Monday, August 20, 2012

Cardfight!! Vanguard FAQs:
Stamp Sea-Otter

Stamp Sea-Otter (スタンプ・ラッコ)
Zoo/High Beast/Great Nature
Continuous [R]: If you have a 《Great Nature》 vanguard, this unit cannot be retired by a card effect.

Q1. Can this card be chosen to retire due to Compass Lion's ability at the End Phase?
A1: You can choose Stamp Sea-Otter, but it will not retire.

Q2. What happens when other cards choose this card to retire it? (ie. Blaster Blade)
A2: Opponent's ability cannot retire it.

Q3. What about the effect from Demon World Marquis, Amon? What happens when the owner for Stamp Sea-Otter chooses Stamp Sea-Otter to retire for  Demon World Marquis, Amon's ability?
A3: You can choose Stamp Sea-Otter for Demon World Marquis, Amon's ability, but it will not retire.

Q4: Let's say your School Dominator, Apt's attack hits the Vanguard, and you want to activate School Dominator Apt's second skill. For that, you need to choose a Great Nature Rear Guard and retire it to call another Great Nature to the field. So the question is, can you target Stamp Sea-Otter and still resolve the skill (Call another Great Nature unit)? Seeing as Stamp Sea-Otter cannot be retired via a card's skill therefore it is not retired. If that is the case, do you still get to call another Great Nature Unit?
A4: The answer for this question is no. Let's take a look at School Dominator, Apt's second ability. As the retiring of 1 Great nature unit is a cost, if you choose Stamp Sea-Otter do not retire it, then the cost is not paid and School Dominator, Apt's second ability will not activate.

So basically, this card can, in fact, be selected for skills requiring you to retire:
- "...if there are contradicting abilities, the one that restricts any action will take priority."
- Should this card be selected as a target for a cost that requires a unit to be retired (ie. for School Dominator, Apt's second skill) then the cost cannot be paid, as the unit cannot be sent to the Drop Zone, and the skill never resolves.

Bushiroad FM (1)
Bushiroad FM (2)
- Cardfight!! Vanguard Official Website (Part 1.3.3)