Future Card Buddyfight "Triple D" Booster Volume 2 (D-BT02):
[轟け! 無敵竜!!]
Official Release Date: 22nd July 2016
Total Type of Cards: 122 (108 new cards + 14 reprint cards)
Each Box: 30 packs
Each Pack:
- 5 cards
- Every pack will definitely have one R or above rarity card!
????: 1
Secret: 5
BR: 4
RRR: 8
RR: 12
R: 23
Official Release Date: 22nd July 2016
Total Type of Cards: 122 (108 new cards + 14 reprint cards)
Each Box: 30 packs
Each Pack:
- 5 cards
- Every pack will definitely have one R or above rarity card!
????: 1
Secret: 5
BR: 4
RRR: 8
RR: 12
R: 23
U: 30
C: 45
- The set will include cards for Dragon World, Katana World, Ancient World, and Darkness Dragon World.
C: 45
- The set will include cards for Dragon World, Katana World, Ancient World, and Darkness Dragon World.
- Introducing the fourth attribute of Ancient World: Dragon Chief Emperor.
- Introducing the third attribute of Katana World: Blade Beast.
- Further boosts to the archetype: Purgatory Knights.
- Further boosts to the attribute: Japanese Blade.
- Parallel foil versions of Common (C), Uncommon (U), and Rare (R) cards will be randomly inserted in some packs.
- Each display will include one PR card, from four different types, randomly inserted.
- Introducing a new rarity, ????. It will be more rarer than Secret and Buddy Rare.
- Introducing a new rarity, ????. It will be more rarer than Secret and Buddy Rare.
- 14 Reprint Cards: Nanomachine Ninja, Tsukikage, Duel Sieger "Tempest Enforcer", Fortune Dragon, Forbolka, Divine Dragon Creation Graveyard of Demonic Sword, Graybard, Purgatory Knights Leader, Demios Sword Dragon, Death Wizard Dragon, Clear Serenity, Five Heavenly Swords, Onimaru, Duel Sieger "Spartand", Martial Arts Dragon Emperor, Duel Sieger, Wrath Trigger, Art of Body Replacement and Ninja Arts, Snake Gaze.
- Japanese Box Topper Promo (Total: 6 Types).
- Japanese Box Topper Promo (Total: 6 Types).
- In addition, as a pre-order incentive, every two boxes ordered before 20th May 2016 will include a set of four Shield / Barrier PR cards.
Blue Dragon Shield
Dragon World/Blue Dragon - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn and if you do not have a monster in the center.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack and put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Blue Dragon Shield
Dragon World/Green Dragon - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn and if you do not have a monster in the center.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack and you gain 1 life.
Black Dragon Shield
Earth Barrier
Star Dragon World/Defense - Recovery
- You may only cast this card if you add being attacked.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack and you gain 1 life.
Breast Corona Dragon (ブレストコロナ・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- If you have a 《Sun Dragon》 impact monster on your field, reduce the size of this card by 1.
- When this card attacks, put the top card of your deck into your gauge. If your opponent has no monster in the center, put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Bal Dragon, "Great Full Bal Lariat!!" (バルドラゴン”グレイトフル・バルラリアット!!”)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Impact Monster/2/11000/3/6000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Place a 《Sun Dragon》 from your field into the drop zone]
- When this card attacks, you may choose up to three 《Sun Dragon》 from your drop zone and place them on the bottom of your deck in any order. If you do, destroy cards on your opponent's field equal to the number of cards put on the bottom of your deck! (You can choose the same card.)
Blade Beast of Beautiful Sword Technique, Mikazuki Munechika (美技の刀獣 三日月宗近)
Katana World/Blade Beast - Japanese Blade
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- If you have two or more 《Japanese Blade》 in your drop zone, this card gets critical+1!
- At the end of the battle this card attacked, if there are five or more 《Japanese Blade》 in your drop zone, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack].
[Move] [Penetrate]
Gojinmaru, "Ghoul Deity Arts, Dance of Yashgami!" (剛刃丸”鬼神奥義 夜叉神の舞!”)
Katana World/Ninja
Impact Monster/2/8000/2/8000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a monster with "Tsukikage" in its card name and a monster with "Byakuya" in its card name into this card's soul]
- At the end of the battle that this card attacked, you may discard a 《Ninja Arts》 from your hand. If you do, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack].
- [Counter] [Activate] When your opponent casts a spell, you may discard a 《Ninja Arts》 from your hand and pay 2 gauge. If you do, nullify the spell cast by your opponent and deal 2 damage to your opponent!
