
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Cardfight!! Vanguard ZERO:
Soul Strike Against The Supreme
[Japanese Edition] 1st January 2022
 — 31st January 2022 (JPT)
[Global Edition] 1st March 2022 — 31st March 2022 (PST)

Soul Strike Against The Supreme is the 4th G Series Fighters Box Pickup series which is also the 25th Fighters Gacha’s Pickup series, introduced in Cardfight!! Vanguard ZERO.
- Further boosting to the clans: Royal Paladin, Angel Feather, Shadow Paladin, Link Joker, Gear Chronicle and Neo Nectar.
- Starting from this set, a new feature: All First Vanguard’s errata where at the start of the turn, if you go first, draw one.

So for all fights barring story and challenge fights.
— You will now draw 2 if you go first.
— NO change in the draw one of the second player.
Upon release, all players will be given new First Vanguards in their present boxes:
United Sanctuary/High Beast/Royal Paladin
[Forerunner] (When rode upon, move to [R])
[Front RowR] [GB (1)]: If you have 2 or more other grade 1 or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +5000 and intercept.
[First Player-Second Player Revision]: At the beginning of the first turn, draw a card. Active except in Story Fight and Challenge Fight.


Black Candle, Azrail
(黒衣の燭光 アズライール)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
[Forerunner(When rode upon, move to [R])
[R] [GB (1)]: [C-Blast (1)] and [Put this unit into your soul] to put the top card of your deck into your damage zone, and put a card from your damage zone into your hand. If you put a face down card, turn the card put into your damage zone face down.
[R]: This unit cannot be retired by your opponent's card effects.
[First Player-Second Player Revision]: At the beginning of the first turn, draw a card. Active except in Story Fight and Challenge Fight.

Knight of Meditation, Mac Nessa
(静思の騎士 マク・ネサ)
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
[Forerunner(When rode upon, move to [R])
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit is retired for the cost of your unit's ability, [C-Blast (1)] to get your vanguard to get [Power] +5000, and the following ability until end of turn.
"[V]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, choose 1 of your opponent's rear-guard, and retire it."
[First Player-Second Player Revision]: At the beginning of the first turn, draw a card. Active except in Story Fight and Challenge Fight.

Steam Worker, Kuda
(スチームワーカー クダ)
Dark Zone/Gearoid/Gear Chronicle
[Forerunner(When rode upon, move to [R])
[R] [GB (1)]: [Put this unit into your soul] to get your vanguard to get [Power] +5000, and the following ability until end of turn.
"[V]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, choose 1 of your opponent's rear-guard, and put it on the bottom of their deck."
[First Player-Second Player Revision]: At the beginning of the first turn, draw a card. Active except in Story Fight and Challenge Fight.

Steam Knight, Xang
Dark Zone/Gearoid/Gear Chronicle
[R]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, if you are in Legion, [C-Blast (1)] to choose 1 of your opponent's grade 2 or less rear-guard, and put it on the bottom of their deck.
Note: It is not part of the Fighter’s Box. It is obtainable when you get the Legion Leader: Nixie Number Dragon when you open the Fighter’s Box.

:: Fighter’s Box Cardlist ::
Aerial Divine Knight, Altmile
(飛天の聖騎士 アルトマイル)
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V]: All of your units in your front row gets [Power] +3000.
[V] [GB (2)]: When placed, [G Persona Blast] to call a grade 2 from your deck, and that unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

Holy Seraph, Raphael
(聖霊熾天使 ラファエル)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V] [GB (2)] [1/Turn]: [G Persona Blast] to heal one.

Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Damned
(覇道黒竜 オーラガイザー・ダムド)
United Sanctuary/Abyss Dragon/Shadow Paladin
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V] [GB (2)] [1/Turn]: [C-Blast (1)] and [Turn a card from your G zone face up] and [Choose 3 of your rear-guards, and retire them] to reveal 2 cards from the top of your deck, and add them to your hand. If there is 1 or more Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon face up in your G zone, for each grade 1 or less card revealed with this effect, choose 1 of your opponent's rear-guard, and retire it. If there are 3 or more Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon face up in your G zone, this unit gets [Critical] +1 until end of turn.

