Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard (V-CS02):
Memoir of Vanguard Hoshien

 Official Release Date: 7th December 2019 - 8th December 2019
Price: US$90 / set

Total Number of Cards: 16 (8 Reprint Cards + 8 Gift Markers)

- Memoir of Vanguard Hoshien is the 2nd V series Special set releasing in the English format.
- There will be 1500 sets in total that will be sold at the launch at CharaExpo USA 2019 with 750 set per day.
- Each person can only purchase maximum of 2 set.
 - Includes future boosts to the clan:

:: Content::

V-CS02/001EN: Solitary Knight, Gancelot

V-CS02/002EN: Blaster Blade

V-CS02/003EN: Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom

V-CS02/004EN: Blaster Dark

V-CS02/005EN: Dragonic Overlord the End

V-CS02/006EN: Dragonic Overlord

V-CS02/007EN: Blazing Lion, Platinum Ezel

V-CS02/008EN: Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel
V-GM2/0043EN: Imaginary Gift: Force

V-GM2/0044EN: Imaginary Gift: Force

V-GM2/0045EN: Imaginary Gift: Force

V-GM2/0046EN: Imaginary Gift: Force

V-GM2/0047EN: Imaginary Gift: Force

V-GM2/0048EN: Imaginary Gift: Force

V-GM2/0049EN: Imaginary Gift: Accel

V-GM2/0050EN: Imaginary Gift: Accel