
Monday, June 21, 2021

Cardfight!! Vanguard overDress Booster Set Volume 02 (D-BT02):
A Brush with the Legends
Official Release Date:
[Japanese Edition] 26th June 2021
[English Edition] 23rd July 2021

Total Number of Cards: 120 (All New Cards; No Reprints)

DSR: 2
SP: 40
H: 50
RRR: 10
RR: 15
R: 30
C: 65

A Brush with the Legends is the 2nd overDress Booster Set released in both the Japanese Format and English Format.
- Includes boosts to the Nations: Dragon Empire, Dark States, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia. and Brandt Gate.
- Include boost to current decks that was from the D-SDs and/or D-BT01.
- Introduces a new deck theme for two nations and includes further support for the previous themes.
- Each display includes 1 Fighters Counter at random from 7 designs (Front side: [Power] +100 Million / Back side: [Critical] +1).
- The 2 DSR will be from Dark States and Keter Sanctuary that’s illustrated by CLAMP Studio.
- Each box will consist of 1 SP card.
- Rare (R) and Common (C) cards will come with RR foil: Holo (H).
- The package illustration features Yu-yu Kondo and Vairina Elgar.
- New Changes for all overDress (D) cards. Year will be be added to the serial number. Possible plans for possible "?? years only" tournaments in the future,
- A new type of card, Encounter Card (邂逅カード) with a Special Frame as well as Clan Symbols will be included, featuring 2 past units: Dragonic Overlord and Phantom Blaster Dragon.
- Encounter cards are usable in both in Standard and Premium Standard.
— Note: It cannot be used in V Standard.

:: Cardlist ::
Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce (ディアブロス “暴虐” ブルース)
Dark States/Demon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [V]: At the start of your Ride Phase, you "Final Rush". (Specific units get a power up when you are in "Final Rush"!)
AUTO [V]: When this unit attacks, if you are in "Final Rush", COST[S-Blast (5)], and [Stand] all of your front row rear-guards.

Apex Ruler, Bastion (頂の天帝 バスティオン)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V]: During your turn, all of your grade 3 units gets [Power] +2000.
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: At the end of the battle that your drive check revealed a grade 3, COST[discard a card from your hand], choose one of your rear-guards, [Stand] it, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/001 (D-BT02/SP01) | 2021
Dragonic Overlord (ドラゴニック・ オーバーロード)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon/Kagero
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V/R]: During the battle this unit attacked a rear-guard, your opponent cannot call cards from their hand to [G].
AUTO [V] [1/Turn]: When this unit's attack hits, COST[C-Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.

D-BT02/002 (D-BT02/SP02) | 2021
Vairina Elgar (ヴェルリーナ・エルガー)
Dragon Empire/Tailsman
[overDress] — "Trickstar" (You may place it by stacking it on the specified unit instead of normal calling it to [R])
AUTO [Hand]: At the end of the battle your "Trickstar" attacked a vanguard, if your vanguard is "Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana", COST[S-Blast (2)], [overDress] this card on your "Trickstar" on [R] as [Stand], and [C-Charge (1)].
CONT [R/G]: If this unit is in the [overDress] state, this unit gets [Power] +10000 / [Shield] +10000. (Active on opponent's turn too)

D-BT02/003 (D-BT02/SP03) | 2021
Crimson Expeller (クリムゾン・イクスペラー)
Dark States/Human
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, [S-Charge (1)].
ACT [Soul]: COST[C-Blast (1) & Put this unit into your drop], [S-Charge (1)], choose one of your vanguard, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/004 (D-BT02/SP04) | 2021
Diabolos Jetbacker, Lenard (ディアブロスジェットバッカー レナード)
Dark States/Demon
CONT [R]: If you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power] +5000, and when this unit would attack, it battles all of your opponent's units in a column.
AUTO [R]: When this unit's attack hits, [S-Charge (1)], and if your vanguard is "Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce", choose up to one card from your soul, and call it to an open [R].

D-BT02/005 (D-BT02/SP05) | 2021
Cardinal Draco, Alviderd (柩機の竜 アルビデルド)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Dragon
CONT [R]: During your turn, if your World is Dark Night, this unit gets [Power] +2000. If it is Abyssal Dark Night instead, it gets [Power] +5000. 
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST[retire a Shadow Army token], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.

