Unleash! Impact Dragon!!
[放て! 必杀竜!!]
[Japanese Edition] 1st April 2016
[English Edition] 15th April 2016
Official Price: 4,380 Yen Per Box / 145 Yen Per Pack
Total Types of Cards: 134 (126 New Cards + 8 Reprint Cards)
Total Types of Cards: 134 (126 New Cards + 8 Reprint Cards)
Each Box: 30 packs
Each Pack:
- 5 cards in each pack
- Every pack will definitely have 1 Rare (R) or above rarity card!
- Each Box comes with 3 RRR, 5 RR and 6 foil version of R/U/C.
- Each Box comes with 3 C, 2 U and 1 R foil version, and it will replace a Common (C) slot of a pack.
- Each Box will come with 1 Secret Pack OR 1 Buddy Rare (BR)!
- Each Box comes with 3 RRR, 5 RR and 6 foil version of R/U/C.
- Each Box comes with 3 C, 2 U and 1 R foil version, and it will replace a Common (C) slot of a pack.
- Each Box will come with 1 Secret Pack OR 1 Buddy Rare (BR)!
Secret: 5
BR: 4
RRR: 8
RR: 12
R: 30
UC: 30
C: 45
- Unleash! Impact Dragon!! is the 1st Booster Set from the 1st season of Future Card Buddyfight "Triple D".
- Includes further boosts to world: 《Dragon World》, 《Star Dragon World》,《Darkness Dragon World》 & 《Magic World》 .
- Introducing a new attribute to Magic World, Shadow Shade.
- Includes further boosts to Impact Monster.
- Includes further boosts to Impact Monster.
- Includes further boosts to the archetype: Blue Sky Knights (蒼穹騎士団).
- Parallel foils of Commons, Uncommon and Rare Cards are randomly inserted.
- As of this booster set onward, Secret Rare and Buddy Rare will be easier to obtain.
- Parallel foils of Commons, Uncommon and Rare Cards are randomly inserted.
- As of this booster set onward, Secret Rare and Buddy Rare will be easier to obtain.
- As of this booster set onward, there will be no more SP.
- As of this booster set onward, the English edition's foil printing of BR, Secret, RRR, RR and R will be similar to the Japanese edition's.
The Over EX, Dimenzion (超高次竜 EX・ディメンジョン)
- [Activate] Put a card from this card's soul into your drop zone. If you do, for this turn this card gets either [Penetrate] or [Double Attack].
Gale Destruction (ゲイル・デストラクション)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Destruction
- You may only cast this card if your buddy has "Abygale" in its card name.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Counter] Destroy a size 2 or less monster on your opponent's field, and put the top two cards of your opponent's deck into his or her drop zone.
Fifth Omni Super Cavalry Dragon, Hellfire Sword Doble (五角超騎竜 業火剣のドゥーベル)
Blue Dragon Shield (ドラゴンシールド 青竜の盾)
Dragon World/Blue Dragon - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn and if you do not have a monster in the center.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack and put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Magic Knights of Bonds, Dunkelheit & Licht (絆の魔法騎士 ドゥンケルハイト&リヒト)
Magical Goodbye (マジカルグッバイ)
Magic World/Counter - Summon
- [Counter] Return a size 2 or less monster on the field to its owner's hand.
Gunrod, Bazen Dorf (ガンロッド ベーゼンドルフ)
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Activate] You may [Rest] this card. If you do, deal 1 damage to your opponent! Then, if both you and your opponent have only 1 monster in each field, deal one additional damage!
Jackarms, J・Thruster (剣星機 J・スラスター)
Dragoners Beat (星竜の鼓動)
Star Dragon World/Enhance - Get
-You may only cast this card if your buddy is a 《Neodragon》 with "Jackknife" in its card name.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Use one of the following abilities. You may only cast "Dragoners Beat" once per turn.
• Pay 1 life. If you do, search your deck for up to one item, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
• For this turn, give to an item on your field power+2000 and critical+1!
Twin Star, Jack & Fang (二挺星銃 ジャック&ファング)
Shining Smash (シャイニング・スマッシュ)
Dragon World/Destruction
- You may only cast this card if you have 6 life or less.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Destroy a monster on your opponent's field.
Messenger of Moonlight, Luna (月光の使者 ルーナ)
Solomon's Great Barrier (ソロモンの大結界)
Magic World/72 Pillars - Magic Power
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- The size of your originally size 2 《72 Pillars》 monsters are reduced by 1!
- You may only [Set] one "Solomon's Great Barrier" on your field.
- Both English and Japanese version will includes a small number of reprints.
- Reprint Card: Blue Dragon Shield, Great Spell, Saturday Night Devil Fever, Magical Goodbye, Proto Barrier, Solomon's Great Barrier, Solomon's Shield, Death Damage and Midnight Shadow.
PR/0147EN- Reprint Card: Blue Dragon Shield, Great Spell, Saturday Night Devil Fever, Magical Goodbye, Proto Barrier, Solomon's Great Barrier, Solomon's Shield, Death Damage and Midnight Shadow.
INV Fifth Omni Dragon Lord, Hellfire Drum (裏・五角竜王 獄炎のドラム)
Dragon World/Armordragon - Red Dragon
[Omni Lord]
- This card cannot be called to the center.
