CMD: Tournaments
Unmodified Trial Deck 05/06 Tournament
Date: 1st May 2012, Tuesday
Venue: CMD, SG-CardMart, 220-A, Upper Thomson Road, Singapore (574352)
Time: 2.30 p.m. (Registration at 1.30 p.m.)
Entry Fee: $20 per participant (inclusive of 1 Slash of Silver Wolf (TD05) -OR- Resonance of Thunder Dragon (TD06) -OE- 1 Vanguard Starter Deck (KAD5))
Tournament Format: 5/6 rounds of Swiss, followed by Top 8 playoff
Prize Pool:
- 1 Slash of Silver Wolf (TD05) -OR- 1 Resonance of Thunder Dragon (TD06) -OR- 1 Vanguard Starter Deck (KAD5)
- And other prizes (subjected to number of participants)
Break The Limit Tournament
Date: 5th May 2012, Saturday
Venue: CMD, SG-CardMart, 220-A, Upper Thomson Road, Singapore (574352)
Time: 2.30 p.m. (Registration at 1.30 p.m.)
Entry Fee: $20 per participant (inclusive of 1Pack of BT06)
Tournament Format: 5/6 rounds of Swiss, followed by Top 8 playoff
Prize Pool:
- 4 Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion (RRR)
- 4 Divine Beast, Asura Dragon (RRR)
- 4 Burning Lion, Blond Eisele (RRR)
- 4 Circular Saw, Kiriel (RRR)
- 6 Packs of BT06
- 6 Packs of BT06
- 3 Packs of BT06
- 3 Packs of BT06
Rules of Tournament:
(i) Standard CardFight!! Vanguard Tournament Rulings are applied:
- Deck Size of 50 Cards.
- A deck may not contain more than four of any individual card.
- Exactly 16 Triggers in a Deck.
- A deck may only contain up to 4 Heal Triggers.
- Only genuine CardFight!! Vanguard cards are allowed in the Tournament.
- Only cards from KAD5, TD05 OR TD06 are allowed (For Tuesday Tournament)
- Only cards from KAD, TD, BT or EB are allowed (For Saturday Tournament)
- No Korean, English and Proxy cards are allowed in the Tournament.
- No 3rd layer of card sleeve
- Barcgal cannot be used as First Vanguard (FV). (For Saturday Tournament)
- Card sleeve of First Vanguard (FV) and Deck must be the same protector.
- When time up, player with the least damage wins the match. If both players have the same amount of damage, who ever's player damage changes, a winner will instantly be declared according to the result.
- No discussion/communication with any other players and team members during the tournament.
(ii) Standard Card Games' Tournament Rulings are applied:
- Players retain the right to confirm rulings with the cmd's Judges/Organizer.
- CMD's Organizer and Judge retain all rights to disqualify any players whose behavior is of misconduct and/or for rule violations.
- No changing of Decklist until the Tournament is declared overs.
- CMD and SG-CardMart will not take any responsibility for any item loss.
- The Protector at the front of your card must be Transparent.
- 1st Layer Protector can be a non-CardFight!! Vanguard Protector.
(iii) Trial Deck Tournament:
- You are not allowed to modify your Trial Deck or KAD5.
- You must use the deck as it is originally.
- If you choose to use Slash of Silver Wolf (TD05), you are still not allowed to combine/mix with Resonance of Thunder Dragon (TD06), and vice-versa.
- If you are caught modifying your deck, you will be disqualified instantly from the tournament. (Even if you add in only 1 addition card)