D-BT02/006 (D-BT02/SP06) | 2021
Aurora Battle Princess, Perio Turquoise (極光戦姫 ペリオ・ターコイズ)
Brandt Gate/Human
CONT [R]: During your turn, if two or more of your opponent's cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO [Front Row - R]: When your opponent's card imprisoned in your Prison is placed on [R], that unit gets [Power] -5000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/007 (D-BT02/SP07) | 2021
Heavenly Bow of Guidance, Lefersos (唱導の天弓 レフェルソス)
Keter Sanctuary/Elf
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [R]: If you persona rode this turn, this unit gets "Boost".
AUTO [Back Row - R] [1/Turn]: When your other unit [Stand] by a card’s effect, [Stand] this unit.

D-BT02/008 (D-BT02/SP08) | 2021
Phantom Blaster Dragon (ファントム・ブラスター・ドラゴン)
Keter Sanctuary/Abyss Dragon/Shadow Paladin
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [V], choose a card with "Blaster" in its card name from your soul, and you may call it to [R].
ACT [V] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & Retire three rear-guards], choose up to two of your opponent's rear-guards, retire them, and this unit gets [Power] +10000 / [Critical] +1 until end of turn.

D-BT02/009 (D-BT02/SP09) | 2021
Sylvan Horned Beast, Damainaru (樹角獣 ダマイナル)
Stoicheia/High Beast
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if your vanguard is "Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia", COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, and until end of turn, that unit can attack from the back row, and gets [Power] +5000. 
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]:When this unit is chosen by your vanguard's effect, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/010 (D-BT02/SP10) | 2021
Rogue Headhunter (鬼首狩り)
CONT [R]: If you played an order this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], the next time you would Alchemagic an order and play it this turn, reduce that cost by [C-Blast (1)]. (Reduce from the total cost. Does not [C-Charge] even if it becomes negative)

D-BT02/011 (D-BT02/S11) | 2021
Blaze Fist Monk, Damari (焔の拳僧 ダマリー)
Dragon Empire/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's front row rear-guards, retire it, and if your vanguard is "Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana", choose up to one grade 0 card from your drop, and call it to [R].

D-BT02/012 (D-BT02/SP12) | 2021
Stealth Dragon, Togachirashi (忍竜 トガチラシ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon
AUTO: When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, you may put this card into your soul.

D-BT02/013 (D-BT02/SP13) | 2021
Dragritter, Idris (ドラグリッター イドリース)
Dragon Empire/Human
ACT [R]: If your opponent's rear-guard was retired this turn, COST[C-Blast (1)], and perform one of the following.
• This unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
• Put this unit into your soul, choose one of your opponent's grade 2 or greater rear-guards, and retire it.

D-BT02/014 (D-BT02/SP14) | 2021
Cleave Muddler (クリーヴ・マドラー)
Dark States/Human
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", COST[discard a card from your hand], this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that  battle, and if your soul has ten or more cards, [C-Charge (1)].

D-BT02/015 (D-BT02/SP15) | 2021
Wild Master, Darius (群集の操獣師 ダリウス)
Dark States/Elf
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST[C-Blast (1)], [S-Charge (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle. If you have three or more other rear-guards, it gets +10000 instead of +5000.

D-BT02/016 (D-BT02/SP16) | 2021
Diabolos Madonna, Mabel (ディアプロスマドンナ メーベル)
Dark States/Demon
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts a vanguard, if you are in "Final Rush", COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "Triple Drive" until end of turn. (Drive check three times!) 

D-BT02/017 (D-BT02/SP17) | 2021
Aurora Battle Princess, Derii Violet (極光戦姫 デリィ・バイオレット)
Brandt Gate/Human
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], if one or more of your opponent's cards are imprisoned in your Prison, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit by a grade 2 or lower unit's attack until end of that battle.

D-BT02/018 (D-BT02/SP18) | 2021
Cardinal Noid, Thumborino (柩機の兵 サンボリーノ)
Brandt Gate/Cyberoid
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts a Shadow Army token, you may have this unit get [Power] +15000 until end of turn. If you do, at the end of that battle, retire all of your rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and draw a card.

D-BT02/019 (D-BT02/SP19) | 2021
Gluttonic Monster, Malnorm (爆食怪獣 マルノルム)
Brandt Gate/Alien
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: COST[Discard a set order card from your hand], and [C-Charge (1)].

D-BT02/020 (D-BT02/SP20) | 2021
Heavenly Flight Dragon, Prideful Dragon (天翔竜 プライドフル・ドラゴン)
Keter Sanctuary/Cosmo Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if you have four or more grade 3 rear-guards, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], and draw a card. If you persona rode this turn, you may have "this unit get [Power] +5000 / [Critical] +1 until end of turn" instead of drawing a card.