Genesis Dragon, Excelics Messiah
(創世竜 エクセリクス・メサイア)
Star Gate/Messiah/Link Joker
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, [C-Blast (1)] and [turn a card from your G zone face up] to unlock any number of locked cards. All of your units unlocked with this effect get [Power] +3000 until end of turn. If you have 2 or more Genesis Dragon, Amnesty Messiah face up in your G zone, retire all of your opponent's units unlocked with this effect, and if you unlocked 3 or more units with this effect, this unit gets [Critical] +1 until end of that battle.

Chronodragon Nextage
Dark Zone/Gear Dragon/Gear Chronicle
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V] [GB (2)]: At the end of the battle that this unit attacked a vanguard, if you have Chronojet Dragon heart card, [C-Blast (1)] and [G Persona Blast] and [discard 3 cards from your hand] to put this unit to your G zone face up, Stand your vanguard, and draw 2 cards.

Dream-spinning Ranunculus, Ahsha
(夢紡ぐラナンキュラス アーシャ)
Zoo/Bioroid/Neo Nectar
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V]: At the start of your battle phase, if you a rear-guard with a rear-guard with the same card name as it, all of your front row units gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
[V] [GB (2)] [1/Turn]: [G Persona Blast] to call a card with the same card name as your rear-guard from your deck, until end of turn, that unit gets [Power] +2000, and can attack from the back row.

Holy Dragon, Sanctuary Guard Imperial
(神聖竜 サンクチュアリガード・インペリアル)
United Sanctuary/Cosmo Dragon/Royal Paladin
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V] [1/Turn]: If you have a Sanctuary Guard heart card, [C-Blast (1)] to have 1 of your grade 1 or less rear-guards get the following 2 abilities until end of turn.
"[R]: This unit gets [Power] +3000 for each of your grade 1 or less rearguards."
"[R]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, your vanguard gets [Power] +10000 / [Critical] +1 until end of turn."

Knight of Refinement, Benizel
(風雅の騎士 ベニゼール)
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: When placed, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater Altmile, [S-Blast (1)] and [C-Blast (1)] to call a grade 2 card other than Knight of Refinement, Benizel from your deck. This unit get [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

Holy Seraph, Raziel
(聖霊熾天使 ラジエル)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V]: When placed, [S-Blast (2)] to return all cards from your damage zone to your deck. For each card returned with this effect, put the top card of your deck into your damage zone face up.

Black Shiver, Gavrail
(黒衣の戦慄 ガウリール)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [GB (2)]: When a card is put into your damage zone, this unit gets the following ability until end of turn.
"[V]: All of your units in your front row get [Power] +2000."
[V]: When your G unit strides, [C-Blast (1)] to look at the top 3 cards of your deck, put a card into your damage zone, and call a card from your damage zone. If you called a face down card, turn the card put into your damage zone face down.
[V]: During the turn this unit is placed, [Power] +3000.

Crimson Roar, Metatron
 (真紅の伝承 メタトロン)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [LB (4)] [1/Turn]: [Put 1 of your rear-guards into your damage zone face up] to call a card from your damage zone. Then, if your soul have a Crimson Impact, Metatron, that unit gets [Power] +3000, and the following ability until end of turn.
"[R]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, [C-Blast (1)] and [put this unit into your damage zone] to add a card from your damage zone into your hand."
[V] [1/Turn]: [Put 1 of your rear-guards into your soul] to put a card from your soul into your damage zone, and call a card from your damage zone. If you called a face down card, turn the card put into your damage zone face down.

Black Slice, Harut
 (黒衣の裁断 ハールート)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, if boosted, [C-Blast (1)] to look at the top 3 cards of your deck, put a card into your damage zone, and call a card from your damage zone. If you called a face down card, turn the card put into your damage zone face down.

Little Skull Witch, Nemain
(髑髏の魔女っ娘 ネヴァン)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Shadow Paladin
[Sentinel] (A total of 4 Sentinels may be put in the deck)
[Hand]: When the Vanguard is hit, if you lose by not guarding, perfect guard is activated. Then, if you have a Little Skull Witch, Nemain in your drop zone, draw a card, and at the beginning of your next turn, discard a card from your hand.

Mixed Deletor, Keios
(混じり合う根絶者 ケヰヲス)
Star Gate/Alien/Link Joker
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V]: When placed, [C-Blast (2)] and [discard 2 Deletors from your hand] to delete your opponent's vanguard, choose up to 2 of your opponent's rear guards, and lock them.
[V]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, it gets [Power] +3000 until the end of that battle.

