upon, draw a card. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 1 or greater, put a Quick Shield Ticket into your hand.
C / SP
Earnest Second (アーニスト・セコンド)
Star Gate/Alien/Nova Grappler
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)
Spout Barrage Dragon (スパウトバラッジ・ドラゴン)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks a vanguard, if you have four or more other [Rest] units, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.
Red Lightning (レッド・ライトニング)
Star Gate/Alien/Nova Grappler
Critical / +10000
Memory Bot, Aldale (メモリーボット アルデール)
Star Gate/Workeroid/Nova Grappler
Draw / +10000
Cannon Ball (キャノン・ボール)
Star Gate/Battleroid/Nova Grappler
Star Gate/Alien/Nova Grappler
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)
Spout Barrage Dragon (スパウトバラッジ・ドラゴン)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks a vanguard, if you have four or more other [Rest] units, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.
Steel Whip of Turbulence, George (波乱の剛鞭 ゲオルゲ)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
AUTO [V]: When it attacks, [Stand] one of your back row rear-guards.
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's vanguards, and it gets [Power] -5000 until end of turn.
Kelpie Rider, Biron (ケルピーライダー ビロン)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks, if it is the fourth battle of this turn or more, this unit gets [Power] +15000 until end of that battle.
Jeweled Staff of Kingfisher Green, Elpida (翠緑の宝杖 エルピダ)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [R/G]: If you have a vanguard with "Maelstrom" in its name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 / [Shield] +5000.
AUTO [V/R]: When it attacks a vanguard, COST[C-Blast (1)], and until end of that battle, all of your abilities with "When your attacks hits" activate even if the attack does not hit.
Kelpie Rider, Thodoris (ケルピーライダー トドリス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
CONT [R]: When [Rest] by another card's ability, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, and that unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Tear Knight, Machaon (ティアーナイト マカオン)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
V-BT11/076 (V-BT11/SP23)
Kelpie Rider, Mitros (ケルピーライダー ミトロス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO: When rode upon, draw a card. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 1 or greater, put a Quick Shield Ticket into your hand.
C / SP
Blue Storm Marine General, Despina (蒼嵐水将 デスピナ)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Critical / +10000
Dolphin Soldier of High Speed Raids (高速遊撃のイルカ兵)
Magallanica/High Beast/Aqua Force
Front / +10000
V-BT11/076 (V-BT11/SP23)
Kelpie Rider, Mitros (ケルピーライダー ミトロス)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
AUTO: When rode upon, draw a card. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 1 or greater, put a Quick Shield Ticket into your hand.
C / SP
Blue Storm Marine General, Despina (蒼嵐水将 デスピナ)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Critical / +10000
Loading Bullet Brave Shooter (装弾のブレイブ・シューター)
Magallanica/Aquaroid/Aqua Force
Draw / +10000
Dolphin Soldier of High Speed Raids (高速遊撃のイルカ兵)
Magallanica/High Beast/Aqua Force
Front / +10000
Activate Dracokid (アクティベート・ドラコキッド)
Magallanica/Tear Dragon/Aqua Force
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)
Ambers Triangular (アンバーズ・トライアングラー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V/R]: During your turn, if you have no rear-guards in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power] +10000.
AUTO [V/R]: When its attack hits, one of your rear-guards gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Vacuuming Tortoise (バキューミング ・トータス)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1) & discard all of the cards in your hand], and return up to three normal units from your drop zone to your deck and shuffle it. If three were returned, this unit gets [Power] +20000 until end of turn.
Burden Kangaroo (バードン・カンガルー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
CONT [R]: During the battle it attacked, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, and this unit's [Power] is 20000 or greater, your opponent cannot call sentinels from his or her hand to [G].
Geological Scientist, Sigurmole (地質学者 シグルモール)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
V-BT11/085 (V-BT11/SP35)
Beginning Hyrax (ビギニング・ハイラックス)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO: When rode upon, draw a card. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 1 or greater, put a Quick Shield Ticket into your hand.
C / SP
Ruler Chameleon (ルーラー・カメレオン)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Critical / +10000
Ambers Triangular (アンバーズ・トライアングラー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1 | ACCEL
CONT [V/R]: During your turn, if you have no rear-guards in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power] +10000.
AUTO [V/R]: When its attack hits, one of your rear-guards gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
Vacuuming Tortoise (バキューミング ・トータス)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/12000/-/1
AUTO [R]: When placed, COST[C-Blast (1) & discard all of the cards in your hand], and return up to three normal units from your drop zone to your deck and shuffle it. If three were returned, this unit gets [Power] +20000 until end of turn.
Burden Kangaroo (バードン・カンガルー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
CONT [R]: During the battle it attacked, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, and this unit's [Power] is 20000 or greater, your opponent cannot call sentinels from his or her hand to [G].
Geological Scientist, Sigurmole (地質学者 シグルモール)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
V-BT11/085 (V-BT11/SP35)
Beginning Hyrax (ビギニング・ハイラックス)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
AUTO: When rode upon, draw a card. Then, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 1 or greater, put a Quick Shield Ticket into your hand.
C / SP
Ruler Chameleon (ルーラー・カメレオン)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Critical / +10000
Whimsical Idea, Kolwatta (奇想発想 コルワッタ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Draw / +10000V-BT11/088
Castanet Donkey (カスタネット・ドンキー)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Front / +10000
Insurance Doctor, Carebath (保険医 ケアバット)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Heal / +10000
(You may only have up to four cards with "Heal" in a deck.)
Mask of Domination (支配の仮面)
(This card represents a Mask of Domination token, and cannot be put in a deck)