D-BT02/021 (D-BT02/SP21) | 2021
Stellar Razor Angel (ステラルレイザー・エンジェル)
Keter Sanctuary/Angel
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if your damage zone has no face up cards, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle.

D-BT02/022 (D-BT02/SP22) | 2021
Diamond Sorceress (金剛鏡の女魔術師)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress" or "Pentagleam Sorceress", [COST[C-Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two units, call them to [R], and put the rest on the top of your deck in any order.

D-BT02/023 (D-BT02/SP23) | 2021
Deep Emotion Maiden, Urjula (感銘の乙女 ウルジュラ)
CONT [R]: When you would exchange or move rear-guards during the main phase, you may also move them between rows.
CONT [R]: Your units in front of this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects.

D-BT02/024 (D-BT02/SP24) | 2021
Regurgitation from the Underworld (逆流する冥府)
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)]!
Choose any player's rear-guard, retire it, choose up to one card with the same grade as that card from your drop, and call it to [R]. If this is part of Alchemagic, you may choose up to two instead of one to call.

D-BT02/025 (D-BT02/SP25) | 2021
Wild Intelligence (野生の知恵)
Normal Order/0/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
Discard three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one card with the same grade as your vanguard or lower from your drop, and call it to [R]. If your vanguard is "Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia", choose up to two cards instead of one.

D-BT02/026 (D-BT02/H01) | 2021
Strong Fortress Dragon, Gibrabracchio (堅城竜 ジブラブラキオ)
Dragon Empire/Dinodragon
ACT [R]: If your vanguard is "Heavy Artillery of Dust Storm, Eugene", COST[S-Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit], choose one of your opponent’s rear-guard, and retire it.
AUTO [R]: At the start of your battle phase, if your opponent have one or less rear-guard, [Stand] this unit, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
R / H

D-BT02/027 (D-BT02/H02 / D-BT02/SP31) | 2021
Dragon Knight, Nehalem (ドラゴンナイト ネハーレン)
Dragon Empire/Human/Kagero
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by a unit with "Overlord" in its card name, call this card to [R].
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: If you have a vanguard with "Overlord" in its card name, COST[S-Blast (1)], and this unit and all of your vanguards get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/028 (D-BT02/H03 / D-BT02/SP32) | 2021
Berserk Dragon (バーサーク・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon/Kagero
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Overlord" in its name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle. Then, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent’s grade 2 or less rear-guards, and retire it.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/029 (D-BT02/H04) | 2021
Blaze Maiden, Tanya (焔の巫女 ターニャ)
Dragon Empire/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[C-Blast (1)], choose a grade 0 card from your drop, and call it to [R].
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, COST[S-Blast (1)], choose one of your grade 0 units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
R / H

D-BT02/030 (D-BT02/H05 / D-BT02/SP26) | 2021
Blaze Maiden, Parama (焔の巫女 パラマ)
Dragon Empire/Human
Front / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/031 (D-BT02/H06) | 2021
Blessed Horn (祝福の角笛)
Dragon Empire/-
Norma Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[discard a card from your hand with the [overDress] ability]!
Draw two cards.
R / H

D-BT02/032 (D-BT02/H11) | 2021
Time Jarate Dragon (タイムジャレイト・ドラゴン)
Dark States/Gear Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[put a card from your hand into your soul], and draw a card.
R / H

D-BT02/033 (D-BT02/H12) | 2021
Diabolos Edge, Grantlee (ディアブロスエッジ グラントリー)
Dark States/Demon
ACT [R]: COST[S-Blast (1)], until end of turn, your opponent cannot intercept, and if you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power] +5000.
R / H

D-BT02/034 (D-BT02/H13) | 2021
Freeze Breeze (フリーズ・ブリーズ)
Dark States/Human
AUTO [R]: When the attack this unit boosted hits, if your vanguard is "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", [S-Charge (1)], and if your soul has ten or more cards, COST[C-Blast (1)], and draw two cards.
R / H

D-BT02/035 (D-BT02/H14 / D-BT02/SP27) | 2021
Diabolos Girls, Natalia (ディアプロスガール ズナタリア)
Dark States/Demon
Front / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/036 (D-BT02/H15) | 2021
Abnormality Extraction (異能摘出)
Dark States/-
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand]!
[S-Charge (3)]. Then, if your soul has ten or more cards, choose a card from your soul, and you may put it into your hand.
R / H

