Spring Fest 2016 (BSF2016)
- 3 Exciting Tournaments in 1 Festival!
Bushiroad PR Coupon Campaign
Period: 1st February 2016 - 3rd April 2016
Regional Level:
Regional Qualifiers
Period: February 2016 - July 2016
Continental Level:
Continental Championships
Period: June 2016 - July 2016
A: Bushiroad PR Coupon Campaign
To kick start Bushiroad Spring Fest 2016, Bushiroad PR Coupon campaign will be launched alongside with monthly shop tournaments for February and March periods in 2016! Collect Bushiroad PR Coupons and exchange for special PR cards at Bushiroad Spring Fest 2016! This year, the campaign has been extended to cover all three games!
(I) Collect Your Bushiroad PR Coupons!
Step 1: Visit a participating shop
Step 2: Participate in a tournament shop from 1st February 2016 to 3rd April 2016 (February & March tournament periods)
Step 3: Receive 1 Bushiroad PR Coupon with every participation of the Shop Tournament!
Note: Fighters may receive more than one coupon if attending multiple shop tournaments during the campaign period. This is applicable to tournaments of all English edition Bushiroad products, including Cardfight!! Vanguard, Weiss Schwarz and Future Card Buddyfight. While stocks last.
(II) Redeem PR Coupon for the Special PR Card!
Step 4: Visit a Bushiroad Spring Fest 2015 event
Step 5: Participate in Cardfight!! Vanguard Team League, Weiss Schwarz Neo-Showdown or Future Card Buddyfight Buddy Challenge
Step 6: Redeem 1 special PR card with 1 Bushiroad PR Coupon!
Note 1: One coupon can be redeemed for one special PR card only, and may select from Cardfight!! Vanguard, Weiss Schwarz or Future Card Buddyfight special PRs. A maximum of 4 special PR cards can be redeemed per person per game at each Bushiroad Spring Fest 2016 venue. While stocks last.
Note 2: Keep the coupon and don’t forget to redeem a free PR/0233EN Steam Fighter, Galumu at Cardfight!! Online! Available to redeem after the official launch of Cardfight!! Online. The serial code expires on 10th July 2017.
(III) Bushiroad PR Coupons for BSF2016
(IV) Special PR Cards Redeemable at BSF2016
1 Bushiroad PR Coupon may redeem 1 of any PR card above at BSF2016. While stocks last.
Cardfight!! Vanguard
PR/0235EN: Daydream Tone, Arny
Future Card Buddyfight
Weiss Schwarz
B: Region Qualifiers
(I) Cardfight!! Vanguard: Team League
- Team of 3 person
- Clan Fight Format
Note: Each team member must use a different clan from the other team members within the team.
- Best of 1
- North America: Modified Swiss, Double Elimination
- Europe: Swiss
- Asia-Oceania: Modified Swiss, Double Elimination
- Top 8: Single Elimination
Participation Prizes:
Note: BSF2016 main tournament participant may receive 1pc of above-listed PR card and 1pc of above-listed deckcase of the game he/she has played.
Top 8 Player's Prize:
Note: Players who advance to Top 8 in BSF2016 main tournaments may receive a “Top 8 Pin” of the game he/she plays.
(II) Future Card Buddyfight: Buddy Challenge
- Individual
- Players may use sideboards in Buddy Challenge Best of 3 tournaments.
Note: Refer to “Sideboard Ruling” section for more details.
- Best of 3
- North America: Swiss
- Europe: Swiss
- Asia-Oceania: Modified Swiss, Double Elimination
- Top 8: Single Elimination
Sideboard Ruling:
- Players must use the same Buddy and Flag throughout the whole tournament. Players cannot change the Buddy or Flag between games.
- Players can have 0-10 cards for their sideboard.
- The 4 per deck rule applies to the main deck and sideboard as a whole. (i.e. You may only have up to 4 of a certain card between your deck and sideboard. Like normal games, your Buddy does not count towards the 4 per deck.)
- Between games 1-2 and 2-3 of each round, players may use cards from their sideboard to change their deck.
- After sideboarding, the deck needs to be in a legal state and the sideboard can be no more than 10 cards.
- Players must return deck to pre-sideboard state before each new round.
Participation Prizes:
Note: BSF2016 main tournament participant may receive 1pc of above-listed PR card and 1pc of above-listed deckcase of the game he/she has played.
Top 8 Player's Prize:
(III) Weiss Schwarz: Neo-Showdown
- Individual
- Neo-Standard
- Best of 1
- North America: Swiss
- Europe: Swiss
- Asia-Oceania: Modifided Swiss, Double Elimination
- Top 8: Single Elimination
Participation Prizes:
Note: BSF2016 main tournament participant may receive 1pc of above-listed PR card and 1pc of above-listed deckcase of the game he/she has played.
Top 8 Player's Prize:
(IV) All Tournament Information & Regulations
No entry fee
Note: If the qualifier is held inside another event or convention, entry fee to that event or convention may apply.
North America: All fighters living in North America may participate. Fighters living outside of North America may not participate.
Europe: All fighters living in Europe may participate. Fighters living outside of Europe may not participate.
Asia-Oceania: All fighters living in Asia-Oceania may participate. Fighters living outside of Asia-Oceania may not participate.
- All English edition cards can be used. Cards of other languages may not be used.
- Fighters are required to use opaque card sleeves so that the back of cards cannot be easily distinguished.
- Cards from new expansions are legal to use from the expansion’s release date.
(V) Regional Qualifiers Locations
Note: Location information is subject to change. The schedules will be announced on a later date.
(VI) Side Events at Regional Qualifiers
Format: Individual
Entry: No entry fee required
- Anyone may participate
- Players still participating in the main event may not participate.
- Participants can go in and out freely during the Free Fight time.
- Fighters will be randomly matched against a new opponent after each match.
Deck: Only English Edition cards may be used.
- All players participating will receive one PR card of the game played after 2 rounds.
- One player may receive maximum one PR card per game per day.
Promotional Cards for Free Fight Participant
Cardfight!! Vanguard:
Weiss Schwarz:
Continental Finals - Tournament Regulations and Formats
Entry: Via Invitation Only
- All English edition cards can be used.
- Cards of other languages may not be used.
- Fighters are required to use opaque card sleeves so that the back of cards cannot be easily distinguished.
- Cards from new expansions are legal to use from the expansion’s release date.
Continental Finals - Tournament Regulations and Formats
Entry: Via Invitation Only
- All English edition cards can be used.
- Cards of other languages may not be used.
- Fighters are required to use opaque card sleeves so that the back of cards cannot be easily distinguished.
- Cards from new expansions are legal to use from the expansion’s release date.
Official Hastag: #BSF2016
Official Website: http://bushiroad.com/en/events/bsf2016/