Traditional Fighter, Oriental Joh (伝統番長 オリエンタル・承)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put two cards from your hand into this card's soul]
- When this card is attacked, for this turn, nullify the attacking card's [Penetrate].
- When this card is destroyed, put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard] [Lifelink 2]
Little Brother, Bad Guy Gen (舎弟 バッドガイ・元)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Counter] [Activate] During a battle of a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on your field, you may discard this card from your hand and pay 1 life. If you do, draw a card and for that battle, that monster gets power+5000, defense+5000.
[Lifelink 1]
Abygale, "Unlimited Death Drain!" (アビゲール “アンリミテッド・デスドレイン !”)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
Impact Monster/3/8000/2/7000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Destroy two 《Black Dragon》 on your field]
- When this card enters the field during the final phase, put up to ten cards from the top of your opponent's deck into his or her drop zone.
- When this card attacks, if there are twenty or more cards in your opponent's drop zone, deal 2 damage to your opponent, and you gain 2 life!
Death Gauge Timer (デスゲージ・タイマー)
Darkness Dragon World/Deep - Charge
- [Cast Cost] [Put five cards from the top of your deck into this card's soul]
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- At the beginning of an attack phase, put a card from this card's soul into your gauge.
- At the end of turn, if there is no card in this card's soul, put this card into your drop zone, and put all cards from each fighter's gauge into the drop zone.
Raging-fire Dragon, Agnagras (暴炎の竜 アグナグラス)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
- [Activate] You may put three 《Sun Dragon》 from your drop zone and put them on the bottom of your deck in any order. If you do, for this turn, this card gets [Penetrate].
[Triple Attack] (Two times per turn, this card may [Stand] after it attacks.)
Fifth Omni Cavalry Dragon, Merak "SD" (五角騎竜 メラク “SD”)
Dragon World/Armordragon - Blue Dragon
- This card cannot be called to the center.
- If you have another originally size 2 or greater 《Armordragon》 on your field, reduce the size of this card on the field by 2.
- [Counter] [Activate] Choose an 《Armordragon》 on your field, and for this turn, it gets power+1000, defense+1000, [Penetrate], and you take 1 damage! You may only use this ability once per turn.
Sun Fist, Bal Guard (太陽拳 バルガード)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- This card cannot be destroyed by effects from your opponent's cards.
- [Counter] [Activate] Pay 1 gauge and put this card into the drop zone. If you do, choose a monster on your field, and for this turn, the next time that monster would leave the field, it remains on the field.
Tsukikage, "Black Yasha Origin" (月影”もうど黒夜叉”)
Katana World/Ninja
- [Counter] [Activate] Choose a 《Ninja》 on your field and pay 1 gauge. If you do, for this turn, the next time that card would be destroyed, that card remains on the field. This ability may only be used once per turn.
Nanomachine Ninja, Tsukikage (ナノマシン忍者 月影)
Katana World/Ninja
- "Nanomachine Body Replacement" If this card would be destroyed, you may discard a non-monster card from your hand. If you do, this card remains on the field!
Blade Beast of Ghostslash, Tojikiri Yasutsuna (鬼斬の刀獣 童子切安綱)
Katana World/Blade Beast - Japanese Blade
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, search for your deck for up to one 《Japanese Blade》 monster or item, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
- If you have a 《Japanese Blade》 in your drop zone, this card gets critical+1 and [Penetrate].
Yamigitsune, "White Fire, Shigaisoshi" (闇狐 “白火 屍骸操糸”)
Katana World/Skull Warrior - Darkness
Impact Monster/1/6000/2/3000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Destroy a 《Skull Warrior》 on your field]
- When this card enters the field during your final phase, [Stand] a 《Skull Warrior》 on your field, and for this turn, that card may attack even during the final phase.
- "To Darkness" When your 《Skull Warrior》 deals damage to your opponent, you may put that card into your drop zone. If you do, draw a card.
Guardian Dragon of the Divine Gate, Sastrada (?)
Ancient World/Dragon Lord - Wild Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- [Counter] [Activate] You may discard a 《Wild Dragon》 from your hand. If you do, use one of the following abilities.
• Pay 1 life. If you do, destroy a size 1 or less monster on your opponent's field.
• Pay 1 gauge. If you do, destroy an item or spell on your opponent's field.
[Double Attack]
Ocean Emperor's Anchor, Wild Waves (海王の錨 荒波)
Ancient World/Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into the drop zone]
- This card can attack even if there is a monster in your center.