D-BT02/037 (D-BT02/H16) | 2021
Hellblast Full Dive (ヘルブラスト・フルダイブ)
Dark States/-
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
Draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and call it to [R]. Then, if you are in "Final Rush", all of your front row units get [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
R / H

D-BT02/038 (D-BT02/H21) | 2021
Cardinal Noid, Plastia (柩機の兵 プラスティア)
Brandt Gate/Cyberoid
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit's attack while boosted by a Shadow Army token hits, draw a card.
R / H

D-BT02/039 (D-BT02/H22) | 2021
Cardinal Fang, Marizma (柩機の獣 マリズマ)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Beast
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one World card from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
R / H

D-BT02/040 (D-BT02/H23) | 2021
Cardinal Prima, Ecolpa (柩機の姫 エコルパ)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Fairy
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks or boosts, if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, COST[retire a Shadow Army token], and [C-Charge (1)].
R / H

D-BT02/041 (D-BT02/H24) | 2021
Fantastic Machine Beast, Bugmotor (奇想機獣 パグモーター)
Brandt Gate/Alien
ACT [R]: If one or less of your opponent's cards are imprisoned in your Prison, COST[[Rest] this unit], choose one of your opponent's unit from the drop, and imprison it in your Prison.
R / H

D-BT02/042 (D-BT02/H25 / D-BT02/SP28) | 2021
Cardinal Draco, Enpyro (柩機の竜 エンバイロ)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Dragon
Front / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/043 (D-BT02/H26) | 2021
Moment of Securing! Aurora Battle Princesses 24 Hours Coverage! (確保の瞬間!極光戦姫密着24時!)
Brandt Gate/-
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[S-Blast (1)]!
If your opponent's hand has four or more cards, your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and imprisons it in your Prison. Then, if three or more of your opponent's cards are imprisoned in your Prison, you choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
R / H

D-BT02/044 (D-BT02/H31) | 2021
Knight of Subtlety, Owine (精妙の騎士 オーワイン)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress", COST[S-Blast (1)], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two cards from among them, put them on the top of your deck in any order, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
AUTO [R]: When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, COST[C-Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
R / H

D-BT02/045 (D-BT02/H32 / D-BT02/SP36) | 2021
Darkness Maiden, Macha (漆黒の乙女 マーハ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn. Then, COST[S-Blast (1) & retire another rear-guard], look at five cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one grade 1 or less unit card from among them, call it to [R], and shuffle your deck.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/046 (D-BT02/H33 / D-BT02/SP37) | 2021
Blaster Dark (ブラスター・ダーク)
Keter Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [V] or [R], COST[C-Blast (1) & retire another rear-guard], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn.
CONT [R]: During your turn, if your rear-guard was retired this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/047 (D-BT02/H34) | 2021
Witch of Entertainment, Brana (饗応の魔女 ブラーナ)
Keter Sanctuary/Elf
CONT [R]: If you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, when this unit is retired for the cost of your card, you may regard it as retiring two rear-guards.

D-BT02/048 (D-BT02/H35 / D-BT02/SP29) | 2021
Bard of Heavenly Song, Alpacc (天音の楽士 アルパック)
Keter Sanctuary/Elf
Front / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/049 (D-BT02/H36) | 2021
Lined Up, Chosen Knights (並び立て、選ばれし騎士達よ)
Keter Sanctuary/-
Normal Order/3/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)S-Blast (1)]!
Perform the effects below based on the number of your grade 3 units.
• 2 or more: Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn
• 3 or more: Draw a card.
• 4 or more: Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets drive+1 until end of turn.
R / H

D-BT02/050 (D-BT02/H41) | 2021
Sylvan Horned Beast, Ilayta (樹角獣 アイライータ)
Stoicheia/High Beast
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if two or more units are in front of this unit, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle, and if there are three or more, [S-Charge (1)].
R / H

D-BT02/051 (D-BT02/H42) | 2021
Fleet Eater (船団喰らい)
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks,if you Alchemagic an order this turn, , COST[S-Blast (1)], until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and when your opponent would call cards from their hand to [G], they must call two or more at the same time.
R / H

D-BT02/052 (D-BT02/H43) | 2021
Fairy of Blighted Love (悲恋の妖精)
AUTO [R]: When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST[bind this unit], choose an order card from your bind zone, and put it into your hand.
R / H

D-BT02/053 (D-BT02/H44) | 2021
Beauty Pulling the Sleeve (袖引く麗人)
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], you may put all cards from your bind zone into your drop. If you do, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn for each card put.
R / H

