
Friday, May 5, 2023

Digimon Start Deck 15 (ST15):
Start Deck, Dragon of Courage 
[スタートテッキ 勇気の戦竜]
Official Release Date: 26th May 2023
Official Price: 1,567 Yen (tax included)

Total Number of Cards: 16 (16!New Cards)

SR: 2
R: 4
U: 4
C: 6

Start Deck, Dragon of Courage is the 15th Digimon Deck released in the Japanese formats.
- Further boosts to Black.
- The new starter decks may be based on 90's adventure series. 
- A new mechanic based on adventure's emblems may be the focus on this starters.

:: Cardlist ::
ST15-01 | 03
Koromon (コロモン)
Form: In-Training | Type: Lesser
Digivolve Effect:
• All Turns Once Per Turn: If this Digimon's attack target is changed to this digimon, it gets +1000 DP until end of the turn.

ST15-02 | 03
Agumon (アグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Reptile 
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 1000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve: 0 from [Koromon]
Start of Your Main Phase: If your opponent has a Digimon, Memory +1.
Digivolve Effect:
All Turns Once Per Turn: When an attack target is switched, Memory +1

ST15-03 | 03
ClearAgumon (クリアアグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Puppet 
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
Digivolve Effect:
• Reboot (Unsuspend this Digimon during your opponent's unsuspend phase.)

ST15-04 | 03
Solarmon (ソーラーモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Machine 
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 3 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 2000
• On Play: Reveal 1 card from the top of your deck. If that card is a Black card, add it to your hand. Trash the rest.

ST15-05 | 03
ToyAgumon (トイアグモン)
Form: Rookie | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Puppet 
Lv.3 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 0 from Lv.2
DP: 4000
Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
Your Turn: When this Digimon attacks a player, Memory -2.

ST15-06 | 03
Mekanorimon (メカノリモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Virus | Type: Machine 
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 4 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Digivolve Effect:
• Jamming (This Digimon can't be deleted in battles against Security Digimon.)

ST15-07 | 03
Tankmon (タンクモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Data | Type: Cyborg 
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 5 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 6000
• Reboot (Unsuspend this Digimon during your opponent's unsuspend phase.)

ST15-08 | 03
Greymon (グレイモン)
Form: Champion | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dinosaur 
Lv.4 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 2 from Lv.3
DP: 5000
Alternate Digivolution Requirements:
• Digivolve2 from Lv.3 with [Agumon] in its name
Security: Play 1 [Agumon] digimon or 1 [Taichi Kamiya] tamer from hand or trash without paying its play cost
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
Digivolve Effect:
All Turns Once Per Turn: When an attack target is changed, Memory +1.

ST15-09 | 03
Knightmon (ナイトモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Data | Type: Warrior 
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
• On Play: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with play cost 5 or less.

ST15-10 | 03
Andromon (アンドロモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Cyborg 
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 7 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 7000
 When Digivolving: De-Digivolve 1 (Trash up to 1 card from the top of one of your opponent's Digimon. If it has no digivolution cards, or becomes a Lv.3 Digimon, you can't trash any more cards.) on 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Digivolve Effect:
• Reboot (Unsuspend this Digimon during your opponent's unsuspend phase.)

ST15-11 | 03
MetalGreymon (メタルグレイモン)
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Cyborg 
Lv.5 | Play Cost: 8 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4
DP: 8000
Alternative Digivolution Cost:
• Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.4 with [Greymon] in its name
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
Digivolve Effect:
• Security Attack +1 (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)

ST15-12 | 03
WarGreymon ACE (ウォーグレイモン ACE)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Dragonkin
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 6 | Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5
DP: 11000
Alternative Digivolution Cost:
• Digivolve Cost: 3 from Lv.5 with [Greymon] in its name
• Hand CounterBlast Digivolve (Your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.)
• Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
• All Turns Once Per Turn: When either players' Security is reduced, you may unsuspend this Digimon.
• Overflow [-4] (When this card is sent from battle area or under your card to another area, Memory -4.)

ST15-13 | 03
HiAndromon (ハイアンドロモン)
Form: Mega | Attribute: Vaccine | Type: Cyborg 
Lv.6 | Play Cost: 11 | Digivolve Cost: 4 from Lv.5
DP: 12000
Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
• When Digivolving: Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with play cost 8 or less.

ST15-14 | 03
Taichi Kamiya (八神 太一)
Play Cost: 4
Start of Your Turn: If your Memory is 2 or less, make it 3.
All Turns: When an attack target is changed, you may suspend this Tamer to Draw 1, and give 1 of your Digimon +2000 DP until the end of the turn.
Security Effect:
Security: Play this card without paying its cost.

ST15-15 | 03
Advance of Courage (勇気の前進)
Play Cost: 4
• While you have a Tamer with [Taichi Kamiya] in its name in play, you can use this card ignoring colour restrictions.
Main: Unsuspend 1 of your Digimon. After that, 1 of your Digimon with [Greymon] in its name is unaffected by opposing Digimon effects until your opponent's turn ends.
Security Effect:
• Security: Activate the Main effect of this card.

ST15-16 | 03
Trident Arm (トライデントアーム)
Play Cost: 6
• Main: De-Digivolve 3 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains "Start of Your Main Phase: Attack with this Digimon.", until the end of your opponent's turn.
Security Effect:
• SecurityDe-Digivolve 3 on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. (Trash up to 3 cards from the top of one of your opponent's Digimon. If it has no digivolution cards, or becomes a Lv.3 Digimon, you can't trash any more cards.)