- [Counter] [Activate] Pay 1 gauge and 1 life. If you do, put this card into the soul of a 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 monster on your field.
- If this card is in the soul of your 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 monster, it gets [Penetrate].
Purgatory Knights, Death Sickle "Calvary" (煉獄騎士団 デスシックル “カルヴァーリ”)
Darkness Dragon World/Armordragon - White Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- If you have an originally size 2 monster with "Purgatory Knights" in its card name on your field, reduce the size of this card on the field by 2.
- When this card is destroyed, put up to one size 2 or less monster with "Purgatory Knights" in its card name from your drop zone into your hand.
[Double Attack]
Blackslash Ghost Dragon, Galnibael (黒斬鬼竜 ガルニバエル)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a 《Black Dragon》 from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- When this card enters the field or is destroyed, put the top card of your opponent's deck into his or her drop zone.
- When this card attacks, if there are ten or more cards in your opponent's drop zone, destroy a monster on your opponent's field.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]
Flame-forge Dragon, Svarog (炎鍛の竜 スヴァクロウグ)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, put the top three cards of your deck into the drop zone. If there is a 《Sun Dragon》 among them, destroy a monster on your opponent's field and deal 2 damage to your opponent!
[Double Attack]
Fire Dragon Shield (ドラゴンシールド 火竜の盾)
Dragon World/Red Dragon - Defense
- You may only cast this card if you do not have a monster in your center.
- [Cast Cost] [Put three cards from the top of your deck into the drop zone]
- [Counter] The next time you would be dealt to you this turn, that damage is reduced to 0.
Flying Transport (?)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight - Charge
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- [Activate] If there is another 《Dragon Knight》 on your field, you may put a card from your hand into your gauge. If you do, draw a card. This ability can only be used once per turn. You may only [Set] one "Flying Transport" on the field.
Edward the Black Prince, "Battle of Gargantua" (エドワード・ザ・ブラック”ガルガンチュアの戦い”)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight
- [Call Cost] [Pay 4 gauge & Put a 《Dragon Knight》 from your field into your gauge]
- When this card enters the field, destroy all monsters on your opponent's field. Then, if there are four or more 《Dragon Knight》 in your drop zone, draw two cards.
Bal Dragon, "Whirlwind Bal Sword Slash!" (バルドラゴン “疾風 ! バル鉄剣 ! ”)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Impact Monster/2/8000/2/5000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a 《Sun Dragon》monster from your field into your gauge]
- When this card attacks, if you have five or more 《Sun Dragon》 in your drop zone, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack].
Revelation Tactitian, Kagan Dragon (?)
Katana World/Skull Warrior - Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a card from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- Reduce the size of originally size 1 《Skull Warrior》 on your field by 1.
Byakuya, "White Yasha Origin" (白夜”もうど白夜叉”)
Katana World/Ninja
- At the end of the battle of this card, if you have a monster with "Tsukikage" in its card name on your field or in the soul of monsters on your field, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack].
Genin, Mikazuki Maru (下忍 三日月丸)
Katana World/Ninja
- "Collective Training" When this card enters the field, if you have another size 1 《Ninja》 on the field, draw a card. "Collective Training" activates only once per turn.
Snake Princess, Setsuna (?)
Katana World/Skull Warrior
- When this card enters the field, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, call a size 1 or less 《Skull Warrior》 from your drop zone by paying its [Call Cost].
- At the end of your turn, destroy this card.
Elite Sword, Odenta (天下五剣 大典太)
Katana World/Japanese Blade - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- This card on the field cannot be destroyed by effects from your opponent's cards.
Blue Ocean Overlord, Duel Jaeger (蒼海の覇王 デュエルイェーガー)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Put this card on top of a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 without souls on your field & Put three 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- At the beginning of your attack phase, you may call size 1 or less 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 from your drop zone by paying its [Call Cost] to an empty area.
[Penetrate] [Soulguard] [Lifelink 4]
Duel Sieger "Tempest Enforcer" (デュエルズィーガー “テンペスト・エンフォーサー”)
Ancient World/Dragon Lord
- [Call Cost] [When a "Duel Sieger "Spartand"" on your field is destroyed, nullify the [Lifelink] of "Duel Sieger "Spartand"" & Pay 3 gauge]
[Penetrate] [Triple Attack] [Lifelink Lose]
Chief of Steel, Iron Tetsu (鋼の番長 アイアン・鉄)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Counter] [Activate] During an attack on your opponent's turn, if you have a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on your field, you may discard this card from your hand and pay 1 gauge. If you do, nullify the attack, and you gain 1 life!