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul]
[Penetrate] [Soulguard]
[Penetrate] [Soulguard]
Ruler of Hundred Demons, O-Yamigedo (百鬼の支配者オオヤミゲドウ)
-/Hundred Demons
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put one or more 《Hundred Demons》 monsters from your field into this card's soul]
- "Thunder Mine" When a monster on your opponent's field attacks, deal 1 damage to your opponent!. This ability only activates once per turn.
[Penetrate] [Soulguard]
Aspiration Existence, Bal Dragon & Jackknife
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul]
[Soulguard] (If this card would leave the field, you may discard one soul to prevent it.)
Passing the Baton! Bal Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- If you have 5 life or less, this card gets [Move] and [Penetrate].
Passing the Baton! Drum Bunker Dragon
Dragon World/Armordragon - Red Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- If you have 5 life or less, this card gets power+2000 and defense+2000!
Scorching Cavalry Dragon, Second Helios (烈火の騎竜 セカンドヘリオス
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top two cards of your deck into this card's soul]
- [Activate] Put a 《Sun Dragon》 from this card's soul into your drop zone. If you do, destroy a monster in your opponent's center
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top two cards of your deck into this card's soul]
- [Activate] Put a 《Sun Dragon》 from this card's soul into your drop zone. If you do, destroy a monster in your opponent's center
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]
Bal Dragon "Bal Burst Smasher!" (バルドラゴン “バルバースト・スマッシャー!”)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Impact Monster/2/11000/4/6000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & You may put this card on top of a 《Sun Dragon》 on your field]
- This card's attack cannot be nullified if it is attacking alone.
Manipulator of Shadowform, Silhouette Terry (影絵の掌握者 シルエット・テリー)
Magic World/Shadow Shade
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a spell from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- If there are three or more souls in this card, this card gets critical+1!
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]
Fervent Demon Lord Teacher, Asmodai (熱血魔王ティーチャー アスモダイ)
Magic World/72 Pillars
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge and return a 《72 Pillars》 monster from your field to your hand]
- When this card enters the field, destroy a monster on your opponent's field. Then, if there are three or more other 《72 Pillars》 on your field, destroy a card on your opponent's field.
Black-eye Demonic Dragon, Blagg Za Bath (?)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Deep
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- When this card deals damage to your opponent, put the top two cards of your opponents deck into the drop zone.
- If there are ten or more cards in your opponents drop zone, this card gets critical+2 and [Penetrate]!
[Double Attack]
[Double Attack]
Abygale "Vanishing Death Hole!" (アビゲール “バニシング・デスホール !”)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
Impact Monster/3/8000/3/8000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Destroy a 《Black Dragon》 monster on your field]
- When this card enters the field during the final phase, destroy all other monsters on the field.
- If there are six or more cards in your opponent's drop zone, this card gets critical+3!! Then, if there are twelve or more, this card's attack cannot be nullified if it is attacking alone!
The Over EX, Dimenzion (超高次竜 EX・ディメンジョン)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put up to three monsters from your drop zone into this card's soul]- [Activate] Put a card from this card's soul into your drop zone. If you do, for this turn this card gets either [Penetrate] or [Double Attack].
Jackknife, "Full Liberate Canon!" (ジャックナイフ “フルリベレイト・カノン!”)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
Impact Monster/2/6000/2/6000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Put this card on top of a 《Neodragon》 monster on your field & Put a card from your drop zone into this card's soul]
- At the end of the attack of this card, you may put up to three 《Dragonarms》 from this card's soul into your drop zone. If you do, deal damage to your opponent equal to the number of cards put into the drop zone!!
Flamewing Dragon (フレイムウィンド・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- At the end of this card's attack, if your opponent does not have a monster in your opponent's center, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack]
Flarefang Dragon (フレアファング・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- "Flame Gift" When this card enters the field, if you have another Sun Dragon on the field, put the top card of your deck into your gauge, and draw a card. "Flame Gift" only activates once per turn.
Fifth Omni Cavalry Dragon "Cavalry Dragon Arts, Seven Skies Slaying!" (五角騎竜 “騎竜奥義 七天殺!”)
Dragon World/Armordragon
Impact Monster/2/8000/2/6000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put two 《Armordragon》 monsters from your field into this card's soul]
- When you are dealt damage, put the top card of your deck into your gauge, you gain 1 life, and draw a card. This ability only activates once per turn.
Illusionist of Shadowgraph, Silhouette Joe (影絵の奇術師 シルエット ジョー)
- [Activate] Put all two or more cards from this card's soul into your drop zone. If you do, deal 2 damage to your opponent. If you put five or more cards into your drop zone, deal 6 damage to your opponent instead!! You may only use this ability once per turn.
Illusionist of Shadowgraph, Silhouette Joe (影絵の奇術師 シルエット ジョー)
Magic World/Shadow Shade
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a spell from your drop zone into this card's soul]- [Activate] Put all two or more cards from this card's soul into your drop zone. If you do, deal 2 damage to your opponent. If you put five or more cards into your drop zone, deal 6 damage to your opponent instead!! You may only use this ability once per turn.
Asmodai, "Diabolical Sparta Teachings!" (アスモダイ “ディアボリカル・スパルタ教育!”)
Magic World/72 Pillars
Impact Monster/2/6000/2/5000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put one or more <Magic World> monsters from your field into this card's soul]
- When this card enters the field, return all monsters from your opponent's field to his or her hand, and deal damage to your opponent equal to the number monsters returned!