Upstream Dragon
Dark Zone/Gear Dragon/Gear Chronicle
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may have this unit get [Power] +4000 until end of that battle. If you do, at the end of that battle, return this unit to your deck, and call a grade 1 card as Rest from your deck.

Maiden of Lost Memory
Zoo/Bioroid/Neo Nectar
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, [C-Blast (2)] to draw a card for each of your units with the same card name as this unit. Then, if you have another unit with the same card name as this unit, [C-Charge (1)].

Militaristic Knight, Marianus
(しょうぶのきし メリアヌス)
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [GB (1)]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, [S-Blast (1)] and [C-Blast (1)] to call a grade 2 card from your deck.
[V]: When placed, [S-Blast (1)], and you may call a card from your hand. 1 of your units gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

Sanctuary Guard Arc
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [GB (2)]: During your turn, all of your grade 1 or less units get [Power] +5000.
[V]: When your Sanctuary Guard strides, [discard a card from your hand] to call a grade 1 or less card from your deck, and that unit and your vanguard get [Power] +3000 until end of turn.

Mobile Ward, Healing Palace 
(機動病棟 ヒーリングパレス)
United Sanctuary/Golem/Angel Feather
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V/R] [GB (1)]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, [C-Blast (1)] to look at the top 3 cards of your deck, put a card into your damage zone, and call a card from your damage zone. If you called a face down card, turn the card put into your damage zone face down.

Medical Bomber Nurse
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
[Damage Zone] [GB (1)]: When your rear-guard other than Medical Bomber Nurse is placed from your damage zone, [C-Blast (2)] to call this card, and put the top card of your deck into your damage zone. Then, if this card is face up, call this card to [R]. If you called a face down card, turn the card put into your damage zone face down.

Doctoroid Premas
United Sanctuary/Workeroid/Angel Feather
[Damage Zone] [GB (1)]: When your rear-guard other than Doctoroid Premas is placed from your damage zone, [C-Blast (2)] to call this card, and put the top card of your deck into your damage zone. If you called a face down card, turn the card put into your damage zone face down. 

Black Spark, Munkar
(黒衣の稲妻 ムンカル)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
Critical / +5000
[R]: When your vanguard attacks, if it is a grade 3 or greater Gavrail, [put this unit into your soul] to draw a card, and your vanguards gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.
[Trigger Zone]: When this unit is revealed during damage check, draw a card.

Darkpride Dragon 
United Sanctuary/Abyss Dragon/Shadow Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit is retire for the cost of your ability, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater Claret Sword, call a Darkquartz Dragon from your deck, and it gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn. If you called a unit, [C-Charge (1)].

Witch of Secret Books, Adra 
(秘本の魔女 アドラ)
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
[R]: During your turn, if your opponent has 2 or more grade 0 rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +2000.
[R]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, if your vanguard is a Witch, [C-Charge (1)].

Abyss Summoner
United Sanctuary/Demon/Shadow Paladin
[R] [GB (1)] [1/Turn]: When your other rear-guard is retire for the cost of your ability, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater Claret Sword[C-Charge (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn.

Dark Metal Chameleon
Star Gate/Cyber Beast/Link Joker
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit is unlocked during your turn, [C-Charge (1)].
[R]: Resist

Nixie Number Dragon
Dark Zone/Gear Dragon/Gear Chronicle
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[LEGION] Steam Knight, Xang
[V]: When your opponent's rear-guard is put into their deck by your card effect, if you are in Legion, this unit gets the following ability until end of turn.
"[V]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, have your opponent discard a grade 3 or greater card at random from their hand when activating Sentinel during that battle. If they do not discard, it does not activate"
[V]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have another unit in your middle column, it gets [Power] +3000 until end of that battle.

Steam Fighter, Balih
 (スチームファイター バリフ)
Dark Zone/Gearoid/Gear Chronicle
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, [C-Blast (1)] to choose 1 of your opponent's rear-guard in the front row, and put it on bottom of their deck.
[V]: When your G unit strides, your vanguard gets the following ability until end of turn.
"[V] [1/Turn]: [C-Blast (1)] to put a Chronojet Dragon from your deck on your [V] as a heart card, and put a Steam Fighter, Balih heart card on the bottom of your deck."