[Lifelink 1]
Chief of Heal, Healing Rin (癒しの番長 ヒーリング・燐)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Activate] If you have a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on your field, you may discard this card from your hand. If you do, put the top card of your deck into your gauge, and you gain 1 life. Then, you may put the top card of your deck into the soul of a monster on your field.
[Lifelink 1]
Fortune Dragon, Forbolka (幸いの竜 フォーボルカ)
Ancient World/Dragon Lord - Light
- [Activate] If you have a size 3 monster on the field, you may discard this card from your hand. If you do, put two cards from the top of your deck into your gauge.
[Lifelink 1]
Divine Dragon Creation (天竜開闢)
Ancient World/Dragon
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 2 life]
- Draw two cards. You may only cast "Divine Dragon Creation" once per turn.
Great Demonic Black Dragon, Arch Enemy (大魔黒竜 アーク・エネミー)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a 《Black Dragon》 from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- When this card attacks, deal 1 damage to your opponent! If there are ten or more cards in your opponent's drop zone, deal 2 damage to your opponent instead! If there are twenty of more cards in your opponent's drop zone, deal 4 damage to your opponent instead!
Graveyard of Demonic Sword, Graybard (魔剣の墓場 グレイバード)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Deep
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, destroy a monster on your opponent's field. If you do, deal damage to your opponent equal to the size of that destroyed monster!
Purgatory Knights Leader, Demios Sword Dragon (煉獄騎士団団長 ディミオスソード・ドラゴン)
Darkness Dragon World/Armordragon - White Dragon
- [Counter] [Activate] During your turn, destroy another monster on your field with "Purgatory Knights" in its card name. If you do, [Stand] this card.
Black Berserker, Belzelgar (黑き狂戦士 ?)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- When this card is put into the drop zone from your field, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, draw a card.
Death Wizard Dragon (?)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Death - Wizard
- When this card enters the field, put two cards from the top of your deck into your gauge and you take 1 damage.
Million Edge (ミリオン・エッジ)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Deep - Destruction
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 life]
- Put the top two cards of each player's deck into the drop zone. Then, you draw a card. You may only cast "Million Edge" once per turn.
Great Beast Deity Robo, EMPEROR Dragon (大戦神機 EMPEROR ドラゴン)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- If you are [Ride] on this card, you cannot call non-《Battle Deity Robo》 monsters.
- When a 《Battle Deity Robo》 monster enters your field, destroy a monster on your opponent's field! .
[Ride] [Pay 2 gauge and 2 life]
Dragon Rider, Edward the Black Prince (竜騎太子 エドワード・ザ・ブラック)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a 《Dragon Knight》 from your field into the gauge]
- If there are three or more 《Dragon Knight》 in your drop zone, this card gets [Penetrate]. If there are seven or more 《Dragon Knight》 in your drop zone, this card gets critical+1!
[Double Attack]
Dragon Knight, Sekishuusai (竜騎士 セキシュウサイ)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight
- [Counter] [Activate] During your opponent’s turn, if you have another 《Dragon Knight》 on your field, pay 2 gauge and pay 1 life. If you do, destroy a monster on your opponent’s field. This ability may only be used once per turn.
Dragon Knight, Bertrand (?)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight
- [Activate] If there is another 《Dragon Knight》 on your field, you may [Rest] this card. If you do, put two cards from the top of your deck into your drop zone and put two cards from the top of your deck into your gauge.
Dragonic Exchange (ドラゴニック・エクスチェンジ)
Dragon World/Charge - Get
- Put the top card of your deck into your gauge. Look at your gauge and add a card from your gauge into your hand. Then, put a card from your hand into your gauge. You may cast "Dragonic Exchange" once per turn.
Dragonic Thunder, Rage of the Thunder Dragon (ドラゴニック・サンダー 雷竜の怒り)
Dragon World/Blue Dragon - Destruction
- You may only cast this card you do not have a monster in the center.
- [Cast Cost] [Put the top three cards of your deck into your drop zone]
- [Counter] Destroy a size 1 or less monster on your opponent's field!
Blade Beast of Decapitation, Oodenta (断頭刃の刀獣 大典太光世)
Katana World/Blade Beast - Japanese Blade
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, if there are five or more different 《Japanese Blade》 in your drop zone, destroy a card on your opponents field.
- At the end of the battle of this card, if there are two or more different 《Japanese Blade》 in your drop zone this card gets [Double Attack].
