Choco Snack
Official Release Date: 11th June 2012
Official Price: 1,980 Yen (per Carton - contain 20 boxes of Choco Snack)
- Each box will come with a random PR card.
- 19 different PR to collect (18 PR from Card Fight Pack Vol. 1 - 3 and 1 new PR)
Mirubiru (みるびる)
United Sanctuary/Hi-Beast/Royal Paladin
Auto [R]: [Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When an attack hits during the battle this unit has boosted in, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
Giro (ぎろ)
United Sanctuary/Hi-Beast/Royal Paladin
Auto: When this unit is moved from [G] to the drop zone, move this card to soul instead.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Dragonic Executioner (ドラゴニック・エクスキューショナー)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon/Kagero
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/10000/-/1
Auto [V/R]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a《Kagero》vanguard, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of battle.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Dragon Armored Knight (ドラゴンアーマード・ナイト)
Dragon Empire/Human/Kagero
Continuous [V/R]: If you have no other《Kagero》on the same column as this unit, this card gets [Power] -2000.
Activate [V/R]: [Counter Blast (1)] This unit gets [Power] +1000 until end of turn.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Petal Fairy (ペタル・フェアリー)
United Sanctuary/Sylph/Oracle Think Tank
Auto [R]: [Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When an attack hits during the battle this unit has boosted in, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Cup Bowler (カップボウラー)
Star Gate/Human/Nova Grappler
Auto [V]: When your《Nova Grappler》rear-guard is [Rested], this unit gets [Power] +1000 until end of turn.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Omniscience Madonna (オムニサイエンス・マドンナ)
United Sanctuary/Walkaroid/Oracle Think Tank
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/10000/-/1
Auto [V/R]: [Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When this unit's attack hits, if you have a《Oracle Think Tank》vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Sphere Magus (スフィア・メイガス)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Oracle Think Tank
Heal / +5000
(You cannot put more than 4 Heal Triggers in a Deck.)
Auto: When you ride another《Oracle Think Tank》on this unit, you may call this card to [R].
Auto [R]: When this unit boosts, the boosted unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of that battle, at the start of that turn's end phase, return this unit back to deck, and shuffle that deck.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Undead Dragon, Skull Dragon (不死竜 スカルドラゴン)
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/10000/-/1
Auto [R]: When this unit attacks, if you have a《Granblue》vanguard, this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of that battle, and at the beginning of that turn's end phase, retire this unit.
Activate [Drop Zone]: [Counter Blast (1), choose one of your grade 2 or greater《Granblue》r ear-guard, and retire it ] If you have a《Granblue》vanguard, call this card to [R].
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
King Seahorse (キング・シーホース)
Auto [R]: [Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When an attack hits during the battle this unit has boosted in, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Hi-Dog Breeder, Seiran (ハイドッグブリーダー セイラン)
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
Auto: [Counter Blast (1)] When this Unit is placed on [R], you may pay the cost. If you do, choose another of your《Royal Paladin》 〈Hi-Beast〉, and it gets [Power] +4000 until end of turn.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Dragonic Vanisher (ドラゴニック・ヴァニッシャー)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon/Kagero
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/9000/-/1
Auto [V/R]: When this unit attacks, if you have more rear-guard than your opponent, this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of that battle.
Auto [V/R]: When this unit attacks, if you have more rear-guard than your opponent, this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of that battle.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Holy Disaster Dragon (ホーリーディザスター・ドラゴン)
United Sanctuary/Cosmo Dragon/Royal Paladin
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/10000/-/1
Auto [V/R]: [Choose a《Royal Paladin》from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Blue Scale Deer (ブルースケイル・ディアー)
United Sanctuary/Hi-Beast/Oracle Think TankNormal/2/Intercept/8000/5000/1
Auto [V/R]: [Soul Bast (2)] When this unit's attack hit a vanguard, if you have a《Oracle Think Tank》vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Cannon Fire Dragon, Sledgeankylo (砲撃竜 スレッジアンキロ)
Dragon Empire/Dino Dragon/TachikazeTrigger/0/Boost/4000/5000/1
Draw / +5000
Activate [R]: [Move this unit to soul] Choose up to one of your《Tachikaze》, and it gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn.
Draw / +5000
Activate [R]: [Move this unit to soul] Choose up to one of your《Tachikaze》, and it gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Gyro Slinger (ジャイロスリンガー)
Dark Zone/Ogre/Spike Brothers
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Knowledge Drunkard (ナレッジ・ドランカー)Dark Zone/Demon/Dark Irregulars
Auto [V/R]: [Send a card from your hand to soul] When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, if you have a《Dark Irregulars》vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Purple Trapezist (パープル・トラピージスト)Dark Zone/Succubus/Pale Moom
Auto [R]: [Move another of your《Pale Moon》rear-guard to soul] When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a《Pale Moon》vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, call up to one《Pale Moon》from your soul other than「Purple Trapezist」 to [R].
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Auto [R]: [Move another of your《Pale Moon》rear-guard to soul] When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a《Pale Moon》vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, call up to one《Pale Moon》from your soul other than「Purple Trapezist」 to [R].
CardFight!! Vanguard: Choco Snack
Dread Charge Dragon (ブライトランス・ドラグーン)
Dragon Empire/Thunder Dragon/Narukami
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/10000/-/1
Auto [V/R]: When a grade 3《Narukami》is called to [R], this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn.
Vanguard Choco Snack
Vanguard Choco Snack