Steam Fighter, Ur-ningin 
(スチームファイター ウルニギン)
Dark Zone/Gearoid/Gear Chronicle
[R] [GB (1)] [1/Turn]: When your opponent's rear-guard is put into their deck by 1 of your card's effect, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater Chronojet, [C-Charge (1)].

Maiden of Flower Pistol
Zoo/Bioroid/Neo Nectar
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[R] [GB (1)]: When your other rear-guard is placed, this unit gets additionally the same card name as that unit until end of turn.
[R]: Resist.

Flower Chamber Maiden, Salianna
 (花房の乙女 サリアンナ)
Zoo/Bioroid/Neo Nectar
[R] [GB (1)]: When placed, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater Ranunculus, [S-Blast (1)] and [C-Blast (1)] to call a card with the same card name as 1 of your other rear-guards from your deck, and this unit get [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

Snow Element, Blizza
(スノーエレメント ブリーザ)
-/Elemental/Cray Elemental
G/4/Triple Drive!!!/15000+/1
[V] [1/Turn]: [C-Blast (1)] and [Turn a card from your G zone face up] to get [Power] +5000 for each face up card in your G zone until end of turn.
(This card can be used in all clans)

Battlesong Angel
United Sanctuary/Angel/Royal Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: If you have 2 or more other grade 1 or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +2000, and "[R]: Resist.".

Hidden Sage, Miron
(秘めらわし賢者 ミロン)
United Sanctuary/Giant/Royal Paladin
[R]: When placed from your deck, [S-Blast (1)] to draw a card.

Straight Jewel Knight, Bartram 
(誠意の宝石騎士 バートラム)
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
Critical / +5000
[R]: At the end of your turn, if your vanguard is a Jewel Knight, and you have 4 or more Jewel Knight rear-guards, draw a card, and return this unit to your deck.

Nurse of Broken Heart
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
[R] [GB (1)]: When your card is put into your damage zone, your vanguard and this unit get [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

Dreamlight Unicorn
United Sanctuary/High Beast/Angel Feather
[R]: When placed, [C-Blast (2)] to heal one.
[R]:When this unit leaves the [R], put the top of your deck into your damage zone.
[R]: Resist 

Celestial, Emergency Pegasus
(守護天使 エマージェンシー・ペガサス)
United Sanctuary/High Beast/Angel Feather
[R]: When placed, if your vanguard is a Celestial, put a card with the same card name as your vanguard into your damage zone from your deck. If a card was put, heal one.

Nurse of Smash Heart
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
[R] [1/Turn]: When a card is put into the drop zone from your damage zone during your turn, [S-Blast (1)] to draw a card.

Invert Celestial, Asbeel
 (天変の守護天使 アスベエル)
United Sanctuary/High Beast/Angel Feather
Critical / +5000
[Damage Zone]: If your vanguard is a Celestial[return this face up card to your deckto look at 3 cards from the top of your deck, put a card from among them into your damage zone, and put the rest into your drop zone. If a face down card was returned to your deck for the cost, turn the card put into your damage zone face down.

Doctoroid Refros 
United Sanctuary/Workeroid/Angel Feather
Stand / +5000
[R] [GB (1)]: [C-Blast (1)] and [Return this unit to your deck] to to return a card from your damage zone to your deck, and put the top card of your deck into your damage zone. Draw a card. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn.

Deathspray Dragon
United Sanctuary/Abyss Dragon/Shadow Paladin
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V/R] [GB (1)]: At the end of the battle that this unit attacked a vanguard, [C-Blast (1)and [retire another rear-guard] to choose 1 of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.

Overbearing Knight, Gilvaese
 (暴慢の騎士 ギルヴァエース)
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [GB (1)] [1/Turn]: [Retire 2 of your rear-guards] to get [Power] +5000, and the following ability until end of turn.
"[V]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, choose 2 of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire them."
[V]: When your G unit strides, your vanguard gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

Blaster Rapier
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or great Blaster[C-Blast (1)] to call a grade 1 or less card from your deck.

Darkquartz Dragon
United Sanctuary/Abyss Dragon/Shadow Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: When placed, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater Claret Sword, your vanguard and this unit get [Power] +3000 until end of turn.

Witch of Black Doves, Goewin
(黒鳩の魔女 ゴエウィン)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Shadow Paladin
Critical / +5000
[R]: If your opponent has 2 or more grade 0 rear-guards, [return this unit to your deck] to have your opponent's vanguards get [Power] -5000 until end of turn.