D-BT02/054 (D-BT02/H45 / D-BT02/SP30) | 2021
Frenzied Heiress (狂乱の令嬢)
Front / +10000
CONT [G]: If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.
R / H / SP

D-BT02/055 (D-BT02/H46) | 2021
Nectar of Sensationalism (扇情の蜜)
Normal Order/2/-/-/-/-
Choose one of your rear-guards, until end of turn, it gets [Power] +5000 for every five cards in your drop, and if your drop has fifteen or more cards, it gets [Critical] +1.
R / H

D-BT02/056 | 2021
Volcanic Gun Dragon (ボルカニックガン・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if your opponent has no front row rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.

D-BT02/057 (D-BT02/H07) | 2021
Crossrock Dragon (クロースロック・ドラゴン)
Dragon Empire/Flame Dragon
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and you may move it to your opponent's open front row [R].
C / H

D-BT02/058 | 2021
Dragritter, Nasir (ドラグリッター ナーシル)
Dragon Empire/Human
AUTO [R]: When this unit intercepts, if your opponent has two or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Shield] +10000 until end of that battle.

D-BT02/059 | 2021
Armored Dragon, Mountcannon (装甲竜 マウントキャノン)
Dragon Empire/Dinodragon
AUTO [Front Row - R]: When your grade 0 unit attacks, this unit and the unit that attacked get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/060 (D-BT02/H08 / D-BT02/SP33) | 2021
Dragon Monk, Gojo (ドラゴンモンク ゴジョー)
Dragon Empire/Gillman/Kagero
AUTO [R]: When the attack this unit boosted a vanguard hits, COST[retire this unit], and [C-Charge (1)].
C / H / SP

D-BT02/061 | 2021
Stealth Dragon, Kizanreiji (忍竜 キザンレイジ)
Dragon Empire/Abyss Dragon
ACT [R] [1/Turn]: COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent’s rear-guard in the same column as this unit, and retire it.

D-BT02/062 | 2021
Blaze Fist Monk, Enten (焔の拳僧 エンテン)
Dragon Empire/Human
AUTO [R]: When the attack hits while this unit boosted, COST[S-Blast (1) & retire this unit], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/063 | 2021
Blaze Maiden, Aruna (焔の巫女 アルーナ)
Dragon Empire/Human
CONT [R]: During the battle this unit boosted a grade 0, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

D-BT02/064 (D-BT02/H09 / D-BT02/SP34) | 2021
Embodiment of Armor, Bahr (鎧の化身 バー)
Dragon Empire/Demon/Kagero
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by "Dragon Knight, Nehalem", COST[C-Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one grade 1 card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO [R] [1/Turn]: When your vanguard's attack hits, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
C / H / SP

D-BT02/065 | 2021
Blaze Maiden, Zara (焔の巫女 ザーラ)
Dragon Empire/Human
CONT [R]: During your turn, if "Blaze Maiden, Reiyu" or "Blaze Maiden, Rino" is on your [V] or [R], this unit gets [Power] +5000.

D-BT02/066 (D-BT02/H10 / D-BT02/SP35) | 2021
Lizard Runner, Undeux (リザードランナー アンドゥー)
Dragon Empire/Dragonman/Kagero
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.
C / H / SP

D-BT02/067 | 2021
Flame Dragon Bomber (火竜爆撃)
Dragon Empire/-
Blitz Order/2/-/-/-/-
Choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets "CONT [V]: When all of your units would attack, they may attack your opponent's back row rear-guard.".

D-BT02/068 | 2021
Prayers That Will Reach Someday (いつか届く祈り)
Dragon Empire/-
Blitz Order/2/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[S-Blast (1)]!
If you have a rear-guard with the [overDress] ability, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +15000 until end of that battle.

D-BT02/069 (D-BT02/H17) | 2021
Steam Knight, Pashaltatar (スチームナイト パシャルタタル)
Dark States/Gearoid
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
ACT [R]: If your soul has four or less cards, COST[put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
C / H

D-BT02/070 | 2021
Spiracle Splasher (スパイラクル・スプラッシャー)
Dark States/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [R]: If your vanguard is "Master of gravity Baromagnus", this unit gets [Power] +5000.

D-BT02/071 | 2021
Diabolos Attacker, Irving (ディアブロスアタッカー アーヴィング)
Dark States/Demon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [V/R]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST[S-Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle. If you are in "Final Rush", it gets +15000 instead of +5000.