Blade Beast of Delusion, Kunitsuna Obimaru (幻夢の刀獣 鬼丸国綱)
Katana World/Blade Beast - Japanese Blade
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top two cards from the top of your deck into this card's soul]
- At the end of your turn, if this card is [Rest] destroy this card.
[Move] [Soulguard]
Patrol Ninja, Shokai (?)
Katana World/Ninja - Wind
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, put up to one size 2 or less 《Ninja》 from your drop zone into your hand.
Red Immortal, Orangutan (?)
Katana World/Skull Warrior
- If this card is in your drop zone, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, call this card from your drop zone.
- At the end of your turn, destroy this card.
Godspeed, Sunatsubame (?)
Katana World/Skull Warrior
- "Godspeed Gift" When this card enters the field from the drop zone, if you have another 《Skull Warrior》 on your field, draw a card. "Godspeed Gift" only activates once per turn.
- At the end of your turn, destroy this card.
Hersey Shattering Blade Beast, Juzumaru (破邪の刀獣 数珠丸恒次)
Katana World/Blade Beast - Japanese Blade
- When this card enters the field, if there is another 《Japanese Blade》 on your field, put the top card of deck into your gauge.
Clear Serenity (明鏡止水)
Katana World/Ninja Arts - Demon Way
- [Counter] Put three cards from the top of your deck into the gauge. You may only cast "Clear Serenity" once per turn.
Thunder Release, Art of Power Storage (?)
Katana World/Demon Way
- [Counter] Put the top two cards of your deck into your gauge, then, if your life is 5 or less, put the top two cards of your deck into your gauge.
Blade Technique, Zanteisettetsuu (?)
Katana World/Japanese Blade
- [Counter] Choose a 《Japanese Blade》 on your field. During this turn, the next time it would be destroyed, you may prevent it from leaving the field. Then, if it is a 《Japanese Blade》 monster, for this turn, it gets [Counterattack].
Five Heavenly Swords, Onimaru (天下五剣 鬼丸)
Katana World/Japanese Blade - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When you equip this card, put the top two cards of your deck into this card's soul.
- At the end of your turn, if this card is [Rest], put a card from this card's soul into the drop zone. If you cannot, destroy this card.
Art of the Sword Beast, Five Sword Formation (刀獣陣 五剣の型)
Katana World/Japanese Blade
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
- You may only cast this card if you have five or more in your drop zone.
- [Stand] all 《Japanese Sword》 on your field, and you get another attack phase.
Duel Sieger "Spartand" (デュエルズィーガー “スパルタンド”)
Ancient World/Dragon Lord
- [Call Cost] [When a "Martial Arts Dragon Emperor, Duel Sieger" on your field is destroyed, nullify the [Lifelink] of "Martial Arts Dragon Emperor, Duel Sieger" & Pay 3 gauge & Put a "Martial Arts Dragon Emperor, Duel Sieger" from your drop zone into this monster's soul]
[Double Attack] [Soulguard] [Lifelink 5]
Schloss Dragon, Von Stein (シュロスドラゴン ヴァンシュタイン)
Ancient World/Wild Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- [Counter] [Activate] Discard a 《Wild Dragon》 from your hand and pay 1 life. For this turn, the next time this card would be destroyed, it remains on the field, and for this turn, this card gets [Counterattack].
[Move] [Lifelink 1]
All Out Fighter, Broken Gai (全壊番長 ブロウクン・凱)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Place up to three 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- [Activate] Place a soul from this card into the drop zone. If you do, destroy a size 2 or less monster on your opponent's field. You may only use this ability once per turn.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard] [Lifelink 2]
Martial Arts Emperor Dragon, Duel Sieger (武神竜王 デュエルズィーガー)
Ancient World/Dragon Lord
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Put up to two 《Dragon Lord》 from your hand into this card's soul]
[Double Attack] [Soulguard] [Lifelink 5]
Underling, Kicker Shun (舎弟 キッカー・瞬)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- If there is an originally size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on the field, reduce the size of this card by 1.
- When this card attacks, if there is a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on the field, deal 1 damage to your opponent!
Underling Apprentice, Helper Nari (舎弟見習い ヘルパー・成)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- When a card from the soul of a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》on your field is put into the drop zone, put this card on the field into the soul of that monster.
Wrath Trigger (逆鱗)
Ancient World/Dragon
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- [Counter] Choose a monster on your field. For this turn, the next time that monster would be destroyed, that monster remains on the field, and for this turn, give it [Counterattack].