Mary Sue, "Eternal Ideal!" (メアリー・スー “エターナル・アイディール!”)
Magic World/Wizard
Impact Monster/2/4000/2/3000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, put up to one <Magic World> spell from your drop zone into your hand. Then, if you have four or more different 《Wizard》 in your drop zone, draw a card.
- This card cannot be returned to hand from the field.
Black Diadem, Zacrown (黒き王冠 ザクラウン)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- When this card enters the field, put the top card of your deck into the gauge. Then, if there are six or more cards in your opponent's drop zone, put the top card of your deck into the gauge.
Gale Destruction (ゲイル・デストラクション)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Destruction
- You may only cast this card if your buddy has "Abygale" in its card name.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Counter] Destroy a size 2 or less monster on your opponent's field, and put the top two cards of your opponent's deck into his or her drop zone.
Gallows "Blood Drainer!" (ガロウズ “ブラッドサッカー!”)
Darkness Dragon World/Death - Deep
Impact Monster/2/5000/2/7000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Destroy a monster on your field]
- "Shadow Dive" This card can attack your opponent even if there is a monster in your opponent's center!
- When this card deals damage to your opponent, you gain life equal to the critical of this card.
Star Dragoner, Luminous Blue (超星竜 ルミナスブルー)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
- This card gets power+1000 and defense+1000 for each card in its soul. When this card attacks, put a 《Neodragon》 Monster from your drop zone into this card's soul.
Star Jack Repair (スタージャック・リペア)
Star Dragon World/Charge
- You may only cast this card if you have a card with "Jackknife" in its card name on your field.
- Put the top card of your deck into your gauge, and put a card from your drop zone into the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field. You may only cast "Star Jack Repair" once per turn.
Star Alternate (スターオルタネート)
Star Dragon World/Enhance
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Counter] Choose a card in the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field and call it on top of a 《Neodragon》 on your field by paying the [Call Cost]. You may only cast "Star Alternate" once per turn.
Fifth Omni Super Cavalry Dragon, Hellfire Sword Doble (五角超騎竜 業火剣のドゥーベル)
Dragon World/Armordragon - Red Dragon
- You cannot call this card to the center.
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul]
- When you are dealt damage, put a card from your opponent's gauge into his or her drop zone, and put the top card of your deck into your gauge. This ability only activates once per turn.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]
- You cannot call this card to the center.
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul]
- When you are dealt damage, put a card from your opponent's gauge into his or her drop zone, and put the top card of your deck into your gauge. This ability only activates once per turn.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]
Sun Dragon, Bal Dragon (太陽の竜 バルドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card attacks, for this turn, this card gets power+5000.
[Penetrate] (If this card attacks and destroys your opponent's monster in the center, this card deals damage equal to its critical to your opponent.)
Blazehorn Dragon (ブレイズ ホーン・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card attacks a monster in the center, destroy that monster!
[Move] (At the beginning of each player's attack phase, if this card is on the field, you may move this card to an open monster area.)
Steel Wrist of the Sun (太陽の剛腕)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Destruction
- You may only cast if you have a 《Sun Dragon》 on field and your opponent has no monster in the center.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Counter] Destroy a monster on the left or right of your opponent's field.
Blue Dragon Shield (ドラゴンシールド 青竜の盾)
Dragon World/Blue Dragon - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn and if you do not have a monster in the center.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack and put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Sun Fist, Balknuckle (太陽拳 バルナックル)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When a card on your field with 《Bal Dragon》 in its name attacks, for that battle, that monster gains critical +1. You may only use this ability once each attack phase and final phase.
Unparalleled Arts, Omni Lord ∞ Burst! (無双奥義 角王∞弾!)
Dragon World/Dragon
[Omni Lord]
- You may only cast this card if you have a card with [Omni Lord] on your field.
- Destroy a monster on your opponent's field. Then, you may put a card with [Omni Lord] from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck. If you do, return this card to your hand.
Bal Dragon, "All Out Bal Aura!" (バルドラゴン “バルオーラ全開!”)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Impact Monster/2/8000/3/5000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put a 《Sun Dragon》 monster from your field into your drop zone]
- When this card enters the field, either destroy a monster in your opponent's center, or if your opponent does not have a monster in the center, put a card from your opponent's gauge into his or her drop zone, and deal 1 damage to your opponent!
Green Wind Master, Rafaga (翠風大魔道 ラファーガ)
Magic World/Wizard
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- If you have three or more different 《Wizard》 in your drop zone, this card gets [Double Attack], then, if you have four or more different, this card gets power+3000 and defense+3000, and then, if you have five or more different, this card can attack your opponent even if there is a monster in your opponent's center!
Magic Knights of Bonds, Dunkelheit & Licht (絆の魔法騎士 ドゥンケルハイト&リヒト)
Magic World/Wizard
- If you may only call this card if you have two or more 《Wizard》 in your drop zone.
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- [Counter] [Activate] You may discard a 《Wizard》 from your hand. If you do, for this turn, this card gets power+3000, and the next time this card would be destroyed, this card remains on the field! You may only use this ability once per turn.
[Double Attack]
R- If you may only call this card if you have two or more 《Wizard》 in your drop zone.
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- [Counter] [Activate] You may discard a 《Wizard》 from your hand. If you do, for this turn, this card gets power+3000, and the next time this card would be destroyed, this card remains on the field! You may only use this ability once per turn.