D-BT02/072 | 2021
Persistent Icicle, Jevinna (不断の氷柱 ジェビンナ)
Dark States/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your soul has ten or more cards, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], and until end of that battle, when your opponent would call cards from their hand to [G], they must call two or more at the same time.

D-BT02/073 | 2021
Steam Artist, Napir (スチームアーティスト ナビル)
Dark States/Gearoid
CONT [G]: If your soul has five or more cards, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

D-BT02/074 | 2021
Diabolos Madonna, Viola (ディアブロスマドンナ ヴィオラ)
Dark States/Demon
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is "Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce", COST[C-Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/075 | 2021
Pestilent Talon (ペスティレント・タロン)
Dark States/Human
AUTO [Front Row - R]: When your vanguard is placed, [S-Charge (1)].

D-BT02/076 (D-BT02/H18) | 2021
Surveillance Gear Rober (監視するギアドーベル)
Dark States/Gear Beast
AUTO [R]: At the end of the battle this unit boosted, and if you are in "Final Rush", COST[put this unit into soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.
C / H

D-BT02/077 (D-BT02/H19) | 2021
Cyclone Cycler (サイクロン・サイクラー)
Dark States/Human
AUTO [R]: When this unit boost, if you have five or more cards in your souls, COST[C-Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], choose three of your front row units, and they gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
C / H

D-BT02/078 (D-BT02/H20) | 2021
Steam Engineer, Pepelli (スチームエンジニア ペペリ)
Dark States/Gearoid
AUTO [R]: When this unit boosts a rear-guard, if you persona rode this turn, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], and your opponent cannot call grade 1 or greater cards from their hand to [G] until end of that battle.
C / H

D-BT02/079 | 2021
Diablos Boys, Chester (ディアプロスポーイズ チェスター)
Dark States/Demon
CONT [R]: During the battle this unit boosted a vanguard, this gets [Power] +5000.

D-BT02/080 | 2021
Deformed Hammer (デフォームド・ハンマー)
Dark States/Human
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have five or more cards in your soul, this unit gets [Power] +2000.

D-BT02/081 | 2021
Special, "Violence" Yell (スペシャル “暴虐” エール)
Dark States/-
Blitz Order/3/-/-/-/-
Choose a "Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce" on your [V] or [R], and it gets [Power] +20000 until end of that battle.

D-BT02/082 | 2021
Cardinal Draco, Zeljio (柩機の竜 ゼルジオ)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, COST[S-Blast (1) & retire a Shadow Army token], and until end of that battle, when your opponent would call cards from their hand to [G], they must call two or more at the same time.

D-BT02/083 | 2021
Aurora Battle Princess, Mel Horizon (極光戦姫 メル・ホライズン)
Brandt Gate/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST[C-Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, imprison it in your Prison, and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/084 | 2021
Hard Fist Dragon, Metalknuckler Dragon (硬拳竜 メタルナックラー・ドラゴン)
Brandt Gate/Space Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [R]: If you persona rode this turn, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

D-BT02/085 | 2021
Twisting Bulldoze (ツイスティング・ブルドーズ)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks, if you have more rear-guards than your opponent, COST[C-Blast (1)], [S-Charge (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of that battle.

D-BT02/086 (D-BT02/H27) | 2021
Cardinal Fang, Istalate (柩機の獣 イスタレート)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Beast
AUTO [R]: At the end of each turn, if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, you and your opponent chooses one of their own rear-guards, and retire it. (Turn player chooses first)
C / H

D-BT02/087 (D-BT02/H28) | 2021
Aurora Battle Princess, Billate Canary (極光戦姫 ビレート・カナリー)
Brandt Gate/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], choose one of your opponent's imprisoned cards in your Prison, and put it into your opponent's drop.
C / H

D-BT02/088 | 2021
Harmful Bite Beast, Zabokarni (咬害怪獣 ザポカーニ)
Brandt Gate/Alien
AUTO [R]: When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, if this unit was boosted, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], and draw a card.

D-BT02/089 | 2021
Cardinal Prima, Altepo (柩機の姫 アルテポー)
Brandt Gate/Cyber Fairy
AUTO: When this unit is put on [G], if your World is Dark Night, [S-Charge (1)]. If it is Abyssal Dark Night, [S-Charge (2)].

D-BT02/090 | 2021
Aurora Battle Princess, Loaded Azalee (極光戦姫 ローデッド・アザレー)
Brandt Gate/Human
CONT [R]: During the battle this unit boosted, if two or more of your opponent's cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power] +5000.