Dragon Earth Toss (竜坤ー擲)
Ancient World/Dragon - Destruction
- You may only cast this card if you have a size 3 monster on your field.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- [Counter] Destroy an item on your opponent's field.
Black Catastrophe, Cataclysm (黒き大変動 ガタクリズム)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- When this card is destroyed, put the top two cards of your opponent’s deck into his or her drop zone. Then, if there are six or more cards in your opponent’s drop zone, put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Purgatory Knights, Venom Spike Dragon (煉獄騎士団 ヴェノムスパイク・ドラゴン)
Darkness Dragon World/Armordragon - White Dragon
- When this card is destroyed by the effect of a monster, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, destroy a monster on your opponent’s field.
Black Twin Heads, Scavv (黒き双頭 スカルヴ)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- When this card is destroyed, if there are six or more cards in your opponent's drop zone, destroy a size 2 or less monster on your opponent's field.
Jet Black Wind (漆黒ノ風)
Darkness Dragon World/Destruction
- You may only cast this card if there are eight or more cards in your opponent’s drop zone.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Destroy all monsters on your opponent’s field.
U- Destroy all monsters on your opponent’s field.
Sickle of Aftermirage, Revenant (残影の鎌 レヴナント)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 life]
- At the end of the battle of this card, if there are six or more cards in your opponent’s drop zone, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack].
Beast Deity Robo, Silver Rabbit (戦神機 シルバーラビット)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, put a card from the soul of a card on the field into the drop zone or destroy a spell on your opponent’s field.
Shining Board Dragon (?)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge and put the top card of your deck into this card's soul]
[Move] [Soulguard]
Black Spotted Dragon, Black Dot (黒点の竜, ブラックドット)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- This monster cannot be destroyed by the effects of the opponent's cards.
Dragon Knight, Jean (竜騎士 ジャン)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight
- When this card enters the field, put the top card of your deck into the drop zone.
- If you have 3 or more cards in your gauge, this card gets critical+2!
Dragon Knight, Carrasco (?)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight
- When this card attacks, put the top card of your deck into your drop zone and put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Geo Thermal Dragon (ジオサーマル・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Activate] Pay 1 gauge and put the top two cards of your deck into the drop zone. If you do, destroy an item on your opponent’s field. This ability may only be used once per turn.
Dragon Bow, Dragospirit (竜弓 ドラゴスピリット)
Dragon World/Dragon - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Activate] Destroy a monster on your field. If you do, deal 1 damage to your opponent! This ability may only be used once per turn.
Sun Hammer, Bal Hammer (太陽槌 バルハンマー)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Weapon
- [Activate] Put the top two cards of your deck into the drop zone. If there is a monster among them, for this turn, this card gets power+3000! This ability may only be used once per turn.
Massive, Ivory Hermit (?)
Katana World/Skull Warrior
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- At the end of the turn, destroy this card.
Gale Inferno, Heaven Peacock (?)
Katana World/Skull Warrior - Fire
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- At the end of the turn, destroy this card.
[Double Attack]
Air-splitting Ninja, Meteor (?)
Katana World/Ninja - Wind
- This card cannot be called to the center.
Dodan, Chaos Pebbles (土遁 乱れ礫)
Katana World/Ninja Arts - Land
- You may only cast this card when a 《Ninja》 on your field is destroyed.
- [Counter] Destroy a size 2 or less monster and a spell on your opponent's field.
Fire-style, Armor of Flames (?)
Katana World/Ninja Arts - Fire
- You may only cast this card when your monster is being attacked.
- [Counter] Choose a <Katana World> monster in battle, and for this battle, give it defense+5000, and deal 1 damage to your opponent!
Art of Body Replacement (うつせみの術)
Katana World/Ninja Arts - Wind
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Counter] If it is not a link attack, nullify the attack.
Ninja Arts, Snake Gaze (忍法 蛇睨み)
Katana World/Spell - Ninja Arts
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 life]
- [Counter] [Rest] a monster on your opponent's field.
Demon Way, Hazy Smokestorm (?)
Katana World/Demon Way - Defense
- [Cast Cost] Pay 1 gauge.
- [Counter] The next time damage would be dealt to you this turn, it is reduced to 0, and you gain 1 life!
Water-summoning Longsword, Mizuryu (喚水ノ太刀 水龍)
Katana World/Water - Weapon
- [Activate] Pay 1 gauge and put this card into the drop zone. If you do, put a size 1 or less 《Ninja》 fro m your drop zone into your hand.