[Double Attack]
Lie-Spitting, Shux (嘘吐きシャックス)
Magic World/72 Pillars
- "?" When this card attacks, if the number of other 《72 Pillars》 on your field is two or more, draw a card. You may only use "?" once per turn.
Silhouette Max (シルエット・マックス)
Magic World/Shadow Shade
- [Activate] Put two or more souls from a card on your field into your drop zone. If you do, draw 2 cards. You may only use this ability once per turn.
Demon Traitor, Aunas (裏切りの魔人 アウナス)
Magic World/72 Pillars
- When this card is destroyed, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, return this card to your hand or put this card into the soul of a monster on your field other than "Demon Traitor, Aunas".
Trick or Trick (トリック・オア・トリック)
Magic World/Shadow Shade - Enhance - Destruction
- Choose and use one of the following two.
• Put a spell from your drop zone into the soul of a 《Shadow Shade》 on your field. Then, put this card into the soul of a 《Shadow Shade》 on your field.
• Put two souls from a card on your field into your drop zone. If you do, destroy a card on the field, and put this card into the soul of a 《Shadow Shade》 on your field.
Great Spell, Saturday Night Devil Fever (大魔法 サタデーナイトデビルフィーバー)
Magic World/72 Pillars - Summon
- [Cast Cost] Pay 2 gauge. & pay 1 life.
- You may only cast this card if the number of 《72 Pillars》 in your drop zone is six or more.
- [Counter] Choose up to three size 1 《72 Pillars》 from your drop zone, and call them without paying the [Call Cost]. Return all cards from your drop zone to your deck, and shuffle your deck.
- [Cast Cost] Pay 2 gauge. & pay 1 life.
- You may only cast this card if the number of 《72 Pillars》 in your drop zone is six or more.
- [Counter] Choose up to three size 1 《72 Pillars》 from your drop zone, and call them without paying the [Call Cost]. Return all cards from your drop zone to your deck, and shuffle your deck.
Magical Goodbye (マジカルグッバイ)
Magic World/Counter - Summon
- [Counter] Return a size 2 or less monster on the field to its owner's hand.
Gunrod, Bazen Dorf (ガンロッド ベーゼンドルフ)
Magic World/Weapon
Item/2000/2- [Activate] You may [Rest] this card. If you do, deal 1 damage to your opponent! Then, if both you and your opponent have only 1 monster in each field, deal one additional damage!
Gate Guider, Malebolge (獄門案内人 マーレボルジェ)
Darkness Dragon World/Death - Deep
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- "Shadow Dive" This card can attack your opponent even if there is a monster in your opponent's center!
[Double Attack] (Once per turn, this card may [Stand] after it attacks.)
Black Death Dragon, Abygale (黒き死竜 アビゲール)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Activate] Discard a card from your hand. If you do, destroy a monster on your opponent's field. If it is destroyed, put cards from the top of your opponent's deck into his or her drop zone equal to the size of the destroyed card.
Black Flame, Inflame (黒き炎 インフレイム)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- [Activate] You may pay 1 gauge, and destroy this card. If you do, destroy a size 2 or less monster on your opponent's field.
Black Drain (ブラック・ドレイン)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Destruction - Charge
- Put the top three cards of your opponents deck into the drop zone, then put the top card of your deck into the gauge. You may only cast "Black Drain" once per turn.
Death Dragon Sickle, Gelscythe (死竜の鎌 ゲ三 ルサイズ)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Deep - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
- If their is three of more cards in your opponents drop zone, this card gets critical +1!
Abygale, "Jet Black Storm" (アビゲール “漆黒ノ嵐”)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
Impact Monster/3/7000/2/7000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Destroy a 《Black Dragon》 monster on your field]
- When this card enters the field, destroy all size 1 or less monsters and items on your opponent's field.
Star Dragoner, Jackknife (超星竜 ジャックナイフ)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, look at three cards from the top of your deck, put one card from among them into this card's soul, and put the rest into your drop zone.
Jackarms, J・Thruster (剣星機 J・スラスター)
Star Dragon World/Dragonarms
- "Thrusters Response" When this enters the soul of a card with "Jackknife" in its name on your field, you may discard a card. If you do, put one "Jackarms, J・Thruster" from your deck into that card's soul. You may only use "Thrusters Response" once per turn.
[Crossnize] (Put this card from your field into the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field.)
R- "Thrusters Response" When this enters the soul of a card with "Jackknife" in its name on your field, you may discard a card. If you do, put one "Jackarms, J・Thruster" from your deck into that card's soul. You may only use "Thrusters Response" once per turn.
[Crossnize] (Put this card from your field into the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field.)
Dragonarms, Onebarret (竜装機 ワンバレット)
Star Dragon World/Dragonarms
- At the end of the battle of this card, you may put this card from your field into the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field.
[Crossnize] (Put this card from your field into the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field.)
Dragoners Beat (星竜の鼓動)
Star Dragon World/Enhance - Get
-You may only cast this card if your buddy is a 《Neodragon》 with "Jackknife" in its card name.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Use one of the following abilities. You may only cast "Dragoners Beat" once per turn.
• Pay 1 life. If you do, search your deck for up to one item, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
• For this turn, give to an item on your field power+2000 and critical+1!