D-BT02/091 (D-BT02/H29) | 2021
Aurora Battle Princess, Whopper Prune (極光戦姫 ワッパー・プルン)
Brandt Gate/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have five or more of your opponent’s imprisoned cards in your Prison, [C-Charge (1)] or [S-Charge (3)].
C / H

D-BT02/092 | 2021
Whirlpool Robo, Ramdrought (旋空ロボ ラムドロート)
Brandt Gate/Battleroid
CONT [R]: If you have a Set Order in your order zone, this unit gets "Intercept".

D-BT02/093 | 2021
Explosive! Melting Heart! (炸裂!メルティング・ハート!)
Brandt Gate/-
Blitz Order/2/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[S-Blast (1)]!
Choose one of your opponent's attacking units, and it gets [Power] -5000 until end of turn for each of your opponent's card imprisoned in your Prison. (It does not retire even if its [Power] is negative)

D-BT02/094 (D-BT02/H30) | 2021
Eroding Moonlight (蝕まれる月光)
Brandt Gate/World
Set Order/2/-/-/-/-
(After a Set Order is played, put it into your Order Zone.) 
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
AUTO: When this card is put into your order zone, call up to one Shadow Army token to [R]. (Shadow Army has [Power] 15000 and Boost)
CONT [Order Zone]: If your order zone only has World cards, the following effects are active according to the number of cards in your order zone.
• 1 card ‐ Your World becomes Dark Night.
• 2 or more cards ‐ Your World becomes Abyssal Dark Night.
C / H

D-BT02/095 | 2021
Wielens Dragon (ヴィールレンス・ドラゴン)
Keter Sanctuary/Abyss Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this unit is retired from [R] for the cost of your card, COST[C-Blast (1) & S-Blast (1)], all of your units with "Blaster" in their card name get [Power] +5000 until end of turn.

D-BT02/096 | 2021
Octareward Sorceress (八角報謝の女魔術師)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO [R]: When you drive check reveals a trigger unit, if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress", COST[retire this unit], and [C-Charge (1)] or [S-Charge (1)].

D-BT02/097 | 2021
Heavenly Staff of Kind Intention, Cortez (厚志の天杖 コルテーゼ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this card is revealed during your drive check, you may call this card to an open [R]. If you called, this unit gets "Boost" until end of turn.

D-BT02/098 | 2021
VHeavenly Blade of Maleficent, Bestida (雄渾の天刃 ベスティダ)
Keter Sanctuary/Angel
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
AUTO: When this card gets discarded from your hand during your turn, COST[C-Blast (2) & S-Blast (1)], you choose a column, and your opponent puts all of their rear-guards in that same column on the bottom of their deck in any order.

D-BT02/099 | 2021
Divine Sister, Petit-four (ディヴァインシスター ぶちふーる)
Keter Sanctuary/Elf
CONT [G]: If you have three or more grade 3 units, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

D-BT02/100 (D-BT02/H37) | 2021
Knight of Heavenly Collapse, Capaldo (天破の騎士 カパルド)
Keter Sanctuary/Elf
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R] from hand, COST[C-Blast (1) & [Rest] another rear-guard], reveal the top card of your deck, put it into your hand if it is an order card or a grade 3, and if it is not, call it to [R].
C / H

D-BT02/101 | 2021
Additional Angel (アディショナル・エンジェル)
Keter Sanctuary/Angel
ACT [R]: COST[S-Blast (1) & Put this unit into your damage zone], choose a face up grade 3 card from your damage zone, and call it to [R].

D-BT02/102 | 2021
Magic of Advancement, MelCoCo (栄進の魔法 メルココ
Keter Sanctuary/Human
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], COST[S-Blast (1)], draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

Knight of Heavenly Thundering, Leedy (天轟の騎士 リーディ)
Keter Sanctuary/Human
ACT [R]: COST[S-Blast (2)], and until end of turn, the [Power] increase of the trigger effects revealed by your drive check gets +5000.