Lady Battler of the Accretion Disc 
Star Gate/Cyberoid/Link Joker
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater Messiah, [lock another rear-guards] to choose 1 of your opponent's rear-guard, and lock it. At the start of your opponent's next battle phase, unlock your opponent's cards locked with this effect.

Deriding Deletor, Aieda
(嘲笑する根絶者 アヰーダ)
Star Gate/Alien/Link Joker
[R]: When an attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, if your opponent's vanguard is deleted, [S-Blast (2)] to draw a card.

Lady Battler of the White Dwarf 
Star Gate/Cyberoid/Link Joker
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit boosts, you may unlock a locked card. If you unlocked, this unit gets [Power] +4000 until end of that battle.

Cramping Deletor, Edy
(痙攣する根絶者 ヱディ)
Star Gate/Alien/Link Joker
Stand / +5000
[R]: When placed, if your opponent has a deleted vanguard, [S-Blast (1)] to draw a card.

Brasschain Dragon
Dark Zone/Gear Dragon/Gear Chronicle
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [GB (1)]: [C-Blast (2)] to choose 1 of your opponent's rear-guards, and puts it on the bottom of their deck.
[V]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, it gets [Power] +2000 until end of that battle.

Dimension Expulsion Colossus
Dark Zone/Cyber Colossus/Gear Chronicle
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [GB (1)]: [Put a grade 0 rear-guard on the bottom of your deck] to call a grade 3 card from your deck, and that unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
[V]: When placed, [S-Blast (1)] and [C-Blast (1)] to choose 1 of your opponent's grade 1 or less rear-guards, and put it on the bottom of their deck.

Vainglory-dream Gear Cat
Dark Zone/Gear Beast/Gear Chronicle
Stand / +5000
[R] [GB (1)] [1/Turn]: When your opponent's rear-guard is put into their deck by your card effect, [return this unit to your deck] to have 1 of your units get [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

Crystalwing Dragon
Zoo/Bioroid/Neo Nectar
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [GB (1)] [1/Turn]: [C-Blast (1)] to choose 1 of your unit, and all of your units with the same card name as that unit get [Power] +3000 until end of turn.
[V]: When placed, [S-Blast (1)] and [C-Blast (1)] to call a card with the same card name as 1 of your grade 2 or less rear-guards from your deck.

Wisteria Knight
Zoo/Bioroid/Neo Nectar
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have another Wisteria Knight rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +2000, and the following ability until end of that battle.
"[R]: When this unit's attack hits, [C-Blast (1)] to draw a card."

Earth Elemental, Pokkur 
(アースエレメンタル ポックル)
-/Elemental/Cray Elemental
[R]: When placed, if there is a face up 《Cray Elemental》 in your G zone, [S-Blast (1)] to unlock 1 of your locked cards.
(This card can be used in all clans)

Sanctuary Guard Guarantee
United Sanctuary/Cosmo Dragon/Royal Paladin
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/10000/1
[V] [GB (1)]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power] +3000 for each of your grade 1 or less rear-guards until end of that battle.
[R]: When this unit attacks, [C-Blast (1)] to get [Power] +3000 until end of that battle.
(It does not activate if its [Power] is equal to or greater than battle opponent's)

Pure Wind Jewel Knight, Kymbelinus
(清風の宝石騎士 キンベリヌス)
United Sanctuary/Elf/Royal Paladin
[R]: During your opponent's turn, if you have 4 or more Jewel Knight rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

Sanctuary Archer 
United Sanctuary/Elf/Royal Paladin
[R]: During your turn, if your vanguard is a Sanctuary Guard, this unit gets [Power] +2000.
[R]: When placed, if your vanguard is a Sanctuary Guard, [C-Blast (2)] to call a grade 1 or less card from your deck.

Skillful Knight, Jedd
 (練達の騎士 ジェド)
United Sanctuary/Human/Royal Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, choose 1 of your other rear guards, and that unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

Frontal Celestial, Mel'ejal
(直射の守護天使 メルエヤル)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
[R]: When a card is put into your damage zone, if your vanguard is a Celestial, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn, if you have a card with the same card name as your vanguard in your damage zone (Can be face down), your vanguard gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.