Proto Barrier (プロトバリア)
Star Dragon World/Defense
- You may only cast this card if you are being attacked.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack and put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Proto Barrier (プロトバリア)
Star Dragon World/Defense
- You may only cast this card if you are being attacked.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack and put the top card of your deck into your gauge.
Twin Star, Jack & Fang (二挺星銃 ジャック&ファング)
Star Dragon World/Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge and 1 life]
- When your opponent is dealt with damage by the effect of s card with 《Jackknife》 in its card name on your field, deal 1 damage to your opponent!
[Double Attack] (Once per turn, this card may [Stand] after it attacks.)
R- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge and 1 life]
- When your opponent is dealt with damage by the effect of s card with 《Jackknife》 in its card name on your field, deal 1 damage to your opponent!
[Double Attack] (Once per turn, this card may [Stand] after it attacks.)
Jackknife, "Astro Guardner!" (ジャックナイフ “アストロガードナー!”)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
Impact Monster/2/5000/2/5000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put this card on top of a 《Neodragon》 monster on your field]
- When this card enters the field, look at the top five cards from the top of your deck, put a card from among them into this card's soul, and put the rest into your drop zone!
Sol Armor Dragon (ソールアーマー・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- If your opponent does not has a monster in the center, this card gets defense+3000!
[Move] (At the beginning of each player's attack phase, if this card is on the field, you may move this card to an open monster area.)
Fire Claw Dragon (ファイロウ ・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- If your opponent does not have a monster in the center, this card gets critical+1!
Blue Sky Knights, Systemic Dagger Dragon (蒼穹騎士団 システミックダガー・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Armordragon
- When another monster with either "Systemic" or "Blue Sky Knights" in its card name enters your field, you gain 1 life, and draw a card. This ability only activates once per turn.
Heat Dragon Jr. (ヒート・ドラゴンJr.)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- When your opponent has no monster in their center, this card gets critical+1!
Bal Support (バル・サポート)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Charge - Recovery
- You may only use this card if you have a card with "Baldragon" in its name on your field.
- Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the gauge and gain 2 life! You may only cast "Bal Support" once per turn.
Bal Climax (バル・クライマックス)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Get
- You may only cast this card if you have a "Bal Dragon" on your field.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Put an Impact Monster from your drop zone into your hand.
Shining Smash (シャイニング・スマッシュ)
Dragon World/Destruction
- You may only cast this card if you have 6 life or less.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Destroy a monster on your opponent's field.
Dragon Staff, Dragogift (竜杖 ドラゴギフト)
Dragon World/Dragon - Staff - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- All size 1 or less monsters on your field get [Move].
Witch of Variance, Alice the Adjuster (拡縮の魔女 アリス・ザ・アドジャスター)
Magic World/Wizard
- [Counter] [Activate] Pay 1 life. If you do, until this card leaves the field, change the size of this card to the size of your choice between 0 and 3. This ability only activates once per turn.
- This card gets power+1000, defense+1000, and critical+1 multiplied by this card's size.
Silhouette Simba (シルエット・シンバ)
Magic World/Shadow Shade
- [Activate] "?" You may put this card from your hand into your drop zone. If you do, put up to one 《Shadow Shade》 monster from your drop zone into your hand. You may only use "?" once per turn.
Messenger of Sunlight, Sol (陽光の使者 ソール)
Magic World/Wizard
- [Counter] When your opponent casts a spell and you have a "Messenger of Moonlight, Luna" on your field, you may pay 1 gauge and discard a 《Wizard》 from your hand. If you do, nullify that spell. This ability can only be used once per turn.
Messenger of Moonlight, Luna (月光の使者 ルーナ)
Magic World/Wizard
- [Counter] [Activate] When a "Messenger of Sunlight, Sol" is on your field, you may discard a 《Wizard》. If you do, return a monster on the field to its owner's hand. This ability can only be used once per turn.
- [Counter] [Activate] When a "Messenger of Sunlight, Sol" is on your field, you may discard a 《Wizard》. If you do, return a monster on the field to its owner's hand. This ability can only be used once per turn.
The Shade (ザ・シェイド)
Magic World/Shadow Shade - Charge - Draw
- You may only cast this card if you have a 《Shadow Shade》 on your field.
- Put the top card of your deck into your gauge, draw a card, and put this card into the soul of a 《Shadow Shade》 on your field. You may only cast "The Shade" once per turn.
Whazzup? (How Are You?) (ホワッツァップ?(元気かい?))
Magic World/72 Pillars - Summon
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- Call up to 3 size 2 or lower 《72 Pillars》 monsters from your drop zone by paying their [Call Cost]. During this turn, you may not call any other monsters except for impact monsters.
- You may only cast "Whazzup? (How Are You?)" once per turn.
Whazzup? (How Are You?) (ホワッツァップ?(元気かい?))
Magic World/72 Pillars - Summon
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- Call up to 3 size 2 or lower 《72 Pillars》 monsters from your drop zone by paying their [Call Cost]. During this turn, you may not call any other monsters except for impact monsters.
- You may only cast "Whazzup? (How Are You?)" once per turn.
Great Spell, Special Elegant Amazing Wall (大魔法 スペシャル・エレガント・アメイジングウォール)
Magic World/Wizard - Defense
- You may only cast this card if you have six or more different 《Wizard》 in your drop zone.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
- [Counter] For this turn, all cards on your field cannot be destroyed, and you cannot be dealt damage!
Magic World/72 Pillars - Magic Power
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- The size of your originally size 2 《72 Pillars》 monsters are reduced by 1!