D-BT02/104 (D-BT02/H38 / D-BT02/SP38) | 2021
Blaster Javelin (ブラスター・ジャベリン)
Keter Sanctuary/Human/Shadow Paladin
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon by "Blaster Dark", reveal the top card of your deck, call it to [R] as [Rest] if it is a unit card, and discard it if it isn't.
CONT [R]: During your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, this unit gets [Power] +2000.
C / H / SP

D-BT02/105 (D-BT02/H39 / D-BT02/SP39) | 2021
Black Sage, Charon (黒の賢者 カロン)
Keter Sanctuary/Giant/Shadow Paladin
AUTO: When this unit is placed on [R], if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, COST[[Rest] this unit], look at the top card of your deck, and you may call it to [R] if it is a unit card. At the end of that turn, retire that called unit. (Put it on the top of the deck if you did not call)
C / H / SP

D-BT02/106 (D-BT02/H40 / D-BT02/SP40) | 2021
Fullbau (フルバウ)
Keter Sanctuary/High Beast/Shadow Paladin
AUTO: When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.
C / H / SP

D-BT02/107 | 2021
Sublime Will (崇高なる意志)
Keter Sanctuary/-
Blitz Order/3/-/-/-/-
 If you have three or more grade 3 units, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +20000 until end of that battle. (Including [G])

D-BT02/108 | 2021
Schuldfisher Dragon (シュルドフィッシャー・ドラゴン)
Stoicheia/Tear Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/18000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V/R]: If you did not call a rear-guard from other than hand this turn, this unit cannot attack.

D-BT02/109 | 2021
Iron Anchor Resentment Dragon (鉄錨の憤竜)
Stoicheia/Tear Dragon
Normal/3/Twin Drive!!/13000/-/1 | Persona Ride
CONT [V]: When you would play a normal order, you can bind a normal order with the same card name from your drop, and Alchemagic. (Combine the costs, and add the effect to the back!)

D-BT02/110 (D-BT02/H47) | 2021
Coffin Shooter (棺桶撃ち)
ACT [Drop] [1/Turn]: COST[S-Blast (1) & Bind an order card from your drop], and call this unit to an open [R].

D-BT02/111 (D-BT02/H48) | 2021
Sylvan Horned Beast, Bojalcon (樹角獣 ボジャルコン)
Stoicheia/High Beast
ACT [R]: COST[C-Blast (1)], and until end of turn, this unit gets "CONT [Back Row - R]: When this unit would attack, it battles all your opponent's front row units in one attack.".
C / H

D-BT02/112 | 2021
Shooting Mutant, Bulletwasp (乱射怪人 バレットワスプ)
CONT [R]: This unit can intercepts from the back row.

D-BT02/113 | 2021
Roaring Pistil, Langina (ロアリングピスティル ランジーナ)
CONT [R]: If you have a total of three or more order cards in your drop and bind zone, this unit gets [Shield] +5000.

D-BT02/114 | 2021
Unity Brave Shooter (結束のプレイブシューター)
CONT [R]: When this unit attacks, COST[S-Blast (2)], this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of battle for each of your other rear-guards.

D-BT02/115 | 2021
Sylvan Horned Beast, Tearuve (樹角獣 ティアルヴ)
Stoicheia/High Beast
CONT: This card cannot be ridden, called or moved to the front row.

D-BT02/116 | 2021
Lady Demolish (レディ・デモリッシュ)
AUTO [R]: When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, you may discard the top five cards of your deck.

D-BT02/117 (D-BT02/H49) | 2021
Sylvan Horned Beast, Bilbar (樹角獣 ビルバー)
Stoicheia/High Beast
ACT [R]: COST[S-Blast (1) & retire this unit], look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card from among them, call it to a back row [R], and discard the rest. That called unit cannot be moved to another [R] until end of turn.
C / H

D-BT02/118 | 2021
Sylvan Horned Beast, Crocotte (樹角獣 クロコッテ)
Stoicheia/High Beast
AUTO [R]: When this unit attacks or boosts, COST[S-Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of that battle for each of your rear-guards.

D-BT02/119 | 2021
Fruitful Season (実りの季節)
Normal Order/2/-/-/-/-
Until end of turn, all of your back row rear-guards get [Power] +5000, you cannot move rear-guards to other [R], and they cannot boost.

D-BT02/120 (D-BT02/H50) | 2021
Overcoming a Sudden Death (非業の死を乗り越えて)
Normal Order/1/-/-/-/-
Play this with COST[C-Blast (1)]!
Bind this card, choose two order cards from your drop, and return them to your hand.
C / H

Heavenly Cloud Dragon, Regelhimel (彩云之天壤龙 天国虹彩)
Stoicheia/Natural Dragon
Over / +100,000,000
Additional Effect - Draw a card! Choose one of your units, it gets [Critical] +1 until end of turn! All of your front row units get [Power] +10000! If your damage zone has the same number of cards as your opponent's or more, choose a card from your damage zone, and heal it!