Regulis Dragon, Notre Dame (レグリスドラゴン ノートルダム)
Ancient World/Wild Dragon
- [Counter] [Activate] You may discard a 《Wild Dragon》from your hand. If you do, for this turn, a card on your opponent’s field gets power-1000, defense-1000 and critical-1!
[Lifelink 1]
Shield Chief, Protect Kou (盾の番長 プロテクト・硬)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Counter] [Activate] If you have a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on your field, you may discard this card and pay 2 life. If you do, choose a monster on your field, for this turn, it cannot be destroyed by card effects.
[Lifelink 1]
Mount Dragon, Shanjuron (マウントドラゴン シャンジゥロン)
Ancient World/Wild Dragon
- When this card is discarded from your hand, you may pay 1 life. If you do, put the top two cards of your deck into your gauge.
[Lifelink 1]
Valley Dragon, Talgaunt (マウントドラゴン シャンジゥロン)
Ancient World/Wild Dragon
[Move] [Lifelink 1]
River Dragon, Amuria (リバードラゴン アムリア)
Ancient World/Wild Dragon
- [Activate] If you have a 《Wild Dragon》 on your field, you may discard this card from your hand and pay 1 gauge and 1 life. If you do, put up to two 《Wild Dragon》other than “River Dragon, Amuria“ from your drop zone into your hand.
Lake Dragon, Testaria (レイクドラゴン テスタリア)
Ancient World/Wild Dragon - Water
- When this card is discarded from your hand, you may pay 1 life. If you do, draw a card.
[Lifelink 1]
Underling, Tricky Joyo (舎弟 トリッキー・爆)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- If you have an originally Size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on the field, reduce the size of this card by 1.
- When this card attacks, if there is a Size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on your field, put a card from your opponent’s gauge into the drop zone.
Chief Apprentice, Next Rei (番長見習い ネクスト・零)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- When this card enters the field, choose and use one of the following abilities.
• Put one card from the soul of a monster on your field into the drop zone. If you do, put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
• Put one card from the soul of a monster on your opponent’s field into the drop zone. If you do, put the top card of your opponent’s deck into his or her gauge.
Chief Apprentice, Cutter Sen (番長見習い カッター・閃)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- You may only call this card if there is a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on your field.
Godly-speed of Dragons (竜貴神速)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor - Charge
- Put the top two cards of your deck into the drop zone and put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
- If this card is in the soul of a 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 monster, this card cannot be put into the drop zone from the abilities of your opponent’s cards.
Dragon Comeback (捲土竜来)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor - Recovery
- You may only cast this card if you have 4 or less life and a size 3 monster on your field.
- Gain 4 life!
Wish-fulfilling Jewel (如意宝珠)
Ancient World/Dragon - Enhance
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 life]
- Put this card into the soul of one Size 3 《Wild Dragon》 on your field.
- If this card is in the soul of a 《Wild Dragon》 monster, that monster gets [Move] and [Soulguard].
Soaring Dragon Spirits (竜気百倍)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor - Destruction
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Counter] Destroy a size 1 or less monster and a spell on your opponent's field.
- [Counter] Destroy a size 1 or less monster and a spell on your opponent's field.
Dragon Truth Vigor (竜実剛健)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor - Defense
- [Counter] Choose a size 3 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 on your field. During this turn, the next time it would be destroyed, gain 1 life and you may prevent it from leaving the field.
Distant Sea Dragon Wall (絶海竜壁)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Counter] Nullify the attack. This card cannot be nullified.
Black Corpse Dragon, Bodorm (屍黒骸竜 ヂェルド・ボドム)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- When this card enters the field, put the top three cards of your opponent’s deck into his or her drop zone.
Black Immortality, Agist (黒き背徳 エイジスト)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- When this card enters the field, put the top card of your opponent’s deck into his or her drop zone. If the card is a monster, gain 1 life!
Purgatory Knights, Pain Dagger Dragon (煉獄騎士団 ペインダガー・ドラゴン)
Darkness Dragon World/Armordragon - White Dragon
- When this card is destroyed by the effect of a monster, put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Black Ferocious Dragon, Zerion (黒き猛竜 ゼリオン)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- [Activate] [Rest] this card. If you do, put the top two cards of your opponent’s deck into his or her drop zone.