- You may only [Set] one "Solomon's Great Barrier" on your field.
Magical Book, Goetia (魔道書 ゲーティア)
Magic World/72 Pillars - Weapon
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- This card can attack even if there is a monster in your center.
- If you have other three or more 《72 Pillars》 on your field, this card gets power+2000 and critical+1!
Black Scar, Stigmata (黒き傷痕 スティグマータ)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, if there are seven or more cards in your opponent's drop zone, destroy a card on your opponent's field.

Black Epicenter, Deadlock (黒き爆心 デリドロック)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- When an attack by this card destroys your opponent's monster, put the top three cards of your opponents deck into the drop zone.
Black Revenger (ブラック・リベンジャー)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Get
- You may only cast this card if you have 5 life or less.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Choose up to one size 1 and up to one size 2 monster from your drop zone, and put them into your hand.
Black Revenger (ブラック・リベンジャー)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Get
- You may only cast this card if you have 5 life or less.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Choose up to one size 1 and up to one size 2 monster from your drop zone, and put them into your hand.
Loopholes of Hades (地獄の抜け穴)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon - Get
- You may only cast this card if there are six or more cards in your opponent's drop zone.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Search your deck for up to one 《Black Dragon》 monster, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Biggest Dragonarms, Photon Lancer (大竜装機 フォトンランサー)
Star Dragon World/Dragonarms
Star Dragon World/Dragonarms
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- If this card is in the soul of a 《Neodragon》, that 《Neodragon》 gets defense+2000, and [Move].
[Crossnize] (Put this card from your field into the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field.)
Star Dragoner, Meteoroid (超星竜 メテオロイド)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, you may equip an item from your drop zone by paying its [Equip Cost].
Dragonarms, Emgergence (竜装機 エマージェンス)
Star Dragon World/Dragonarms
- [Counter] [Activate] If a 《Neodragon》 on your field is in battle, you may pay 1 life. If you do, put this card from your hand or field into the soul of one of those 《Neodragon》.
[Crossnize] (Put this card from your field into the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field.)
Jackarms, J・Igniter (剣星機 J・イグナイター)
Star Dragon World/Dragonarms
- When this is in the soul of a "Jackknife", that card gets critical +1!
[Crossnize] (Put this card from your field into the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field.)
Star Launcher, Soulcanon (スターランチャー ソウルカノン)
Star Dragon World/Star - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card attacks, you may put a card from the soul of a 《Neodragon》 on your field into your drop zone. If you do, for this turn, this card gets power+2000 and [Penetrate].
Mazerkruz "Mazer Stream!" (マゼラクラウズ “マゼラニック・ストリーム!”)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
Impact Monster/3/7000/3/6000
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge and call this on top of a monster on your field]
[Move] [Soulguard]
Battle Deity Robo, Odd Kite (戦神機 オールドカイト)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo
- You may discard a 《Battle Deity Robo》 card from your hand or pay 2 life. If you do, put the top two cards of your deck into the gauge.
Escape (エスケープ)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo - Move
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- [Counter] When a size 2 or lower monster on your field is attacked, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, return one of the monsters being attacked to its owner's hand. You may only use this ability once per turn.
- You may only [Set] one "Escape" set on your field.
Escape (エスケープ)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo - Move
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- [Counter] When a size 2 or lower monster on your field is attacked, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, return one of the monsters being attacked to its owner's hand. You may only use this ability once per turn.
- You may only [Set] one "Escape" set on your field.
Burst Dash Dragon (バーストダッシュ・ドラゴン)
Burst Dash Dragon (バーストダッシュ・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Move] (At the beginning of each player's attack phase, if this card is on the field, you may move this card to an open monster area.)
- [Move] (At the beginning of each player's attack phase, if this card is on the field, you may move this card to an open monster area.)
Dragon Knight, Kagekatsu (竜騎士 カゲカツ)
Spark Edge Dragon (スパークエッジ・ドラゴン)
Dragon Knight, Kagekatsu (竜騎士 カゲカツ)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight
- When a 《Dragon Knight》 monster on your field is rested due to the effect of a card, until the end of this turn, this card gets power+2000 and [Penetrate]. ([Penetrate]: If this card attacks and destroys your opponent's monster in the center, this card deals damage equal to its critical to your opponent.)
- When a 《Dragon Knight》 monster on your field is rested due to the effect of a card, until the end of this turn, this card gets power+2000 and [Penetrate]. ([Penetrate]: If this card attacks and destroys your opponent's monster in the center, this card deals damage equal to its critical to your opponent.)
Spark Edge Dragon (スパークエッジ・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Fireball Dragon (ファイアボール・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Dragon Knight, Kanetsu (竜騎士 カネツグ)
Dragon World/Dragon Knight
Sun Booster Dragon (サンブースター・ドラゴン)
Shine Knuckle Dragon (シャインナックル・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
[Move] (At the beginning of each player's attack phase, if this card is on the field, you may move this card to an open monster area.)
[Move] (At the beginning of each player's attack phase, if this card is on the field, you may move this card to an open monster area.)
Shine Knuckle Dragon (シャインナックル・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
Blue Sky Knights, Boomerang Dragon (蒼穹騎士団 ブーメラン・ドラゴン)
Dragon World/Armordragon - Green Dragon
Dragon World/Armordragon - Green Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- At the end of the battle of this card, return this card to your hand, and you gain 1 life!
