Thursday, March 10, 2016

CMD (Singapore)'s
Future Card Buddyfight "Triple D"
- Decklist Samples (Volume 1)

[Dragon's Chief (BT01) to Hollow Black Dragon (D-SD03)]

(i) Star Dragon World

Deck #01:
Size 3 (6):
3x The Law, Gairaplus
2x All Deus, Sfellmion
1x Biggest Dragonarms, Sonic Blast

Size 2 (4):
4x The Genesic, Omega Big Bang
Size 1 (16):

4x V Gradation, Quantum Ruler
3x Dragonarms, Charger
2x Code "CHOCO", The Baby
2x Star Guardian, Jackknife "SD"
2x Dragonarms, Talnada
1x Jupiter Two, Eumercular
1x Dragonarms, Transporter
1x Dragonarms, Radiant Alma
Size 0 (7):

4x Sphere Cemetery, Star Remnant
3x Dragonarms, Artiliger
Spell (12):

4x Fate Information
4x Earth Barrier
4x Proto Barrier
Impact (2):
2x Speed of Light, Tri Elements
Impact Monster (3):

3x Jackknife "Dragoner Wall!"

Flag (1):
1x Star Dragon World

Buddy (1):
1x The Genesic, Omega Big Bang

Total: 52 Cards


(ii) Darkness Dragon World

Deck #01: Death/Black Dragon
Size 2 (8):
3x Black Companion, Bephegol
3x Death Wizard Dragon
2x Death Ruler, Soulbreaker
Size 1 (15):
4x Daredevil, "Barrett"
3x Black Cradle, Crabius
3x Deathgaze Dragon "SD"
2x Thirsting Creature, Zanzara
2x Black Depressed Buckling, Barzam
1x Death Ruler, Manifile

Size 0 (4):
4x Death Ruler, Gallows "SD"

Spell (12):
4x Black Dragon Shield
3x Gate of Darkness Dragon
2x Inferno Shield
2x Midnight Shadow
1x Black Agenda

Impact (7):
3x Hell Gate Walter!
2x Distortion Punisher!!
2x Nightmare Despair
Impact Monster (4):
4x Abygale "Lost Horizon!"

Flag (1):
1x Darkness Dragon World

Buddy (1):
1x Abygale "Lost Horizon!"

Total: 52 Cards