Holy Zone, Penemue
(神聖結界 ペネム)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
[R]: During your opponent's turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

Rear Impetus Celestial, Armaiti
(後駆の守護天使 アールマティ)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather
[R]: If you have a card with the same card name as your vanguard in your damage zone (Can be face down) and you have no front row rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +8000 and can attack from the back row.

Black Pain, Marut
(黒衣の苦難 マールート)
United Sanctuary/Angel/Angel Feather

Nurse-cap Dalmatian
United Sanctuary/High Beast/Angel Feather
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit boosts, this unit gets [Power] +1000 for each face up card in your damage zone until end of that battle.

Blaster Axe
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin

Knight of Brawn, Grosne
 (屈強の騎士 グロヌ)
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: When you called a grade 1 or less unit, this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn.

Unorthodox Shield, Mac Lir
(外道の盾 マクリール)
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
[R]: During your opponent's turn, if you 1 or less back row rear-guards, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

Knight of Sagacity, Gonvar 
(怜悧の騎士 コンヴァル)
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: When you called a grade 0 unit, this unit gets [Power] +3000 until end of turn.

Blaster Dagger
United Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
[R]: When this unit boosts a Blaster, if your vanguard is a Blaster, [S-Blast (1)] to get [Power] +5000.
(It does not activate if the boosted [Power] is equal to or greater than battle opponent's)

Hidden Edge Crow
United Sanctuary/High Beast/Shadow Paladin
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit boosts, if you have less rear-guards than your opponent, it gets [Power] +4000 until end of that battle.

Witch's Familiar, Kuroma 
(魔女の使い魔 くろーま)
United Sanctuary/Workeroid/Shadow Paladin
[R]: When placed, if your opponent has 2 or more grade 0 rear-guards, [discard a Witch from your hand] to draw 2 cards.

Steam Knight, Ilku
(スチームナイト イルクウ)
Dark Zone/Cyberoid/Gear Chronicle
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V/R] [GB (1)]: When this unit attacks, [C-Blast (1)] to get [Power] +3000 until end of that battle.
(It does not activate if its [Power] is equal to or greater than battle opponent's)

Steam Maiden, Elul
(スチームメイデン エルル)
Dark Zone/Cyberoid/Gear Chronicle
Trigger/3/Twin Drive!!/11000/1
[V] [GB (1)]: During your turn, this unit gets [Power] +3000 for each face up card in your G zone.
[V]: When placed, [S-Blast (1)], and you may call a card from your hand. 1 of your units get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

Steam Knight, Lugal
 (スチームナイト ルガル)
Dark Zone/Gearoid/Gear Chronicle
[R] [GB (1)]: When placed, [C-Blast (1)] to get the following ability until end of turn.
"[R]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, your opponent cannot guard with grade 0 until the end of that battle."

Steam Maiden, Merianna
(スチームメイデン メリアンナ)
Dark Zone/Gearoid/Gear Chronicle
[R] [GB (1)]: When placed, this unit gets [Power] +4000 until end of turn.

Steam Fighter, Ur-Zaba 
(スチームファイター ウル・ザバ)
Dark Zone/Gearoid/Gear Chronicle
[R] [GB (1)]: When placed, this unit gets [Power] +4000 until end of turn.‎

Forethoughtful Gear Fox
Dark Zone/Gear Beast/Gear Chronicle
[V/R]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, your opponent cannot guard with grade 0 until the end of that battle.

Gear Pony Aware of Twilight
Dark Zone/Gear Beast/Gear Chronicle
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit boosts, it gets [Power] +3000 until end of that battle.

Steam Soldier, Alu
(スチームソルジャー アル)
Dark Zone/Gearoid/Gear Chronicle
[R] [GB (1)]: At the end of the battle that this unit boosted, you may discard a card. If you discarded, draw a card.

3 Apple Sisters 
Zoo/Dryad/Neo Nectar
[R] [GB (1)]: When this unit boosts, this unit gets [Power] +2000 for each other 3 Apple Sisters rear-guards until end of that battle.

Warrior of Grief, Onion
(哀愁戦士 オニオーン)
Zoo/Dryad/Neo Nectar
[R] [GB (1)]: At the beginning of your main phase, call a Warrior of Grief, Onion from your deck.

Air Elemental Fwarlun
(エアーエレメンタル フワルン)
-/Elemental/Cray Elemental
[R]: During your turn, this unit gets [Power] +1000 for each face up 《Cray Elemental》 in your G zone.
(This card can be used in all clans)