Break Time (ブレイク・タイム)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Destruction - Recovery
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- Destroy a monster in the opponent's center and gain life equal to its size.
Shinestorm (シャインストーム)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Destruction
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
- Put a soul from a card on your opponent’s field into his or her drop zone.
- If that card is in the center, put all souls from that card into his or her drop zone instead!
Mercenaries (マーシナリーズ)
Dragon World/Magic Power - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack if it is not a Link Attack.
Mercenaries (マーシナリーズ)
Dragon World/Magic Power - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack if it is not a Link Attack.
Cover Fire of the Solar Cannon (ソーラーキャノンの援護射撃)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- When a 《Sun Dragon》 monster on your field attacks and destroys your opponent's monster, deal 1 damage to your opponent!
- You may only [Set] one "Cover Fire of the Solar Cannon" on your field.
Sun Blade, Gurensoul (太陽剣 グレンソール)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Weapon
Sun Fist, Burning Sun (太陽拳 バーニングサン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon - Weapon
- [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- If you have two or more 《Sun Dragon》 monsters on your field, this card gets critical+1!
Demon World Masquis, Naberius (魔界検察官 ネビロス)
Magic World/72 Pillars
- "?" When a card on the field, other than this card is returned to the hand, put the top card of your deck into your gauge. You may only use "?" once per turn.
Hunter of the Magic Forest, Leraje (魔の森の狩人 レラジェ)
Magic World/72 Pillars
Silhouette Baron (シルエット・バラン)
Magic World/Shadow Shade
- If you have a 《Shadow Shade》 on your field other than this card, this gets power +3000!
- If you have a 《Shadow Shade》 on your field other than this card, this gets power +3000!
Caster of Transmission, Dendo (転送師 デンドウ)
Little Professor, Crocell (小さな博士 クロケル)
Magic World/72 Pillars
- "Elixir of Fish Flavor" When a card on the field other than this card is returned to the hand, you gain 1 life. "Elixir of Fish Flavor" only activates once per turn.
Silhouette Lyon (シルエット・リオン)
Magic World/Shadow Shade
- If there are two or more souls in a card on your field, this card gets critical+1!
Malicious Selector (マリシャス・セレクタ)
Magic World/Shadow Shade - Enhance
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Counter] Choose 1 of the following abilities and put this in the soul of a 《Shadow Shade》 on your field:
• Destroy a size 1 or less monster on the opponent's field.
• Choose a 《Shadow Shade》 in battle. For this battle, give it power+3000, defense+3000 and [Counterattack]. ([Counterattack]: If this monster is not destroyed after an attack, choose a monster that attacked with defense less than or equal to this monster's power, and destroy it.)
Magical Glue (マジカルグルー)
Magic World/Magic Power
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Counter] Use one of the following two abilities.
• Return an item on the field to its owner's hand.
• [Rest] a size 2 monster on your opponent's field.
Solomon' Shield (ソロモンの盾)
Magic World/Magic Power - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack if it is not a Link Attack.
Solomon' Shield (ソロモンの盾)
Magic World/Magic Power - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack if it is not a Link Attack.
Good to Go! (グットゥゴー!)
Magic World/Magic Power - Recovery
- [Counter] Return a size 1 or lower monster to its owner's hand and gain 1 life.
Magic World/Magic Power - Recovery
- [Counter] Return a size 1 or lower monster to its owner's hand and gain 1 life.
Great Spell, Sacred Breath (大魔法 セイクリッド・ブレス)
Magic World/Draw
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 4 gauge]
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- At the start of your main phase, you may pay 1 life. If you do, draw a card.
- You may only [Set] one "Great Spell, Sacred Breath" on your field.
Magic World/Draw
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 4 gauge]
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- At the start of your main phase, you may pay 1 life. If you do, draw a card.
- You may only [Set] one "Great Spell, Sacred Breath" on your field.
Emergency Treatment "Neverland" (救急病棟 ネバーランド)
Magic World/72 Pillars
[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
- Whenever a card on the field is returned to your hand, you gain 1 life! This ability only activates once per turn.
Magical Book, Theurgy (魔道書 テウルギア)
Magic World/72 Pillars - Weapon
- [Activate] [Rest] this card. If you do, during this turn, give a card on your opponent's field defense-2000!
Black Sleepless City, Dimbolgil (黒き不夜城 ディムボルギル)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- If your opponent has three or more cards in their drop zone, this card gets power+3000 and defense+3000!
Gate Guider, Flegetonte (獄門案内人 フレジェトンタ)
Darkness Dragon World/Death - Deep
[Move] (At the beginning of each player's attack phase, if this card is on the field, you may move this card to an open monster area.)
Death Damage (デスルーラー ブラインド)
Darkness Dragon World/Death - Destruction
- Destroy a monster on your opponent's field!
Death Damage (デスルーラー ブラインド)
Darkness Dragon World/Death - Destruction
- Destroy a monster on your opponent's field!
Scapegoat (スケープゴート)
Darkness Dragon World/Defense
- [Cast Cost] [Destroy a monster on your field]
- [Counter] For this turn, the next time damage would be dealt to you, it is reduced to 0, and you gain 1 life!
Black Bargain (ブラックバーゲン)
Darkness Dragon World/Charge - Draw
- You may only cast this card when your opponent's monster is destroyed by the effect of your card.
