2nd Year Anniversary
We feel happy today, CMD Singapore has reached the 2 year milestone!
We look back at the time when we wished that had a Team of our own, secretly admiring the other Teams of other card games of several people that we used to know personally. We wondered to ourselves whether we could turn that dream into reality. Praise be to God, we have lived our dream for a whole year now!
We would like to thank everyone who’s supported our Blogsite (cmd-sg.blogspot.sg), FaceBook, FaceBook Group (CMD's Traders Zone), Twitter (@CMDSingapore) and YouTube Account (CMDnetwork); and to our faithful followers, and fellow Card Game friends.
Our Team, especially our Blogsite, means a whole lot more with your presence and encouragement!
Our team's experience has also opened up our world in more ways than one, truly inspiring and educational. We hope to venture into our second year with the same vigour and spirit, we take pride in this simple Blogsite, FaceBook, FaceBook Group, Twitter and YouTube account of ours and we enjoy it immensely.
These medias are space of our own where we can share our the various Cardfight!! Vanguard and some Future Card: BuddyFight news with everyone.
We would also like to use this opportunity to thank our own CMD Team (Team Epsilon) for achieving 2nd position in the recent Retailers' Royal Rumble, representing our supported shop, TTZ Trading, that was held at L2P and also for a few our members that achieved in Top few placings in the various tournaments that was held like L2P, AFA, etc.
There's various major event where we sent our various members to attend and we had achieved quite a number of Certificates from them, especially from Team League 2013 which happened earlier in 2013. Our greatest honour is when one of our member, Adwin Leong, achieved 3rd position in the recent World Championship 2013 (Asia-Oceania), and now he will be one of the representative going to Japan in January 2014. We would truly wish Adwin all the best in his match over there.
So do stick around and join us in our journey ahead, more insight into the heart and mind of this humble team from Singapore.
Thank you once again to all from the bottom of our heart. Have a lovely weekend!
Yours Sincerely,
Management of CMD (Singapore)