Black Swamp, Fen (黒き沼 フェン)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Deep
We Are Immortal (我らは不死なり)
Darkness Dragon World/Dragon
- [Counter] Choose a monster with “Purgatory Knights” in its card name on your field. For this turn, the next time that monster would be destroyed, return that card to your hand, and put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
False Wounds (偽リノ傷痕)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Enhance
- [Counter] Choose a monster in battle, for that battle, give it power+4000, defense+4000 and put the top card of your opponent’s deck into his or her drop zone.
Black Dragon Remade (ブラックドラゴン・リメイド)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Defense
- [Counter] Choose a 《Black Dragon》 on your field. During this turn, the next time that card would be destroyed, you may prevent it from leaving the field.
Black Gambit Blade (刃ノ黒衣)
Darkness Dragon World/Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn and if you do not have a monster in the center.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack and put the top card of your opponent’s deck into his or her drop zone.
Black Flame Bullet (黒炎弾)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Destruction
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- When your opponent’s monster attacks, put the top card of your opponent’s deck into his or her drop zone. This ability only activates once per turn.
- [Activate] If there are ten or more cards in your opponent’s drop zone, pay 1 gauge and put this card into the drop zone. If you do, destroy a card on your opponent’s field!
Blade of Grief, Sutcliffe (嘆きの刃 サドグリフ)
Darkness Dragon World/Deep - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- "Spectral Strike" When an attack by this card destroys your opponent's monster, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Ceremony of Blood Dragons, Bloody Operate (血竜の儀 ブラッディ・オペレート)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Summon
- [Cast Cost] Pay 2 gauge.
- [Counter] Call a 《Black Dragon》 monster from your drop zone by paying its [Call Cost].
Beast Deity Robo, Blind Bear (戦神機 ブラインドベア)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, destroy a monster on your opponent’s field.
Take the Board with this Move! (盤上この一手!)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- [Counter] Call a size 1 or less 《Battle Deity Robo》 monster from your drop zone by paying its [Call Cost].
Bal Dragon, "Great Full Bal Lariat!!" (バルドラゴン”グレイトフル・バルラリアット!!”)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Impact Monster/2/11000/3/6000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Place a 《Sun Dragon》 from your field into the drop zone]
- When this card attacks, you may choose up to three 《Sun Dragon》 from your drop zone and place them on the bottom of your deck in any order. If you do, destroy cards on your opponent's field equal to the number of cards put on the bottom of your deck! (You can choose the same card.)
Tsukikage, "Black Yasha Origin" (月影”もうど黒夜叉”)
Katana World/Ninja
- [Counter] [Activate] Choose a 《Ninja》 on your field and pay 1 gauge. If you do, for this turn, the next time that card would be destroyed, that card remains on the field. This ability may only be used once per turn.
Byakuya, "White Yasha Origin" (白夜”もうど白夜叉”)
Katana World/Ninja
- At the end of the battle of this card, if you have a monster with "Tsukikage" in its card name on your field or in the soul of monsters on your field, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack].
- If this card is in the soul of a monster, that monster can attack your opponent even if there is a monster in your opponent's center.
Military Arts Chief, Duel Jaeger (武神番長 デュエルイェーガー)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & put up to 2 cards from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- [Counter] [Activate] When this card battles, you may discard a 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 from hand. If you do, for this battle, this gets +10000 defense!
Steel Arms Unrivaled Chief, Duel Jaeger "Revolted" (剛腕無双番長 デュエルイェーガー “リボルテッド”)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Put this card on top of a monster with "Duel Jaeger" in its card name without souls on your field other than "Steel Arms Unrivaled Chief, Duel Jaeger "Revolted"" & Put eight 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- If this card in your center, you cannot be dealt damage by effects from your opponent's cards.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard] [Lifelink Lose]
Military Arts Chief, Duel Jaeger (武神番長 デュエルイェーガー)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & put up to 2 cards from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- [Counter] [Activate] When this card battles, you may discard a 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 from hand. If you do, for this battle, this gets +10000 defense!
Manly Spirit of the Ocean (海番魂)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- [Counter] [Stand] a monster with "Duel Jaeger" in its card name on your field.
Legend of the Colossal Ocean (豪海伝説)
Ancient World/Dragon Chief Emperor
- You may only cast this card if you have a monster with "Duel Jaeger" on your field.
- Choose one of the following effects.
• Put one card from your drop zone into the soul of a monster on your field.
• [Counter] Place a soul from a card on the field into the drop zone.
Ancient World (エンシェントワールド)
- You may use <Ancient World> and <Generic> cards.
Ancient World (エンシェントワールド)
- You may use <Ancient World> and <Generic> cards.