- [Counter] Put the top of your deck into your gauge, draw a card. You may only cast "Black Bargain" once per turn.
Midnight Shadow (ミッドナイト・シャドウ)
Darkness Dragon World/Death - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Counter] If it is not a link attack, nullify the attack.
Darkness Dragon World/Death - Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Counter] If it is not a link attack, nullify the attack.
Star Dragon, Dual Riser (超星竜 デュアライザー)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
Star Dragoner, Zekstant (超星竜 ゼクスタント)
Star Dragoner, Zekstant (超星竜 ゼクスタント)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
Star Dragoner, Current Ring (超星竜 カレントリング)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
- [Activate] Put a card from this card's soul into your drop zone. If you do, deal 1 damage to your opponent. You may only use this ability once per turn.
Sonic Move (ソニックムーブ)
Star Dragon World/Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn and if you do not have a monster in the center.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack.
Star Dragon World/Defense
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn and if you do not have a monster in the center.
- [Counter] Nullify the attack.
Mirage Vision (ミラージュ・ヴィジョン)
Star Dragon World/Defense - Recovery
- You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
- [Cast Cost] Put a 《Neodragon》 or a card in the soul of a card on your field into the drop zone & Pay 2 gauge.
Battle Deity Robo, Dash Auger (戦神機 ダッシュオーガ)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo
- [Counter] [Activate] You may discard a 《Generic》card from your hand. If you do, destroy a monster on your opponents field less then the critical of this card.
Battle Deity Robo, Cut Cat (戦神機 カットキャット)
Generic/Battle Deity Robo
Field Canceller (フィールドキャンセラー)
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Discard a card from your hand]
- Destroy all spells on the field.
Sun Dragon, Bal Dragon (太陽の竜 バルドラゴン)
Dragon World/Sun Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card attacks, for this turn, this card gets power+5000.
[Penetrate] (If this card attacks and destroys your opponent's monster in the center, this card deals damage equal to its critical to your opponent.)
Fervent Demon Lord Teacher, Asmodai (熱血魔王ティーチャー アスモダイ)
Magic World/72 Pillars
- [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge and return a 《72 Pillars》 monster from your field to your hand]
- When this card enters the field, destroy a monster on your opponent's field. Then, if there are three or more other 《72 Pillars》 on your field, destroy a card on your opponent's field.
Black Death Dragon, Abygale (黒き死竜 アビゲール)
Darkness Dragon World/Black Dragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- [Activate] Discard a card from your hand. If you do, destroy a monster on your opponent's field. If it is destroyed, put cards from the top of your opponent's deck into his or her drop zone equal to the size of the destroyed card.
Star Dragoner, Jackknife (超星竜 ジャックナイフ)
Star Dragon World/Neodragon
- [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- When this card enters the field, look at three cards from the top of your deck, put one card from among them into this card's soul, and put the rest into your drop zone.
Great Evil Deity of Calamity, Hyakugan Yamigedo "Half Body of Sky" (災禍の大邪神 ヒャクガンヤミゲドウ “天の半身”)
-/Hundred Demons - Deity
- [Great Evil Deity] (You cannot put it into the buddy area, nor cannot call it without a different card with [Great Evil Deity], and this card on the field is regarded as one monster.)Secret
- [Great Evil Deity] (You cannot put it into the buddy area, nor cannot call it without a different card with [Great Evil Deity], and this card on the field is regarded as one monster.)Secret
Great Evil Deity of Calamity, Hyakugan Yamigedo "Half Body of Earth" (災禍の大邪神 ヒャクガンヤミゲドウ “池の半身”)
-/Hundred Demons - Deity
- [Great Evil Deity]
- [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
- The abilities of this card cannot be nullified.
- [Activate] Pay 1 gauge. If you do, for this turn, all originally size 2 or less 《Hundred Demons》 on your left and right become size 0.
- If this card would leave the field, you may put the top five cards of your deck into your drop zone. If you do, this card remains on the field.
[Double Attack]
[Double Attack]
Evil Deity Sorcery, Hyakumeho (邪神魔導 百眼砲)
-/Hundred Demons
- You may only cast this card you have a monster with "Yamigedo" in its card name on your field.
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put 3 《Hundred Demons》 monsters from your drop zone into your deck]
- Destroy a card on your opponent's field.
Invasion of Calamity (災禍の襲来)
-/Hundred Demons
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Use one of the following abilities. You may only cast "Invasion of Calamity" once per turn.
• Search your deck for a card with "Yamigedo" in its name, add it to your hand, and shuffle your deck.
• If you have a monster with "Yamigedo" in its card name on your field, add a monster from your drop zone to your hand.
Invasion of Calamity (災禍の襲来)
-/Hundred Demons
- [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
- Use one of the following abilities. You may only cast "Invasion of Calamity" once per turn.
• Search your deck for a card with "Yamigedo" in its name, add it to your hand, and shuffle your deck.
• If you have a monster with "Yamigedo" in its card name on your field, add a monster from your drop zone to your hand.
Evil Deity Sorcery, Kyotamagurai (邪神魔導 虚魂喰らい)
-/Hundred Demons
- You may only cast this card you have a monster with "Yamigedo" in its card name on your field.
- [Cast Cost] [Put 3 《Hundred Demons》 monsters from your drop zone into your deck]
- [Counter] Destroy a size 2 or less monster on your opponent's field, and gain 1 life.